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  1. Like
    orikamii got a reaction from s0urce in Gun zombies   
    Seems a bit of a reach. Most people (if not everyone) have the muscle memory to open a door but zombies in game still bash on the doors trying to get in.
    This is the reason why they are working on adding living NPCs to the game who would actually have the motor skills and "brains"  to shoot the player. A shambling zombie shooting at me would absolutely break the immersion - even if its a hardcore army vet zombie. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense in this setting.
  2. Like
    orikamii got a reaction from Moss7 in [41.72] Can't 'rip clothes' if scissors not in main inventory.   
    They're working on a patch for this and are aware of it (as per their comments under the 41.72 patch topic). In the meantime you'll need to place your scissors as well as the leather or denim clothing item in your main inventory in order to rip them.
  3. Like
    orikamii got a reaction from Mork in [41.47] Exercising gradually helping with boredom and uhappiness / not making the character bored and unhappy   
    Yes! Exercise releases endorphins so this 100% makes sense. It's literally recommended by doctors for depression (in cases where medication is not needed but even then is also recommended on top of that) regardless of "traits". Though traits could either negate or increase the effects? I often have very low stat characters and like building up their fitness/strength and they always strangely get depressed from it but never really considered it until your suggestion lol.
  4. Spiffo
    orikamii got a reaction from Tchernobill in What does the parameter for player:DoFootstepSound refer to exactly? - resolved: Tchernobill   
    Amazing, thank you! For both the guide and decompiled code. Looking at that code bit I'm definitely going to want to look further in for a better approach to what I'm trying to accomplish.

    You've just made modding PZ for me a million times more simple now that I have access to the source code. Muah, thank you!
  5. Spiffo
    orikamii reacted to Tchernobill in What does the parameter for player:DoFootstepSound refer to exactly? - resolved: Tchernobill   
    This is the base value for radius computation.
    Below is a reverse engineering of current java code for IsoGameCharacter function.
    You can reverse engineer it yourself following this guide. (once you done it the first time it takes one click and some waiting minutes to reverse engineer each new version)
    public void DoFootstepSound(float var1) { IsoPlayer var2 = (IsoPlayer)Type.tryCastTo(this, IsoPlayer.class); if (GameClient.bClient && var2 != null && var2.networkAI != null) { var2.networkAI.footstepSoundRadius = 0; } if (var2 == null || !var2.isGhostMode() || DebugOptions.instance.Character.Debug.PlaySoundWhenInvisible.getValue()) { if (this.getCurrentSquare() != null) { if (!(var1 <= 0.0F)) { float var3 = var1; var1 *= 1.4F; if (this.Traits.Graceful.isSet()) { var1 *= 0.6F; } if (this.Traits.Clumsy.isSet()) { var1 *= 1.2F; } if (this.getWornItem("Shoes") == null) { var1 *= 0.5F; } var1 *= this.getLightfootMod(); var1 *= 2.0F - this.getNimbleMod(); if (this.bSneaking) { var1 *= this.getSneakSpotMod(); } if (var1 > 0.0F) { this.emitter.playFootsteps("HumanFootstepsCombined", var3); if (var2 != null && var2.isGhostMode()) { return; } int var4 = (int)Math.ceil((double)(var1 * 10.0F)); if (this.bSneaking) { var4 = Math.max(1, var4); } if (this.getCurrentSquare().getRoom() != null) { var4 = (int)((float)var4 * 0.5F); } int var5 = 2; if (this.bSneaking) { var5 = Math.min(12, 4 + this.getPerkLevel(PerkFactory.Perks.Lightfoot)); } if (GameClient.bClient && var2 != null && var2.networkAI != null) { var2.networkAI.footstepSoundRadius = (byte)var4; } if (Rand.Next(var5) == 0) { WorldSoundManager.instance.addSound(this, (int)this.getX(), (int)this.getY(), (int)this.getZ(), var4, var4, false, 0.0F, 1.0F, false, false, false); } } } } } }  
  6. Like
    orikamii got a reaction from HEL City Survivor in Food placed outdoors in winter should keep food cold.   
    I tried doing this the other day, I have a popsicle fridge outside my house and placed food in it during winter (below 0) in order to keep my food fresh longer. This made sense to me but it turns out this doesn't work.
    I'm suggesting a few things:
    Placing food either in containers or on the floor outdoors during the winter should keep food cold or at the very least freeze it depending on the weather. We should be able to create cold storages by digging with a shovel. This wouldn't be as good as a functioning fridge, but can maybe act as a middle ground. Placing food outdoors during the summer (high temperatures) would increase the spoil rate of perishable foods. Food placed outdoors, not in containers have a chance to be spoiled by rain or animals (suggested by Zork)
  7. Like
    orikamii got a reaction from CaptKaspar in Food placed outdoors in winter should keep food cold.   
    I tried doing this the other day, I have a popsicle fridge outside my house and placed food in it during winter (below 0) in order to keep my food fresh longer. This made sense to me but it turns out this doesn't work.
    I'm suggesting a few things:
    Placing food either in containers or on the floor outdoors during the winter should keep food cold or at the very least freeze it depending on the weather. We should be able to create cold storages by digging with a shovel. This wouldn't be as good as a functioning fridge, but can maybe act as a middle ground. Placing food outdoors during the summer (high temperatures) would increase the spoil rate of perishable foods. Food placed outdoors, not in containers have a chance to be spoiled by rain or animals (suggested by Zork)
  8. Like
    orikamii got a reaction from Snuggler in Food placed outdoors in winter should keep food cold.   
    I tried doing this the other day, I have a popsicle fridge outside my house and placed food in it during winter (below 0) in order to keep my food fresh longer. This made sense to me but it turns out this doesn't work.
    I'm suggesting a few things:
    Placing food either in containers or on the floor outdoors during the winter should keep food cold or at the very least freeze it depending on the weather. We should be able to create cold storages by digging with a shovel. This wouldn't be as good as a functioning fridge, but can maybe act as a middle ground. Placing food outdoors during the summer (high temperatures) would increase the spoil rate of perishable foods. Food placed outdoors, not in containers have a chance to be spoiled by rain or animals (suggested by Zork)
  9. Like
    orikamii got a reaction from Natoriumu in Food placed outdoors in winter should keep food cold.   
    I tried doing this the other day, I have a popsicle fridge outside my house and placed food in it during winter (below 0) in order to keep my food fresh longer. This made sense to me but it turns out this doesn't work.
    I'm suggesting a few things:
    Placing food either in containers or on the floor outdoors during the winter should keep food cold or at the very least freeze it depending on the weather. We should be able to create cold storages by digging with a shovel. This wouldn't be as good as a functioning fridge, but can maybe act as a middle ground. Placing food outdoors during the summer (high temperatures) would increase the spoil rate of perishable foods. Food placed outdoors, not in containers have a chance to be spoiled by rain or animals (suggested by Zork)
  10. Pie
    orikamii reacted to nasKo in Happy New Yearoid   
    A short Thursdoid this week, and we’ll return to our normal larger update blogs from next week in our first 2022 blog! Where we’ll discuss where we’re going after build 41 has been finished off!
    First of all, wow.
    We’ve put a huge amount of work and time into this game, and while we always considered ourselves lucky to be able to sell more copies than a lot of indies who struggle to get their game noticed in the extremely competitive indie game dev scene, we never quite imagined we’d manage to break out in the way we have this past month.
    It’s thanks to the tireless devs in our team who have worked on this game for years and made the game what it is through passion and blood and sweat, the support team who’ve had to try and get all our new players into the game when they have issues–despite this massive surge happening throughout the holidays, the community that have supported us the whole time through this journey and understood what we were trying to do, the incredible modding community who have expanded the game in so many ways and made diving into Zomboid many orders of magnitude more interesting, and it’s thanks to the content creators that have grown up alongside us, who’ve dedicated hundreds of hours of their content to Zomboid to introduce and entertain new players looking to dive in, and we’re overjoyed to see them get extra exposure as the game’s been thrust into many people’s line of sight.
    There are so many links in the chain that led us to where we are, and we wish you all a happy new year and thank everyone for coming on this ride with us!
    Build 41.66 plans
    A few updates on our plans for the next patch for Build 41, which will be appearing in the new year!
    VOIP has experienced numerous issues which we are keen to solve in our next patch, firstly the voip is adding a significant amount of additional traffic to servers which decrease performance not insignificantly, especially when larger groups are together. In addition, we’re experiencing some rather annoying peaking and clipping when some users start talking which is rather annoying to listen to. We hope to have a solution to this in the next build. We’ve implemented a queuing system to the server joining process. This accomplishes several things: Allows more than 32 players to queue to join a server, and will maintain a queue number that will decrease until they load into the game. This will allow those looking for entry into popular servers a way to start the joining process and allow them to browse the net, watch the Youtubes or play other games while they wait for connection. Forces players to load in one at a time, so as not to cause the server severe lag from numerous players joining at once and requesting large clumps of map chunks to be sent their way. Allows for whitelisted players to be flagged as priority irrespective of their admin status, which will let them jump the queue to get in if they have say VIP status for helping fund a server, or are content creators on their own community servers. Other big issues we’re seeing reported are item duplication bugs, something we’ll be looking to resolve before release. Also we’re keen to look into ways to make dealing with updating workshop mods a lot easier, both in terms of mods updating and causing connection issues for clients as the server hasn’t updated yet (which admittedly is a very very difficult issue to see how we can improve), improving the system for detecting changes and getting rid of any lingering ‘workshop mismatch’ errors that are not related to a server not being updated. Also, an incident recently involving a mod update breaking saves makes us realise we may need to do more to safeguard saves from mods removing item definitions.  
    There are likely countless other fixes that we have in the pipe, so if you don’t see your own particular issue listed here, it doesn’t mean we’re not aware of it or have a priority to fix it, more that this blog writer forgot about them! We’ll discuss more in the new year in the run up to the patch, which will likely be put into a public unstable branch first to ensure there are no issues that could cause problems for servers who do not wish to test the fixes.
    A reminder to those operating public servers, that we cannot guarantee you won’t be hit by very destructive hackers or griefers, and its vitally important that if you’re willing to take the risk with public servers, then you practice frequent server back ups. In fact we’d recommend even white listed or private servers to consider server backups with some regularity, as its always possible a mod update or a game update could cause you problems.
    As always, we suggest and recommend only whitelisted servers and running a public server is done at your own risk. If you want to be secure from hackers, it’s also not currently a good idea to display your server IP publicly or advertise its presence on the server list.
    While we’ll constantly look to increase the security of the multiplayer, it was not the primary priority compared to providing a solid co-op experience during the long development, we’ll try and shore up any vulnerabilities in the packet security in the next build, but It will take some considerable time before we can implement solid anti-cheat measures given the open nature of our game’s architecture.
    Sorry if this blog is a little short and perhaps we’ve forgotten some huge thing we were going to mention. Forgive us if our patch has to wait until the new year, and we’re a little more absent than we should be due to the holidays. The international team will be back up to full speed next week, with the Russian devs who’ve been hard at work over Xmas fixing up and adding stuff, who will be taking their holidays in early January.
    Thanks for everything!
  11. Pie
    orikamii reacted to Akahoshi in Military acting as game world border guards.   
    At some point behind them there should be a black void nonetheless. Cheaters can always surpass that army and minefield.
    We need that void to prevent the protagonist from escaping the game and bringing the virus into the real world.
  12. Like
    orikamii reacted to MadDan in There's only toilet paper   
    This is a COVID joke/easter egg, in relation to TP hoarding due to quarantine.
  13. Like
    orikamii got a reaction from Vera_Linoff in Female clothes   
    Hi Veronica!
    I agree, I would love to see more clothing options in general. Something PZ does really great is that it doesn't change how the clothes looks like on female vs. male avatars (i.e. some games will have a dress be a dress on women but a suit on men... despite the item being a dress). I imagine they probably have some sort of tailoring overhaul in mind at the very least, this could come with more clothing options, but I have no idea personally

    Imagine if we got high heels though, have it give you -90% movement speed haha, possibility of tripping. Oof. Though I'm down for this.
  14. Like
    orikamii got a reaction from cat enthusiast in Female clothes   
    Hi Veronica!
    I agree, I would love to see more clothing options in general. Something PZ does really great is that it doesn't change how the clothes looks like on female vs. male avatars (i.e. some games will have a dress be a dress on women but a suit on men... despite the item being a dress). I imagine they probably have some sort of tailoring overhaul in mind at the very least, this could come with more clothing options, but I have no idea personally

    Imagine if we got high heels though, have it give you -90% movement speed haha, possibility of tripping. Oof. Though I'm down for this.
  15. Like
    orikamii got a reaction from gabriel rodrigues brandao in Female clothes   
    Hi Veronica!
    I agree, I would love to see more clothing options in general. Something PZ does really great is that it doesn't change how the clothes looks like on female vs. male avatars (i.e. some games will have a dress be a dress on women but a suit on men... despite the item being a dress). I imagine they probably have some sort of tailoring overhaul in mind at the very least, this could come with more clothing options, but I have no idea personally

    Imagine if we got high heels though, have it give you -90% movement speed haha, possibility of tripping. Oof. Though I'm down for this.
  16. Like
    orikamii got a reaction from turkler in Female clothes   
    Hi Veronica!
    I agree, I would love to see more clothing options in general. Something PZ does really great is that it doesn't change how the clothes looks like on female vs. male avatars (i.e. some games will have a dress be a dress on women but a suit on men... despite the item being a dress). I imagine they probably have some sort of tailoring overhaul in mind at the very least, this could come with more clothing options, but I have no idea personally

    Imagine if we got high heels though, have it give you -90% movement speed haha, possibility of tripping. Oof. Though I'm down for this.
  17. Pie
    orikamii reacted to Vera_Linoff in Female clothes   
    Hello everyone! 
    My name is Veronica and I am big fan of Project Zomboid, I think it’s an amazing and unique game. English is my second language, so forgive my grammar

    But sometimes i think that it’s not enough content for female characters to fully express the way you want your character to look like. As far as I know Project Zomboid takes place in early 90-s, so I personally think that developers can add some more clothes for female characters, that would fit in and add to the vibe. I will pin some pictures of things I’m talking about and, maybe, it will will appear in game. 
    I’m talking about 1) Button Cardigans. Very 90-s thing, looks elegant, yet not to much and would give such a nice vibe for the character. 2) Jeans skirt. We already have jeans shorts, but why no skirts? I think it’s very sustainable for the game and looks stylish. 3) Night gown. Its comfortable to sleep in. Also it’s more realistic to have those in game, because they were pretty popular in early 90s in general. 4) Fur Coat. I’m game we have only one option for winter time and it’s Warm Coat, and in my personal opinion it would add add opportunity to make your character look unique and still be able not to freeze. 5) Another type of a dress, except one we already have in game. Just a regular dress, but without sleeves. Again, juts to be able to make your character look more unique.
    That’s pretty much all I wanted to say, if you have some ideas about my topic I would love to hear them or any kind of reply/feedback. I’ve been thinking about those clothes in game a lot and would love to see it in future. And also, big thanks for the opportunity to speak up about my suggestions  ❤️

  18. Like
    orikamii reacted to HetCigarr in IWBUMS 41.56 released   
    Made my day
  19. Pie
    orikamii reacted to nasKo in IWBUMS 41.56 released   
    - The containers in the "Move to" controller context sub-menu are disabled if the container can't hold the item to be moved.
    - During "Walk To" or other timed-action movement, allow the player to continue to move while aiming, instead of stopping.
    - Added a radial menu for light sources that is accessed by holding the F key for longer.
    - Added "Pan Camera While Driving" display option. This will move the camera in front of the car to give better vision of things ahead. Please give us some feedback how this feels. Some had issues with this previously, so the option is off by default. 
    - Added recipe.StopOnWalk and recipe.StopOnRun script properties to the codebase to control whether the crafting action is interrupted by walking and running. Currently this is only used to allow inserting/removing batteries in flashlights while walking.

    - Made male underpants smaller and to look like briefs.
    - Made female bra strapless.
    - Made the same changes to male and female zombie textures.
    - Adjusted Bikini and Swimsuit texture to fit new female underpants and bras.

    - New weapon hit sounds:
            Axe, Wood Axe, Stone Axe
            Pick Axe
            Badminton Racket, Tennis Racket
            Hockey Stick, Lacross Stick
            Broom, Fishing Rod, Pool Cue
            Garden Hoe, Rake, Leaf Rake
            Snow Shovel
            Spiked Baseball Bat, Spiked Plank, Spiked Pick Axe Handle
            Baseball Bat
            Canoe Paddle
            Golf Club
    These also have a new setup where a regular hit sounds different from a hit that causes the attacked zombie to fall and a more impactfull killing blow.
    - Added farming-related sounds for plowing, seeding, watering, and harvesting
    - Adjusted the drinking sounds to fit the anims better.
    - Further tweaks to busy sound areas - and especially with engine noise in and around zombie hordes. Please test!
    - Addressed issues of lost / strange sounds during busy periods - such as during rain etc.
    - Tweaked puddle footstep loudness (it was too loud still)
    - Removed seagull sounds from towns

    - Fixed applying mildew cure to plants being broken.
    - Fixed the player phasing through obstacles after climbing over a tall fence.
    - Fixed Lua error SMetalDrumGlobalObject:update() when it rains.
    - Fixed shoving zombies from behind sometimes causing the zombie to move toward the player.
    - Fixed hitting a zombie that is getting up from lying face down flipping the zombie onto its back.
    - Fixed killing a zombie that is getting up from lying face down creating a corpse on its back.
    - Fixed the player's hit-reaction animation sometimes playing long after the attack happened.
    - Fixed zombies finishing their bumped animation too soon, allowing them to get another attack quickly.
    - Fixed playing two getting-up animations if the movement key is pressed after the animation has started.
    - Fixed vehicle engines not taking damage if the hood is uninstalled.
    - Fixed pan condition not resetting each time at FightStep:KillZombie in tutorial
    - Fixed new pan not spawning if the player somehow does manage to break the pan at FightStep:KillZombie
    - Fixed hiding the Set Alarm dialog due to the player position changing slightly after turning.
    - Fixed highlighting useable parts of vehicles when the player is inside a vehicle.
    - Fixed exception trying to place an item on the same square as a Car Battery Charger (or any object with no sprite).
    - Fixed the controller focus remaining on a context menu after selecting an option with the mouse.
    - Fixed a Lua error after pressing the 'V' key while a game is loading.
    - Fixed not automatically reloading changed animation files.
    - Fixed IndexOutOfBoundsException in JAssImpImporter.GetKeyFrameScale() with a test animation.
    - Fixed "Could not find bone index for node name: "Translation_Data_$AssimpFbx$_Translation"" warning with a test animation.
    - Fixed ISRadialMenu:setSliceTexture() calling setSliceText().
    - Fixed the welding sound not stopping when building metal objects.
    - Fixed zombies opening locked carpentry doors.
  20. Like
    orikamii reacted to TrailerParkThor in Food placed outdoors in winter should keep food cold.   
    Bump because this is a great idea, especially with the new 3D items!
  21. Pie
    orikamii got a reaction from vek in Food placed outdoors in winter should keep food cold.   
    I tried doing this the other day, I have a popsicle fridge outside my house and placed food in it during winter (below 0) in order to keep my food fresh longer. This made sense to me but it turns out this doesn't work.
    I'm suggesting a few things:
    Placing food either in containers or on the floor outdoors during the winter should keep food cold or at the very least freeze it depending on the weather. We should be able to create cold storages by digging with a shovel. This wouldn't be as good as a functioning fridge, but can maybe act as a middle ground. Placing food outdoors during the summer (high temperatures) would increase the spoil rate of perishable foods. Food placed outdoors, not in containers have a chance to be spoiled by rain or animals (suggested by Zork)
  22. pillow
    orikamii reacted to Irken Empire in I don't like where this game is heading to.   
    At first I saw this game as the most potential candidate for the worlds best zombie game (not joking) and that's even way back in B39 IWBUMS now it's B41 IWBUMS and it's probably at the end of it, from then to now every aspect of the game got enriched, but something seriously wrong appeared and it's making me ... ugh how do I say it, not hate this game, but I find it less appealing, maybe annoying too.

    Back in the b39 and 40 you weren't forced to die by some lame and cheap mehanics like ones that came in b41. Losing a player actually felt like my responsibility, made me guilty and with these deaths I menaged to learn from mistakes that I made which ended up with me improving my awarenes and survival skill and then geting runs longer then 8+ months which was very satisfying, even if the game had no end you felt like you've acomplished something big when you survived for that long.

    NOW even RNG is able to kill you solo by spawning 30 naked zombies in a public restoraunt bathroom?
    Or dying to a lunging zombie who's able to trip a grown man who can't even fall on his hands and knees so he could stand up quickly and escape but automatically falls on the ground on his back and turns 180 degrees mid air to be more prone to zombies that are coming from the back and stalls for some time in a life or death situation by lying there for a momen waiting to be done with daydreaming probably, and that's not it!
    Recently bumping into zombies got "reworked and rebalanced" so that you can't move left nor right when you bump into a singe zombie, but have to engage into a "ouch I bumped shoulders with a zombie" animation while moving at a running speed straight fowards into some other zombies who are gonna make you fall wheater you want it or not and then when you start standing up you're gonna stay in a weird stalling position for 1-2 seconds and maybe get a scratch on the leg that almost incapacitate you with -80% movement speed, ofcourse if you didn't get stunlocked to death by 2 zombies or insta killed by 3 zombies who dragged you down.
    How am I supposed to feel guilty for something that game forcefully did to me and I could just watch, let alone learn from this, well I did  learn that one or more of the devs is/are a sadist, RNG is not predictable and good luck becasue 40% or more of PZ gameplay is based on it in B41.

    I'll admit b39-40 were a bit too much on the players side, but from that period when players could slide 360 degrees around and now no longer can, they've kept that mehanic for zombies and more. In general when you close your eyes and think about it you can see how much the game has changed from those builds to 41 and not in a good way, right now it's basically like you're controlling a bot 50% - 50% you do the manual work like walking, looting driving, drinking etc. to him doing everythign to kill himself.

    Here I am at the end writing this kinda accidentally exacly 2 years and 1 day after PZ B41 IWBUMS dopped for public trial, the point is PZ builds before and after 41 are two different games, before you had the freedom of not forcefully dying and when you did die it wasn't so hard to realize that it was your mistake and not those 30 naked public bathroom zombies fault who stunlocked you to death. Congratulations, you're at the end, sorry for having to put up with this block of letters, but making an opinio based off 2.800 hours of PZ playtime worth of over 3 builds of infermation on how it's making the game less appealing is not as easy as it may sound. I'd like to hear your opinion on this dear reader, but if you're a new player who only played b41 you should maybe keep that opinion to yourself please.
  23. Pie
    orikamii reacted to Pandorea in IWBUMS 41.55 released   
    Yeah, oldie but goldie - will be a sad day when it's fixed
  24. Like
    orikamii reacted to ROTFLOL in IWBUMS 41.55 released   
    Just a tiny suggestion, the stat "Unhappiness" should renamed to just "Happiness","Mood" or something else? as yes the green text is good to determine if its positive or negative but it would cause less confusion seeing stuff like -20 Unhappiness double negatives and +20 Unhappiness etc.
  25. Like
    orikamii reacted to Batsphinx in IWBUMS 41.55 released   
    41.55 Patch

    - Added new 3D items + fixed some.
    - Added a context menu for choosing which CD/VHS to insert into the device (when using a controller)
    - Display CDs and VHS tapes in the Training Materials UI
    - Updated main-menu credits.
    - Updated community translations.

    - Changed climb fence success anim to a quicker finish  
    - Tweaked climb fence fail  
    - Shaved off a few frames from Bob/Bob_StaggerBack_3m  
    - Adjusted Bob_AttackPistolWhip02.X to same length as shoves  
    - Tweaked head of Bob_WalkBwdAimHandgun.X to better blend with other anims  
    - Shaved off some frames from Bob_StaggerForward.X  


    - Added optional vehicle.passenger.showPassenger=true|false parameter for iBrRus.
     When true, the player model isn't hidden when entering, exiting or sitting in that particular seat.


    - Player running through a horde will now have greater chance of falling
    - Full helmets less likely to fall from zombies attacks.
    - Gave vehicles more engine force in first gear.


    - Added translations for Boredom/Stress/etc notification text above the player's head.
    - small delay when switching cd/tape on/off
    - bzzt-fzzt and zap sound when switching on tape


    - re-balanced the whole reverb/direct signal mix
    - tweaked the music volumes of individual tracks a bit (though there might still be more minute things to tweak)
    - adjusted player and zombie footstep loudness 
    - new scratch lacerate and bite assets with mix adjustments to make them stand out more
    - new window thump sounds with 70% chance of additional window "squeak" layer
    - first set of new door thumps, we're planning to add a condition parameter to change the sound based on door condition
    - some mix adjustments to wind/rain 
    - added some fake occlusion for the zombie voices based on their character inside / outside states relative to the players inside outside state until the occlusion system rework
    - adjusted balance of finish sound to make them pop out more
    - "fixed" the timing issue of the stomp -> head smash delay by delaying the stomp sounds 200ms in general
    - turned down drink from sink sound, that was too loud
    - fixed the glass breaking sound being too low
    - adjusted ambient bed mix to reduce general air backdrop loudness
    - made birds / wildlife a bit more sparse
    - tweaked the standard car engine a bit
    - reduced the volume of the car damage layer
    - Added multistagebuild.CompletionSound, the sound that plays when a wall is upgraded.
    - minor tweaks and balance
    - Fixed some ambient sounds being controlled by the Sound Volume slider instead of the Ambient Volume slider.
    - Play the Painting sound when painting signs.
    - Added optional ISBuildingObject.completionSound which plays when finishing a carpentry or metalwork action.
    - Allow a food item's CustomEatSound script parameter to be an empty string to play no sound instead of the default eating sound.
     This can be used when the animation will play a sound at the right time, instead of starting the sound at the beginning of the action.
    - Smoking cigarettes plays the Smoke sound once during each animation loop.
    - Updated scripts with BuildMetalStructureXXX and BuildWoodenStructureXXX sounds (they are not implemented yet).
    - Play a breaking-object sound when picking up furniture fails.


    - Fixed hotdrink not working with some mug + double recipes. (Reminder: you need a mug with water to start a hot drink)
    - Fixed the selected container in the Loot window changing due to the player turning while transferring items.
    - Fixed untranslated Perk names in halo text when a new level is attained.
    - Fixed endurance not being drained due to running during "Walk To" movement (or any automatic movement).
    - Fixed Lua error trying to play a CD/VHS with the controller.
    - Fixed the hotbar remaining hidden after unplugging player #1's controller and reverting to keyboard and mouse.
    - Fixed (hopefully) random textures appearing when displaying corpses for the first time.
    - Fixed a Lua error with commit 7143 "Fixed the selected container in the Loot window changing"
    - Fixed auto-zoom while in a vehicle not respecting the enabled Display zoom options.
    - Fixed attaching trailers to vehicles that were removed from the world after being replaced by smashed versions.
    - Fixed missing comma in FertilizerEmpty item script.
    - Fixed collision properties of stair pillars not being set properly after constructing stairs.
    - Fixed "Index -1 out of bounds for length 8" exception in FliesSound due to negative z corpse coordinates.
    - Fixed the position of the rotate-item prompt in splitscreen.
    - Fixed IsoStove.doSound() exception that happens when a running stove is destroyed by fire.
    - Fixed rotate-item prompt appearing when using a controller.
    - Fixed the tooltip for the farming cursor and wall-upgrade cursor not being hidden after shoving.
    - Fixed missing Tooltip_item_StackWeight (got lost in community-translation update).
    - Fixed the Survival Guide being displayed when using a controller; it doesn't work with it currently.
    - Fixed the Training Materials button overlapping other text with 3x font size and many traits.
    - Fixed missing "/" characters in the Log Wall context-menu tooltip.
    - Fixed crafted double-door objects losing some properties when opened (in particular, the thumpSound).
    - Fixed missing Tutorial zombie noise, but temporarily using old TutorialZombie sound
    - Fixed replacing roofs_accents_xxx sprites with the wrong burned-roof sprites.
    - Fixed the Smash Window action being immediately cancelled due to the controller B button being pressed.
    - Fixed displaying a context menu of CD/VHS choices when dragging an item to the Device Options window. It is only needed when using a controller.
    - Fixed being unable to wash a single bandage in a bag (it wasn't transferred to main inventory first).
    - Fixed Joypad tutorial
    - Fixed various aspects of tutorial where people were going wrong
    - Fixed inventory pane no longer stuck open after nullify mouse drag in tutorial
    - Fixed right click menu working after nullify mouse drag in tutorial
    - Fixed duplicate issue in more places, when dropping on other locations (ISInventoryPane + ISInventoryPage) in tutorial
    - Fixed inventory pane no longer stuck open after nullify mouse drag in tutorial
    - Fixed right click menu working after nullify mouse drag in tutorial
    - Fixed bandanas providing far too much head protection
    - Fixed some containers being rendered high off the ground after being moved by the player.
    - Fixed zombies rotating to face the player during hit-reaction and stagger-back animations. This usually happened when hitting zombies from behind.
    - Fixed zombies climbing through windows that are behind them. This sometimes happened after the player shoved a zombie into a window.
    - Fixed a Lua error in the main menu after deleting the last savefile. The Continue and Load buttons were hidden but still accessible using a controller.
    - Fixed some wrong calcul when doing multistage building, ending doing a lvl1 wall, upgrade to lvl2 having more health than a "pure" wall lvl2.
    - Fixed placed 3D items being removed by the SandboxOptions WorldItemRemovalList 
    - Fixed furniture not appearing when in a stationary car - this was caused by an optimization. Furniture will now only disappear if cars are moving at a middle-high speed.
    - Fixed the "infected" flag on body parts not being set to false after a wound heals.
    - Fixed an issue placing 3D items with the Double-sized Textures option turned off.
    - Fixed the hotbar remaining visible after hiding all UI elements.
    - Fixed item container being set to nil in some cases.
    - Fixed 1-frame delay before corpse textures appear.
    - Fixed the stove-running sound not stopping sometimes with two-part stoves.
    - Fixed ingredients not going back to their original container when using the Crafting window.
    - Fixed ingredients not going back to their original container sometimes when doing "Craft All".
    - Fixed duplicate context-menu "Rest" options for tents.
    - Fixed some instances of zombies turning while lying on the floor - needs further feedback.
    - Fixed (hopefully) an "invalid direction" exception in BrokenFences
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