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I remember meeting the team, a bunch of lovely people.


Then I met you and you didn't even realise who I was even AFTER I TOLD YOU! Then I swore a vendetta onto you. But then you woo'ed me with your accent and all was forgiven. :P



Yeah :(


But I usually need a day to fully understand every English-shenanigans :(


Will you pardon me one day? Will you ever forget me? If not, I may just end my life right now :'(



<3 u

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I wanna meet the real developers. They seem super cool. 


LOL. I'm not sure 'cool' is the description. I somehow imagine a drink with myself and Binky would result in you realizing at least some of the Indie Stone are grumpy old gits!


RJ on the other hand? Too cool for school that one!




Also, can someone "hot" be "cool" at the same time? Wouldn't that be contradictory?

Let us show you



This is why I read the Mondoids. You guys are hilarious. Also I would buy us all drinks if I weren't 15 and you guys didn't have fans pestering you to give 100% your life to the NPC's haha.


Plus, nerdy geeks (or geeky nerds) with cool ideas and immeasurable talent was the type of cool I was talking about. I'm one of those super geeks too.

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Lovely, funny, grumpy old gits

And let's be real. All that RJ has got going for himself is being unrealistically handsome, overwhelmingly interesting, ,uunhealthily funny and extremely cute with an erotic accent that instantly increases the humidity of any room he steps into.

But cool? Nah

Also, can someone "hot" be "cool" at the same time? Wouldn't that be contradictory?
I know I'm a bit late to this part of the party, but in the spirit of true geekiness I would like to point out that yes, according to quantum physics, a particle system can contain elements that are both hot and cold at the same time, while remaining part of the same particle system.

I'm pretty sure that's what's happened here.

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Wow I never knew in just 2 pages a topic could change from VikiDikiRUS's photoshop to nasKo getting creepy with Connall to Katy Perry to nasKo absorving souls using the power of pole dancing to the science of particles to RJ fan fiction and then to the formation of the TIS gang


So much creepiness.

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Wow I never knew in just 2 pages a topic could change from VikiDikiRUS's photoshop to nasKo getting creepy getting it on with Connall to Katy Perry to nasKo absorving souls using the power of attracting everyone with his sexy pole dancing, to the science of particles, to RJ fan fiction and then to the formation of the TIS Spiffo gang


So much creepiness awesomeness.



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