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The Indie Stone
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  1. Try saving them as BMP's instead, if that doesnt work then also try removing the "_" between Amber and Crossing.
  2. Your issue is your naming convention is incorrect, If your base image is to be called cavanaugh_base.BMP then your veg map would need to be called cavanaugh_base_veg.BMP, which is confusing, if you just remove the "_base" bit from your base image name then everything should work.
  3. The house both me and Captain Binky live in, as well as a lot of other peoples houses in the area, have an internal box near the front door that houses the electrics for the alarm as well as a small rechargable battery that is plugged into it to allow the allow the alarm to work during any possible blackouts and this seems to be very typical for home alarms for this exact reason, would be silly for them to be bypassed by someone cutting power to the house. The vast majority of home alarms, especially in the 90's are/were of the "magnetic strip" type that set the alarm off once a pair of magnets do not detect each other any more (from a door or window being opened).
  4. Isso pode acontecer se outra zona em seu objects.lua for criada incorretamente. Quando o jogo carrega seu object.lua, se encontrar uma zona em seu object.lua que foi feita incorretamente, ele irá parar de carregar mais. Você pode testar isso removendo o object.lua do seu mod, fazendo uma cópia dele e removendo todas as outras zonas, exceto as vagas de estacionamento, e então colocar essa cópia de volta no seu mod. faça um novo jogo e, se eles funcionarem agora, continue adicionando algumas zonas de cada vez do seu object.lua original até que parem de funcionar novamente, isso deve ajudá-lo a encontrar a zona que está causando o problema.
  5. pressione CTRL e L ou na parte superior da tela clique em visualizar e desmarque "mostrar apenas andares do lote"
  6. Full guide here:
  7. You have forgotten the final folder inside of the "maps" folder, as per the guide: OK now you have all of the files you need to test your map in game, so lets go ahead and do that. First, create a new folder on your desktop (or somehwere easily accesible) and give it a name (e.g. MyMapMod), inside create another folder called media, inside there create a 3rd folder called maps and then inside there, create a final folder called MyMapMod (or whatever the name of your map is). Inside this final folder is where you want to put all of the .lotheader, .lotpack and .bin files that were created when you generated the lots for your map, as well as the spawnpoints.lua file and and objects.lua (dont worry about this for now, you will create one when you add foraging zones later). You remove the "lots=Muldraugh, KY" line from your map.info file if you want your map to not be connected to the vanilla map.
  8. There is a new system in update 42 that allows mappers to add "RoomTone" objects to their maps which will allow them to specify particular ambient sounds to be used when in specific buildings. So, not in the current public build but once 42 goes public, yes.
  9. Good evening, would it be possible to modify the city of roosewood or another existing box to load it in tilezed, I want to add some constructions to a certain city and I don't know where the tmx file for x box is to just insert the construction????


  10. Not really as they would have the wrong co-ordinates and it would take more time finding and replacing those co-ordinates than it would to just place down some new ones where you need them.
  11. If you want you can subscribe to and download Bedford Falls on steam workshop, if you then add this file: bedfordstashdescriptions.lua to its "media/lua/shared/StashDescriptions" folder it will enable the test stashes from the original post of this thread and using the methods in the guides. Might be helpful in checking folder/file structure etc. You can then load the game in debug mode (-debug in the launch options on steam), when in game select the debug menu, then the "dev" box at the top and then stash debugger, you can then select any Bedford Falls (or vanilla) stash map and click spawn, you will be teleported to the building and the stash will be populated. Obviously will also come in handy for testing your own too. You can also press F8 when in game in debug mode to bring up the map debugger, you can use this to load and see what each map/stash maps shows.
  12. The above file should look like this: as per the lootable map guide:
  13. Good evening, would it be possible to modify the city of roosewood or another existing box to load it in tilezed, I want to add some constructions to a certain city and I don't know where the tmx file for x box is to just insert the construction????



    1. Cosme_Infinito


      To be more precise, I want to say, for example, modify the fire station but without making the entire city, please help, thank you.

  14. You would make them separate maps and use the world origin to dictate how they connect, for example if you had a 100x100 map and wanted to add a second to the right of the first then you would use a world origin of 101, 0 for the second. Then just make sure both maps have the same "lots=" line their map.info files
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