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Small but Important Suggestions Thread


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3 hours ago, AlisterSinclair said:

Go here in options: image.png.b9fca2fcf52c76869970c96451ea092e.pngand change jump scare SFX to zero

thanks) in the translation it was not entirely clear what exactly the translators meant   (or is it my problem with english)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Partial Clothing Destruction


For larger articles of clothing, instead of just having the "rip clothing" option destroy the piece completely, it should partially destroy it, allowing you to rip off sleeves, pant legs, etc. to generate 1 or 2 ripped sheets while leaving the piece still wearable. After all, it was the south, thats how they made Daisy Dukes.


Might also be cool if the regular clothing damage system could force this to happen if an article takes enough damage in the same place, ripping off whole sleeves or pant legs, greatly reducing it's condition

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

1260: You can grow grass, eg grows back, have seeds to plant, or can move grass
1261: Grass related farming products making Hay, Silage. The ability to plant grass seeds

1262: Street Names and housing addresses. Adding this feature to the map will create the ability for so many mini story elements, eg you could have wallets with driver licence with address. A zombie could have an address and keys on them, you go to that address and they could have a locked garage, or gun safe or car. 

It would make for another way to drive people to other parts of the map.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Honestly I have and Idea for two good small visual changes that should be added


1. At least a normal texture for some items placed down in the world (Like adding textures to fish and some pies without making it look like a picnic cloth and making it so some items like gun slings have a 3d model)


2. Having visual attachments to guns. I want to see my M14 rifle having a scope on it or my M16 when it doesn't have a mag in it, seeing no mag on the gun while on the 3d model.


Its probably harder for the second option but I have no idea I have literally no coding experience so idk

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  • 2 weeks later...

I understand that winters in Kentucky are relatively warm.but taking into account the apocalypse (maybe nuclear explosions), the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere decreases and the temperature decreases.

a brutal winter (with blizzards and snow drifts (and the inability to move on snowy roads in cars)) would be a good challenge in the late game


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1: I don't think you should be able to put a entire zombie corpse in your inventory, why don't you just add a animation for pulling zombies by like the legs or hands.

2: Alcohol helps you go to sleep, but it does negatively effect sleep quality.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

There is an option to reduce damage in general, but it would be really nice to have an additional option to INCREASE OVERALL MAXIMUM HEALTH. I'm thinking like 2x all the way to 100x more. One can die extremely quickly from a few bites and it would be nice to be able to actually survive but suffer and have to bandage yourself everywhere. This would also make doctors so much more important as you will be more likely to encounter players with multiple injuries that need to be tended to. Even in the vanilla version of the game I still feel like the Maximum Health should be at least 2x so that I can bleed a little more.

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1. Is it possible to make the decorations (pillows on the sofa, stickers on the refrigerator) remain in place when moving objects? (You can make a separate option for their removal)


2. Is it possible to dismantle different doors and insert them into created doorways


3.in build 42 they promised to add care for house plants. Is it possible to add more of these small plants (cacti?) and care for them.so far I have only found this table flower

ProjectZomboid64 2024-01-11 17-45-46-31.jpg

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  • 2 months later...

Has anyone suggested the ability to find a dog then use it to help you kill zombies or you could control it. Like a drone for a given distance. If it runs away too much it could run away in a random direction. You could also have books that would allow you to teach it to look for mushrooms in the woods for foraging or to bark if zombies are a certain radius around you.

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  • 1 month later...

1. Allow more "fine-tuning" of water/electricity shut-off. 

Allow us to choose an exact range in days (or even hours). I think it would be best if it shut off after about one week, but I have to set it to one month.


2. Remove/rename the "proper zombies" tickbox.

Maybe it's just me, but I find it kind of annoying. Like I'm "not playing the game properly" if I change it. And it's pretty subjective I reckon. In my personal opinion, "proper zombies" would be the original Romero "Night of the Living Dead" zombies, and I reckon they could only be classified as "slow shamblers". There's plenty of other ways to make it more challenging.


3. Allow controller input binding

It would be so much nicer to be able to bind keys where I want them on the controller. The auto-zoom feature, for example is decent, but being able to map zoom functionality to bumpers or the directional-pad would be fantastic. Same with car controls.

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  • 1 month later...

Suggestion to move the default save directory for the native Linux client.
Right now Zomboid creates a new dir in userhome ("/home/USER/Zomboid") which is pretty unusual and causes clutter. Most games do something like "/home/USER/.local/share/Zomboid".

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