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  1. Greetings all! I modded this thing in a couple of minutes and thought it might be useful for other people as well. I coded it mainly for my own purpose and want to run this mod once the Workshop works fully. Coxis Reload-Sync is only working in MP and still has some bugs, use at your own risk! This mod supports TinyAVC! What does Coxis Reload-Sync do? Well, the name pretty much sums it up. With this mod you (=Serveradmin) can choose a reloaddifficulty and automatically sync it to your clients. The clients aren´t able to change the setting while the mod is loaded. How do I (=Serveradmin) choose the difficulty? Within the mod folder you find a "reloadsettings.ini" which should be pretty self-explanatory. Here is a quick example: If I wanted to set the difficulty to medium my "reloadsettings.ini" would look like this: [SETTINGS] ;Choose the desired difficulty here: ;1 = Easy ;2 = Medium ;3 = Hard difficulty=2 Sourcecode: Github Steam Workshop
  2. Hi, I've recently started working on a mod and decided i wanted to add a couple structures that the player could build, Where should I start? Is there a tutorial or something i haven't heard of? I'd also like to have a basis for the textures of my structure, like a frame/generic texture to use as a reference.
  3. Everyone say thank you to Dudeman325. First mod of lame-o-ness or not, I've finally done it thanks to the help I got that made it so elementary even an idiot like me could do it! Plastic Bag Mountain: Current Version 1.0 What does it do? Plastic Bag Mountain allows you to use "Plastic Bags" - the useless bag we have that we carry around and sometimes find 80+ of if we're (un)lucky and then turn those in to garbage bags (or liners in the future) for use in collecting water and using in recipes. In the future it will also add other liners and possible other uses for bags. Boring Preface First mod of lame-o-ness or not, I've finally done it thanks to the help I got that made it so elementary even an idiot like me could do it! I'll be working on it to maybe give it its own sprite and also adding other things like using tarps or other sorts of bags if I can manage. I'm open to a bit of constructive criticism, suggestions and maybe a nudge in the right direction. Be gentle I'm still a tiny baby at this. Please don't do things with my mod in packs/place it places without my permission if you'd be so kind! Linking back to the PZ-Mods website is probably the easiest way to keep it up to date, I'll be keeping my best eye I can. Thank you! Installing Instructions (Non-Steam) Yep! Steam is my next stop, but for this version: Just extract it to your "C:\Users\YOURNAME\Zomboid\mods" folder and you're good to go after enabling it in the mod area after your game is up. Also Available PZ-Mods Version Steam Version TO DO Going to update these mostly on the Steam and PZ-Mods page, easier for me, sorry!! But there's a ton in planning and a ton in action up coming as soon as I can. Thanks again, Everyone!
  4. ZomboidXBow Hey fellow zomboiders, This mod aims at bringing the crossbow experience to Project Zomboid. It offers a variety of craftable crossbow models and ammunition types with different properties. All of these recipes force you to continuously scavenge for resources to keep you ammunition supplies up and maintain your crossbows. As your character progresses he will get access to better recipes and crossbows will become more efficient. In the beginning you will miss often, be constantly out of ammo and probably want to go back to your Axe. But if you survive long enough to get your hands on a Repeater Crossbow with Aluminum Bolts ... Quick Features Supports Single Player and Multiplayer Mechanics Retrieve your bolts from zombie corpses. They might however break on impact Craft, carry and reload from a Bolt Quiver which adds an addtional bag slot Crossbows can break at any time. Your Carpentry and Electrician skill levels determine how likely it is to happen All crossbows support all ammo types Easily switch between ammo types by using the context menu Crossbows Crossbows behave like all existing weapons: Aiming and Reloading will increase your skill level which in turn affects your chance to hit and your reload speed. Wooden Crossbow A simple crossbow Heavy Crossbow Requires Carpentry 3 Strong crossbow that can hit up to two targets Repeater Crossbow Requires Carpentry 5 Powerful crossbow that can fire up to 10 bolts in rapid succession and hit up to two targets per shoot Bolts All bolts can be fired with any crossbow. Just have a crossbow equipped as primary, right click your desired bolt in your inventory load or set as default. Wooden Bolt Simple Bolt with high chance to break Aluminum Bolt Piercing - Allows you to hit one additional target with your crossbow. Fire Bolt Target has a 90% chance to be lit on fire. Most fun but most dangerous bolt with unpredictable outcome especially on IWBUMS branch. Don't use indoors! Requirements 3DModels 32.16 Download latest version Installation Instructions All Items, Recipes and Documentation Known issues: All crossbows use the same 3DModel and Icon Crossbow 3DModel not 100% aligned Planned Test in MP Learn recipes through Books instead of hard skill requirements LOTS of balancing and tuning Better icons/models Attachments More ammunition types Misc stuff around crossbows Feedback If you like this mod (or even if you don't) I'm happy to get your feedback, bug reports and improvement suggestions. I want this to be a balanced mod and I can only get there with the help of you guys Credit to Jab for his import/export script for 3D Models which works flawlessy and his ModelLoader Fuji for his pioneer work on how to get custom 3D Model into the game and basically giving me the chance to write the mod I wanted to write ever since I bought this game WolfClaw for his excellent 3DModel tutorial ORMtnMan and his Real Guns mod gun modding reference Livio Persemprio for testing and feedback which is so important for balancing Thanks guys! I hope you enjoy this mod, many survivors perished and half of Westpoint burned down during its creation
  5. Hey guys! Do you ever get bored of running to the same warehouses for tools over and over again. No Luck with a sledgehammer in West Point this Time so you cant break into the GunShop?? This is over now. Every Container in the World can drop an Axe or a Hunting Rifle (very very rare chance tough). This Mod makes exploring fun again. You will never know whats inside the next house and its always worth to check it out. One Warning: - The Loot Rarity is harder than in the vanilla game, so you might start with the start gear option! Download Link http://pz-mods.net/download/RandomLootMod/RandomLootMod.zip Future Plans: - Balancing out the rarity of items (need some feedback for this!) - Multiplayer Servers with better loot options so they dont feel too empty (Warehouses are always already looted when you join a new server) or too full.... best regards Michael
  6. With Build 32, it's virtually impossible to burn corpses without destroying the entire known world. So I'd like a fix to this. Maybe something that just takes the sheet of paper, lighter and gas and uses them appropriately, but just transform the corpse into the ash pile, skipping the fire part altogether. Or perhaps just a right-click and "delete corpse" option. Really need this for my role-playing game I'm doing. Thanks to anyone who shows interest!
  7. Hello everyone,I have some question about modding.My English is not good ,but I am working on it. .Lua script of mod how to load? I have read the 'how to use the modding loader'.But I still cant load my mod.This is structure of my mod. Zomboid |-- mods |-- NeptuneMod/ |-- poster.png |-- mod.info |-- media/ |-- lua/ |-- lua.lua |-- scripts/ |-- NeptuneCustomItems.txt and this is source of lua.lua local function addItems(_keyPressed) local key = _keyPressed; print(key); if key == 96 then local player = getSpecificPlayer(0); local inv = player:getInventory(); inv:AddItem("neptune.NeptuneBag"); endendEvents.OnKeyPressed.Add(addItems);and this is Source of NeptuneCustomItems.txt module neptune{ item NeptuneBag { WeightReduction = 90, Weight = 0.5, Type = Container, Capacity = 500, DisplayName = Neptune Bag, Icon = Duffelbag, CanBeEquipped = Back, OpenSound = PZ_OpenBag, CloseSound = PZ_CloseBag, PutInSound = PZ_PutInBag, }}I can find mod in mod manager and I can select it to green,But it not work,When I press the Num 0,nothing happened.So I want to know the Lua Script how to load in correct.I cant solve this problem by my self,I need help.QAQ Yours A China Player
  8. Is there anyone in the modding community who knows of a way to create a mod where, if someone dies, they return to the "choose spawn location" screen? The reason behind all of this is because I love Project Zomboid and The Last of Us and a few friends and I would love to see something of a "Supply Run" (TDM w/ ticket system) where it's survivors versus survivors and throw in some zombies in the mix. You would also be able to upgrade your stats, but cannot max anything out farther than 5. Perhaps vitamins could heal you somewhat/give you +1 to all stats. (so they will be scarce) Bandages would heal every wound to keep the pacing going at a decent rate. If someone could do this, or least help, it would be amazing. I would love to have just a 4v4 type thing, not trying to host a 30v30 scenario. Just trying to bring two games I love together for a neat thing.
  9. Food Expiration Date Welcome to Food Expiration Date forum thread. When I play with my girlfriend, we always have thousand of problems to administrate the food before they rotten, so I decide create a mod that help us in this scenario. I think not exists a mod with expiration date in food so I hope this mod will be useful for the community too. With this mod, the players in a single game now can knows the status about any food gets. Also, the mod include a trait called "Eye to food" that increases the information about status rotten food, including the hours. I hope this helps in your days into the hell and safe your body one day more. The mod is located to english, spanish, polish and german. Feel free to amplify and post the result. I'll add the new locations posted to the mod. Special Thanks to Svarog and Blindcoder with his translations! The located files are in .../media/lua/shared/ (Remember rename folders and beginning of the file) Any suggestion or report bugs, please use this tread. How to Use: Only that you need is move the mouse over the food and the new option in the Tooltip tells the status of a food and time left to expire if you have the new trait "Eye to Food" Current Download (v1.3.1) PZ Early Access v31.13 CLICK HERE Screenshots: Update History: Credit Credit Where Credit Is Due Please, don't download the attached files: it's a deprecated version. Use the link at first of post. ExpirationFood_v1.0.0.zip
  10. Okay so basically when NPC's release we should all come together and reenact the walking dead. I'm talking totally scripted. From beginning until you die. You pick a character and you're placed in a location, pick Rick, start in the hospital get a quest to find your wife, story continues from there. Pick Beth, start on a farm and wait til Ricks group arrives (if they survive.) Pick yourself and get shot with Darryl's crossbow. What do you think?? Anyone up for the challenge?!?!?
  11. I've been poking around in the code for awhile but I cannot seem to find it. Basically I want to change what the player says when I hit Q to make him say new and wacky things when I am playing the game. Seems fun right? Instead of "Hey" I could yell "SHRIMP PICKLES"
  12. I have managed to edit the long skirt into a more shorter one, I personally find this too short, but I had to make it shorter to show off the differences between each clothing item. This is still a WIP.
  13. I'll just drop this here and ask everyone around to please please please stop me by telling me this work is totally redundant (I'm having fun doing it anyway, so...) inventoryscreen_001.zip
  14. I couldn't find an appropriate section in maps for suggestions, so I'll post this here hoping the right person will read it. I have an idea for a challenge map sort of scenario. Instead of working within a town or city area, what about being the sole survivor on a cruise liner? Seems kinda quirky, but within a little different parameters, i think it would be worth a play-through. A few things would be key differences, there wouldn't be trees, but I'm sure that you could get more than enough planks from the hundreds of doors and furnishings on board...likewise saws wouldn't likely be on board a ship, but hammers certainly would. Nails could be find (not sure if accurate, but for sake of gameplay, why not?) Farming probably wouldn't happen either, same for trapping (maybe rats) or fishing (could probably mod proper equipment to fish, but i wouldn't want to stand around on the deck of an infested cruise liner watching a bobber). You would have to rely on raiding cabins and the kitchens. The game would likely be shorter...rather than months, you could probably survive for a couple weeks. Zombies would be fixed in number, and not respawn, but the much closer quarters would imply that chances of being caught and overrun would be greater. Since the number is fixed, you could conceivably kill all the zombies and 'win.' This may be controversial, but the whole map is a shot in left field, so there you go. Obviously this would involve a whole construct of new sprites, and is a huge order coming from someone who has no experience, knowledge, or time for the matter. But this is just an idea that I had that I wanted to share. This is obviously a talented community, and maybe the right person would come along.
  15. So I was reading the developer's list of ideas that are "Yes" and "No", and I noticed that pre-infection starting times are a no. But when I heard that NPCs are coming soon, I thought that maybe someone could make a mod where the introduction text is changed to something like "You were at home watching TV when an emergency broadcast came on, informing you that the zombie infection has reached Kentucky, it will be days until it hits your town, and that it is advised that you don't panic and stay in your homes." or something like that. With the latest dev notes about NPCs being (planned to be) able to survive after 8 months, i thought that maybe with that level of intelligence, they would most likely riot and raid houses in the first couple days. So if someone could make a mod that removes zombies for the first 3/7 days, it would greatly resemble the chaos of when the outbreak first hits. 'cause waking up with the whole world overrun with no warning whatsoever makes no sense. Do you guys think that would be possible?
  16. What is Phoenix? Thanks and Credit: Version: Beta 1.3 "Consumerist Ideals" Edition To play this map, follow the link above and click "Subscribe" on the Steam Workshop Page. The map will appear on your map list in game, once it has downloaded! Please note that images below are presented in-process, and will change over the course of the map's development. For the most up to date view of the map, please see the "whole world" map above. Download: Videos: Images: Open All Hours Construction Site and Manager's Trailers CST (Construction, Science and Technology) College Phoenix Commercial Street The Eon Building Eon's Ground Floor Eon's First Floor Eon's Second Floor Offices Old Energy Building Knox Bank Phoenix Branch (Part of the Eon Complex) A difficult night atop some rented offices The Nuthall Diner and Shopping Complex Traveler's Rest Hotel Water Treatment Plant Phoenix Police Station Military Staging Area, in the Quarantine Zone End of the Shopping Complex, in the Quarantine Zone Phoenix General Hospital Phoenix General Hospital and Storefronts Phoenix Quarantine Zone Updates and Changelog (Older versions. Do not use): Work in Progress: Known Bugs: As always, please leave any feedback, and I'll take it all into consideration!
  17. It's been a while since I played PZ, I think it was build 25 when I started. Now I tried the build 30. Until now, I am bedazzled why the Kitchen Stoves need electricity to run, unless they are electric stoves or microwave ovens. I got the logic of the oven range that uses electricity, but it is mainly used for baking and roasting. We have cooking pot and frying pan, which we always use for cooking on the gas range, not the oven. Gas stoves use gas which is connected to somewhere and literally does not need even a tiny bit of your house's electricity to function or ignite a flame. It's ignition uses some sort of thing also used in lighters. In reality, if gas supply is cut off, surely it can be fitted with other sources like the Propane Tank as fuel that will only be slowly consumed while the stove is turned ON. In other countries, they call them LPG tanks (LPG = Liquefied Petroleum Gas). Once your gas tank is all consumed, you can buy another and you'll just have to give them your empty gas tank. Then they'll refill it to be sold again. A full LPG tank can last for a month if you only cook twice a day. I wish I could use a Propane Tank to the Gas Stove when electricity is cut off. This saves a lot of trees =) I would like to make a mod out of this, unfortunately, I'm just beginning to learn a bit of programming. I tried learning LUA from RoboMat's tutorial but there are other things I have to know to make it work, like the source code i should use for functions and events for this kind of mod.
  18. Go to http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=519953681 for download last version Hello this is my first mod so tell me if you run into any issues or misspellings thank you ! This mod adds some guns and bags to the game. Current version 2.0 Mod Recipe : Note important : Currently implemented in the mod : To be added to the mod : Update note Fr : Video : Download : If you want to try the items the "Insert" key spawns most of the items to your inventory ("End" for AK-47) Tell me if you run into any issues or misspellings thank you. Thank to ORMtnMan for helping Ask before take or reproduce my mod ! Antize
  19. Hey guys. I've made a mod that allows use of any of the traits on any of the occupations during character creation. This includes the three professional traits (Night Owl, Desensitized, and Axe Man) and all the green positive and red negative traits that you normally need to balance with each other. Furthermore, I've added back all the traits that were previously removed from the game. These six removed traits are Brooding, Marksman, Hardened Drinker, Light Drinker, Patient, and Short Tempered. Enjoy being able to use these traits once again! Once you have installed the mod, enabled it, created your character, and saved your game, you no longer need the mod. You can delete it if you wish, and your save file will still have your character with all of the traits you have selected. Obviously, you can keep it in your mods but you don't need to run it every time to have your save file with modified traits. They will stay with that character until that character dies. My mod should work alongside the Cheat Menu mod found here: http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/14283-cheat-menu-v16/ Combine these two mods to allow for thorough mod testing, learning of game mechanics, or just cheatin'. You could also play using the sandbox to allow for extremely tailored gameplay. Works on the latest build, v31.13 DOWNLOAD LATEST VERSION: http://pz-mods.net/gameplay/traitmod/ Q&A Q: Can I cheat with this? A: Yeah. Q: Can I cheat online with this? A: No. Q: Will this work on a build older than 31? A: No. Build 31 completely changed the way that occupations and traits work, and also added a ton of new traits. Q: Will your old version still work on the newer builds? A: No, for the same reasons stated above. Q: If you fall off the planet, can I update this mod? A: Sure. The following link is an OLD VERSION of the mod which WILL NOT work on build 31 or newer. The last build it was tested on was 29.4 and it worked fine. It may work on build 30 but I never tested it. Download: traitmod.zip
  20. So I'm just getting started with trying to mod this game, but it's not my first time being exposed to LUA (Thanks minecraft ComputerCraft mod!) I cannot for the life of me figure out how to distinguish between a rotten pot of soup (the recipe version) and a fresh/unrotten/uncooked one. Pretty much the idea is: Take rotten pot of soup, boil again, get unrotten (but not fresh) pot of soup that's edible. Is there no way for recipes to require an item that's in a certain "State" of degradation?
  21. ZimTown's Meat Curing Mod Vs 0.0.3 For Build 28 Hi guys my name is Zim or ZimTown if you like and this is my first mod for PZ and I would like to say yes there are mods that have similar functionality to this mod out there but from what I can see they weren't up to date so I decided to make my own version because my friends and I are having a lot of trouble with food spoiling. Also because I want to mod for PZ and a need for my self is a great place to start Current Features: It gives you the ability to salt and cure most of the meats in the vanilla game.Planned Features: more recipiesXP given for saling/curing in the cooking skillexpendable saltsbetter spawning for the salt (needs feedback if it seems ok now)extend to drying and pickling fruits and veggiesmake requirements like drying racks ect.more unique sprites and icons (only two so far for the salt, others are PZ icons) the foods you can salt or cure are as follows, NOTE: I know little to nothing about salting and as none of the tutorials were up to date my modding ability is still limited for PZ so you can rest assured that I intend to change and update things like curing styles and recipe results as I learn more Curable Meats These recipes mostly reduce the quality of the meat slightly and make you thirsty but some have positive bonuses other than hunger reduction and A big hint is that I made jerky the best but the longest to make all the recipes require a special curing salt that you can see in the pictures below and I have done my best to add it to the loot table. Currently I know very little about spawning so I took inspiration heavily from the lock pick mod to get it to spawn so you might notice the salt in some weird places, if anyone can point me to a list of map place names for loot spawning that would be great and I would be happy to receive both constructive suggestions on the mod content and help with the coding itself. Currently the Curing Salt never runs out so if you find one your set but I intend to make it expendable once I get the loot spawning ironed out. Now I would like to give credit to (please forgive me if I get these names wrong) RoboMat, Kinyoshi and Pravus as I used varios mods of theirs to work out how to complete this mod and as such some iterations of there code are present in mine. Thank You Guys! DOWNLOAD ZimTownsCuredMeats0.0.3.zip Version 0.0.3 Change Log: Version 0.0.2 Change Log: same as other mods you just extract the .zip file into your C:/users/"yourUserName"/Zombiod/mods folder then open the game and then click the mods button from the main screen and double click my mod to activate it and restart your PZ client and your good to go. If you want it to work in multiplayer both client and server need to have the mod active, PM me if you need help settings any of this up. BEFORE YOU RUN THIS MOD BACKUP YOUR SAVES! I have tested this without problems as much as I can but I am new to modding and I am not sure what effect it will have on a current play through, In existing saves curing salt will only spawn in unexplored areas or areas marked for loot re-spawn in multiplayer. OutDated Versions:
  22. I am trying to update my Fletchery mod to Build 27, but I am having sudden problems with the reload system. The code for it is here: local wepBow0 = { name = getItemText("Crossbow"), moduleName = 'Fletchery', reloadClass = 'ISShotgunWeapon', ammoType = 'Bolts', shootSound = 'arrowFire', clickSound = 'click', ejectSound = 'arrowReload', insertSound = 'arrowReload', rackSound = 'arrowReload', maxCapacity = 1, reloadTime = 20, rackTime = 10};local wepBow1 = { name = getItemText("Homemade Bow"), moduleName = 'Fletchery', reloadClass = 'ISShotgunWeapon', ammoType = 'Arrows', shootSound = 'arrowFire', clickSound = 'click', ejectSound = 'arrowReload', insertSound = 'arrowReload', rackSound = 'arrowReload', maxCapacity = 1, reloadTime = 15, rackTime = 10};local wepBow2 = { name = getItemText("Bow"), moduleName = 'Fletchery', reloadClass = 'ISShotgunWeapon', ammoType = 'Arrows', shootSound = 'arrowFire', clickSound = 'click', ejectSound = 'arrowReload', insertSound = 'arrowReload', rackSound = 'arrowReload', maxCapacity = 1, reloadTime = 10, rackTime = 10};local wepSling = { name = getItemText("Sling"), moduleName = 'Fletchery', reloadClass = 'ISShotgunWeapon', ammoType = 'Stones', shootSound = 'slingFire', clickSound = 'click', ejectSound = 'arrowReload', insertSound = 'arrowReload', rackSound = 'arrowReload', maxCapacity = 1, reloadTime = 10, rackTime = 10}; ReloadUtil:addWeaponType(wepBow0)ReloadUtil:addWeaponType(wepBow1)ReloadUtil:addWeaponType(wepBow2)ReloadUtil:addWeaponType(wepSling)The crossbow, sling and bow (wepBow0, wepBow2 and wepSling) work fine, but the Homemade Bow (wepBow1) will not reload in-game. When I attempt to do so, I get the following error message in the console: I have no idea what to do here, I've tried everything I can think of. Any help would be appreciated! EDIT: My guess would be that this is because both bows are trying to use the same ammo type, so the second is overwriting the first, but I want them to use the same arrows, so what I think I need is a workaround to use the same ammo.
  23. We are looking for people who want to join me and atoxwarrior do many new sprites, like corpses, toxic barrels, you name it. The reason is we are trying to achieve on making more stuff to support building makers. , Atox has his hands full, doing American Gangs graffity, here is a example of what im talking about (im not good at it, but if someone would like to polish them, do so) If you like doing sprites, come join the team
  24. I was wondering if any mode could simply allow a gas grill to be moved. From what I was reading on the forums it appears that the code to use the wheelie bins is gone. I originally thought a grill could be wheeled to hideout like the old wheelie bins but I was wondering if someone with mod skills could simple make a weight for a grill, which is already in the game, (40) with tank or (20) without a tank that could be picked up and set at a new location by carrying it, most likely without the tank. I don't know anything about modding so this may be harder then I expect. Also more complicated idea, the weight of the grills could spawn at random, some at 20, others at 40 since there are so many different types of grills. Another possibility is a disassemble option with a screwdriver in innovatory. That leads to "gas grill kit" (or "gas grill components", "gas grill frame" and "screws") on the ground after disassembly or found in stores (rare). When assembled would then need a propane tank to function. This would really help with a remote safe house once there is no electricity.
  25. Hello. I just wish to play in single player, but with Admin ability with the tools just like these. http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/8149-server-admin-toolsv2/ That admin mod won't work in single player, yet I wish to be able to use the abilities of the mod just to build some stuff for fun. Just to make The Sandbox, More Sandboxy.
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