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About Svarog

  • Birthday 06/01/1993

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    Pretty good at point blank range.
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    Actually I don't seek you. You're the one reading my profile.
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    Is a nice echochamber if you block everyone who disagrees.

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  1. I can't take credit for the UI. The UI was coded by ExtcentriCreation i just expanded NecroForge beyond an item spawner that Excentri created. Thank him/her and ZedHead for NecroForge being a thing with UI. I can only take credit for everything it does beyond spawning items.
  2. Welp, finally had some time and did an update. There's more to do but it works. Should be compatible with Build 39, 40 and IWBUMS 41 without issues. If there are any, do let me know. Necroforge 2.7b Changelog Added Missing Clothing Items Added Missing Skills to EXP Debug Menu [Backwards Compatible] Added Support for Clothing Dryers and Washer objects to Tile/Object Cloner New Vehicle Function - Spawn Vehicle New Vehicle Function - Debug Repair Full (Adds Missing Parts Too) New Vehicle Function - Debug Remove Vehicle Fixed Generated Vehicle Key had Default Key Icon Fixed Some Weapons Being Miscategorized into Ammo Fixed Spawning Zombies in Undies Mediafire Download: NecroForge 2.7b Also available on Steam Workshop
  3. Welp, we can replace our clothes by right clicking and using something to the like of "Wear X Instead of Y" so why not? Makes sense that it should be a thing if resources are on hand.
  4. Is the Flashlight/Light Source Character Has On or is the tile the character is on getting any light? Sounds like something the game should be able to check fairly easily before starting the read process and thus another feature.
  5. Noted, will look into it when I have some time off work, I think I know why it happens but not too sure, been a good while since I looked at the code. I know it has been a long time since I even posted anything on here but I legitimately have almost no time for anything due to RL work. I'll try to at least get an update out sometime next week with some bug fixes and updated item list. Far as moveables go, could you name some specific examples of what objects you're looking for in there?
  6. I don't even own F4 And also definitely a "cishetscum" male. Svarog is a name of a Slavic God, not exactly unique :S And thanks, means a lot to me, would love nothing more than just that, enough time to both play some vidya and go back to modding the games I really enjoy. As is I'd honestly rather play than mod in my free time. Though it legit hurts to know some of my mds for PZ are no longer working I need to update. I do hope I'll be able to come back with time and be an active member of PZ community.
  7. Is there some guy doing it under my nickname? Or is my dox out there? Damn I wish I had the time for my F:NV mods or my Wc3 Campaig WIP for 5 years :S Never published any mods for Skyrim, few for Oblivion and F:NV, some maps for Warcaraft 3 and 2 mas for DooM 2 Project Brutality just because I wanted to laugh at someone who posted his first map and it was utterly worthless (So i dled tools and made something better with zero experience, assholeish behaviour but I wear to gods, I just read the tutorial and nothing more) maps and skins for Unreal. Fck I lost tracfk of the stuff I made that's out there ages ago.
  8. Kinda feel the same on a shit contract doing 24h/48h* (*Free time ON CALL THO) Minimum Wage. I long for the time past when I had time to actually take my time and make mods
  9. Well... I was aware of that file because of NecroForge so yeah, I was using performance enhancing knowledge. Let me know if you ever get to Eastern Poland. The beer I drink is unavailable outside of the region, I'll buy you one.
  10. I was on beer #3 (Polish one with 7,6% vol, we got those in 0,5l bottles or more, we only get CocaCola in small tiny cans) when I tested (Just to see if I could figure out what to mod [took me 5mins]) that so... You're wrong.
  11. steamapps\common\ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\vehiclesvehicleitems.txt Those are the ones you need to mod. The Trunk item Property themselves. Changed MaxCapacity value to 250 on SmallTrunk1 just to check and got a SmallCar that randomly spawned on a new game to have 200 capacity (Not 250 because it spawned with damaged trunk I guess).
  12. RIP pad users. The "Weight" stat of items in PZ kinda META does this, it's a combo of Mass + Size I believe and other than stuffing random bags full of logs/planks I never had issue believing that I can actually shove the things i have in the bag into it. IMO it would be a better solution to add a layer of code into item containers that makes it possible for either allowing or prohibiting specific items being put into them, that way we could have for example a wallet container but it would only "accept" cash/credit cards/random note/etc. as items to store and you couldn't shove a pistol in there. That and prohibiting logs/generator/tires being shoved into containers that there is just no way in hell could contain them.
  13. How about PERCENTAGES in the option menu. % of Shamblers % of Fast Shamblers % of Joggers % of Fast Joggers % of Runners Add an option for decomposition to affect it (Fresh Zombies Run if someone so does wish as months go by they crawl nice for RP servers)
  14. Imagine where Bethesda games would be right now without modding. At the exact same place most big games are. Irrelevant, Dead and long forgotten by everyone who played it for long enough. How long does it take to beat Thief: Dark Project? I can do it in about 6-7h on Expert. And yet I remember playing that game for hundreds of hours back in the day, why? Fan Missions, dozens of them. Same for Thief 2. Why is the original DooM still alive? Modding. Hell the only reason some games exist is Modding, Counter Strike, Killing Floor... Hell, the new Doom game is based on Brutal Doom mod for the original Doom. Warcraft 3 Modding spawned one of the most popular genres available, mobas through a single MP map called DotA (I know it really started in Starcraft but whatever) Edit: To this day I wish that instead of DotA, RP maps got all the attention and help spawn some awesome RP oriented projects :/ All the games that are hard to mod I ever played, I played, for however long it took to get through the story, and then never again unless the gameplay was really that good AND/OR had multiple endings that were worth a second playthrough which is rare. I would legitimately argue that modding is one of the most important things when it comes to any game's longevity. Not MP, not DLC, not lootboxes, fuck all that (Unless you're EA and into $$$ whales will buy that shit no matter how far you shove that harpoon up their ass), all games that have JUST that DIE. Games that are moddable live forever. Fking Freedom Force modding exists to this day and people buy old Windows 98 PCs just to run the Map Editor. Edit: I will admit, I am burned out by PZ but somehow (gee i wonder how considering what I said above) I keep coming back to it. Despite work, despite fcked up IRL drama I got involved in (Why I don't update my mods anymore, for which I am infinitely sorry) It's because, Official updates or mods, there is always something fresh for me to experience in it, be it a new map, random content or some basic but fun to fck around with for a few hours NPCs. Edit #5: And that's my complete rant on gaming v0.9.
  15. Click an option Select it and then click the Remove button on the lower right side of the window (Trash Can icon above the Anvil icon)
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