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About EnigmaGrey

  • Birthday 05/27/1988

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  1. tl;dr: Effectively it's just "please consider how you're presenting yourself, you're making me uncomfortable" and instead of backing off a lil', you're taking it very very personally and making it worse. You are not a red flag, but your behaviour is? It's not spite ... it's self-defense. You wouldn't consider my side and you won't take no for an answer. You went at me repeatedly for it. You're making up stuff to try and roll me over through peer pressure despite up until that point us being the only two people in the thread. I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, but that generally means backing off a lil, not going full send (like the gaslighting thing). story time: I ran 4 public servers for the game. Someone really wanted to help. I warned them politely that I might not always be responsive as, until the coders addressed the issue at hand, I would be fighting a fire with a gardening can (ie we have to wait). They started implying that I could use help and that I wasn't capable of doing my job because, well, I admitted it, didn't I? So they pushed, and they pushed, and eventually I warned them. They kept escalating, trying to get me fire from my imaginary job given that I was voluntarily doing this on my own time and dime. Did they ever outright say that they wanted to be an admin on SpiffoSpace? Oh my, no. But they did everything they could to make it happen. That's been going on for 8 years and is just one of dozens of people. Ain't communication fun? I've interacted with hundreds of thousands of people at this point and events like that remain exceedingly rare, but they do happen. People really don't like hearing no and in some cases think they own you, personally and completely. None of that is to say that you are that type of person, ofc, but there's more to communication than what's explicitly stated. Always is.
  2. Yep, I wasn't exactly being subtle when I suggested a lil' self control was worth it vs. going so hard that you're zombie chow. It's like people chasing tv shows at the start of the game: you only have yourself to blame when you min-max the fun away. Certainly not what we were going for ... :/ Add in people spending hundreds of hours playing a single character and it shouldn't be any wonder something that depends more on winning the genetic lottery (traits! use the traits!) takes a long time to master, I'd hope? Subtle changes to your body over long periods of time don't really fit well with active traits, imo. It's not like we can't do more with it and no doubt will in the future, but sometimes peoples' suggestions feel antithetical to the whole thing. And mods exist, and sandbox ... We really don't have to agree to and incorporate everyone's proposals. :/
  3. You personally feeling something is a problem does not mean you are entitled to fix. It doesn't mean that we have to agree that it's actually a problem -- for us, it isn't. If you expect that level of control over someone else's project, all I can suggest is making your own game or modding ours. I really shouldn't have to explain this ...
  4. you're acting like a bully and seem to be obsessed with trying to force me to agree with you. 16 posts and the last half just been red flags. Hugo is right, though. You just don't know how -- and you've made it clear that you don't actually care. You want what you want and aren't going to hear otherwise. to the point where you're debating with me the point of a feature in the game that's existed for 12 years -- traits. Just needless
  5. Ain't nothing conversational about your last few comments.
  6. Don't know what you're trying to do, but I'm not participating further.
  7. It's intentional ... to literally punish you for grinding instead of using traits/professions. All the skills are like this. So, like I said ... You're coming about this the wrong way and thinking the actual intent behind it is the problem. I'm sorry, but it is not. It's intentional. You're knowingly fighting the game -- ofc it sucks. So maybe don't do that instead of blame the game for it? You're slapping yourself in the face then complaining your cheek hurts ...
  8. That's the thing about grinding though, you don't actually have to do it? Aside from line going up, you're wasting your time. I'd rather see you guys play the game and let things come naturally instead of grind, but if that's what you want to do then ... Enjoy, I guess. :/
  9. Fitness 10 is already OP. It delivers fine. I mean you reiterated your points in bold. It wasn't exactly subtle, so why pretend otherwise? What else is there to say? It's a difference of opinion. You're welcome to make a mod if you'd prefer something else.
  10. Hasn't been accurate in many years and it's just been used to cause fights. it was time for it to go. There's no plans to put up a new one or update it.
  11. We can't make everyone happy. Trying to define balance on what makes you personally happy is not something anyone can reasonably expect of us. Use the sandbox or relevant traits (they make it much easier, just like real life, after all). ... And maybe be a little more cautious rather than go ham to the point you cripple yourself? Little self-control is always good. tl;dr: embrace the suck and get those gains.
  12. Try -cachedir="C:\Zomboid" From the first screenshots, you can see that the equals sign is missing and so the game is treating it as two separate options, so it never gets applied. I'm not sure if you made the change to start options after those screenshots or before, since the = is present. Otherwise everything should be in the following path, not Steam\Common C:Users\mathe\zonboid\
  13. Appreciate the feedback, as well. Really helps suss this stuff out. Good point about steam deck being arch-based, like manjero!
  14. There's two settings (one melee, one ranged) for it in the server config.
  15. I don't think we are talking about the same thing ... We really don't do much of anything with signal handlers (the bare minimum) and we have a number of people that daily drive linux. if this was a wide spread problem, we would probably know by now. Input will be polled at the start of a frame, therefore fps affects polling. This is normal in video games. Try this. It's manjaro specific but also might help on the steamdeck, iirc. We've not had time yet to investigate. If it works for you, then we'll have a good lead.
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