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About k12314

  • Birthday 11/10/1996

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    Video games, modding, Lets Plays, zombies

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  1. So I tried to join the server as "Nick Raines", escaped the starter house in Muldraugh, then got kicked and banned from the server. :/
  2. Or have Old Man Jenkins bite the dust and turn in the middle of the night, eat his entire family, and said family then starts roaming the streets with less throat and more flesh hunger than they had before.
  3. So, since the health system is being re-vamped, I've had a few ideas, some inspired by the upcoming addition of NPCs. You normally don't heal a huge bruise or a broken arm with just a bandage. Lemme just list off the ideas instead of rambling on: Bruises/Blunt trauma: Instead of causing bleeding, these could just cause increased pain and possible lowered use from the limb it's inflicted on, like causing your arm to feel weak or go numb. These can be healed with either painkillers or a cold item applied to the surface, like a frozen bag of peas or a cold can of soda to relieve the pain and reduce swelling. Cuts/Slashes: These can be handled as they are now. Depending on the severity, you may need more bandages to cover them up. Possibly even use a needle and thread/twine/etc. to suture yourself, though this would be incredibly painful and time-consuming. Broken/Fractured bones: These would be severe, seriously limiting or completely negating use of the limb without incredible pain. These would need to be set, requiring the character to be still and given time to move the bone, then covered with a splint, which could be made with a sturdy stick and a bandage. Any use of the broken limb while it is healing would set back or negate any healing it has gone through. Illness: This is going to be implemented, that much I know. We have what appears to be the flu along with a cold in the game so far, remedied with medication, rest, and food. This doesn't need much change asides from the addition of more sicknesses and remedies, like cold medicine, antibiotics, etc. Headache/Migrane: This could be unique, caused by things like loud noises (firing a gun with no hearing protection tends to cause these), stress, blunt force to the head, etc. These would cause pain of course, and would require painkillers and a non-stressful, quiet environment, or it will take longer to go away.
  4. Mix trapping, fishing, and farming. Infinite food, but lots of hard work, and plenty of errors you gotta account for.
  5. The one thing I know that doesn't need changed is loot amounts. There's a fuckload of loot now, but think: The NPCs will need to eat soon. So yeah, we have loads because we're on our own, but once NPCs are in resources are gonna be a lot more scarce from groups hoarding food and tools.
  6. Mine is a regular baseball bat. The nailed bat has lower durability, so I stick with the regular one. Good range, good damage, and it doesn't wear you out as fast as an axe or sledgehammer. And in reality, a bat has way less chance to get stuck like a bladed weapon. So yeah, for me a bat is the best way to go. I just hope they add a rare metal bat with more durability and damage but higher exertion.
  7. I agree, there could be some people who are planning to leave the place, (but never be able to), so they accept money so they can use it in the civilized world, in exchange for items I am glad that money is generating so much discussion. I actually don't like the idea of trading at all with money. I think it would morph the game in a direction that would spoil the mood. I think money's purpose in the game should be to highlight the desperation and breakdown of society. Use it for fuel. Make it otherwise worthless. Maybe...just MAYBE let an npc use it for trading, not because it is worth anything but because the NPC is crazy and not accepting reality. I think money should be used for achievements, kindling, mood, and possibly a motivator for a crazy npc. Trading...not so much. Just my 2 cents. Any trading should be infrequent and minimal. Like you said, have it be some loon or weirdo who refuses to accept the idea of societal collapse. And don't let him sell you a shotgun or something stupid like that, have it be small. A can of beans, a box of cereal, possibly a worthless item that used to be valuable (I.E. jewelry), etc. Just something that you can take to make you last a tad bit longer, or something that's total junk. Why would you buy junk? just to give money? Karma is never going to be implemented That... Isn't what I was getting at. Yes, some NPCs would sell junk, and if you buy it you might get on their good side and they would be willing to sell tidbits of food. Or they'll give you the necklace or whatever they sold you and tell you to fuck off. And like I said, not all NPCs would sell useless junk. Some of them may sell, like I said, cans of beans, or maybe a box of cereal. It all would depend on what they have, and their personality. Not everyone would sell junk, and not everyone is going to sell food or a can of gas.
  8. I agree, there could be some people who are planning to leave the place, (but never be able to), so they accept money so they can use it in the civilized world, in exchange for items I am glad that money is generating so much discussion. I actually don't like the idea of trading at all with money. I think it would morph the game in a direction that would spoil the mood. I think money's purpose in the game should be to highlight the desperation and breakdown of society. Use it for fuel. Make it otherwise worthless. Maybe...just MAYBE let an npc use it for trading, not because it is worth anything but because the NPC is crazy and not accepting reality. I think money should be used for achievements, kindling, mood, and possibly a motivator for a crazy npc. Trading...not so much. Just my 2 cents. Any trading should be infrequent and minimal. Like you said, have it be some loon or weirdo who refuses to accept the idea of societal collapse. And don't let him sell you a shotgun or something stupid like that, have it be small. A can of beans, a box of cereal, possibly a worthless item that used to be valuable (I.E. jewelry), etc. Just something that you can take to make you last a tad bit longer, or something that's total junk.
  9. I'm gonna miss completely decimating zombies with the shotgun. But now the question is... How the FUCK is anyone gonna get into the mall now?
  10. Oh God, what have you done? There are already enough moderators to abuse their power, ARE YOU NOT SATISFIED? I'm joking of course, great job Connall.
  11. I'd worry about who could handle doing that. I dunno, sounds like fun. Then again I used to play Fallout 1-2 precisely so I could split children in half with laser guns.
  12. And that's why I love modders. Adding the stuff the devs can't due to such things being PR suicide. While some stuff may be for that, a few things that are the list are more the sake of their own sanity (If I remember correctly). See Sex/Rape. Some stuff, you just don't want to program. That is also a good point. I can imagine some people couldn't handle doing the modeling for a child having their skull caved in with a frying pan.
  13. And that's why I love modders. Adding the stuff the devs can't due to such things being PR suicide.
  14. I was born in '96. Joined the forums at 16, am now 17, gonna be 18 this November. Fuck late birthdays.
  15. Console peasants! I kid, I kid. What you playing it on? PS3. I'm too poor to upgrade to a PS4, but I couldn't wait to play it. It still looks really good for running on decade old hardware. Sure it's not as good looking as on next-gen or PC, but God damn is it a snazzy looking game for what it's worth. The textures still look great, the effects are good, and the city is still fairly dense, so it still feels like a busy Chicago. I'm even doing a blind Lets Play of it, mostly because I wanted to LP it ever since I got hyped for it, but a tiny part is also to show off how great the game is even on the last generation.
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