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Everything posted by Capt_Paradox

  1. So I was testing out the new test branch 41.40 and after fishing it seemed to crash. Not the first time, but my second time fishing. Console Log: Also included video though it doesn't show much. Steam PC Info Report: PzFishingCrash.mp4
  2. That's just a zombie spawn issue. Funny but easy enough to fix. On a plus side, my experiences spawning zombies over water is that they make a great shooting range! LONG LIVE....... err LONG DEAD....... err ROCK ON ZOMBIE JESUS! there we go
  3. Hell even I still used cassette tapes in the 90's as CD's and CD Players were expensive. Sony Walkman was still the king in the 90's. Also I like some of the vintage ideas he had. Regarding the music. I'm not for or against his alternatives, but I really do dislike the PZ soundtrack. The Arabic is really off-putting. I think the John Carpenter tension filled vibe would be a great direction to explore. Also banjos and violins might be quaint if your not from or around the US but every time I hear them I wish I was dead. Violins in a classical style or Banjo's in other genre's? Yeah awesome. It's not scary just annoying. He has a lot of good ideas though. I'm actually really impressed with his post. PS: I don't mean to crap all over the music, I just feel like if your going for immersive gaming it could be done better. The music itself isn't bad at all, just not the best context wise for this game. Edit: I turned off the music years ago. So that guy isn't the only one. Occasionally I let it roll for a few months after a fresh install or something but eventually it goes off. Another idea would be the ability to add a ingame MP3 player via the menu. Would def be cool, or perhaps at least some voice acted radio broadcasts which I wish there was more of.
  4. Still lurking hoping someone will do a good tutorial on how to make custom challenge maps. Interesting read though.
  5. The mall is a laggy chunk. It always has been. Best thing I can say would be to get as far away from the mall as possible and restart the game. Mall + Zombies = This is how you died. Though even on a toaster like mine, I've lured them away and cleared the mall. It's still pretty choppy.
  6. So I've held off trying Vehicles because well....... Toaster PC with integrated Intel Card. If you have one, don't try. It will not work. Freezes at the main menu. If you can click beyond the main menu like Solo/Options - It will then hang/freeze or just exit itself. I guess I'm glad I backed up the last stable version because it sounds like it will be this computers last playable version.
  7. Yeah. sorry I forgot to mention that. Ever since I learned that, I avoided using the draw room tool. You can still use it to designate rooms but just put walls to none.
  8. So as you see above in the red circle on the toolbar, click the the select tool. Then you can select what objects/walls you want to copy by holding CTRL. Drag and Magic! Hope this helps!
  9. True. I guess now all I have to worry about is the new weather system eh? Bonus. Thanks for pointing that out. MP is still prolly going to be no go. Who knows maybe I'll try it out later so I can have a good cry.
  10. Hah EG you know I have had my share of moments in the past being frustrated at certain issues regarding this game. Some of which could have been handled better on my part, some of which could have been handled better on TIS's part. Though now days I like to think my relationship with you and others has evolved to a far more pleasant relationship. One of of patience and understanding. So I understand both sides. It for both is equally frustrating. Though I do think people's departures sometimes are related to the passage of time. For me and a few others I know it's more of just being worn out, waiting for key features or in the case of MP a lack of players.(Yes seasonal blah blah yahta yahta yahta) So for now I have reverted to being a lurker in the background just wondering if I should back up the last build before vehicles hit so I have something to play on my toaster. I've yet to switch to Vehicle branch but I can only assume with the game getting more demanding it will probably make it unplayable till I get a new computer (which won't be soon). All in all I'm not disappointed or upset with the progress. It's more of a "You should say I love you more often" type of situation in regards to the status of things like NPC's. Good Work on the other stuff. Hope to hear I love you soon!
  11. I am one of those people waiting for NPC's. I am also looking forward to when they might have more time to do things like make Custom Scenarios/Challenge maps possible for map makers (Currently it would require modding which not all map makers have, like myself). You said a lot about NPC's, which I think might not help matters. Everyone puts NPC's on a pedestal. People keep saying it's taking forever because they want to get it right and not to rush it. Okay cool. But from what I know from my experience following PZ over the years, Map Making and chats with people like Nolan - It's not an easy task. I think NPC's will be great. But I also think the reason why they are so coveted in regards to development updates are because they are the one thing they really can't screw up and they know that people's expectations are high. For years we've had updates about many upcoming features or at least what's going on in the background - even if it's without an ETA (which is fine!). But you'll notice there is ZERO talk about NPC's. I think if we lower our expectations of NPC's it would really reduce the stress of the dev team. Hell, they might be more open to even mention whether or not they've even started working on it at all recently. I think if Vehicles took this long and NPC's are dependent on stuff like Animations and other updates - they probably haven't made much headway in regards to NPC development yet. So I've restrained myself over the past couple years in even talking about it. I think NPC's will be good, but not like what you expect. I think NPC's need Animations done before they even start developing it (doubt they have done much lately). I think NPC's are easily 2 years away. I think NPC's will create a lot of overhead performance wise that will create more issues than anyone assumes. It's a touchy subject for good reason. But I'd really like to give the devs more breathing rooms and space to hopefully come to us and say hey "No new teases but yes we are doing what we can to facilitate NPC development for when Animations complete. We're constantly taking into account how zombies, vehicles and even Nolan's survivors mod functions to look at future performance hurdles. We'd like to release more information but we don't want to tease the community. Though we can say that NPC capabilities will be A,B,C and beyond without saying more to not commit or limit ourselves to what we can do." Now that would be something I'd love to read once in awhile or hear more about.
  12. That's because your trying to add them the proper way which can be a pain sometimes. Your better off just clicking the image and then placing it as is instead of setting it up as you are to use in ISO mode. You are going about it right though, but I wouldn't set it up as Furniture and you have to make sure you have a the directions correct too. If I wasn't so tired I'd try to walk you through it so maybe tomorrow.
  13. Yeah, best way is to go under Tile View - Then select fencing_01 in the Menu - Then select your fence - Right Click to get the popup menu - Select Wall Overlay or Similar - Then Place your fence. You can also use fixtures_railings and set it up the same way as well. I hope it helps. Let me know if you have any questions. Keep up the mapping! It does take forever but is really rewarding once you get even a small location/town going.
  14. Capt_Paradox

    Test Track

    Don't worry I'm sure they know better after the whole red cross BS. And even before.
  15. Yeah, I was trying to be balanced about it. Because it's a great game, but it has even greater potential. What you just said has pretty much made me sad though, cause now I feel like I'll never get to see/experience what I wanted. It also confuses me even more in regards to Fort Knox and the military...... I mean if there's no Single Player Narrative ....... Ugh.. Just sad. I wanted to see the Military roll into the game when they setup the quarantine zone, think things got under control. Then get overran and all that good stuff. Or as I nagged before, at least a event system for custom maps or scenario's would fill this void. Thanks for the input. Still curious about the technical limitations and whether or not that has intimidated them which is why so many things get shelved besides the obviously stated reasons. Kudo's to most people for keeping this conversation civil. It's a hard one to have without people just being a dick. PS I still love PZ so no hard feelings intended. Just sad. Meet other survivors who you can join forces with, trade with, undertake missions for, or fight with for resources. That's the part that won me over ^^^^
  16. I've been on the rage side of this conversation before, it didn't go well. I've also been on the be patient side. But I think the main point is this - we didn't buy the game years ago for MP, Cars, or any of this other stuff. We didn't buy a sandbox game, we bought a game that was a story about the zombie apocalypse. The early version I would call a tech demo had NPC's. That's what helped sell this game when I bought it on desura. Then it felt like after all the problems they went through, we got the bait and switch once they redid it without any basic NPC's. I got over that feeling awhile ago (at least to the point of raging). I even found new ways to appreciate this game. That being said, I think there are technical limitations to this game that make the devs wary of even approaching things like NPC's, Big Cities and other things of that magnitude. I worry that they might be in over their heads sometimes in regards to these grand ambitions and just hope that this is not all their procrastination at confronting something they are afraid won't work well. Vehicles and animations are great and all....... even MP........... but I'm in it for single player, a campaign or story line with NPC's and not this sandbox crap. I've heard very little recently or EVER about the direction of the single player other than radio broadcasts. I don't need an ETA, but the public really would like to know whether or not TIS is up to the task, capable of the task and what the end goal is regarding these years old game ideas that some of us bought the game for. I've been silent for a few years because I know how taboo NPC's are, so I generally only push for more about single player event systems in mapping. But have received little to no feedback even on that. So, at this point we need some input as to what I said above - wtf is going on? Not when.
  17. 1990's Buick Estate Station Wagon (RoadMaster!)
  18. Editing the vanilla files is a total pain in the ass. But adding campsites and outposts are a lot easier. I'll link some options of how and what to do later.
  19. I'm on my phone so bare with me. https://pzwiki.net/wiki/Modding#Mapping_Tutorials What you saw previously was called creative mode that was a in game map editor. It was put on the backburner till a later time. People currently use TileZed which is the official map editor. If you check out the link I included you will find some mapping tutorials to get started. There really isn't one tutorial that covers everything and some stuff is out of date yet still contains some useful information. I suggest checking out blackbeards video tutorials on that link. It will give you a great idea of what it takes to get started. Also there is a good group of helpful mappers on the PZ discord mapping channel. Between that and the mapping forums you should be able to find most of your questions. If you have any more questions let me know and when I get on my laptop later ill explain in more detail.
  20. Hah sounds like the PD is lazy and spewed off some BS. Good luck to you and your family, I've been in similar situations and its frightening and horrible. I'll refrain from further comments just for the sake of not derailing Queen Glorys page!
  21. You can change things in the editor if it's easier. Top Right Tool Bar, Select the BMP Brush, then this new window pops up, scroll down to the Asphalt(main roads) and you can paint over parts of the map. Make sure to select the correct layer on the Left side of TileZed when you do. You can also click on options and set the size of the brush (which makes doing roads easy) I have mine set for 15 (which does enough to make that 4 lane highway). You can set it to whatever you want and also choose a round shape instead of square for other purposes. This might be easier than editing the base layout files for you. Take a stab see what you think. If you haven't gotten too far you can't mess up much yet, right?
  22. Exactly, she's currently in long term rehab from an injury. We just went over a couple of hours ago to water her plants and feed her mob of cats. Her place is actually better than most, it's a double wide, with a den that has a real fireplace that has a door off to deck (where there use to be hot-tub) and a plum tree that overhangs it. There's a carport up front to protect vehicles from snow and the entrance. 2 Bedrooms and a Jacuzzi bathtub in the bathroom. Roses and good landscaping all the way around the building, with a hickory tree out front. Besides the scumbags, nearly dead elderly people that have no family to help maintain their homes, mobs of cats everywhere and crappy water supply it is pretty nice lol. The property managers are total tools though and get a way with murder when it comes to the elderly residents. The property rent has gone up 10X since she bought the place outright 20 years ago. At this point she could have bought a full sized house with that money alone. Sad. Now my roomie and his sister are trying to figure out what to do with it when she dies. Selling the home is strange, because most people don't want to buy something they don't own as we both said. So it's a hard market. The resale value, even on a nice one like hers is far less than the money invested.
  23. My roommates mom lives in a community like that ^^^. She constantly tells me about *deals* lol. I don't want something I don't own the property too either. Also there are elevator door sprites, but no functioning elevators in game. Silly, but true.
  24. You might be using Tile Mode, get out of it and use ISO mode for stairs. Click the Stairs Icon on the top toolbar, then Stairs on the right side menu, select the stairs you want. Then place them in the editor.
  25. I don't use Mapazoid, though I have checked it out. Once you get the base files down things start to make sense, so I'm glad that worked out for you. Creative mode is currently on the backburner, so no you didn't waste any time. So far using Mapazoid is the simplest way to get started. So your not missing out on anything. http://pzwiki.net/wiki/Modding#Mapping_Tutorials <---------Some links to useful tutorials. Some are out of date, but provide useful information that does carry across most of the recent updates. As there isn't a all in one tutorial yet that covers every topic. Base Layout Colors Veg Map Colors ^^^^^^^^^ These little color key's make it easy to use a color picker and make your base/veg maps in the future. There's a lot of ways to map, you can make roads in TIleZed directly or use those base Layout colors to make roads and paths. I find TileZed gives me more of a visual representation for me to work with than using the color codes. As far as foliage goes, if your using Mapazoid that might be true. If you want to add tree's and stuff later on to detail out your map, it is possible using TileZed. Though i do highly suggest you do all your Veg mapping before you start building. It will be much easier having that out of the way and if there is any land or areas you want to change in TileZed it's totally possible afterwards. I started my first map using the horrible green to the right of the red line. The rest of the grass/trees/foliage I did in TileZed itself. If I were doing more than a 1 cell map I would (again) highly recommend doing it first using Mapazoid or using the color keys. But it's really up to you.
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