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Build 26 Custom Maps & Spawn Locations


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To play a custom map on your server, both the client and server need to install a mod containing the map.  As an example of what is needed to add a custom map to the game (singleplayer or multiplayer), I've attached a Bedford Falls mod (but without the .lotheader or .lotpack files which you can download elsewhere).


To use this mod in multiplayer, edit the Zomboid/Server/*.ini file for your server with these lines:

Mods=BedfordFallsMap=Bedford Falls, KY

Another funky new feature is the ability to let the client choose where to spawn in a map.  This is done by creating a "spawn regions" file for your server.  This example lets the client choose to spawn in Muldraugh or Westpoint when creating a new character, using those maps' spawnpoints.lua files.

function SpawnRegions()  return {    { name = "Muldraugh, KY", file = "media/maps/Muldraugh, KY/spawnpoints.lua" },    { name = "West Point, KY", file = "media/maps/West Point, KY/spawnpoints.lua" },  }end

To use this in your server, paste the lines into a file called servertest_spawnregions.lua and add this to your server's *.ini file:


You can name the file anything you like; put it in the Zomboid/Server/ directory.


You can add any number of alternate spawn locations for your clients by adding lines to the SpawnRegions() table.

  { name = "My Custom Spawn Location", serverfile = "MyCustomSpawnLocation_spawnpoints.lua" },

Note the "serverfile" will load the *.lua file from the Zomboid/Server/ directory.

Bedford Falls.zip

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Tried this with Dreadwood, but getting the error shown below.




Attached my files, maybe I have done something wrong.

These files are located in "C:/Users/USERNAME/Zomboid/server":



These is the mod (path: "C:/Users/USERNAME/Zomboid/mods"):



My startup-bat for the server contains this:

".\jre64\bin\java.exe" -Xms8192m -Xmx8192m -Djava.library.path=./ -cp lwjgl.jar;lwjgl_util.jar;sqlitejdbc-v056.jar;./ zombie.network.GameServer -servername DreadwoodpzdeEventPAUSE

And I have a DreadwoodpzdeEvent.db with my usercredentials located in "C:/Users/USERNAME/Zomboid/db".

The "normal" server works just fine. I can still spawn in Dreadwood at the defined spawnpoints but there are no zombies and the server spams this message:


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I try to run Bedford Falls (Singlepalyer) with your tutorial, but its too hard to understand for me.


-Cant find the .lotheader and .lotpack files in the forum or the web.


-quote:"To use this in your server, paste the lines into a file called servertest_spawnregions.lua ...".

Where do i put the servertest_spawnregions.lua file?


-quote:"You can name the file anything you like; put it in the Zomboid/Server/ directory."

Here? C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\"Username"\Zomboid\  (the first folder is in german. should be something like "settings...")   Should i create the server folder, or switch to the multiplayerversion, if they havent merged allready. I dont have a server folder there.


Maybe someone can do a step by step tutorial, pls. Im willing to trade some of my Fresh Burgers for your knowlege.

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Any solutions for my other error? I mean this one:



EDIT: Tried the same thing with Bedford Falls V2 and I get a different error.



And I´m currently trying this on a Windows Machine, but the "real" server is using Ubuntu 12.04. Will do a test on the "real" server now, maybe it´s just a problem with Windows?


EDIT2: Just tried a quick SP-game with my Dreadwood-setup and my Bedford-setup, they are working fine in SP.


EDIT3: Same erros on Ubuntu 12.04 x64bit.

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Dr_Cox1911, the first error is due to the map_meta.bin file being saved for a different-sized map.  So you may have run a server with only Muldraugh/Westpoint, then added Bedford Falls which changed the size of the map.  You can try removing map_meta.bin from the server folder.

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Hm, if I understand you correct EasyPickins then I have to say nope, haven´t done anything like that. I deleted the map_meta.bin file within the Zomboid/Multiplayer/Dreadwood folder.


My current steps were like this:

  • completely deleted my PZ and reinstalled it (deleted the Zomboid folder as well)
  • setup the files like in post #2
  • started up the server

Then I get the cell error and on playerjoin I get the ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. The ArrayException breaks the Zombiespawning as it looks like, because I ran around the server for a couple of minutes and didn´t find a single zombie.

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I get this error in singleplayer with Dreadwood.  Always with cell 34,26

java.io.EOFException	at zombie.iso.IsoLot.readInt(IsoLot.java:66)	at zombie.iso.IsoMetaGrid.Create(IsoMetaGrid.java:571)	at zombie.iso.IsoWorld.init(IsoWorld.java:1010)	at zombie.gameStates.GameLoadingState$1.run(GameLoadingState.java:230)	at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
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You get zero errors with Bedford? I deleted all files again (server and client) and started from scratch with Bedford. Still getting the cell-error @45, 33 and additionally a lot of missing lotpacks. I must be doing something completely wrong  :cry:


(the missing lotpack are from Muldraugh e.g. world_46_27.lotpack)


Could you send me your setup EasyPickins?

Just to make it clear, I want to run only Bedford Falls without Muldraugh/West Point.

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So the lotpack/lotheader files go into what folder?

Zomboid\mods\Bedford Falls\media\maps\Bedford Falls, KY

result: http://pastebin.com/HQdYTpjM


ProjectZomboid\media\maps\Muldraugh, KY

result: the server starts but only once, basically this: http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/7882-server-crash-on-restart/


ProjectZomboid\media\maps\Muldraugh, KY

result: DrCox1911's issue

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You get zero errors with Bedford? I deleted all files again (server and client) and started from scratch with Bedford. Still getting the cell-error @45, 33 and additionally a lot of missing lotpacks. I must be doing something completely wrong  :cry:


(the missing lotpack are from Muldraugh e.g. world_46_27.lotpack)


Could you send me your setup EasyPickins?

Just to make it clear, I want to run only Bedford Falls without Muldraugh/West Point.


Ah, I hadn't tried with Bedford only and that didn't work.

Extract the attached zip into ProjectZomboid/zombie/iso, replacing 4 files, that should fix it.

I was just using the Bedford mod from the first post, but with the "lots=Muldraugh, KY" line removed from map.info.

So the lotpack/lotheader files go into what folder?

Zomboid\mods\Bedford Falls\media\maps\Bedford Falls, KY

result: http://pastebin.com/HQdYTpjM


ProjectZomboid\media\maps\Muldraugh, KY

result: the server starts but only once, basically this: http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/7882-server-crash-on-restart/


ProjectZomboid\media\maps\Muldraugh, KY

result: DrCox1911's issue


Get rid of all Bedford files from everywhere you put them.

Copy only the Bedford .lotpack and .lotheader files into

Zomboid\mods\Bedford Falls\media\maps\Bedford Falls, KY


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Awesome EasyPickins! Now Dreadwood and Bedford Falls are working, only getting the cell-errors now, everything else works fine (at least after my 30min testperiod, was only though).


Are the files changing anything else or is it  relatively "safe" to use them? And is a hotfix for this planned or should my players and I just use the files?


EDIT: Nevermind, just read the post from RJ.

EDIT2: And take this clyde for your patience  (clyde)

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I can't seem to find any lotheader or lotpack files for Bedford Falls even in RingoD's download for V2. All I can find are ones for Muldraugh in the V2 download.


RingoD's download has the .lotheader and .lotpack files you want.  His download was designed to be put overtop of the game's Muldraugh map, that's why the folder name is "Muldraugh, KY".  The ZIP I added to the first post keeps the Bedford stuff separate.

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Dreadwood seems to not work... I install it like any other map (Drag it into maps) But since i have installed bedford as well it seems to conflict and instead being called dreadwood it is called bedford without the image... I try to launch it but it gets stuck on loading. Please help, i love this map.

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