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So, those hour or two or three media extravaganzas.. what was the last one you watched? Was it good? Did you like it?


I'll go first. The Host (yes, really). It was actually not that bad, all things considered, and certainly one I'll be watching again.

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I watched 'American Gangster' last night. It was ok - not sure it deserved the high ratings though - fairly standard gangster film in style and substance. One of those films where you know how it goes before it starts.


Before that I tried 'Warm Bodies' (yes, really). This started pretty well, but rushed through the plot, glossed over the interesting bits and focused on the dull bits (for me at least). But I suppose that's what happens when it markets to teenage girls. Otherwise the story was interesting and original.


Before THAT I watched 'Unforgiven', with Clint Eastwood in one his most awkwardly acted roles I've ever seen, slightly disappointed. Although depsite that it was fairly entertaining film to watch, wouldn't watch again though.


And before that was 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' - one of my favourite films ever, introducing it to the new gf :D You should watch this if you've never seen it.

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And before that was 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' - one of my favourite films ever, introducing it to the new gf :D You should watch this if you've never seen it.

Second movie I've watched with my girlfriend - perfect movie for such an occassion ;)

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If I said what film I watched recently, I will most likely be thrown in the bin.


If it's childish, no-one here will care ;)


Well I'm not gonna lie: I've rewatched Monster Inc. recently with some others and I loved it :D


Aye, it is awesome. I prefer despicable me though:

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If I said what film I watched recently, I will most likely be thrown in the bin.


If it's childish, no-one here will care  ;)




Well, I went to go see MLP: EG with some friends. It will be funny they said. It's going to suck so bad it will be funny, they also said. I hate my friends. The only time I go to cinema with them in a long time and they do this to me. Bastards.

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If it's childish, no-one here will care  ;)

Well, I went to go see MLP: EG with some friends. It will be funny they said. It's going to suck so bad it will be funny, they also said. I hate my friends. The only time I go to cinema with them in a long time and they do this to me. Bastards.



Had to google that, but yeah, you were kinda led into that one. Just get back at them sometime ;)

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The last movie I watched was "Catch Me If You Can" (2002)


It's based on a true story, about this 16 year old con man who evades the feds for a good number of years.

Actors include Tom Hanks and Leonardo Dicaprio. I advise all of you to watch it at least once! ;-)

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If it's childish, no-one here will care  ;)

Well, I went to go see MLP: EG with some friends. It will be funny they said. It's going to suck so bad it will be funny, they also said. I hate my friends. The only time I go to cinema with them in a long time and they do this to me. Bastards.



Had to google that, but yeah, you were kinda led into that one. Just get back at them sometime ;)


I suppose I kinda did... But they were all like, "Hey dude, lets just ruin the film for everyone hurr durr.". But... They just sat there. That was the scariest moment of my life.

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My recent new releases I've seen:


Despicable Me 2, Monsters University- I group these together because they were fairly similar both in quality and audience. Had an enjoyable time in both, thought they both fell a bit short of their origins, but overall both were a fun experience.


The Lone Ranger- I actually disagreed with a lot of people that this movie was inherently bad. I thought it was very derivative (and not of The Lone Ranger) and I felt it truly missed the entire ideology behind the original, but regardless of those less relevant points I thought it was an entertaining watch and worth the money I paid to see it.


Man Of Steel- For me this was the real shocker of this movie season. I should start by saying I love comics but I truly despise what has been done with Superman in the past decade; but this movie was incredibly. If you haven't seen it, buy the DVD you will not be disappointed. It really brought back the old feel of Superman and managed to be a fantastic movie on its own merit at the same time. The biggest victory for me was having a more relatable villain than any other I've seen in the past 20 years. Really absolutely a shining gem amongst some really horrible movie adaptations of comics.


The last not-new movie I watched was Jackass which... well. Ya. It's Jackass.

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I've re-watched Heat and recently watched Dog Days Afternoon with the gf.


In a sort of heist movie feel, to get ready for Payday 2 :P

Just to tell you. Payday 2 is amazing :D



Aye looking forward to it. Thankfully I'm lucky enough to know 3 mates who are also getting it so co-op is going to be awesome.

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I recently watched The Heat... It was fucking hilarious. I don't like how they tried to make light of killing side-characters. They only killed two side characters for the sake of the humor along with plot, but both were rather... Brutal, and not that funny. One dude got his throat cut open while he was choking, the other exploded when he started a car engine. I winced both times.

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I watched The Garden Of Words, which is a short anime film. I thought this was fantastic. The animation was amazing, the story was sad but enjoyable. I love how they manage to make it feel real and casual between the two. Loved it!

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I watched The Howling, which is a 80s Werewolf-flick that had some horrible effects but was quite good all in all. I am a big fan of horror and terror movies and have recently started to watch older films i had  not seen yet.

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World War Z: Watched it in 3D, but I don't think it ads a lot to the movie. If you can get past the fact that they pretty much butchered the story it was based on, you're left with an entertaining film. nothing more, but certainly nothing less. 6/10


Warm bodies: I was afraid that it would do to zombies what twilight did to vampires, but I was pleasantly surprised. It gets away with itself because it doesn't take itself too seriously and is outright funny in places. Still I think they could have made more from the original idea. 7/10


The Ring 2: Boring Garbage 4/10 tries to implement elements of the original in a new and original story, and fails horribly.


Act of Valor: The fact they used real navy seals for this.... thing, so the acting is pretty atrocious isn't its worst problem. . It's the cliche-ridden plot and the cardboard characters, that makes it torturously boring. Except for the moments that were supposed to be dramatic. Those were unintentionally funny. The action sequences and filming itself were decent to good, be it as predictable as the rest of the movie, but what was up with the FPS POV? 3/10

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  • 3 weeks later...

Watched 'God Bless America' last night. Bascially a cynical middle aged guy who gets diagnosed with a brain tumour starts to murder everyone who he thinks deserves to die, starting with a girl on that 'sweet 16' program...


It's great.


Introduction scene is here (warning, violent):








Right cynical bastards film :-D




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