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What the heck?


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I ate some burnt food from a microwave, then like 1 game hour later got sick...ok this much I understand.  Then like 1 more game hour later I notice Im injured. So I eat a large amount of food and go to bed to combat the sickness and ... I just died in my sleep...       I had not a single other scratch or any kind of injury. Char was like total of 4 days old. 


My suggestion is that, this is ridiculous and should be fixed.

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My suggestion: A microwave shouldn't 'burn' food. This too is ridiculous! Dry it out to a point that it tastes terrible from over-cooking sure, but not 'burning'. (assuming you didn't put anything shiny in there too. Btw did you put a frying pan/cooking pot or something in there with the food? That could start a fire which could have burned the food IRL).


I know its because a microwave in game is treated just like any of the other cooking devices. But, IRL operation of a microwave will never get food much hotter than the boiling point of water. They work by exciting water molecules into vibrating, this vibration creates heat. The water will heat up to a point that it changes to steam and evaporates from the food. Which is one of many reasons why we don't 'cook' with a microwave, but use them to heat up items.


EDIT: Did you burn popcorn? That microwavable popcorn (back in 1993) was made with a number of cancer causing agents. Maybe you developed 'popcorn lung' (no joke look it up) and died in your sleep from asphyxiation.

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Once when microwave ovens were new to me I left some food in one for too long and I noticed it was smoking. I opened the door and there was a flash of light. My food was dry and black.

When organic stuff gets hot enough it breaks down. Flammable gasses like carbon monoxide are given off and rise upwards because they are hot. In fresh air this hot flammable gas reacts with oxygen in the air and gives off light (if the surface is hot enough). This is a flame. In the absence of oxygen the gasses are given off and don't burn, and charcoal is left behind because oxygen doesn't reduce it to ash (I don't mean reduce as opposed to oxidise). Charcoal can be made by only giving the wood a little oxygen, enough for it to be hot but not enough to burn the charcoal away. It can also be made by putting the wood in a tin with a hole in the top and heating it over a fire. This wood gas that is given off can be used to power things. You can also get tar.

My food got so hot it was breaking down into charcoal and flammable gas, and opening the door probably gave it the oxygen needed to burn. The food in the middle was still good, so I ate that.

Maybe in PZ there should be a timer on the microwave so that if your cooking skill is high enough it turns itself off automatically when the food is done.

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