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    • Version       : 42.2.0 rev:26060 Mode         : Singleplayer Save           : Created In 42.2.0 rev :26060 Mods         : None. Debug       : Debug Mode Activated. Description :   Bug : Citr8 Chevalier Stepvan Mechanics UI Does Not Display Vehicle Overlay. File Location : ProjectZomboid > media > lua > client > Vehicles > ISUI > ISCarMechanicsOverlay.lua Error : (Line 80) ISCarMechanicsOverlay.CarList["Base.StepVan_Cit8"] = {imgPrefix = "van_", x=10,y=0}; Fix : (Line 80) ISCarMechanicsOverlay.CarList["Base.StepVan_Citr8"] = {imgPrefix = "van_", x=10,y=0};
    • The fix will be out in the world in the next patch  
    • i think the error doesn't occur when hosting a server without mods and you can run it just fine, for now i can't reproduce it because i am fully reinstalling my game in hopes of maybe fixing this error somehow, i will update
    • Version: 42.2.0 Mode: Singleplayer Server: N/A Mods: None Save: New save   I'm not entirely sure how this happened, but I have a cow that returned to life. Screenshots attached: The Holstein Bull died about 2 months ago (Bull was dying of thirst when loaded in to an animal trailer and instantly died, which I think is already reported) and I took it home and put it up on the Butchers Hook as in the first screenshot. I then took it off and put it back on three or four times, when I was butchering other animals (I was saving the cow for when I found a butchering book to level up big. Another bug that I think's already known - Dead animals don't rot). Then my character died and I made a new one, returned to my base, went upstairs and quit to desktop. When I next started up Project Zomboid, I went downstairs and found the Bull alive again and the butcher hook no longer had a corpse hanging from it (See the other two screenshots). Possibly also of note, I deleted the apop file early in the game to end a chickenpocalypse, and found the bull in question after that point by searching a farm that I previously hadn't been to.   I made a rudimentary attempt to replicate in debug mode, creating a new character, making a new butcher hook in a basement, adding and removing a holstein bull several times, then killing the original character and coming back with a new character, quitting to desktop and logging back in. The bug did not reappear in that scenario - So I can't say what combination of weird effects could have built up to cause this bug in the first place. Sorry, I know that's unhelpful - Happy to try and answer any questions if that'd be of any use.  
    • youtube.com/watch?v=i8fCEiKA0D0&ab_channel=ELBOB (A clip explaining the situation is not mine, but it is identical to what is happening to me)
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