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Posted (edited)

Viceroy's Asylum for the Insane!










Not Yet Done:



Asylum Grounds. (Partially Done)

Signpost & Reception Signpost. <<< Looking for a spriter on this



The Asylum features among other things the following rooms:


Cramped cells for the insane!





Laundry Rooms!

Medical Area!




Stuff I forgot!


Now on to pictures for the less read-y types:


From Afar:



Ground Floor:



First Floor:









Download Link Up:



Asylum: https://www.dropbox....hemp asylum.tbx

Greenhouse: https://www.dropbox...._greenhouse.tbx

Groundskeeper: https://www.dropbox....oundskeeper.tbx

Boiler Room / Ventilation Room: https://www.dropbox....ylum_boiler.tbx



Extract the zip folder and place the contents into your ProjectZomboid\media\maps\challengemaps folder; should overwrite Challenge1 and Challenge2, I have included backups of the original maps in case you want to go back again.


The *.tbx files can be placed in any map so feel free to do so, just let me know (so I can check it out) and credit me, all is well.


Message me if you have issues or thoughts. :)


Thanks goes out to the internet for allowing me to google stuff and to civilization for building asylums.

Edited by Viceroy

I'll be interested too, been wondering how big a single building can be so I made this. Not sure if it'll function; live on the edge though eh?


damn, that's a big place. probably die 5 or 6 times trying to explore it's halls and offices.


if i could make a suggestion, incorporate offices/rooms with shelves or crates somewhere in the cell complexes.

otherwise, with no loot potential, they would not get explored properly. maybe get a bit sadistic and hide the entrance behind cell doors


damn, that's a big place. probably die 5 or 6 times trying to explore it's halls and offices.


if i could make a suggestion, incorporate offices/rooms with shelves or crates somewhere in the cell complexes.

otherwise, with no loot potential, they would not get explored properly. maybe get a bit sadistic and hide the entrance behind cell doors


Got each cell a bookshelf in, also the cell blocks have security checkpoints with mini fridges, I might rework the cells at some point to make them larger but more unique. Guess it depends on what kind of institute it is.


Also the other use cells have is supplying wood, with the grounds of the asylum generally being well-kept, there is a distinctive lack of natural sources of wood withing hauling distance.


I am also thinking about making a mod so that beds are containers that can have contraband in them like shivs or drugs. But I'd have to devote some effort to it. Who knows.


On another note, I am having some lighting glitches and things, but looking at the upcoming changelog that seems to be at zomboids end and not mine. Also some glass walls are supposed to be see-through but the game currently renders them opaque, a game-side glitch I assume.


Also I finished placing lights and most of the preliminary groundswork. Popped her in and gave her a try in Last Stand, a bug-huntin' I go!






A hospital is definitely on my to-do list, news stand is a good one too, gonna be doing alot of shops and restaurants too. At the moment I am devoting a bit of time towards the greater map of my city I am making, also been beavering away on a few buildings for the city campus.


As far as asylum release goes, I am in the process of doing the grounds and also waiting for the next beta build because it says it fixes lighting, I have some lighting errors in the hallways of it so if the patch does not fix those I'll have to segment in somewhat. Not a big deal and could probably be dealt with without changing the look.


Another thing I would Like to touch on is the grounds, I am thinking of putting it on an island of it's own (think shutter island). And then naturally the (small) island would need a few other sites.


I was thinking "whaling station" but now I am leaning towards "abandoned cannery", so if you have ideas feel free to share!


This looks awesome, how well does this behemoth run in game?



Yeah not finished yet, but I am however pondering my next design already. I am thinking about doing a university next, multi-building one. Open to suggestions though, anything big'll do.

 I would really like to see a mall so I can role play 'Dawn of The Dead' style.


This looks awesome, how well does this behemoth run in game?



Yeah not finished yet, but I am however pondering my next design already. I am thinking about doing a university next, multi-building one. Open to suggestions though, anything big'll do.

 I would really like to see a mall so I can role play 'Dawn of The Dead' style.


Mall would be a nice addition indeed, gonna make it quite large since my city is aimed at being very populated.


As for how it runs, I don't have any noticeable slowdown or lag compared to normal muldraugh, which just goes to show that Lemmy and the team(gang?) know what they are doing.


I'll have a last-stand version up today for you guys to try out.


Last-stand is released, give it a whirl and give me some feedback!


Grounds arent completely done yet though, missing a parking lot, groundskeeping huts and general decoration outside. If you want to play it in the daytime navigate towards ProjectZomboid\media\lua\LastStand and open Challenge1.lua with notepad or something similar, then inside the lua file navigate towards "Challenge1.hourOfDay = 3;" and change it to "Challenge1.hourOfDay = 12;" or summing.

  • 3 weeks later...

Missing. Restraining chair. Electric shock rooms.

Actual padded cells.

The two way mirror study cells.

Pharmacy room.

Underground medical experimental rooms behind hidden walls.

Chains. Jackets. And lots of blood marks and handprints.

Oh and above all. Lots of bars corridors with barred walls and doors. Lots and lots of bars...

A light house of you island it and harbour

Generator room and bio disposal room for waste and morgue.

Exterior motor pool building for busses. Out houses. Like green house. Garden maze. Scary tall trees.

Even a small grave yard for the un-claimed dead.


Can't have underground unfortunately at present, badded cells, I have no texture for it, same with chains and such. Generator room will be an out-building, same for motor-pool (good idea), there is already a pharmacy room, loot is just not distributed yet. Lighthouse and harbour is also already being worked on as well as an abandoned church and graveyard.


The hedge maze is a great idea and I have already added greenhouses since my last update.


Lots of good suggestions you made. Thank you.


Not a bother. Also you could have a ward wing door lock controls.

For example each cell wing has a overwatch control.room that if the power cuts out all the doors open up and out pour zombies from each cell could be a good scare bit.

Exterior flood lights.

Also anyway to have flickering faulty lighting in corridors etc.

We have all played fps games.with flickering dark rooms. AVP or doom 3 or bioshock etc..

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I might have to institutionalize myself to this map


Here at Viceroy's institute for the deranged you are most welcome, being Danish automatically qualifies you for residency! Hooray for you! (clyde)


EDIT: My first ever clyde! He's a good'n.

Edited by Viceroy

so wait, being Danish gets him in for free?


my mom was born in Danmark, still have lots of family there.


what kind of deal do i get being half Danish?

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