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  1. The preparation of the bowl of oatmeal and cereal do not agree in the amount of hunger satiety that it offers compared to the amount that the packages of oatmeal and cereal have, when preparing the bowl of oatmeal or cereal it offers an amount of 10 and 8 of satiety and it is not congruent with the amount that they offer without preparing since the package of oatmeal offers 50 and the cereal offers 40 of hunger satiety. After preparing the bowls of cereal or oatmeal the packages of oatmeal or cereal disappear from the inventory, the logical thing would be for them to remain in the inventory, less the amount that has been prepared in the bowl, in addition to adding the plus that the milk would give it.
  2. 1. Use "Prepare Bread Dough" recipe. 2. Bake the resulting bread. 3. The (round) baked loaf gives -31 hunger (BTW, this doesn't match looted square loaves, which give -30, but maybe the extra point is due to being home-made). 4. Use the "Slice Bread" recipe on the freshly baked loaf. 5. You get 3 slices, each giving -8 hunger, for a total of -24. By contrast, slicing a looted (square) bread loaf produces 3 slices giving -10 hunger (for a total of -30). This means either: a) Baked loaves are meant to be smaller (and in that case should only give -24 hunger to being with), b) Baked loaves should produce 4 slices (not 3) giving -8 each when processed by "Slice Bread", or c) Baked loaves should produce bigger slices (ex., 3 slices giving -10 or -11 hunger each, instead of -8).
  3. I've got several reports about this: (Not from my mod. from my PZ community (They uses Korean language) 1. There's a Food, let's say this is a SuperApple 2. SuperApple has nil Calories by somehow. (not Zero) 3. If you added SuperApple into your soup or something, and when player eats it, then calories set to nil. 4. once it's set to nil, player can no longer gain or loose his calories. 5. Because, 0 + 2000 = 2000 nil + 2000 = nil nil + 543543 - 90283 * 4324 = nil This mostly happens with modded food, HOWEVER I strongly think Basegame should correct this itself or at least shows an error. I haven't dug Java or Lua related this yet but I'm pretty sure they are just passing even value is nil when player try to use SuperApple for cooking ingredients. Thanks I'm not the one who experiencing this issue, I don't know how to reproduce it myself. above step is what I'm guessing from their report.
  4. Opened a can of beans and placed it on the table, then took an empty bowl and pressed "make a bowl of beans" or how it named. Anyway, i got a bowl of beans, but instead of tin can got a bowl. Bowl magic)
  5. Cutting bacon into strips resets it to uncooked and cutting bacon cooked strips to bits resets it to uncooked Status
  6. Version: 42.0.2 Rev: 25282 2024-12-22 Mode: Singleplayer Mods: None Save: New Save 1) Have a Base.Antibiotics in your inventory (bug also happens if antibiotic is on the ground or any reachable container) 2) Open the crafting menu => An error is logged. I saw there're other bug reports relating to this item, but as it's not in the same circumstances I though it was better to file a new bug report. Sorry if I should have not. STACK TRACE ----------------------------------------- Callframe at: isNormalAndFullFood function: NormalGoodFullFood -- file: recipecode.lua line # 3006 | Vanilla function: GenericPacking -- file: recipecode.lua line # 2989 | Vanilla Callframe at: setRecipes function: refreshRecipeList -- file: ISHandCraftPanel.lua line # 213 | Vanilla function: createChildren -- file: ISHandCraftPanel.lua line # 58 | Vanilla function: instantiate -- file: ISUIElement.lua line # 696 | Vanilla function: createChildren -- file: ISHandcraftWindow.lua line # 43 | Vanilla function: instantiate -- file: ISUIElement.lua line # 696 | Vanilla function: createWindow -- file: ISEntityUI.lua line # 397 | Vanilla function: OpenHandcraftWindow -- file: ISEntityUI.lua line # 534 | Vanilla function: onOptionMouseDown -- file: ISEquippedItem.lua line # 455 | Vanilla function: onMouseUp -- file: ISButton.lua line # 56 | Vanilla. [09-01-25 00:49:08.614] ERROR: General f:83513, t:1736380148614> ExceptionLogger.logException> Exception thrown java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException at NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0 (Native Method). Stack trace: java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) se.krka.kahlua.integration.expose.caller.MethodCaller.call(MethodCaller.java:62) se.krka.kahlua.integration.expose.LuaJavaInvoker.call(LuaJavaInvoker.java:211) se.krka.kahlua.integration.expose.LuaJavaInvoker.call(LuaJavaInvoker.java:201) se.krka.kahlua.vm.KahluaThread.callJava(KahluaThread.java:192) se.krka.kahlua.vm.KahluaThread.luaMainloop(KahluaThread.java:1076) se.krka.kahlua.vm.KahluaThread.call(KahluaThread.java:173) se.krka.kahlua.vm.KahluaThread.pcall(KahluaThread.java:1963) se.krka.kahlua.vm.KahluaThread.pcallBoolean(KahluaThread.java:1853) se.krka.kahlua.integration.LuaCaller.protectedCallBoolean(LuaCaller.java:91) zombie.scripting.entity.components.crafting.CraftRecipe.OnTestItem(CraftRecipe.java:904) zombie.entity.components.crafting.recipe.CraftRecipeManager.consumeInputItemInternal(CraftRecipeManager.java:870) zombie.entity.components.crafting.recipe.CraftRecipeManager.consumeInputItem(CraftRecipeManager.java:798) zombie.entity.components.crafting.recipe.CraftRecipeData.consumeInputFromItems(CraftRecipeData.java:1222) zombie.entity.components.crafting.recipe.CraftRecipeData.consumeRecipeInputs(CraftRecipeData.java:1090) zombie.entity.components.crafting.recipe.CraftRecipeData.consumeInputsInternal(CraftRecipeData.java:795) zombie.entity.components.crafting.recipe.CraftRecipeData.consumeInputsInternal(CraftRecipeData.java:778) zombie.entity.components.crafting.recipe.CraftRecipeData.canPerform(CraftRecipeData.java:554) zombie.entity.components.crafting.BaseCraftingLogic.createCachedRecipeInfo(BaseCraftingLogic.java:361) zombie.entity.components.crafting.recipe.HandcraftLogic.createCachedRecipeInfo(HandcraftLogic.java:888) zombie.entity.components.crafting.recipe.HandcraftLogic.rebuildCachedRecipeInfo(HandcraftLogic.java:878) zombie.entity.components.crafting.BaseCraftingLogic.sortRecipeList(BaseCraftingLogic.java:349) zombie.entity.components.crafting.BaseCraftingLogic.filterRecipeList(BaseCraftingLogic.java:132) zombie.entity.components.crafting.recipe.HandcraftLogic.filterRecipeList(HandcraftLogic.java:579) zombie.entity.components.crafting.BaseCraftingLogic.filterRecipeList(BaseCraftingLogic.java:87) zombie.entity.components.crafting.BaseCraftingLogic.setRecipes(BaseCraftingLogic.java:408) zombie.entity.components.crafting.recipe.HandcraftLogic.setRecipes(HandcraftLogic.java:503) java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) se.krka.kahlua.integration.expose.caller.MethodCaller.call(MethodCaller.java:62) se.krka.kahlua.integration.expose.LuaJavaInvoker.call(LuaJavaInvoker.java:211) se.krka.kahlua.integration.expose.LuaJavaInvoker.call(LuaJavaInvoker.java:201) se.krka.kahlua.vm.KahluaThread.callJava(KahluaThread.java:192) se.krka.kahlua.vm.KahluaThread.luaMainloop(KahluaThread.java:988) se.krka.kahlua.vm.KahluaThread.call(KahluaThread.java:173) se.krka.kahlua.vm.KahluaThread.pcall(KahluaThread.java:1963) se.krka.kahlua.vm.KahluaThread.pcallBoolean(KahluaThread.java:1902) se.krka.kahlua.integration.LuaCaller.protectedCallBoolean(LuaCaller.java:104) zombie.ui.UIElement.onMouseUp(UIElement.java:1626) zombie.ui.UIElement.onMouseUp(UIElement.java:1581) zombie.ui.UIElement.onConsumeMouseButtonUp(UIElement.java:1688) zombie.ui.UIManager.updateMouseButtons(UIManager.java:873) zombie.ui.UIManager.update(UIManager.java:733) zombie.GameProfiler.invokeAndMeasure(GameProfiler.java:176) zombie.GameWindow.logic(GameWindow.java:319) zombie.core.profiling.AbstractPerformanceProfileProbe.invokeAndMeasure(AbstractPerformanceProfileProbe.java:76) zombie.GameWindow.frameStep(GameWindow.java:917) zombie.GameWindow.run_ez(GameWindow.java:810) zombie.GameWindow.mainThread(GameWindow.java:610) java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "java.lang.Integer.intValue()" because the return value of "zombie.scripting.objects.Item.getPoisonDetectionLevel()" is null zombie.inventory.types.Food.isNormalAndFullFood(Food.java:2286) ... 55 more
  7. I thought about this because I found "unlabeled" cans of food. We can make Jars of Produce, so how about we can make our own canned goods? This would pair really well especially with the B42 added option to pack cans The overall idea would be to be able to make canned goods from Cooked Meals and Produce (similar to Jars with produce since we have canned potatoes, peaches and such) Making canned goods would enable people to produce Items like "Canned Stew", "Canned Soup", "Canned Roast", "Canned Stir-Fry" - Canning Fish or Meat, aswell as the option to Can Foods like Bread and Cakes, Can Milk/evaporated Milk Jars could havefer the option then to, as an example, jar foods like Salads and Fruit Salads too - but also more of the "raw" items like Corn, Mushrooms, berries and more. Basically Canning Goods could be Cooked Meals as well as some Fresh Products, while Jarred Goods could be for preserving Fresh Items. A item like a Labeler could enable players to label their goods then and those Cans and Jars also could be packed. (Filled Jars cannot be packed currently) An additional step for Cans might include "cooking" them when closed to preserve them for sure. Idea would also be that the nutritional values would be safed for each can and would also be safed for when they get packed in a box ("Pack 6 Homemade Can Food in Box" / "Pack 6 Jars of Produce in Box") This would probably need some other additions too for it to be fully sustainable in the game For Metalworking/Forging including a recipe to craft "Empty Cans" and "Can Lids" and some item to "press Can Lid on filled Can" Items like Yeast, Vinegar and Baking Powder would be needed to be craftable too I assume Items like Rice, Seaweed to be growable in the future in specially prepared spots would also add to it someday but I am getting ahead of myself here but inlcuding it for completed foods lists here. If you guy have any ideas to add to this or if I missed something like if something is already in the game (for example idk if vinegar or yeast is something craftable/findable in b42 already) then let me know please.
  8. Hi, With build 42 bringing farming, it seems to me that we lack an important part of the survival long term: The ability to cure meat (and fish). - The salting way is pretty simple and widespread. In the game, it would probably require new sources of salt available to the player (maybe some bags of dry coarse salt?). - I know that the drying without salt exists, but if I understand correctly, doing it "the old way" (without nowadays technology) makes it highly dependant on the local climate. So I don't know if it would be relevent or realistic in the game (I'm not versed in those subjects :D). - The smoking way could be done on various scales. For instance, we can imagine two types of smoking racks, for small or medium quantities of fishes / meat - something buildable out of stones, wood and leather, maybe? On a bigger scale, for more advanced bases, a full smokerhouse could be buildable (using the new masonry perk) in order to cure big quantities of fish and meat. Thank you!
  9. Version: [42.000] Mode: [Singleplayer] Server settings: [N/A] Mods: [None] Save: [New Save] Reproduction steps: 1. Arrived at house with coordinates x:1760 y:11216 z:0 (attached in screenshot). 2. [not sure if provoked by this or if the rabbit was in the fridge before] Butchered a rabbit hunted (found on the road) in the kitchen and stored in the fridge 3. In the fridge there's a full rabbit that if you butcher it, you receive meat+head but it stands still there, allowing you to perform this actions as many times as you want. On the second picture (Zomboid 2) you can see that I butchered the same rabbit 3 times (3 heads + 3 meats)
  10. I have insectiphobia and I'm trying to create a mod that replaces the names and icons/models of all the bugs in the game with "fish food." I'm completely new to modding Zomboid so I found some related posts but no definitive answer, and using the recommendations to those questions, I came up with my own mod, but it's not working. I started by creating a mod folder with mod.info, poster.png, and a media folder in my User/Zomboid/mods folder. Inside the media folder are scripts and textures folders. In scrpits, I have a script called replace.txt, and in textures I have Item_FishFood.png. So the file structure can be written like this: I'm doing a test with chips because they're a food and included in the starter kit. I've been testing variations, ex: I used the base module, changed the display name, icon, and world static model parameters, and added the override parameter, but left all the other information the same as base game. I enabled the mod in game and have been testing it by creating new save files with the starter kit option checked, but every time I load in I still see "Chips" and the chip icon. Any ideas on how I can get it to work?
  11. I would be pleased to see a new category for consumables which made it's members not be immediately eaten by the character, instead, they would be carried around in the character's mouth until they disolved, or became useless. Such food would be primarily be candies and chewing Gum, but even things like cigaretes could work this way. This would basically give a durability to the item, and the player would carry it in their mouth, (with a visual representation in the case of lollipops or cigarates, these two would also share the need to hold them with your hand for a proper consumption), making you unable to eat food unless you took the item out of your mouth and stored it, threw it away, or swallowed it (smokables would instead have a quick smoking function, with the downside of making your character cough and impact their exhaustiont). Every so often the item would lose a bit of it's durability, providing some benefits, a couple of points of happiness for most candy, and some relief of boredom for lollipops, and Gum, for example.
  12. GENERAL SUGGESTIONS: -Show the actual trait, skill and xp percentages. -Bring back the old music options. The new options don't work for some reason. The new music is good, but I miss the old ones. -More creepy and depressing music such as: Long Ambient. (Haven't heard this in the current version.) Where Is Everyone. (The older one was creepier.) Low (Haven't heard this in the current version.) All the creepy ambients. (Never heard them in game. Can be found in the music folder.) -Player crawling. -Zombies with missing or crippled limbs. -Zombies eat animals they can catch. -Wandering hordes. A wandering horde picks a random direction to wander towards to look for food presumably. (1000-10000 tiles.) Perhaps a wandering horde could spawn the zombies once the player is close enough. The wandering hordes would be much rarer and larger than regular hordes. -Allow zombies to wander and redistribute into the "Player's square". I don't know what it is really called, but you can see it in debug mode as a white box around your survivor. (Smaller than a cell.) Currently zombies seem to stop by the edges of the player's square when meta events or redistribution happen. With a cleared area the player can safely camp in their base for months with canned food and farming. It's a bit unfair for the poor zombies. -Only chefs and burger flippers may add large amounts of extra happiness to their foods. Currently pretty much any occupation can become a master cook by just watching TV, which makes the cook occupations questionable. All non-cook occupations should have very small happiness boost for their foods. With this cooks would have a more useful role lowering unhappiness in groups. -Remove rotten food recipes. Using a month old rotten food doesn't seem realistic. -Nasty foods can make you vomit. Nasty foods could be: worms, maggots, insects, rotten food. Vomiting increases hunger and adds nauseus moodle which will fade in time. Vomiting could be prevented with a strong stomach. With a weak stomach the player will very likely vomit from any nasty food. Strong stomach could be a great pick for forest dwellers. -Rotten foods disappear or become completely ruined as time passes. -Rebalance all the negative weight traits. Currently you can get rid of very underweight in a week. If you also pick fit trait (+2 fitness), very underweight becomes free points. -Dangerous wound infections. Would make first aid and antibiotics more useful. Currently it seems infections only slow down healing. -Ability to open canned foods with knives. -Non-poisonous rain water. Perhaps add a sandbox option for this (acid rain). -Gas expires. (6-12 months.) This might work well with the rebuilding phase. -Throwable distractions: Mugs, glasses, glass bottles, jars, empty cans, bells. Cans and bells would be reusable as they don't shatter. Bells have a higher distraction effect. Bells don't have any uses currently. -Differently shaped survivors and zombies depending on traits. Average, thin, fat, fit, strong. -More candles. Perhaps add boxes of candles too. Can't remember the last time I found a candle. Currently flashlights and batteries are much more easy to find which makes scavenging for candles a questionable choise for light. -Water in pipes becomes tainted in few days after water shutoff. Currently you can potentially survive months with pipe water, making water storage useless (pots and bottles). SANDBOX OPTIONS: -Show the actual option percentages. For an example: Normal 50%, high 60%, very high 70%... Would make things much easier instead of judging and figuring options out by testing. -More hardcore options. Ever lasting winter and ever lasting summer. Extremely high and extremely low temperature options. Insanely hard farming, trapping, foraging or fishing. Impossible farming, trapping, foraging or fishing. Impossibly low food rarity. Polluted water or nature. (Most wild life will die.) -Water in pipes after water shutoff option. -Zombie evolution and degeneration option. Shamblers turn to sprinters or vice versa. -Zombie stamina option. Zombies get slow after chasing player for a long time, but can recover. Could balance sprinters. -Zombie activity option. More active zombies wander more and try to find the player. -Zombie smell option. Zombies approach nearby places where the player has spent time or is currently. -Sprinter speed option. Joggers, runners, sprinters... I know these next 3 suggestions could perhaps be counted as special infected, thought they don't have any super human powers. -Lone zombies option. Zombies that will never join a rally group while there are existing rally groups. Currently it seems all zombies will join a group eventually which leaves wide gaps between them. -Screamer zombie option. Some zombies scream while attacking which may alert other zombies. -Varying zombie % option. Adds several different zombies with varying traits. Some examples: Screaming sprinters which never join rally groups. 1 %. Joggers which sometimes join rally groups. 12 %. Shamblers which always join rally groups. 87 %. Viimeisin muokkaaja on Lodkar; 1 tunti sitten
  13. While there is a focus on farming and cooking for build 42 can we get a overhaul of produce spoilage times? In real life onions last for weeks at room temperature months if stored properly and yet in project zomboid its like 10 days. Same thing for canned goods, if canned properly they will last for years, I understand wanting to balance gameplay with realism but the balance should be something more realistic. IRL you can only use canning lids once before they will no longer seal properly and if you mess up your canning by not sanitizing everything or not putting in enough water then you have a significant risk of rot or bacterial infection. Not to mention you need salt and vinegar which dont exactly grow on trees. Right now I understand that the game is focused towards the first few weeks of the knox event, but with build 42 adding more mid game and longevity features an overhaul of spoilage times would allow for a lot more preparation and trade. Right now high cooking if valuable because it lets you somehow eat rotten food(not safe IRL the visible rot is just the flower of the fungus, most of it is spread throughout the food) , but I think a better option would be that experienced chefs know how to preserve food properly. In multiplayer it would be a realistic strategy to farm and prepare foods to trade with other players. In single player it would allow you to start storing food for the winter during the harvest season which is something that happens IRL. Another thing that I would like to see is hardtack, super dry super salty terrible bread. But it lasts for decades, we should be able to make some. Because that is what people used to eat in the past, and if the devs are serious about the crafting system being expansive enough to allow dedicated enough players to build up to a nu medieval society (And yeah I would be one of those players) then its not going to work if all of our produce spoils so quickly and we cant preserve food.
  14. I've played zomboid for roughly 150 hours, I'm no veteran but I've raised this idea with other players and they've for the most part agreed with me, one of them recommending I post this for the devs and other players to see. From I have seen, the calorie burn is abnormally high for day to day activity, and that when you're as strong or fit as you physically can be that it really has no significant affect. If you have strength and fitness maxed out you're not much more effective than the average person, and burn the same amount of calories keeping your stats there. I am also fairly certain that many people here agree that you need to take in an abnormally high amount of food to gain weight when you're working hard through the day, or that once you start gaining its almost impossible to lose it for some reason. So for my suggestion, I'd say base calorie burn on level of strength as an upkeep cost and daily exercise amount, To keep your strength at a 6 or 7, you'll need to work out daily and eat more calories than someone at a 5. Strength 10 should be akin to a strongman in overall physical strength, but come with a higher requirement for nutrition. For example, at strength 5 you should need 2,200 calories daily to maintain strength and weight, and at strength 6 you need to have 2,800 calories a day to maintain the strength and keep your weight. This requirement for strength upkeep would increase further towards bodybuilder like strength at 7-ish, where you'd require almost 4,000 calories a day just to maintain it and not lose a lot of weight. For reference, if my memory serves me correctly bodybuilders usually eat 3,600 to 3,800 calories a day - and on their cut days, when they are trying to lose weight to make their muscles bulge they'd eat roughly 1,600 in an attempt to lose weight, while still working out extensively to keep the muscles. At 8, 9, and 10 it jumps to strongman levels of strength, and as such the obscene requirements for their food intake. I'd say out those at 8,000, 9,000, and 10,000 respectively. The bonuses for this different set of strengths would change significantly, strength 6 being more comparable to what is currently a 10. With each point after 6 being a further 20% (or 20 point) increase to block chance, melee damage, and knockdown modifier. Encumbrance goes up by 4 points a level, so from strength 5's 12 Encumbrance to strength 6 it goes up to 16, then 20, 24, etc. Perhaps as a counterbalance, on top of the higher nutrition requirements you also damage weapons more often. This suggested change would significantly shift the power balance in favor of the player but it also makes it more realistic according to real life eating and exercise routines. With this you can be a strongman who can down zombies with a single hit when his strength is at 10, but he'd need to eat such a significant amount of food that it'd be almost unsustainable in the long term without a lot of hard work and careful planning. The main drawback to being at this level of strength is the dietary requirement. Fitness, I think, should also be reworked so at a 5 you are average but at 10 you are akin to a cross country legend. Maybe reduce fatigue gain and endurance loss by an additional 10% for every level, and increase endurance recovery rate by 5% or 10% as well. The main issue with getting your fitness high is that having a high strength could get in the way due to the excessive food requirement. Overweight, Underweight, and Obese. These are not really accurate as they are currently in the game. A competition strongman is considered clinically obese, but is able to push a car alone with little trouble. Being heavy doesn't reduce your physical strength, but it does increase the amount of energy it takes to move - which is why the calorie requirement changes so significantly from 7 to 8. Maybe at 8 you get the overweight trait, but modified to make leveling fitness harder and without any penalty to strength. Whereas obese would cut your fitness experience gain in half, without any penalty to strength as well. Underweight is a different situation, it takes less energy to move and keep moving, so perhaps they get a bonus to their fitness gain but a penalty to their strength gain. Malnourished is a more extensive version as well, with a further bonus to fitness gain and further penalty to strength gain. These changes would give players more of a good reason to get to those extremes in strength and fitness while also real life physical limitations, instead of how currently a lot of players stop at 9 in strength because getting higher is just too much work for too little reward. This would let players decide their best playstyle, whether that be cardio, brute force, or a mix between the two. They'd all have good bonuses, and there'd be good reason to want to be at strength 7 instead of 8, 9, or 10 in a way that fits with real life standards. From what I've seen in the competitive scene of the three sports, being marathon runners, bodybuilders, and strongmen is that Marathon runners cut any excess weight from themselves to aid in their longevity and with their endurance and determination they're able to run for hours without slowing or faltering. Bodybuilders through a lot of Willpower, and determination are able to sculpt their bodies to statuesque proportions to literally flex on the rest of us with their sheer glory. It is mostly for show, but that doesn't lessen that they're still quite strong and put a lot of effort into their bodies. And Strongmen are driven with the goal of being the strongest they possibly can be, being some of the most driven and steadfast people who will break every physical limit they can to become the strongest. They have been shown to lift several thousand pounds during their competitions of raw physical might. I have immense respect for all of these athletes, as you can probably tell by this point. I don't much expect these changes to occur, but I felt that I should at least try because for a realistic survival game it feels quite limiting during gameplay, to a degree that isn't seen in real life. Additionally, I am aware some people may be different, or that you may know someone who is different from what I have stated above but this is what I personally have seen, and I welcome any feedback on the matter. :)
  15. Gum chewing raises mood for a few minutes. Once it loses flavor it will begin to bring your mood back down. Spit it out, wrap it in a tissue, put it behind your ear I don't care. Get RID of it.
  16. Im new into Project zomboid modding, I had modding experience with some paradox games before but Never tried Project Zomboid, I want to make a mod wheere Im going to add new recipes to make certain uniqe foods, for example, From İtalian Culture; Risotto Alla Milanese, Polenta, Ravioli, Ribollita etc, From Turkish Culture; Yayık Ayran, of course famous Baklava, Döner, Tuz Kebap, Kuyu Kebap, Lahmacun etc. In brief Im trying to tell that I want to make a mod that adds dishes from different cultures ( Obviously first gonna add my own favorites ) But I have no experience with modding in this game and I dont even know wheere to start.
  17. As far as I know, the current game still allows you to farm during winter time (even if it snows). The farming is a bit slower then and I think you harvest a bit less but in principal, the current system allows you to survive for infinite time without leaving your safe house area. You just need to constantly plant a lot of stuff around your safe house. My suggestion: Farming during winter shouldn't be possible anymore. This could spice up the late game a little bit since surviving winter might become more difficult if it comes to food supply. Moreover, such a change seems quite realist to me. By a quick web search, I found some sources which state that the main farming season in Kentucky is between May and October. (Not sure if those sources are reliable though. Probably needs some more serious research.) To compensate for the more difficult farming, I suggest to change the system for food preservation a bit. For example, food preservation by canning and cooking could only require a jar, a jar lid, some water and a cooking pot with water (that would also be close to the real life canning and cooking process). After a jar with food has been consumed, you will receive an empty jar and lid which can be used again. The durability of preserved food could also last a bit longer to give players a fair chance to survive winter with food they preserved.
  18. Hello, I've been working on a mod attempting to add Diets to the game. In order to do this I would like to be able to retrieve (or get) the FoodType String from the item object if it is a food. I've been digging around for a while but haven't managed to figure out a way to do it. I was wondering if this is even possible currently? I managed to adjust the FoodType variable by using ItemTweakerAPI for Build41 which allowed me to adjust only that value instead of overwriting everything. I confirmed that it was indeed working through the Mod Options mod. However, I have not been able to actually retrieve the FoodType variable from any food item object. I was wondering if I was missing something or if this just isn't possible to do currently.
  19. If you cook food and throw it on the floor, it will not lose its temperature. I noticed this at 41.50, but I thought they paid attention to it.
  20. Hello there! I would like to share my idea and vision about implementing 'favorite foods' mechanic to this beautiful game. First of all - what is this all about? The idea is to separate all consumable food and drink items into three separate categories for each character and further change gained stats from foods depending on their category. It's kinda minor gameplay changes. My vision of this feature: Every character should have their favorite, unfavorite and neutral types of foods. Eating or drinking favorites gives you more mood increase... but you can never get enough. Eating or drinking unfavorites gives you a bit of sadness... and you prefer to eat it no more. To separate food into three categories we need three custom tables unique for each character... in fact we can use only two. Liked foods UnhapyChange = -15 (parametrized; will explain later): gives more mood boost on eating HungerChange = x*0.5 (parametrized; will explain later): fills you but makes you wanting more of that shi.. ThirstChange = x*0.5 (parametrized; will explain later): fills you but makes you wanting more of that Disliked foods UnhapyChange = +15 (parametrized; will explain later): gives mood debuff on eating HungerChange = x*1.5 (parametrized; will explain later): you don't really want anymore of it or anything else ThirstChange = x*1.5 (parametrized; will explain later): you don't really want anymore of it or anything else Neutral foods default numbers on foods One custom table for 'Liked foods'. One custom table for 'Disliked foods'. And all the food items out of those two tables can be count as 'Neutral foods'. These tables should be created with a new character after character creation. After saving and exiting the game those tables and their content should be saved with other character information. After loading character/game those tables and their content should be loaded too. If the tables for character cannot be loaded during loading game save, those tables should be created with empty content. This should help installing mod into existing runs. Every generated food item ingame has it own stat change. I'll explain on a standard pot of soup: item PotOfSoup { HungerChange = -30, ThirstChange = -30, Type = Food, UnhappyChange = -20, ... } So if that pot of soup is one of my character's 'Liked' food, then it should give next stat changes on full consuming: HungerChange = -15, ThirstChange = -15 and UnhappyChange = -35. If that pot of soup is in my character's 'Disliked' food table, then it should give next stat changes on full consuming: HungerChange = -45, ThirstChange = -45 and UnhappyChange = -5. If the pot of soup is not in 'Liked' or 'Disliked' tables, it should give default stat changes on full consuming. Well that makes pot of soup desirable even as unfavorite food, but those numbers are simplistic and I want them to be modifiable through settings so everyone can tune their experience themselves. Also this system can make fun situations like 'my character likes PotOfSoup but dislikes BowlOfSoup wtf?' Well that's fun isn't it? some people really do prefer to eat food from cooking dishes rather than from table dishes. On character creation screen should be button to customize their preferred foods. By default both tables should be empty. From start the 'Neutral Food Items' table should consist of all consumable food items. I think the property {Type = Food} is enough for that... When I move one entity to the 'Liked' or 'Disliked' tables it should disappear from another tables. So the one entity can be either 'Neutral' OR 'Liked' OR 'Disliked'. Tables should be temporary saved for the whole character creation process. For example, I'm creating a character. I opened the preferred food editor and added some foods. Then I closed editor and did some changes to character's traits or visuals or whatever. Then I decided to edit my preferred foods again and opened the editor - I should see the editor in a state that I leaved it before. Also there should be options to save/load presets of preferred food tables. Settings. I think most settings should be modifiable by user via mod settings menu. In mod settings i see next options: 'Add random foods to preferred list upon creating character'. Checkbox True by default Tooltip: If set upon starting game with new character adds up to 5 random 'Neutral' foods to 'Liked' list and up to 5 random 'Neutral' foods to 'Disliked' list. If there is less than 10 food items in Neutral list, then try to add 5 times of 1 item to 'Liked' and 'Disliked' lists until no Neutral foods remained. After that send a warning message to the console like 'Only 7 neutral foods found in the list. 4 added to the Liked and 3 added to the Disliked'. Should only be executed upon creating a new character via creation menu. Should not be executed upon loading game / character. 'Dynamic taste changes' Checkbox True by default Tooltip: If set character can get new Liked or Disliked food upon eating. As tooltip says, if checkbox is set, there should be a slight chance to add consumed 'Neutral' food item in 'Liked' or 'Disliked' list. Also i understand the fact that you can 'taste' one single item a dozen of times before really consuming it by selecting 'Eat' and start running. Let's think that every 'tasting' counts. 'Chance to like food or drink' Field for the fractional number '0.1' by default disabled if checkbox 'Dynamic taste changes' is disabled Tooltip: Percent chance to like food or drink upon consuming The number presents the percent chance to add 'Neutral' food item to the 'Liked' list upon tasting it (selecting 'Eat' or 'Drink' and starting to perform action). '0.1' means there is 0.1% chance to convert 'Neutral' food item to 'Liked' food item. 'Chance to dislike food or drink' Field for the fractional number '0.1' by default disabled if checkbox 'Dynamic taste changes' is disabled Tooltip: Percent chance to dislike food or drink upon consuming The number presents the percent chance to add 'Neutral' food item to the 'Disliked' list upon tasting it 'Liked food and drink mood bonus' Field for the fractional number '-15.0' by default Tooltip: How much additional unhappiness you lose upon consuming favorite food or drink That should be the number to use in formulas 'Liked food and drink hunger and thirst multiplier' Field for the fractional number '0.5' by default Tooltip: Shows your craving for favorite food. It's never enough. Multiplies amount of hunger and thirst gain from fully consumed favorite food or drink. That should be the number to use in formulas 'Disliked food and drink mood debuff' Field for the fractional number '+15.0' by default Tooltip: How much additional unhappiness you gain upon consuming disliked food or drink That should be the number to use in formulas 'Disliked food and drink hunger and thirst multiplier' Field for the fractional number '1.5' by default Tooltip: Shows your hatred for disliked food. Multiplies amount of hunger and thirst gain from fully consumed disliked food or drink. That should be the number to use in formulas 'DEBUG: Edit Preferred food tables' Button Upon clicking opens the menu to edit preferred food tables. Similar to the one in character creation menu. It is useful for testing and for adding food preferences into existing game. And also for casual cheaters. Localization. Well it's obvious that mod and all it's text should be localized for as much languages as possible. I can try to help with that but I can express myself only in Russian and English. So my localization will be as much as work with google dictionary. Multiplayer. Well yes. I'd like to see this thing working in multiplayer if it is ever implemented again. That's like it for basics. Of course there can be done further modifications like causing nausea from consuming disliked foods and chance to 'forget' your liked/disliked foods and so on. But I wonder if there is anybody who will start to implement this idea as it is. Me myself is just unworthy enough. But I'm open to discuss. Ah and also. Why am I suggesting to increase unhappiness reduction while also REDUCING amount of hunger/thirst gaining on food items? Shouldn't it be increased unhappiness reduction and increased amount of hunger/thirst gain on favorite food? Well, that's only my idea and vision. As I mentioned in tooltips for settings: when it's about your favorite foods, you'll never have enough. So you'll continue to consume it until you eventually explode. That's how most human are. You may not agree with me and I understand it. So there are mod settings - do as you wish.
  21. In winter, food in a backpack spoils at the same rate as in summer. I think this is not entirely correct, because the backpack has almost no thermal insulation. It should be like in a frige.
  22. Hello guys! Its not a huge suggestion, but I think it would fix something ingame, that bothers me for a long time. I experienced, that Canned Sardines does not requires Can Opener to get opened, because it has this little handle on top, what you can use to get it open. I checked the Canned Tuna textures, and it also does have the exact same handle to open, but it requires a Can Opener to get opened. My suggestion is to make the Canned Tuna possible to open without a Can Opener. Also I have found Corkscrew in game. My suggestion is to give the Corkscrew a function, which is meant be. Give the Corkscrew the same option as the Can Opener, but with WINES! So from now on you only can open wine with Corkscrew. Also a bottle opener would be nice for beer! Also a further addition as a "more complex" item would be nice the 3 in 1 - a can opener + bottle opener + corkscrew so people would not needed to carry these 3 types of items but only this one, but this one would be quite rare compared to the others.
  23. Pretty basic concept, I just think it's weird that you are playing a rural Kentuckian living in the 90s, and the only classic american food you can make are Burgers. PC can eat Fries and Mac, but why can't they make them. Survivors can cook up a 5-star italian pasta dinner, and grow hundreds of hearty potatoes, but still eat stale fries out of the local Spiffo's and down a whole box of Kraft Dinner raw like some drunk frat boy. The cooking system has come a long way since these foods were added, we can do better! Anyone who's eaten it before knows that Mac & Cheese comes with it's own cheese packet. Butter, Milk, and Boiling Water are all that are required. All of these are already implemented with easy access by the player. It would be fun to actually cook the Mac players can find. Crafting recipe could just be the box, milk, butter, and a cooking pot of hot water together. Then cook it for 2-4 bowls of steaming Mac & Cheese. Eating it raw could still be a possibility, but would cause some unhappiness and a lot of boredom. If the devs really wanted to make Mac & Cheese a sought after food source, they could even expand on the cooking of it by allowing players to spice up their Macaroni meals, add meats, and vegetables. Maybe we can even unbox the Mac & Cheese and get Dry Macaroni Noodles as well as a Powdered Cheese Packet. Macaroni could just be an aesthetic flair used as a substitute for different pastas and noodles in recipes. Mixing Powdered Cheese and Water in a Saucepan and heating it should produce cheese. This would allow players to renew cheese after the power is out. Useful for trappers and cooks alike. It would also give a taste of the (hopefully) future cheesemaking we could get with B42 animals. Fries are self-explanatory. Using any kind of knife, survivors could slice a potato into Uncooked Fries. Then put them in the oven, and voila some Fresh Cooked Fries. Obviously this would probably mean a change to the Fries icon, or we could all just accept the weirdness of it still being packaged lol. Maybe devs could even expand upon this by allowing PCs to add chili, cheese, and spices to make Chili Cheese Fries. Ideally, it would be fun to make Fries with lots of different meats and vegetables too. Maybe even a way to shred potatoes and make hash browns and hash scramble as those are classic american foods as well. I think this is a pretty simple addition to already implemented systems that uses existing items to add a much more authentic american feel to that Knox Country cooking. Maybe devs can even add gross combinations of ingredients to these meals, the same way you can make a Cabbage and Egg Ratburger. Imagine eating Mushroom Soup Fish Fries, or Radish Squirrel Mac & Cheese. This would definitely fit the morbid survivalist atmosphere and the 90s americana of the PZ universe at the same time.
  24. Not just calories and fat. Demand such as vitamins should be increased. For example, insufficient vitamin A will affect vision, and insufficient vitamin K will lead to decreased coagulation ability. It makes people have to eat different foods to maintain nutritional balance and makes different seeds and hunting more useful. Let people not just farm potatoes at the end game.
  25. Something never rotten at raw won't be rotten even after cooked. That doesn't make sense.
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