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  1. Project Farmoid version 0.75c is out! Trellis kits now function as a separate farming plot. Once you have a trellis kit and either a shovel or a trowel, you will be able to place them just like you would a farming plot. Once placed, trellis kits can be planted with their own list of seeds. If you remove the plot, you will get the trellis kit back, regardless of whether there are vines growing on it or not. After you have harvested your vines, the plot will revert back to an unplanted trellis plot ready to be reseeded! You must be farming level 2 and have read the magazine Better Shelters and Farms in order to make your own trellis kits. However, if you find a trellis kit in some loot, you can use that right away, regardless of your farming level. This also means you can steal trellises that someone else has already planted. Keep an eye on your gardens! This new system fixes the bug that consumed more than 1 trellis kit when planting vines. Adjusted vegetable yields to balance them out more. Loot distribution has also been adjusted to balance out reusable trellis kits and the increase in farmable crops. Let me know if it seems appropriate for your loot settings. Thank you for using my mod! Keep calm and farm on! -K A video showing the change highlights can be found at: Project Farmoid v0.75c Update Highlights
  2. Making some art for a project, thought i would share in case it is helpful for others. Hope this is right forum section. I give anybody permission to use them for any Project Zomboid mod. From top left to bottom right (after planter box and filled planter box)... Apple, Avocado, Banana, Bell Pepper, Blackberry, Blueberry, Broccoli, Cucumber, Cabbage, Carrot, Cherry, Chinese Cabbage, Corn, Cotton, Coffee, Eggplant, Garlic, Grape, Green Onion, Hemp, Jute, Lemon, Leek, Lettuce, Lime, Orange, Onion, Pear, Peach, Pumpkin, Peanut, Pea, Pineapple, Potato, Poppy, Radish, Rubber, Strawberry, Sunflower, Sweet Potato, Tea, Tomato, Watermelon, Zucchini Lotus, Papyrus, Watercress, Taro, Water Hawthorn, Eel Grass, Lepironia, Sweet Flag, Aloe, Bamboo, Barberry, Basil, Bean, Belladonna, Celery, Cashew, Chamomile, Clove, Date Palm, Elderberry, Eucalyptus, Ginger, Henna, Kava, Lavender, Mango, Maple, Mandrake, Mescal, Mint, Okra, Pepper (chili), Papaya, Passion-fruit, Peyote, Rice, Rosemary, Sage, Spinach, Sugarcane, Thyme, Turmeric, Valerian, Wheat-grass. Also made these non farming related objects.
  3. Originally I started this in the mod suggestion forum as a temporary "hey wouldn't it be nice if..." http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/16106-farming-water-management-irrigation/ However the more I've thought about it I see it as a necessity for any long term ( more than 2 week game time ) setttlement / safe haven, while not breaking the z-realisim factor.
  4. After looking at setting up a long term residence with renewable food supply, It came to my attention that rain barrels for collection is implemented but there is not an "efficient" way to direct water to moderate / large size food plots. A solution for this would be to place a rain barrel(s) elevated so that gravity can act as the pumping mechanisim and attaching a gated trough or valved piping system to do the initial dispersment to the crop rows. With trencing dug between rows to allow for watering of the adjacent crop tiles. Gated trough recipe could / should be a lvl 4 Carpentry given that collection is made available at that level, and consist of 4 planks + 5 Sturdy sticks + 10 nails + 1 rope. Water trough extensions would require only 3 planks + 6 nails Pipe with valve assembly could potentially be salvaged from drained sinks or commodes, or alternatively implemented as a drop at appropriate locations on the map. Same argument could be made for the raw pipe itself. Difference between the two would be the piped structure could also direct water into a housing structure for renewable indoor plumbing via barracaded opening in wall. Could also be interesting in multiplayer as well since water collection would have to be secured else risk tampering / poisioning ( rotten food , zombie corpse in the well, etc.)
  5. (I didn't test this myself, in fact I don't know if it is already a feature; so in case that this feature is already in the game please tell me so I can erase the post) Something that could be a cool implementation would be irrigation circuits that would be build near water bodies. This could be kinda useful; the irrigation canals could be build 5 or 6 tiles away from an X water body, "automating" the watering of your crops, but this means that you need to settle down near the X water body or travelling all the way to your crops to examine that they weren't destroyed or infected.
  6. hrot

    Realism mod

    Hi, i want to show you my little simple mod. Mod doesn't adds anything new, it's just changes various game mechanics. The reason behind my mod is to make game a lot harder and more realistic at the same time so i changed mostly how farming works. Changes: It mostly changes how farming works, it's now a lot harder (realistic growing time). All plants have realistic growin time now(and realistic time to rot): carrots: 4 months to grown 6 months to rot potatoes: 4 months to grown 8 months to rot tomato: 2,5 months to grown 2 week to rot (default time) cabbage: 4 months to grown 3 months to rot broccoli: 40 days to grown 3 days to rot radish: 5 weeks to grown 5 days to rot strawberry: 8 months to grow 3 days to rot Potatoes seeds are removed and you need potatoes to plant potatoes...(sound logical right? ) Some weapons have increased durability (axe, sledgehammer, pistols, rifles etc.). Normal books, magiznes and newspapers take more time to read them. Campfire recipe is changed to require stones (8 stones) not logs/planks. Spawn chance for jars, vinegar, sugar, jar lid is increased. Detailed list of changes: Many thanks to: Svarog RobertJohnson for answering my questions about modding and making this mod possible. Download: http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=81753234771901339252 or http://sharesend.com/7x6bbptx or https://www.sendspace.com/file/zfcw0q ( I couldn't attach file in forum for some reason) Feel free to download, play and disccus about my mod
  7. Okay Lucus time now. ·In Winter As known to all of us, fallen snow would appear aground now in PZ winter when we play Survival or Sandbox of default climate setting, it proves that the environment temperature had fallen to 0 alre. But what delight us is that TID already did make plants change as climate changes ingame, some tough all-seasons-growing plants still growing like Pine, but most defoliate n fall in dormancy, including most crops we could farm in PZ, beyond doubts. Let me give u a for instances, under growing info of tomato, we know that they would grow slowly even do not bloom with a temp below 15, and already frozen to death below 0 without question. Now what I mention about is only influence of freezing excessive cold on plant, we could ignore the high temp cause it might be too different to farm under both. So I suggest that crops stop growing even frozen to death in winter( might be changed in Sandbox settings? ), then most food with a long shelf life woulb be well-used to a large extent, and more fun added. ·Building Greenhouse Insane rare food rarity or have holded on for a long-----long time? What we need is greenhouses that give plants a normal growing environment.( most added function before needed a large project right? Nice work n thank u so much TID. ) So what a greenhouse can do could be growing crops with warm temps in winter and let them grow well( growing faster, high production or low farming diseases? )in others. ·a little tip Hey dudes I dunno what were u thinking bout, but we cant grow most plants esp green plants without light indoor! Well u could explain this before a blackout forever in game, but we actually cant make it after that except they were grown near windows. A little tiny problem huh? Anyway, THX for reading.And I hope these were not be mentioned yet.
  8. I would like to suggest changes for the sake of realism, or perhaps options in the menu when starting a new game to bring more realism to the game. I love the game and one of the things I like most about it is that it has a feeling of realism to it that other games always lack. It is brutal and unforgiving just like a situation like this in real life would be. To that end, there are a few things already in the game, or expected to be added to the game in the future, that I think would break immersion. 1 - Tool/Weapon durability. I understand that this was implemented to add difficulty to the game but it is completely unrealistic and just seems a bit silly to me at times. I am a contractor and I have been building houses from the ground up for about 10 years now. I still own the first hammer I ever purchased 10 years ago. While I did eventually upgrade to a titanium hammer, the steel hammer I used previously saw about 40 - 60 hours per week of smashing steel and wood repeatedly. After all of that punishment I can still pick it up now and use it. I never had to repair it either. The axe is another tool I use frequently. Admittedly an axe does require occasional repair but that involves popping in a new handle, which is just a milled plank of hardwood. Using these tools as they are intended would not damage them in any significant way and using them to chop or bash what is essentially human bodies would actually be less likely to damage them. Guns do require maintenance but that involves breaking them down and cleaning them and applying oil where necessary. 2 - Power Generation - I know that generators are a planned feature but unless animal fat rendering is added to the game it wouldn't make any sense. Gasoline has a shelf life of about 30 days, so using that beyond a month or two is just out of the question. Same thing goes for vehicles. The only engines that would be viable after an event like this would be of the diesel variety, as they can run on biofuel. I would suggest that solar panels and windmills be added to the game as solar panels are fairly common and windmills are ridiculously easy to build. 3 - Farming - I think the farming in the game is excellent and I'd love to see how the devs expand on it further. I just have one simple suggestion here and that is hydroponics. I usually play with the grow times cranked to max for more realism. It is harder and requires a much large farm. I think that growing indoors/underground would be the way to go in a situation like the zombie apocalypse. It would also be interesting to see the mechanics involved as growing with hydroponics is more complex than one might believe. 4 - Fire - For the love of all that is zomboid, please fix the fire. I have the worst luck with campfires and watching fire spread across dirt, gravel and concrete just completely breaks immersion. 5 - Forge - We need forges badly. Forges are relatively straight forward to build and simple tools, weapons and armour can be crafted with most metal lying around absolutely everywhere in modern civilization. While blacksmithing can take an entire lifetime to master, rudimentary gear could be crafted even by an amateur that would serve the desired function well enough. Perhaps some or all of things are planned for the future and, if so, I can't wait to see it. If anybody has any additional ideas to add realism I would love to hear them as well. This game is the closest I have seen to a true survival simulator and I believe it has the potential to take that realism even further. I believe it is the greatest strength of the game and the game should be pushed even further in that direction. Make it hard, make it impossible even, but do it in a realistic way, so that it's that much more horrifying when our face gets chewed off by a zombie.
  9. Exactly what it says on the tin. I've never really farmed before and I'd like a little run-down of how to go about. What should my farming grid look like, how much should I farm at once, how often should I water or spray? I have the two gardening cans and the materials to make the sprays, along with 2 watering cans and plenty of dirt and seeds. How do I get started?
  10. Hemp is great. Hemp can do anything. We need hemp.
  11. So does anyone know if animal farming is gonna be added to the game? If not I suggest that prehaps they add a few stray cows and chickesn wandering around that you can take back to your base and breed. pretty straight forwards, i was also thinking that worm breeding could be good. Theres been a post about worm breeding in the past so I won't go into it but it would really add to the game and make it so farming isn't just about growing crops.
  12. With the new changes to farming, it takes months to grow all foods. However, with this change and, of course, the inevitability of the power shutting off, I'm wondering how farming will remain a viable source of food and survival if you must wait months in between each harvest. Even if crop growth is staggered, it will still be very difficult to keep farming as an effective method of survival. Thoughts?
  13. Just a small suggestion about water bottle prirority when watering plants. What irks me is that water bottle is on the first place to be used to water plants - before watering cans, spray cans and buckets, when it should be the other way round. It's just cumbersome to pack my bottle into a bag to avoid refilling later on.
  14. I was farming the other day and i realized how boring it was just to plant crops, wait, harvest, and repeat. Water becomes much more needed and so is food but i feel like i can survive just by foraging once every 5 days right before the berries go bad and that will last me until the next 5 days.I think that these ideas should help it become a little more interesting or fun. Frost-In winter the crops will grow slower and if it snows or goes below freezing then the plants may become frozen or weak. This means plants will most likely die in the winter making it a tough time. Over watered-This happens if you water the plants to much. They will become over watered which means that they may die or wilt. Infested-This may be a result of Snails, Aphids, Or caterpillars. They will come almost any season with a few exceptions. They will cause plants to become weak or die over time but they also provide a new source of food. Aphids come any time but winter, Caterpillars come from spring to summer, and Snails come during spring or fall. Better soil- Soil can become soft or hard making it harder for plants to grow but this can be broken up by hoes or putting worms in the soil. soil can be Rocky,coarse, fine, fertilized, or nutritious. These require level 2 or higher farming skill to tell. Compost- Can be made by putting rotten food, worms, or things like berries and flowers. It can be put in a compost bin or homemade compost bin. Home made bin requires 4 planks, 4 nails, a hammer and a trash can. it can be watered down to make better compost. it helps plants retain water for slightly longer and makes them grow a little bit faster or more. New seeds- Some new seeds like watermelon, sunflower, pumpkin, Squash, and corn. They each provide new foods and are found in seed packets. Eating watermelon will result in finding 1-7 seeds and the pumpkin provides 3-12. The sunflower and pumpkin seeds can be eaten, cooked, or salted. Trees- Some fruit trees can be planted but take 2 weeks to 6 weeks to grow into a tiny tree. After 9 weeks it will start to produce fruit occasionally. The trees could be but are not limited to Apple, orange, kiwi, pear, plum, lemon, acorns, and pinecones. The pinecones and acorns grow more trees that drop nuts but acorns attract squirrels. They may take time but in the end they will do well. Other plants- Some other plants like grapes would be added too. Grapes would require a wall nearby to grow on. Potted plants- Pots would be added or a potting barrel could be made by 4 planks, 4 nails, some soil, and a hammer. These plants can live inside but require to be within 2 blocks of a window and take longer to grow. They are useful for large indoor bases but produce less. they can hold 1 plant at a time. These are a few of my ideas for farming and if you have any suggestions, comments, or side notes please say so in the comments.
  15. I feel like there should be less seed packets because honestly I find seeds in almost every house I go in and that is not how it is in real life. Theres only 1 house on my street that grows things in their garden in real life, almost all of the houses in my area probably don't keep cabbage seeds in their kitchen. That's why i'm thinking they could add some kind of gardening shop that keeps seeds or maybe a smaller version of the global seed vault that they have in real life up in Norway. With this getting seeds to grow food could be another task completely because you'd have to break into the seed vault to find them, and you wouldn't just find long term survival in the cupboards of every house.. This could also make more people consider using trapping and berry picking as a way of long term suvival. (There could be seeds in some houses just not as common as they are now)
  16. Ok, so I don't really like the farming system as it is nowadays. I was cheating a bit to skip time so that plants grow faster, by digging the same ground tile for 11 times, which adds a drowsey moodlet. I don't think such amount of digging is this exhausting, and it'd be better if they make digging longer and less tiring, that'd balance something up. Also, you get XP only for harvesting, none for sowing and none for treating the plants. Means griefers can both boost farming annd get food while you grew it all by yourself. Sure, harvesting should add some XP, but I'd assign more to sowing and treating. Also, old and common suggestion about fertilizer from spoils and corpses. Or else spoils and corpses just decrease the map and inventory spaces.
  17. Mainly for late game farming, you could put rotted produce in a compost pile (maybe a craftable box type thing) that would turn into fertilizer for the new plants and give me something to do with this massive mound of rotten lettuce and potatoes.
  18. ** Tested on build 30.16, NOT backwards compatible with build 29 ** I play games like Project Zomboid because I like the semi-realistic scenario and challenges to survive. No other mod has given me the realism I've wanted when it comes to food preservation and most specifically, canning. Ultimately, for a game that strikes to immerse the player into the game world, canning food for prolonged preservation shouldn't be as easy as simply putting food in a jar and sealing it. So I decided to make this mod to enhance my own gameplay and that of those that seek more realism from food preservation. This mod adds new mechanisms so that survival still remains challenging and food preservation doesn't become a thought of the past. The implementation of everything you can can is based off real life canning. Each canning option closely resembles how that food item would be canned in real life; skipping a few steps and/or details here and there to keep things fun and not overly complicated. ___________________ CURRENT FEATURES ___________________ Pickling Canning Options: Pickles, Broccoli, Cabbage, Leek, Carrots, Bell Pepper, Radish.Open Kettle Canning Options: Strawberry Jam.Water Bath Canning Options: Strawberry Jam.Pressure Canning Options: Rabbit, Rodent (Rat, Mouse, Squirrel), Bird, Fish(All types except bait fish).Extend your food's lifespan with the Pickling Method. The simplest and fastest way to get into canning. Simply cook up some brine, have your vegetables ready and put it all in a jar, seal it, and you're all done! The food might taste a little salty though, but hey now your food will gain a preservation span of 7 days.Extend your food's lifespan with the Open Kettle Method. You can cook and prepare the food that you wish to can in a kettle, pour it in a jar, seal, and that's it! Food processed this way will gain a preservation span of 15 days.Extend your food's lifespan by using the Water Bath Method.You can cook and prepare the food that you wish to can in a regular pot, pour it in a jar, seal, and then place up to 5 sealed jars in a water bath canner to get a tight seal. Food processed this way will gain a preservation span of 30 days.Extend your food's lifespan with the Pressure Canning Method. You can cook and prepare the food that you wish to can in a regular pot, pour it in a jar, seal, and then place up to 5 sealed jars in a pressure canner to get a tight seal and make sure the food is fully cooked. Food processed this way will gain a preservation span of 60 days.Inspect your canned food to see how many more days left it has until it spoils. Download [HERE] How to install: GUIDE - Instructions / Recipes for Canning 101 - Changelog: TEST THE MOD: if you'd like to see how the mod works without having to collect everything and test it out; press the 'HOME' key to enable the testing feature, instructions will appear in your console that runs along with Project Zomboid. Press the 'END' key if the instructions don't show up after pressing the 'home' key. Keep in mind each time you spawn a set of items for testing the testing feature is disabled. This is as to avoid having you accidentally spawn items without wanting to do so. P.S: There might be an error where you press HOME and then another key to spawn items and won't work; try about 3 times and it should work. Q&A: I would love to get some feedback on this mod. if you have any questions, comments, suggestions,...etc. Go ahead and post . Also if you think the mod is too complicated or challenging, let me know how you would scale it down to make it more fun.
  19. I don;t know if anyone had recommended any of these new diets and food ideas I am about to tell. (some of them may be found in other posts). 1) Collecting Fungis. There is a high chance to find fungis in the wilderness and in forests especially. I don't know the type of fungi that grow in Kentucky but I think there are some of them. Maybe some of them will have Poisonous effects and unless you prepare it someway you will be poisoned and get nauseous for 2 - 3 days 2) Collecting Honey ( I think there is a post about honey and candles) : If you have the chance to find a bee hive you will be able to collect honey with 95 % of getting injuried by the wild bees(unless you equip the protective equipment ) . You will be able to collect part of the hive and relocate it however this may result in severe injury if you do not equip the necessary equipment. You will be able to use honey as temporary glue or use it in recipies (or eat it directly). In order to collect honey you will need a water container for it. 3)Collecting Resin from the trees. Its basic use will be to use it as a basic ingredient for crafting glues. You will also be able to use it in order to create insence. You will be able to apply on bow strings ( when they are added) in order to increase their friction and reduce the time you need to shoot an arrow. Also you will be able to mix it in a bottle with alcohol to create an alcoholic drink . Also combining water with resin will temporarily create a chewing gum ( this will help if you are nauseous). In order to use the resin in any craft or carpentry you will have to heat it up first as it solidifies quickly. 4) Snow eating during the snow periods in winter ( I don't know if there are weather periods yet in the game but if winter comes I guess there will be snow). You will be able to collect snow from the ground and then by heating it up or by letting it melt down you can create water. Also you will be able to eat it directly as snow decreasing your thrist and Hunger but increasing unhappiness and chances of catching a cold.
  20. As I played the game I found out there was a river . However when I tries to fill my water containers I couldn;t do a thing . The river was there only to watch it. So here are some ideas of how the player may interact with the river: 1) Water Supplies : The player may collect the water or drink it 2) Dig River routes near it : When using the trowel near the river there is another option to dig a water route. Doing this action will cause the water to come the way you have digged. 3)Build a power generator : On the smaller routes you have dig , you will be able to build small power generator ( that can only refill 1 battery per day) These Generators will require blueprints to be built and a high enough carpentry skill. (Blueprints can be found in the Power Factory (I don;t know if there is one but if there is I think that the player shall be able to travel there and loot things and fuel up the power generator ). There will be an other device which can be built through blueprints , that will allow you if you have at least 20 Hydro Power Generators or 20 Wind Power Generator (or ten of each). To concentrate their power and give power to a house 4)Fishing : (I think it is the only thing you can do now but I am not sure) 5) Farms : Near River or lakes shall be more efficient -> they do not require watering , What you are planting is available to you faster. 6)Suicide in the river : You will always have the choice to suicide in the river 7) Build a raft or Boat : ( I think it is already planned or completed) and use the river as a travelling route. 8) Swimming in the river : Well no exact reason to do it , just to get wet or search for herbs ( not included in the game) So what do you think of my Idea ?
  21. My suggestion is that we add corn to the game. Oh wait! It is already in the game! It is located at the North Farm in Muldraugh. Now hold on... Then what am I suggesting? Well as of now we can pick and eat corn, but we can't grow it ourselves. So I suggest that we add it as a player-grown crop. I imagine it would be the easiest new plant to add with the sprite and stats already set for it. Wait! I heard fishing... Yes! If you are an avid fisherman like myself :cool: then you probably know that corn kernels are commonly used for fishing bait. They might just be more popular than worms! Probably a regional thing. Anyways, you could use a kitchen knife and a cob of corn and get like 20 corn kernels. Now to keep a little balance in the game (so it is a risk to use food to catch more food), the rate for cathing fish would be: Small Fish - 80% Medium Fish - 18% Large Fish - 2% To add to the balance, you could have it that your bait goes bad faster and you have to put on new bait (or maybe a fish stole it! ).
  22. I'm starting to tinker with the modding capabilities in the hopes of adding new recipes, and as I was looking at the existing ones for reference, I found the salad recipes under media/scripts/farming.txt, instead of media/scripts/recipes.txt. Any specific reason why it's there?
  23. Sap guys ! I already made one of these on the old forums, I sadly didn't keep any trace of it. We might have lost some good suggestions/discussions in the process. Why a massive thread instead of multiple "unique suggestion" threads ? Simply because I don't want to spam threads and make some other interesting ones go down the list ; better have 1 thread I'll update than 15 new threads in which I'll get lost. I'll try to keep it as clear as possible and use a color code to point the importance of each suggestion (from "Distant future" to "needed ASAP" and "Confirmed"), keep in mind is all subjective. Those are not necessarily "new" ideas, some might be re-interpretations of other ideas or already planned features, pointing to things that are really needed (subjectively), some rebalancing ideas of already implemented features etc... There still are a few new suggestions tho. [fighting zombies] Spoiler The actual system is too easy/simple and could use a few simple mechanics to make it harder. It's actually still too easy to wreck a large amount of zombies with a melee weapon, It should be VERY DANGEROUS to fight more than a couple at the same time. A few ideas to rebalance it a bit and make it more consistent : Combat re-think http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/10978-combat-re-think-for-the-announced-big-rebalance-oflgbkybygt/ More consistent "zombie grab" and "meatier zombies" http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/10570-zombies-need-to-be-meatier/ Crawler's grab should have a high chance to make the player fall on the ground.If the player gets his leg grabbed by a crawler and try to move away from it without breaking it / killing the Z, there's a HIGH chance he will fall on the floor for a short amount of time, making him extremely vulnerable to any other close zombie(s) Same goes for sprinting next to a crawler, if he grabs you while you sprint -> you fall. Certain weapons having a chance to get stuck into zombies' skull"Bladed" and piercing weapons (axes, crowbars, knives, hammers?, nailed bats etc...) should have a chance to get stuck into skulls, maybe resulting in another fierce mashing of a key to get it unstuck before the next Z gets into the player's danger zone. If it's too dangerous and you can't get it unstuck in time, you'd have to leave it there and run away (and comeback later if you want to get it back) Weapon skills should have more "incidence"In its actual state, I'm pretty much never spending any point in any "combat skill tree", the lvl 0 is just way too efficient. If we grab an axe we're just the king of the Z world, 1 hit kill half of the time. The only weapon that makes me feel like a weak level 0 is the golfclub right now. DONE Being at arms lenght from a zombie is something you really don't want, being at arms lenght from 2 zombies is something that might get you killed. I think those suggestions might force the players to think twice before deciding to fight a group of Z, it will as well require a proper use of distance and timing (plus aiming, as always). Plus, with the new 3D characters, I think we might have some cool animations with those ;o [fighting non-zombies] Spoiler Well, with the multiplayer on the roll, this is pretty obvious an overhaul is planned, but here are a few ideas. (The 2 first ideas are kind of the same thing but with different mechanics)Lethal & Non-Lethal mods (I'll use that idea a lot in the future)This was my first suggestion on the old forums. In a RPG with moral choices like PZ, we should be able to decide if we want to knock someone out (and make him a hostage or something), just hurt him, or go for the kill. There could be chances that you fail tho... You wanted to keep him alive but that blow behind his head got him killed, or in the opposite, you wanted to kill him but failed to do so and he's now on the run with revenge on his mind. It should work as well for firearms, aiming vital parts or limbs. Player vs Player melee "Real time Turn by turn style." I know Lemmy loves TbTI was asking myself how to "simulate" a somewhat realistic fight between players without making it look like a swing fest until one of the 2 players dies (would work with NPC as well). It's still blurry in my head and hard to explain, but something along those lines. If you attack someone that is not ready to fight (ie. not holding RMB), you hit him, simple. If you attack someone holding RMB, the fight happens in a "turn by turn"-ish system, the must would be to have an "old Fallout VATS aiming style" as well. Basically the attacker gets the first turn, decides where he wants to aim (with a percentage of chances to hit : neck is harder to hit than chest, but the reward is higher etc...), and attacks while the defender decides if he wants to counter and fight or dodge and run away. Dices roll, calculations happen, taking into account players' weapons, skill with that weapon, moodles, strenght, traits etc... If no one died of a critial blow, the defender becomes the attacker and we start over until the fight reaches its end. Keep in mind this is an Isometric game, and any "action-game like" mechanism is unlikely to work in a satisfying manner imho. I think keeping a truely RPG fighting style is the way to go when it comes to PvP (or PvNPC) Turn by Turn "lockdown" should only happen for the players involved in the fight, all the other players can still do their stuff in real time. Would be cool to have an old school isometric rpg "fight animation", you know when the players are taking a fighting stance and swing into the air at each other, maybe moving around and making some noise ;o On second thoughts, nope. Shoot-outsThere already are plenty good threads with nice ideas about it, so I won't extend. Maybe I will later, if anything good and "new" comes to my mind. Traps for humans (suggestions for the future of traps)We all know traps are a planned feature, but we don't know how yet ! Lethal & Non-Lethal Traps for humans, different kind of traps (net trap, axe trap, shotgun trap, "hole in the ground" trap, "brick on your head" trap etc...)Ability to make efficient traps should be related to a particular skill (which one?)Traps should be active for people who don't know their locations (if this or that precise door/floor/window is trapped...)You should be able to warn your friendlies about the locations of your traps. Like you'd right click on someone > contextual menu > Tell location of traps, then he'll be able to walk pass them. [sneaking & Noise] Spoiler Louder noisesActual noises created by actions (opening doors/windows, breaking windows/doors, gunshots, building etc...) have a small radius. I think it should deserve a little radius enlargement ! Sneaking overhaul (ideas) :Separating sneaking (ctrl) from attacking ! numerous time I found myself sneaking past a group of zombies, and ended up hitting the door with my weapon because I was holding ctrl. [Confirmed]using furnitures & "map items" to hide yourself (under beds, in wardrobes, behind sofas, behind fences, behind cars when they're here etc...)maybe 2 or 3 different body positions ? Standing / crouching / crawling.Actions like opening doors & windows should make more noise in general, but we should have an alternate way that takes slightly longer time but make less noise (action + ctrl). Maybe even the opposite a Loud & Quick way when holding the sprint key."Map noises" (kind of related to sneaking) The idea comes from another thread, but that's what makes more sense to me :Bumping into furnitures should make noise (chairs grinding on the floor, things falling from tables/container if you run bump into them etc...) That will force the players to be careful when looting indoor if they don't want to alert nearby zombies (or other players !).Random "map related" noises, just like alarms but on less dramatic scales ! "Like no one would suspect that shelf isn't properly fixed to the wall and going through the books would break it, or that grabbing a knife on that messy table would make that bottle fall on the floor, or that a mess of tins and glass bottles was waiting for you behind that door, or even that the door hinges were old and would squeak like a scream in the night, or this window wasn't properly manufactured and would shut itself in a loud clapping noise, or the good old creaking stairs etc..."Same principle but outdoor : some more garbages scattered accross the street, broken glass, empty cans of food making noise if you step on them and send them rolling. [skills, Jobs, Traits] Spoiler Skills overhaul Suggestion that popped out of another thread : "It would be nice to see carpentry leveling not as a succession of craft-recipes unlocking over time but as an evolution of the quality of your work. Like, anyone could give a shot at building a rain barrel but a non-experienced guy would make it less hermetic (leaking), with a smaller capacity, maybe pretty weak and prone to break during storms or having its water contaminated by bacterias. Low level stairs could be ladder-ish stairs, slower to climb and weaker, prone to break under the weight of an heavy-loaded person etc... The more you level up, the better the quality of your work : thicker, more resistant, more efficient, more useful for harsh conditions. That could work for any crafting & surviving skills. A low level trapper would craft shitty traps with high risk of animals getting away, not weather resistant. the harder the trap is to build, the more chance you have to make a trap that barely works or doesn't work at all. A low level fisherman would craft weak fishing poles, bad hooks, and fish would get away way more often, except very small ones. When the electricity crafting comes in, you'd have high chances of making a circuit that cuts a lot, need more fuel, high risk of fire, power outage when rainy, or simply doesn't work if you try to craft something too complicated. etc..." Also good thread about carpentry : http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/10879-a-small-building-overhaul/ Specific knowledge & aptitudes should be open only to certain jobs. I think that would enforce the need to live in a community, so players can't do everything on their own, they could still survive alone, but comfort should come from groups. I had the idea thinking about medicine, only a doctor or someone with a prior medical formation should have access to the medical skill tree (when it's implemented), and it goes for a few jobs: -Doctors > access to medical skill tree -Construction worker > access to electric crafting (when it's implemented) + construction bonus -Park ranger > tracking skill tree / outdoors man + hunting bonus ? -Policeman > aiming bonus + ? -Farmer > Farming bonus + ? A few ideas for future jobs & traits, related to previous suggestion : -Outlaw > can start any car & force doors/windows with less noise -Comedian > social skills / makes people less depressed & bored -Cook > Cooking bonus -Other / player made job > bonus of +4 for choosing traits. -Sunday fisher +3 > fishing bonus -Guns nut +4 > aiming bonus -Amateur hunter +4 > tracking ability -Car nerd +4 > can start cars -Pedestrian for life -1/-2 > don't know how to drive -Musician +3 > can play instrument for moral & group moral -Boring -2 > bores people -Lone wolf -2 > gets bored by other people etc... That would allow "multi-class" char but would still limit the fact that people can do, right now, everything on their own. [General suggestions] Spoiler deeper health & injuries sytemdeeper nutrition systemI think it's already been discussed quite a lot on the old forums. Eating properly should be essential to keep your character in good shape, and should be a "long term work" with long term repercussions. You don't die of starvation in a few days. But lacking certain nutriments will, on the long term, make your character weaker, getting tired more easily, depressed, slower to heal and more prone to diseases and wound infections etc... Being well fed and having some bonus on your character's strenght and mind should be the same. If you eat at your fill when you're hungry, and a good variety of aliments (not only chips and beans) your character should deserve a "long term" boost. The idea is, it's hard to keep a decent health in an apocalyptic environment and red moodles should be the "standard" if you're not perfectly settled or part of a well organized community of survivors. Red moodles being a standard would make the player feel the harshness and despair of a zombie-filled world. sledgehammer should weigh moreThe sledge encumbrance is way too low right now, I mean we can put a sledge in a plastic bag or a tote bag, that's a bit odd ! Plus it's a very "dangerous" item, a lot of players in MP always carry one in case they want to break-in someone's base. Moving with a big sledgehammer should be something thought through and planned, not just always carrying one around in case you need it ! It should probably weigh twice more as it actually does [12 instead of 6] NOPE 2 plastic bags = 1 garbage bags.That's pretty self explanatory ! for now we can only use garbage bags to craft rain barrels, which makes those a kind of silly valuable item. I think we should have more means to make the barrels water-retaining and plastic bags seem like a good solution, but they're smaller. Maybe raincoats = 2 garbage bags someday ? ;o Farming areas / Smart FarmingFarming can sometimes be a bit of a pain when it comes to watering and checking your plants one by one, I know that's subjective but that micro-management feels pretty annoying to me. It would be cool to have some kind of system that allows your character to execute a chain of action : filling watering can > watering plants untill empty > filling watering can > etc... Checking plants health > no disease > next plant Checking plants health > disease > spray remedy > next plant. Wearing belts (introducing holsters for knife & pistol)I was thinking belt, in their current state, are pretty useless. I know they'll be usefull to stop important bleeding (Kate & Baldspot memories), but people are not very likely to always have a belt in their inventory, except if they're wearing them ! Severe bleeding > taking belt off > tourniquet etc... Wearing a belt could also be used to hold holsters for knives & pistols. Holsters would be a quick-access container/bag (maybe a bind to draw from holster?), which would make some space in your inventory. Maybe holsters should be craftable ? [Multiplayer & Admin Suggestions] Spoiler In-game chat overhaulThe player should be able to choose if he wants to whisper, talk or shout, which would influence the range other players could read what he wrote, and the range zombies would hear it as well. Actually writting on journals / paper sheets / notesThat would be pretty awesome. You could keep a journal which other players could fine on your body or in your bag when they find your corpse. Writting it / Reading it would fight boredom. That would create some pretty deep RP and immersion as well. DONE Adding a delay when disconnecting from a server....To prevent wild disconnections and abuses. I see it coming from here, people disconnecting to save their character when they're in trouble, I already saw an ennemy breaking into our safehouse and disconnecting in the toilet to embush us later, time to get to him, he wasn't here anymore. A delay of 30s to 1min should do the trick, people would have to disconnect in safe places, which makes sense imo. Disconnecting outside in the middle of the road should be dangerous. [admin] Teleporting next to a player or on a point of the map[admin] triggering a precise house alarm[admin] Wiping/removing massive piles of corpses. [FPS drop issue][admin] Option to choose in what proportions the loot will spawn [more food, less weapons, more tools, more kitchen misc, less bags etc...]Explaination : That's all for now, I'll add more when I have something consistent, everyone's welcome to discuss and share their point of views. Keep it clean and polite as always.
  24. Nils

    Sowing new seed type

    Sorry for the two threads at once but they aren't strictly related. I'm adding some new plant/seed types in my mod. I've created the plant and the seeds. I'm able to insert both onto my character. I can eat the plant, make recipes with it. All that works. The only problem I'm having is that I don't know how to get the Sow Seed menu to recognize my new plant types. I'm also not sure how to tell it what art to use when planted and during the growth cycles. Any help is appreciated.
  25. What is River Town?River Town is a single-player rural-themed Role Play inspired by the classics, such as Harvest Moon, The Sims or Rune Escape. In River Town player comes into possession of a farm, and can populate his little rancho with a variety of animals, pets or crops. The town is settled by villagers with highly contrasting personalities, making the game an engaging combination of farming and social experience. What is unique about River Town is that player can create their own script about what they want to happen, with whom and when. Every action a character does affects not only him but all people around as well, which might lead to some crazy stuff! FeaturesFor a full feature set please visit our Kickstarter page. Crops - Choose from a wide variety of plants (fruits, vegetables, flowers) and trees to populate your farm. Some of them are required to be seeded only at a certain season, while others need a hothous.Animals - Buy, feed, breed and take care of your farm animals.Pets - Several pets to take care of. Some pets have special functions - dog, for instance, might help you with keeping wild animals away.Villagers - Every single person living in River Town is entirely unique and introduces different storyline. Some villagers might find you inspiring to change their behaviour and goals, some might try to avoid you, while some others even attempt to stalk you if they are extremely amazed by your person. They behave differently towards you as a stranger or a best friend, so take that into account.Date & Marry - Finding a second half is a strong part of the River Town storyline. It's possible to date, propose, marry, live together and finally raise a child. Festivals - Each season brings a set of different festivals organised by the town population. Participation in these might be a great chance to integrate with villagers or win precious prizes.Cooking - Discover new meals by watching TV series in your TV or experiment on your own. Serve your dishes for a dinner, share it with others or participate in cooking contests. Thank you for your time! I hope you like the game, we're very opened to your feedback and thoughts, so go ahead and write us a couple of words
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