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Posts posted by Etsamaru

  1. I really enjoy the idea of putting stakes in the ground at 45 degree's, sharpened sticks jammed into the ground for zombies to get stuck on. 

    Then you can go up to them and finish them off.

    You could have them break once in a while so you would have to replace them every so often.


    It would be really cool to have them around your base.


    You could use a knife on logs to carve stakes, then you would have to dig a hole and put them in the hole.

  2. It would be cool if Radios could play custom music on survival singleplayer, like have a folder on our computer that plays MP3's from that folder, would be cool to hear radios playing our music in the distance or luring zombies with "Never Gonna Give You Up."


    GTA and The Sims do this, seems like a cool idea, even though it probably wouldn't work for multiplayer. Singleplayer is good enough for me.

  3. I think she is adding snow. Think about it they said it could either be really big or small which means possibly snow tiles where every tile has to have a snowy or icy variant of it. Some people might think it's a small touch but it is a lot of work and other people might think its game-changing. Especially with the winter and having warmer clothing already being confirmed.

  4. I think you shouldn't be able to climb sheet ropes if you're too heavy or exhausted or more weight increases the chance of the rope tearing or the nail coming undone.

    Maybe have strength have something to do with it. Currently with one nail you can be carrying max weight on top of human weight while max exertion and no strength and climb a sheet rope.

  5. As it stands you can stand behind most counters. Especially twiggys and just watch them at the other end safely. They do not usually path around them. I suggest they try to climb over them and fall and become crawlers temporarily before getting up if they can.

    Same for fences. Currently they parkour over them. If they could get over them it should be clumbsy and they should pretty much go headfirst over the fence. Also if its a tall fence they should press against it and maybe with enough force knock it over. Rarely path around them.

  6. I think you might want to clarify your question(s) if you ever want any answer.

    Multiple characters will be easy to deal with if steamwork is fully integrated, I think. One alive character per account sounds like something doable.

    And to prevent wild disconnection I think a cooldown would do the trick, like people could still interact with your character for 30s to 1min after you disconnect. Forcing players to DC in safe places.

    Like Runescape. You can't just close the browser to avoid death, if you don't log out properly your character stands there vulnerable.

  7. I think it's safe to say that most people who build a base in Project Zomboid Singleplayer do so to keep themselves safe. There's no reason to do so if you're already safe the moment an area has been cleared out and it remains that way indefinitely.


    I think migratory patterns would make the game more exciting and dynamic... True migration, not just 'horde spawns 2 cells away and march in your direction automatically' (Though that isn't a bad thing, neither). Something that people can witness and possibly even avoid when living a nomadic lifestyle. Imagine if you will that the hordes - the ones that already form on their own - begin to move in seemingly random patterns that may stretch across the map, usually along urban / rural areas. Building a base would then have a reason due to said wandering hordes having the potential to stumble upon you and attack you. A base would have value aside from bragging rights. People who keep moving might be able to even map out said movements and skirt around them, or wander into the town / region said zeds have just abandoned for free loot.


    Right now, if I make my way to any of the farms, or any house with a garden, I can usually afford to not build walls or any defenses once the area's been cleared out because the only zeds that wander by are ones that stray due to sound - usually helicopters.

    I wouldn't mind a 

    Spawn Horde

    Horde moves in RANDOM direction, which MIGHT be in your direction.

    also the horde spawn would be anywhere between 1-500 zombies, and would

    be super rare.

  8. I'd go as far as to say that it's because death is NOT permanent. 

    If you kill someone they will come back and hunt you down, if you kill a bandit they will respawn and come back.

    PvP is PvP though.

    I think a lot will be remedied when the world gets a lot bigger so everyone isn't cramped in the same places and you can hold up somewhere, unnoticed.

    Where you would want to go unnoticed and hide from bandits.

    Also they REALLY need to make world chat only if you have a radio, and not show names above peoples heads at all. 

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