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Wilderness needs some threats


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Right now, I think the wilderness is too safe. I know I suggested it before, but I couldn't find the old topic and I know the devs were recently asking for suggestions. One of the ways I think you could make wilderness survival much more difficult is to allow zombies to hide and cross through water.


Survival would be much more difficult if zombies were not walled off in some areas (like the lake near the cabin) by large bodies of water. If they were able to, albeit very slowly, travel underwater, and pop up with little warning, it would add a whole new dimension to surviving in the wilderness. No longer would it be safe to fish all day by the lake, knowing that the zombies can't cross or hide in the water. You would have to take extraordinary precautions to circumvent this mechanic if you wanted to avoid it, making it a good addition I think. Players would not only have to worry about zombies who may already be under the lake, potentially hearing them fishing, but they would also have to worry about being spotted across the lake by zombies. If their not attentive, zombies could jump out of the water at a very inconvenient time :D


While discussing water mechanics, I think the players should have the ability to swim, although it could be a costly perk to take. Non-swimmers should be allowed to enter water as well, but if they go too deep, there should be a very high risk for drowning (multiplied if there is any zombies directly underneath the player).



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Maybe randomly-spawned animal carcasses could act as rally points for hordes? And one day this could scale up to an integrated hunting system... Until then, it could be implemented as a randomly generated spawn-state for forest cells similar to burnt/boarded houses.


Randomly generated leghold traps could also serve as a player danger and/or materials for experienced trappers.


Maybe a modified exposure metric mediated by wind/sun/temperature exposure, in addition to rain, could add to probability of becoming ill.

Edited by trombonaught
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Eh... I'm not sure I like the idea of zed coming out of the bottom of a lake because they "heard you fishing". Too immersion killing, a bit of a stretch in my opinion.


As swimming is a common skill (like riding a bike) it would be more reasonable to have it stock but add a negative trait for people who don't know how to swim (or even have a phobia of water).


Rather than going to deep, it would probably be exhaustion rather than it simply being deep that would cause them to drown, as people who don't know how to swim but fall in tend to flail their arms in what ever way keeps them above the most.

Edited by Kim Jong Un
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  • 1 month later...

I like this idea. The forest is a bit immersion breaking. Here are my suggestions from being an outdoorsman.

1.)  Put in a few tree stands or hunting blinds.

2.)  Put in fence rows. Many property lines cut through wooded areas.

3.)  I agree with the random bear trap, but make them a bit rare, and noticeable if you pay enough attention

4.)  More open spaces. At least some semblance of small animal trails would be nice. Animals such as deer often make narrow clear spot through the woods, and were they can have tall grass and some weeds, they generally aren't choking with trees.

5.)  Animal carcasses here or there are reasonable

6.)  Animals such as deer and other animals you can shoot be on screen and move like zombies, can be eaten by both humans and zombies. Hydrocraft has good examples of what I mean.

7.)  More noise! The woods is a lot quieter than the city, but there is usually always some noise, whether it be birds chirping, tree rustling, water flowing in creeks and streams, and other background noise.

8.)  Finally, briars. They are in every woods and can slow you down and cause you lots of havoc and issue.

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