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[MOD SUPPORT 32.17+] The Walking Dead Prison v3.3 (TV Show)


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OVERHAULED, New version (Done by different forum member): http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/16405-the-walking-dead-prison-map-now-on-steam-v12/



Here we go. I was waiting for it long enough, but nobody seemed to start making it so, I thought : "Why the hell not?".


Right now I'm working on the exterior look of the prison, will be adding interior details fairly soon.


Images of progress for older versions :







The prison is pretty much finished!





Download link (IWBUMS 32.17+) v3.3 (Mod support)



Screenshot :



link to screenshot on steam : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=467338783


Boring copyright bollocks v



Credit where it's due

This mod can be added to and extended by anyone in the community, but credit must be given to the original author within the files of the mod - and posted alongside the mod wherever it roams.
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PLEASE don't forget to make backups!


If you ever want to return to the old map and fully "delete" the prison, verify your game cache through steam.

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The cell blocks look a bit small, but other than that I can only say: "Fuck yeah".


I am having a paranoia of making things "slightly" bigger than I feel neccesary, last time I did that, my 5 story house stretched widely in size on the second half of it :/ I'll see if it needs stretching when I start doing the interior detail :P

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Love it! I was gonna do the same but I would fail to do so since I don't quite remember the interior of the prison.

Are you doing any other building related to the walking dead?Im planning on creating woodbury and maybie that hospital you know...

(Don't Open,Dead Inside) 

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I haven't seen the TV Show but read the comics so maybe that's why I feel it needs to be bigger:




Yeah, I've read the comics too, But I decided to re-create the one from TV show, because it's much easier to find different angles and info on it.




As you could probably noticed, I skipped the "very big warehouse", the fourth building. Decided that I'd have my prison without it, but everything else, pretty much, looks identical to me :P

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Update for today :


- Prison block exterior look (movie accurate, from 3rd season of TWD)

- Started working on interior look (So far an entrance to the prison - movie accurate)

- Fixed minor clipping bugs after testing in last stand mode (hoorah)








It's also my birthday... So, woo!

is that the cage where Tara hid from the Walkers?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Great project by the way

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is that the cage where Tara hid from the Walkers?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Great project by the way



Thanks. It's as movie accurate as I can get :P I am literally watching 3rd season of TWD and putting stuff up as I see it on the screen.

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is that the cage where Tara hid from the Walkers?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Great project by the way



Thanks. It's as movie accurate as I can get :P I am literally watching 3rd season of TWD and putting stuff up as I see it on the screen

You will meet the all mighty Tara in season 4. Have patience young soul...

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is that the cage where Tara hid from the Walkers?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Great project by the way



Thanks. It's as movie accurate as I can get :P I am literally watching 3rd season of TWD and putting stuff up as I see it on the screen

You will meet the all mighty Tara in season 4. Have patience young soul...



Nah, you didn't get me - 3rd season has this prison "less civilized", as in, it wasn't lived in for half a year yet. I might actually make 3 versions of prison : The "3rd season" version, the "We lived here for 8 months" version and "wrecked by a tank" version. We'll see if I have enough patience and interest after I'm done with the first one :P

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The parts of the prison you saw in tbe tv was only a part of the overall prison. If i recall one side of it had a huge hole in from a fire, and half of the place was never used.

We never saw access to the roof if i recall or the morgue area,s we did see the execution room, library, admin office, canteen and kitchen, boiler room where the baby was born, isolation cells, one of the gate areas that seems to be the only access points for anybody. Regardless of a 360 isolated complex.

Never saw the armoury, the security camera room, the guard canteens and locker areas, no medical wards, and mo motor pool location and even, prisoner work shops. Ie number plate making etc.

So what you saw if the prison really is a part of the entire thing.

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Update for today (Sorry for the lack of one yesterday)


-First floor in Prison Block A complete (Movie accurate)

-Second floor in Prison Block A complete (Somewhat movie accurate)

-First floor hallways leading to Prison block B complete (not movie accurate, irks of my own design showing off because of lack of footage in there)

-Basic work around the exterior of the prison (Police trailer filled with guns and ammo, will have to be broken into with sledgehammer in final version)


Screenshots :






Soon to come :


- broyler/laundry room

- dining area

- Prison Block C + second floor

- Storage block on the left side

- Gun storage ^_^

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