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About RobertJohnson

  • Birthday 04/24/1986

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    The mighty Blues and Giant Ninja Robot Zombies

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  1. We have a lot of different camo stuff (including hats), orange vest are coming too Bear in mind we didn't show all the outfit (i have currently 75 male outfits & 64 female :D) and a lot of your suggestions are in! Keep 'em coming tho, there's some wonderfull ideas in there, most of them added to the pipe or has been done!
  2. We have some armor (bullet vest is in) but currently not adding any armor whatsoever, that's something planned tho, idk when Currently we have bloods splat on you/zombies, but they're not tied to the clothing, i'll add this later on, damaged may be tough to do, but we planned on having clothes desaturing over time (& then you could wash them to get them clean for example)
  3. All but poncho (not sure we'll do this one tho :D) already in! @Brex: 1. Meh. 2. In! 3. We can't have trademark like this, but could add some decals to simulate rock band easily! 4. Not sure this was so common there.. 5. Meh 6. Done! We have several sports outfits in there (baseball, football, golf, generic fitness, sweatband..) 7. Nice idea! 8. Got them! (altho they're called Dungarees or something iirc :p) 9. Done! 10. Meeeeeeeh Also guys, don't hesitate to suggest outfits (a golfer, a tourist, a fitness trainer, policeman, inmate, fancy people, waiter, pharmacist, biker, redneck, army, chef, cook, cyclist, farmer.. All of this are example of what's in currently) Also if you have ideas for existing specific places please tell me! (like currently restaurant have a chance to spawn waiter, cook/chef in the kitchen, prison is full of inmate/prison guard, golf with golfer, car repair shop with mechanics...)
  4. Changelog for update 13: • fixed: InvocationTargetException on controller disconnection • fixed: Allow to switch between keyboard / gamepad in main menu • fixed: Disconnecting gamepad is cause of issues • fixed: RuntimeException when reading a notebook / sheet of paper • fixed: L1 Release Focus deselects Device Options window and it's impossible to close it with a controller • fixed: Discarded changes in bindings are not removed until player enters / exits the game • fixed: Keep Radial Menu navigation on R-thumbstick even if controlls change • fixed: field remember its first value over several changes and clears wrong, cancel and override wrong action binding • fixed: Assign "attack" to another button doesn't work • fixed: If controller has been changed during game, the Bindings screen gets confused and shows both layouts • fixed: Too big margin in UI section of change binding tab of controller options • fixed: Remove "Vehicle Left / Right" from Car tab, instead add "Steering Wheel" to L-thumbstick • fixed: Remove "Vehicle Sub Menu" from Car tab (unless there is the need for this - I do not know what this does) • fixed: don't revert select action on select same action in binding tab • fixed: Game options screen becomes too transparent when reassigning action
  5. Change list for update 12: • fixed: Add a new action "Pan Camera (hold)" in Player tab on RB / R1 by default • fixed: Add "Run" action to L3 by default (makes more sense) • fixed: Remove "Vehicle Left / Right" from Car tab, instead add "Steering Wheel" to L-thumbstick • fixed: Remove "Movable Items Menu" from Player tab (not needed) • fixed: Controller bindings assign "Square" to exit a vehicle, this doesn't work • fixed: "Interact" next to car door doesn't bring up option to enter the car • fixed: X / Square > "interact" is always present in the bottom-left corner • fixed: Not possible to exit Options > Audio > Advanced settings; the game throws a RuntimeException • fixed: Controller calibration window is not at the center when controller other than Xbone / Dualshock is used • fixed: game handle gamepad input in calibration mode • fixed: calibrator ignore first axis when calibration started with gamepad • fixed: impossible to get gamepad after calibration or testing
  6. Changelog for update 11: • fixed: "Keep the change? Y / N" popup with a "Reverting in ...seconds" doesn't disappear when Yes is selected • fixed: Attack and Push only work when weapons as gained via "loot all" + L D-pad, not Grabbed / Equipped| • fixed: Combobox is losing focus when up pressed in change controller binding tab • fixed: if set action to others controls then wrong field highlihted • fixed: Default controller mapping is wrong • fixed: Not possible to change Controller bindings for LT / RT or L2 / R2 • fixed: aim button can't be change from RB • fixed: Attack with a weapon causes a very annoying camera shake • fixed: Dualshock O / Square are in switched positions in Bindings screen • fixed: Vehicle Brake is assigned to O and is unchangeable in bindings; but it's also possible to assign it to other buttons • fixed: All unchangeable button controls should be shown in bindings • fixed: Add translation for actions on gamepad binding tab • fixed: some actions can't be reassigned to another control but they are active
  7. IWBUMS 39.67.5 NEW Added better support for large fonts. Replaced the placeholder car battery charger. BALANCE Decreased the consumption of fuel by generator. Lowered the impact of timeSinceApo sandbox & world hour age on spawning car battery. Increased a tad the number of cars spawning on Low sandbox setting. Increased the spawn rate of remote control. Increased the odds to find an animal with trapping. FIXES Fixed client not updating vehicle stats when part condition changes. Fixed Linux server failure with libPZBulletNoOpenGL*.so Fixed text such as "The door is blocked." being visible above other player's heads in splitscreen. Fixed translation for "You failed to produce any usable materials" not being used. Fixed words not appearing above the player's head when trying to open barricaded or blocked doors. Fixed C/F/R keys activating if identical to the "Toggle Crafting UI" key when displaying the crafting ui. Fixed crafting UI appearing in the main menu if the assigned key is pressed. Fixed VehicleManager error when more than 64 players are connected. Fixed error compiling ProjectZomboid.exe with UNICODE defined. Fixed both halves of a grave not being destroyed when using a sledgehammer. Fixed pathfinding (and other) data not being updated when remote clients added objects to the map. Fixed not being able to climb through carpentry window frames above ground level by holding the E key for half a second. Fixed not being able to hop over fences using the controller B button above ground level. Fixed not being able to climb down sheetropes when tapping the 'E' key. Fixed remote players juddering up and down while climbing sheetropes. Fixed display not updating when climbing sheetropes. Fixed player not facing fence/window when adding/removing sheetropes. Fixed controller context menu missing commands to climb over and add/remove sheetropes to fences. Fixed double-tile carpentry objects (like Bed) not consuming materials. Fixed scrollbars not working in the options ui when a controller was active. Fixed using the controller A-button on a vehicle hood not opening the mechanics ui. Fixed aspects of many UIs to handle different font sizes. Fixed font-rendering bug from last January. Fixed ui not updating when an error occurs setting vsync.
  8. About the batteries in 6 months after the apo: What's taking in calcul is the time since apocalypse sandbox option + the world age hour, what I first did was close to the reality, I had to change the battery on my car 2 times 'cause i didn't used, it last approx 5-6months if I don't start it, so that's what I did in PZ. Now thing being: even if i have an old car, there's much more electronics in it than back then, so battery should be drained faster (imo... i'm far from being an expert on car.. Heck i had my driving licence at 30 :D) but also it wasn't that fun (even tho, i think 6 months after apo should be tough, not giving the player cars easily in this mode, it's meant to be hard...). After 39.67.3, you should approx have 50% chance of finding a working battery on a car, even if the car is trash, you could always take off the battery and put it on another car. If people find this too easy i'll lower it again (before it was like 5% chance of finding a working battery in 6 months after the apocalypse :D), remember you have a car battery charger now I'll add possibility to start the car via jump cable in the future (tough to decide what to do if you drive the car with cable attached etc... Not a high prio for now I think)
  9. IWBUMS 39.67.3 NEW Added better support for large fonts. Replaced the placeholder car battery charger. Added missing mechanic profession icon. BALANCE Decreased the consumption of fuel by generator. Lowered the impact of timeSinceApo sandbox & world hour age on spawning car battery. Increased a tad the number of cars spawning on Low sandbox setting. Increased the spawn rate of remote control. Increased the odds to find an animal with trapping. FIXES Fixed client not updating vehicle stats when part condition changes. Fixed Linux server failure with libPZBulletNoOpenGL*.so Fixed text such as "The door is blocked." being visible above other player's heads in splitscreen. Fixed translation for "You failed to produce any usable materials" not being used. Fixed words not appearing above the player's head when trying to open barricaded or blocked doors. Fixed C/F/R keys activating if identical to the "Toggle Crafting UI" key when displaying the crafting ui. Fixed crafting UI appearing in the main menu if the assigned key is pressed. Fixed VehicleManager error when more than 64 players are connected. Fixed error compiling ProjectZomboid.exe with UNICODE defined. Fixed both halves of a grave not being destroyed when using a sledgehammer. Fixed pathfinding (and other) data not being updated when remote clients added objects to the map. Fixed not being able to climb through carpentry window frames above ground level by holding the E key for half a second. Fixed not being able to hop over fences using the controller B button above ground level. Fixed not being able to climb down sheetropes when tapping the 'E' key. Fixed remote players juddering up and down while climbing sheetropes. Fixed display not updating when climbing sheetropes. Fixed player not facing fence/window when adding/removing sheetropes. Fixed controller context menu missing commands to climb over and add/remove sheetropes to fences. Fixed double-tile carpentry objects (like Bed) not consuming materials.
  10. Yeah, burnt zone has been removed, I'll add the zoning code exposed to lua soon so people will be able to easily fiddle with them
  11. IWBUMS 39.67.2 [NEW] Show Dig Graves in context menu when clicking on appropriate ground tiles only. Dirty Rags may be used as tinder or fuel in campfires. Vehicle key is returned to the keyring it came from when removing it from the ignition. [BALANCE] Lowered default UI Render FPS to 20. Increased the time it takes to recharge a battery. [BUG FIX] Fixed small car's plate number being stretched. Fixed flat building roofs being hidden when the player was obscured by player-built floors. Fixed roof on lot_house_small_36.tbx. Fixed a missing wall in a house near 13814,4682. Fixed trunk capacity not always updating when it should on the client. Fixed wrong end of a vehicle taking damage after a collision in multiplayer sometimes. Fixed DropOffWhiteListAfterDeath only working for accesslevel that isn't "none" (reverse of what was intented) Fixed being able to use car battery charger outside while there is electricity (you need to be a in a building now).
  12. IWBUMS 39.67.1 [NEW] Changed default UI Render FPS to 30. Added Linux version of libPZBullet64 without OpenGL for headless servers. Added Linux version of libPZBullet64 without OpenGL for headless servers. Added proper physics to open double doors. Added "Pan camera while aiming" display option. Cell grid now drawn in the lua debugger map. Pressing 'T' in the lua debugger map now teleports player 0 to that location. Added the ability to smash the car window that a player is facing using right click in the car's context menu. Added "remove vehicle" using the right click context menu if you are in debug or an admin. Admins or people in debug mode can now open the Vehicle Mechanics screen instantly while inside a car. Added a Car Battery Charger item. It is used to charge your car battery if you have electricity around you (generator included). Added PZBullet and trove.jar to various Steam build scripts. Added 32bit PZBullet for Linux [BALANCE] Increased the spawn rate of mechanic tools in car trunks. Lowered the panic increase caused by zombies when player is in a vehicle. Increased the knockback done to car when ramming zombies. [BUG FIX] Fixed VOIP not working. Fixed issues with players riding shotgun in MP being teleported to elsewhere on the map by preventing drivers from entering areas of the map that haven't been loaded in their passengers' game. Fixed client doing collision checks for zombies that should only be done on a server. Fixed zombie positions not updating on the client correctly. Fixed zombie animations not updating on the client when near a vehicle. Fixed trove.jar not being on Mac StartServer scripts. Fixed Server not directing admins to 38.30(pre-vehicles) branch when trying to load an old world. Fixed potential slowdown by not calling getResourceAsStream() in IndieFileLoader. Fixed "Bad file descriptor" bug on Linux (hopefully, please let us know if you see this) Fixed linux issues by rebuilding Linux libZNetJNI64.so Fixed "Auth failed response" message on server when a client disconnects. Fixed issues around server sending map_zone.bin to clients. Fixed pzbullet/CMakeLists.txt Fixed linux issues by updating Linux PZBullet.so and PZBulletNoOpenGL64.so Fixed unpinned inventory/loot window time auto-collapsing at different framerates. Fixed zombies near player 1 overlapping each other when player 2 was far away in split-screen. Fixed longstanding visual glitch when climbing over something onto a staircase below. Fixed potential infinite loops by adding sanity checks when loading map_zone.bin. Fixed VoiceManager.DeinitVMClient() not terminating the thread properly. Fixed exception cooking items with both BadInMicrowave and ReplaceOnCooked. Fixed line spacing in the in-game changelog. Fixed exception causing return to main menu with Bedford Falls and other maps with buggy .lotheader files. Fixed missing RCON .class files. Fixed clothes becoming dirty even if the sandbox option was disabled. Fixed some debug messages players don't need. Fixed checking doors to enter a vehicle checking hood/bonnet. Fixed checking windows to enter a vehicle not seeing if a window had been smashed. Fixed car batteries being created at 50% charge on most spawns. Fixed Driving on player-made wood floor being considered as offroad and damaging vehicle. Fixed VehicleInterpolationData objects not being reused. Fixed in-game changelog not displaying changes to previous versions of the game. Fixed issues with vertical force to vehicles after collisions with objects/zombies. Fixed vehicle headlights being slow to turn on and off. Fixed vehicle positions not updating for passengers after a collision. Fixed Multi-core rendering not working on Linux. Fixed linux server issues by removinf -XX:-CreateCoredumpOnCrash from Linux server .json. Fixed seeing key icon above another player's head when near a vehicle. Fixed further linux issues by adding -XX:-CreateMinidumpOnCrash -XX:-CreateCoredumpOnCrash -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow to server .bat/.json. Fixed collisions between vehicles and zombies being counted when the vehicle is stationary.
  13. Some cars are meant to be rare, in the 90's not a lot of people had mercedes or bmw I'll look to add bit more zones for them, but it will never be as common as a small or normal car. For the auto shop, can u point me which one you've tried exactlY? (a pzmap link would be awesome :D) loot table may be off sometimes :/
  14. You mean the key was in ignition, you wanted it back and nothing appears? Where you clicked to get the key back?
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