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  1. Spiffo
    Snicker reacted to Batsphinx in IWBUMS 41.50 released   
    Latest Public Beta IWBUMS patch has been released!
    Barring anything urgent or required hot-fixes this will be the last update to IWBUMS for a little while.
    Backstage the current internal MP branch is being merged into our mainline, meaning that all devs will be working on the version containing our MP work.
    As such after this there won't be any big patches until MP itself is ready for a full IWBUMS beta release.

    Things are feeling really good with it, but there's still a lot of work to do! Please keep tabs on the Thursday blogs for updates.
    Added some contextual double click on items in inventory:
    - If not in inventory, it'll just transfer it (like before)
    - Dbl click weapon to equip/unequip it
    - Dbl click clothing/Bags to wear/unwear it
    - Dbl click food to eat it

    - Excess zombies now drawn with a solid black silhouette. The silhouette is animated using five frames of two different animations: idle and walking.

    - Updated translation.
    - Content Redacted (for now)

    - Added some missing items in distributions (suture needle holder, leash, water dish, yarn...)
    - Reduced fatigue due to foraging by a large amount.
    - Fixed some items couldn't be merged (can now combine used wire, twine, etc..)
    - Adjusted weight of several hats.
    - Addressed beer bottle issues.
    - Added smash bottle for the beer bottle.
    - Added bite/scratch protection for bullet vest.
    - Items in shops won't have their durability (for weapon) or used delta (for drainable, such as pills, twine etc.) changed, they'll always be 100%.
    - Boosted tailoring book spawn in residential houses
    - Boosted farming book spawn, also now appears in shops and farmhouses

    -re-exported Bob_WalkHeavyLimpL_2H_Heavy.X so weapon held correctly

    - Fixed not being able to add worms as bait in trap.
    - Fixed some combat near fences without a spear.
    - Fixed thin/thick skin issues around how prone you were to taking damage from zeds
    - Fixed wearing stack of clothing when selecting multiple and wearing them (ie. selecting multiple tshirt & right click/wear will only wear the first one, if you have shirt + pants selected it'll still equip them both though)
    - Fixed fake-dead and crawling zombies attacking invisible players
    - Fixed incorrectly counting the number of zombies surrounding the player when checking if the player gets dragged down.
    - Fixed earring not showing on ground
    - Fixed a multithreading bug that displayed corpses and mannequins using the wrong texture sometimes.
    - Fixed missing consolidate context menu option for thread & wire.
    - Fixed possible NullPointerException in RVSTrailerCrash if the trailer script isn't defined.
    - Fixed equipping broken weapons by double-clicking.
    - Fixed new splitscreen players with the same profession sharing the same XP multipliers.
  2. Like
    Snicker reacted to Omegapl in Craft Helper 1.2   
    Becouse Peanuts (creator of this mod) has been offline since december and no one is developing this mod anymore I (Omegapl) decided to take care of this mod and update it a little.
    Get bored of pausing game to see if an item is a component of a recipe on your favorite pz wiki site ? This mod is for you. This mod will help you to learn the recipes of Project Zomboid.

    CraftHelper offers two ways to learn recipes:
    See all recipes where an item is used See directly the complete list of recipes All you have to do is :
    Open your inventoryRight click on an item. If the item is used in or more recipes, the "craft helper" option will appear in the contextual menu Click on the "craft helper" option to see all the recipes where the item is used. Move the mouse over a recipe to see its composition in tooltip box Or
    Click on the new available button (to the left of screen, under character info button) to open a window where all recipes (sorted by name) are displayed. Like above, when your mouse is over a recipe, its composition will appear in a tooltip box. In tooltip box (recipes composition), you'll see [+], [~] or [-] before items name.
    [+] : means that you actually have this item in your inventory
    [~] : means that you actually have this item in your inventory but not enough to craft recipe
    [-] : means that you don't have this item in you inventory
    If you have picked up some items and you want to check if you can craft something with them , press refresh button on the top of the window in which the list of recipes is.
    Since version 1.5b there is CraftHelper menu available in recipes book . You can open it but pressing "O" button.Also you can add recipes to favorites by pressing right mouse button.


    I have tested v.1.2 of this mod on build26 and 27 of pz and it worked on both of them.
    I haven't tested previous builds.
    Craft Helper (when loaded from mod directory on both sides client and server)
    in multiplayer works only on build27 and up
    Mod should work on Project Zomboid build 27 and up
    Just extract the archive into your mods directory located at  <C:\Users\USERNAME\Zomboid\mods> Turn it on in PZ's menu LINKS
    [v1.5g] Dropbox: http://adf.ly/1IFgQU v32.4
    [v1.5f] Dropbox: http://adf.ly/1HwuYL temporary version for v32.2
    [v1.5e] Dropbox: http://adf.ly/1Hqmhh
    [v1.5b] Dropbox: http://adf.ly/w7SVA
    [v1.4b] Dropbox: http://adf.ly/w7TLK  v30.8
    [v1.4a] Dropbox: http://adf.ly/w7TLM  v29.4
    [ v1.4 ] Dropbox: http://adf.ly/w7TLN
    [ v1.3 ] Dropbox: http://adf.ly/w7TLP
    [ v1.2 ] Dropbox: http://adf.ly/7222364/crafthelper1-2
    Direct Link:


    I don't want you to place these mod versions anywhere else.
    If you want to put my mod on other site put this download link not your own.

    cccp fixv2: http://cur.lv/b2k24
    It allows to run mod with cccp[v0.6] without errors.
    Just extract content of "cccp CH fix" directory to mods folder in your documents and overwrite every file.
    cccp mod: http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/7385-cccp-consolidated-culinary-community-project-beta/

    v1.5g All features are back again. v1.5f released for PZ v32.2 experimental in that version evolved recipes aren't shown and craft helper doesnt show if item can be filled with water.  v1.5e Solved spam of errors in console. Bugfixes. Compatibility with other mods fix. v1.5b Added CraftHelper options menu which can be opened by "O" button next to close button. You can sort recipes list by result name or recipe name. Also you can switch between displaying result name and recipe name .
    You can now add recipes to favorites by clicking right mouse button when pointing on your often used recipe and then clicking on small button which pops up.
    There is option in CraftHelper  menu to display favorite recipes at the beginning of the list and option to display favorites only.
    Your favorites are saved on hard drive in "(,,,)\Zomboid\Lua\CraftHelper\Favoritelist.dat" and are loaded up when you start to play again. When you have mods adding recipes and you add to favorites some of these recipes, these recipes are kept saved when mod is switched off.
    And of couse I've made images for these buttons  v1.4: CraftHelper now loads Evolved Recipes too (soups,sandwitches etc) 
    Water fillable items have now info (blue) in recipe list
    Recipes in which can be used water contained in other items are now shown in the recipe list
    Bugfixes v1.3: Brough back feature: green highlighting of recipes when all needed items are in inventory,
    Proper names of items are now shown on the tooltip.
    Added "refresh button" which when pressed rechecks your inventory and available recipes.
    Icon of item created in a recipe is shown on the tooltip again.
    Mod uses much less CPU then in v1.1 ,when using mods which add big amount of recipes. v1.2: updated to build27 .
    For modders it is now possible, by adding item's name to the IgnoreList = {} ,to exclude recipes concerning an item. [beware in current version it removes whole recipe from the mod, but it's still craftable in-game].
    Minor bugfixes. v1.1.1 : compatible with new mods loading system of PZ v1.1 : Show recipes you can craft with what you actually have in your inventory. For each recipes, show in tooltip box what items or not you have in your inventory.
    For modders, possibility to hide your recipes in Craft Helper (filter by items module name) v1.0.3 : Craft Helper window's background is now opaque (transparent background can make reading difficult recipes when multiple windows are open v1.0.2 : Now that the new PZ version (v2.9.9.10) is released on Desura, hotfix is included in v1.0.2 archive Hotfix : Makes CraftHelper compatible with PZ v2.9.9 (forum test release) v1.0.1 : Now works on Linux v1.0 : Initial release
  3. Like
    Snicker reacted to Dandir in IWBUMS 41.35 RELEASED   
    MP when?
  4. Like
    Snicker reacted to lemmy101 in IWBUMS 41.22 released!   

    - New way to spawn vehicle stories, now use zone intersect in chunk to be really accurate.
    - Added more vehicle stories.
    - Added weapon name on insert bullets in weapon context menu option
    - Added footstep sounds when aim-walking.
    - Moodles now shake and shimmer to signal combat being impaired
    - Updated some vehicles textures.
    - Fixed some missing vehicle damage overlays.
    - Increased cap combat speed for heavy weapons.
    - Pressing one of the hotbar keys for half a second now displays a radial menu for choosing an item to equip in that slot.
    - Healing items can be dragged onto the Health panel to treat injuries.-Converted strings for translators
    -Updated translations for Spanish, Hungarian, Japanese and Polish.- All containers in the loot window now displayed in the 3x3 area around the player.
    1) This allows us to add back "turn to face the container while looting", because turning doesn't change which
    containers are displayed in the loot window.
    2) Fixes some awkwardness with looting corpses, since often the player is visually standing on the corpse but
    not facing the square the corpse is on.
    3) It was always possible for the player to click on a container in the world and display it's contents in the
    loot window, even when the container was behind the player and didn't have a button in the loot window.

    - Fixed vehicle rust missing from Effects.
    - Fixed player being locked in place after starting to reload/rack a firearm while aiming.
    - Fixed sitting and thumping zombies being pushed by other zombies
    - Display the 'equipped' icon in the hotbar for items held in a hand.
    - Added "Quit To Desktop" main-menu option.
    - Player now faces vehicle door when attempting to unlock it.
    - Fixed zombies getting stuck in an animation after the player dies.
    - Fixed DebugChunkState error when a State wasn't exposed to lua.
    - Fixed sitting zombies sometimes facing the wrong direction.
    - Fixed the position of the "favorite" icon in the inventory window (it was clipping into the row above).
    - Fixed being able to throw a molotov without a lighter in the right hand, and the right-hand item disappearing afterward.
    - Fixed not being able to queue multiple chop-tree actions.
    - Fixed the Continue button skipping the profession screen when the player is dead.
    - Fixed hotbar switching animations.
    - Fixed the player's direction snapping when changing the player's in-hand models.
    - Fixes snapping when the player turns
    - Fixed dragging multiple healing items of the same type onto the Health ui.
    - Fixed clicking "wear" on a stack of items wearing them all
    - Fixed being able to open infinite Inspect Clothing UI.
    - Fixed right clicking on bullets needing a corresponding gun to allow insert bullets in magazine.
    - Fixed having clicking once bullets in inventory bringing "insert ammo in magazine" for every item.
    - Fixed not being able to clean dirty leather/denim strips.
    - Fixed bunch of overlaping text with garmentUI for translator, everything is now tied to various string width.
    - Fixed sandbox loot settings resetting to default when loading a saved game.
    - Fixed zombies not attacking players right in front of them when the "Day/Night Active" sandbox setting is not "Both".
    - Lighter doesn't run out of fuel if we use it as lighting source
    - Fixed Barefoot footsteps sfx not being softer than when wearing shoes
    - Fixed chance to catch fish at lvl 1 beingtoo high
    - Fixed professional clothes (for example Lumberjack shirt) disappearing from the combo when clicking "Random"
    - Fixed Headlights smashing too easily
    - Fixed Pin status for inventory menus not being saved
    - Fixed it not being possible to recover and repair a weapon used in Spear creation
    - Fixed dryers having Drink Option
    - Fixed lua error with Painting walls
    - Fixed Fishing with a spear having incorrect sfx
    - Fixed sound effect when a door is destroyed being too loud
    - Fixed incorrect high exertion moodle description
    - Fixed Trees/clothing protection system issues
    - Fixed dig Graves action not having SFX for all tools
    - Fixed vehicle siren typo
    - Fixed a farming 'Dig' being confusing due to different digging actions - now 'dig furrow' etc.
    - Fixed weapon SwingSound not playing (whoosh of baseball bat for example).
    - Fixed HitVehiclePartWithWeapon and HitVehicleWindowWithWeapon not playing, and it using hit-zombie sound.
    - Fixed hats falling multiple times off reanimated player zombies.
    - Fixed aim outline for splitscreen players being rendered on the first player's screen.
    - Fixed weather effects not rendering for splitscreen players.
    - Fixed the wrong clothing color being displayed in the character-creation screen when selecting items.
    - Fixed passengers not being allowed to read books in running vehicles (driver still cannot).
    - Fixed garage doors with walls behind in cells 22,33 and 27,33.
    - Fixed SmithingMag4 turning into SmithingMag3 when read.
    - Fixed possible nullpointer for RVSCarCrashCorpse.
    - Fixed turning again when already facing the direction when doing an action.
    - Fixed player animation snapping while turning in ISMultiStageBuild.
    - Fixed vehicle steering flipping like pinball paddles when the fps is low.
    - Fixed pathfind bug that resulted in "WalkTowardState but path2 != null" messages.
    - Fixed lua errors when pressing hotbar shortcut keys during game loading.
    - Fixed exception with PolygonalMap2.intersectLineWithVehicle().
    - Fixed lua error in ISRepairEngine
    - Forbid reading skill books that are too high-level.  The player will read for a bit then stop after saying "I don't understand..." etc.
    - Fixed IsoWorldInventoryObject sometimes using the smaller WItem_xxx textures.
    - fixed the car duplication.
    - Fixed vehicle headlights not getting removed when destroyed, emitting light when broken
  5. Like
    Snicker reacted to Legoland99 in IWBUMS 41.22 released!   
    Great! I am really loving these updates!
  6. Pie
    Snicker got a reaction from Gpugs in IWBUMS 41.21 RELEASED   
    You guys are on fire! Love it!
  7. Spiffo
    Snicker got a reaction from xhlar in IWBUMS 41.21 RELEASED   
    You guys are on fire! Love it!
  8. Like
    Snicker got a reaction from Paddy 'The Pintman' Losty in IWBUMS 41.21 RELEASED   
    You guys are on fire! Love it!
  9. Like
    Snicker got a reaction from Geras in IWBUMS 41.21 RELEASED   
    You guys are on fire! Love it!
  10. Like
    Snicker reacted to lemmy101 in IWBUMS 41.21 RELEASED   

    Replaced tailoring submenu with an "Inspect clothing UI" which act like health panel.
    Added visible bandage models on character
    Changed the animation when building log walls, and hide hand models since no tools are required.
    Added a "world" attachment to some weapon models to position and rotate them nicely when they are on the ground. This is used so shovels and planks lie flat on the ground, for example.
    Added "Aim outline" display option.
    Player now unequips current item before equipping another when both items are in the hotbar.
    Fixed some bugs with the Inspect Clothing UI & added a condition bar.
    Finished bandages models (added dirty!)
    Removed "New Roof Hiding" option.
    Catch and log all Throwable errors when saving the game.
    Added randomised vehicle spawn events - car crashes etc.
    Introduced aspects of new challenges: Zombies are now active at night & inactive during day in Studio, you start with a torch at midnight. Tweaked Kingsmouth sandbox options.
    Improved transition to action animation to remove anim snaps
    - fixed bug that resulted in no catch a cold chance when conditions did apply
    - slowed down body heat generation increase/decrease rates
    - added advanced view and applied text changes on thermal tab
    - fixed temperature offsets of limbs to be more pronounced
    - changed a few internal values making fighting cold to be harder based on test feedback also including: the dropping of core temperature now affects total possible heat generated and the body ability to keep fighting cold
    - increased energy/fluid consumption rates a little bit when overheating/undercooling
    - added small increase in energy consumption when generating lots of heat.
    - changed skin temperature moves faster when its moving back to favorable levels, so it doesnt take that long to warm up again.
    - fixed bug that during heat made skin too hot too fast based on insulation
    - fixed a few clothing pieces insulation
    - changed hypothermia stage 2 kicking in at core 35, instead of 33
    - added a lower body heat generation value when sneaking.
    - added small incremental insulation bonus affecting high insulating clothing mostly
    - added extra lower perspiration rate modifier for clothing in colder temperatures
    - added water resistance to various jackets,pants,hats and footwear
    Increased a tad weapon spawning attached to zombies.
    Increased gardenning spray, scissors, gloves & butter knife spawn rate.
    Removed Belt being able to be cut.
    Increased thread spawn rate in kitchen.
    Mechanics window tooltips now display battery charge, amount of fuel in gas tank, amount of air in tires.
    Improved how day/night cycle zombies sandbox option works: when active, they get your sandbox options. When inactive, they're really slow & weak, but they can still walk/attack.
    Added slow shamblers zombies speed.

    - Possibly fixed walking-in-place zombies.
    - Fixed hotbar not updating when replacing a holster with a double holster or vice-versa.
    - Fixed custom weights for food and crafted radios not being saved.
    - Fixed "Clear Ashes" not being available.
    - Allow Shovel/Shovel2/SnowShovel/HandShovel to be used to clear ashes.
    - Fixed lua error in DebugChunkState displaying tables in modData.
    - Fixed the bug "vehicles sometimes disappear until you reload the game".
    - Fixed the player getting stuck when climbing a sheetrope and the way is blocked at the top. The player will automatically climb back down.
    - Fixed overlapping garage door and wall in cell 37,22.
    - Fixed Tailoring skill books disappearing after being read.
    - Fixed grime/overlays/etc from burned tiles.
    - Fixed the bug: the -Dnosave option throw a bunch of error
    - Fixed car batteries starting with greater than 100% charge sometimes.
    - Fixed picking up broken glass with the furniture-moving tool not cutting the hands as it does when done with the context menu.
    - Fixed red garage doors not being openable.
    - Fixed Transfer All not working when one of the items is a Moveable (furniture) item.
    - Fixed cold water being used sometimes when disinfecting bandages or making hot drinks.
    - Fixed Zombie Count sandbox option setting Population Multiplier incorrectly (since Very High was added).
    - Fixed wrong climb-over-fence animation playing when holding a handgun.
    - Fixed MEGA THUNDER bug after fast-forward
    - Fixed zombies springing upright when struck after climbing over a fence, instead of getting stomped on.
    - Fixed lua error when attempting to reload a magazine when there are no bullets in inventory.
    - Fixed lua error when crafting when items need to be transferred to main inventory. (Packing nails into multiple boxes).
    - Fixed not being able to wear items on the head with coveralls (FullSuit and FullSuitHead locations were swapped). This should fix welding masks disappearing when zombies die, if they were wearing coveralls.
    - Fixed being able to click on doors to open/close them from too far away. Now the player must be in the 2x3 or 3x2 squares adjacent to the door.
    - Fixed hitting trees through walls.
    - Fixed zombies runners not running toward a sound (breaking windows, TV..)
    - Fixed zombies runners running in circle around you.
  11. Like
    Snicker reacted to Kennethdio in Commonly Suggested Suggestions   
    1. Already exists.
    3. Already exists.
    5. Get better radios.
    Rest are good suggestions.
  12. Like
    Snicker reacted to Kevlar_29 in Commonly Suggested Suggestions   
    I like that idea! Good thing you came up with it first, Enigma!
  13. Like
    Snicker reacted to Rathlord in Commonly Suggested Suggestions   
    Heya guys, I'm going to throw together a quick list of things that are commonly suggested and whether they've been mentioned by devs as tentative or no's. I'm going to be basing this off of a few threads in the old forum and the top of my head. If I miss any please mention it in the thread and I'll add it to the list.
    [n] - This is a confirmed 'No' from the development team. Please don't waste your time or ours reposting unless there's something relevant and new about it
    [y] - This is confirmed 'Yes' from the development team. This is something the definitely want to see in the game, but this does not constitute a guarantee. Please don't post about it unless you have something new or relevant to add.
    [m] - This is a 'maybe' from the dev team. It's something they've mentioned that they were interested in but we still don't know if it's a confirmed feature. Please don't post about it unless you have something new or relevant to add.
    Everything else - everything not marked would be something overwhelmingly decided by the community or that's self-evident. If you feel it needs discussion bring it up here or in a thread if there's not already one out there.
    The Big No's!
    These are a list of things that are either vehemently opposed by the majority of the community, confirmed "no's" by the dev team, or impossible within the game as it is. I'm going to try to make this completely unbiased, but if you disagree with anything posted feel free to mention it. The most important ones are highlighted in red. If you take nothing else from this thread, please pay attention to these.
             Aerosol Can + Lighter = Flamethrower
    [n]    Beginning the game before the infection
    [n]    Children or babies
    [n]    An ending or any game over other than death
    [n]    First Person or other viewpoint changes including camera rotation
    [n]    Immunity/Cure
    [n]    Military Aid
            Mini Maps
    [n]    Morality or Karma meter
    [n]    Overpowered weapons/specific firearms
              Overpowered Vehicles/Tanks
    [n]    Personal Hygiene (going to the bathroom, etc.)
              Playing as a zombie
    [n]    Random generated maps
    [n]    Rape
    [n]    Respawning/Quicksaving
    [n]    Sex
    [n]    "Special" Infected or any type of superhuman zombies
              Specific named weapons (such as AK47, M14, etc.)
    [n]    Unlimited/large amounts of ammo and weapons
    [n]    Voiceover
    [n]    Zombie Beasts or Infected Animals
    [n]    Zombie Camo, or Using Zombie Guts as a Disguise
    Tentative Yes's
    These things are things that either the devs have expressed interest in adding. Please note that this list does not mean these will be in the game at release, nor does it mean the devs will ever add them. It's solely a list of features that at some point they expressed interest in. These things do not need further threads, so please refrain.
    [Added]     Ability to lock doors
    [m]  Amputation
    [Soon]   Animals
    [Soon]   Hunting
    [m]    Porting/Console Version (Depending on Things)
    [m]   Armor
    [y]    Barricading with furniture
    [Added]   Bodies of water 
    [y]    Bows and Crossbows
    [y]    Cauterizing wounds
    [y]    Car Batteries
    [y]    Chainsaw
    [Added]    Cleaning up corpses/blood
    [Added]    Crawling Zombies
    [y]    Dogs
    [Added]   Electronics
    [Soon]   Feral Animals
    [Added]    Generators
    [y]    Walkmans
    [Added]    Malnutrition
    [Added]    Area Maps (no location marker)
    [In Progress]    More animations
    [In Progress]    More map content
    [In Progress]    More weapons
    [Added]    More jobs
    [Added]    More sprites
    [Soon] More Baldspot and Kate
    [Added]    More/Different sneaking animations
    [Added]    Movable items (such as wheelie bins)
    [Soon] NPC's (of all types, good and bad)
    [Soon] NPC relationships
    [Soon] NPC companions
    [Soon] NPC infection
    [Soon] NPC management
    [Added]    Online Multiplayer
    [y]    Passing out
    [y]    Profanity Filter
    [Added]    Rain Barrels
    [Added]    Suicide
    [y]    Sadist Movie Director (in progress) aka The Governor
    [Added]   Sleep quality
    [Added]    Sleep in Multiplayer
    [m]    Sewers and basements
    [Added]    Traps
    [Added]    Unarmed combat
    [Added]    Vehicles
  14. Like
    Snicker reacted to Morbo513 in General list of feedback and suggestions   
    I've just about clocked my 24th hour on the current IWBUMS build, with 100+ prior plus a handful more from the Kate + Baldspot versions. I'm really enjoying the new mechanics and features so far; the following is a bunch of things I hope to see changed/added. Beyond the list of commonly suggested suggestions (Some of which I will be reiterating), I'm somewhat ignorant of currently planned features and content, so I apologise if any of this already is. Likewise I'm going to ignore developmental constraints and engine limitations for the time being and present everything as I'd like to see it. Where stats and numbers are concerned, in most cases I'm pulling them out my arse for examples' sake.

    Anything marked with *, even I think might be too complex to be worthwhile

    Sandbox - Weighted "Random" Zombie attributes, and/or zombie type definitions & Loot Rarity options
    This is probably the most simple suggestion here, and the one I feel most strongly about so I'll start with it - the customisation options regarding zombies are quite limited. In short, I'd wish for the player to be able to weight each attribute to their pleasing. For example, I could choose for 5% of zombies to have the ability to navigate + use doors, while 10% are sprinters, 20% are blind, etc - making them unpredictable, without having an overwhelming number of zombies with or without X and Y properties.

    As for zombie type definitions, you create several rulesets and again, weight them for incidence. For example, my Type 1 Zombie constitues 80% of the population, and I go with the standard lore for them. For the remaining 20%, my Type 2 Zombies are weak, blind sprinters with a hightened sense of smell, but they are unable to pass on the infection.
    This could go so far as to be targeted to existing zombie types, eg. the player could choose for firemen zombies to always be strong, police zombies will always have better eyesight, military zombies will always be sprinters etc but I digress.

    The same could apply somewhat to vehicles. For example I'd like to be able to set parked cars to either have 0 fuel or 10-100%, and in generally fine condition, but are almost certainly locked and alarmed - While survivor vehicles will be beat up, either out of fuel and/or too damaged to start, and never alarmed

    Also, being able to allow zombies to use (melee) weapons would certainly be interesting.

    As for loot rarity settings, I'd like to see them further divided; "Weapons" into Melee, Firearm, Ranged, Ammunition ; "Other" into Medical, Crafting, Books, Electronics etc. Food is fine as it is I suppose.

    This was pointed out in another thread, but there's quite a disconnect between the sounds the player hears, and those heard by the zombies. Doors opening and closing are, as far as I can tell, completely silent as far as the zombies are concerned, but early on I remember being very hesitant to touch them because I hear them. For this case, the player could have a toggle to open/close doors quietly, taking longer to do so in the latter case.

    More importantly, I find that it's practically impossible to tell how far north/south a sound is coming from, while East/West seems easy enough.

    The sound of gunshots seems to travel much further than the player hears.

    Sounds produced inside or from behind buildings & obstacles are muffled for the player, but I can't tell if this is the case for zombies. If it isn't, I'd hope that changes.

    Firearms - Dirt vs Condition
    The most common cause of a firearm malfunctioning beyond mishandling is dirt and debris entering the action, rather than outright damage. Simply enough, firearm condition would take a loooong time to degrade unless they're directly damaged (And the more degraded its moving parts, the quicker it will damage its self) - but firing them, crawling through woodland with them on your person, dropping them and splattering zombie guts all over them would all contribute to increased dirt. At low levels, just water can be used to clean it. But for a seriously gunked-up firearm, it'd necessitate disassembly, cleaning with water and tools, and re-oiling.

    If we want to go really into depth with it, as if we weren't already, you wouldn't just be able to duct-tape the working parts back into functionality. Rather, you'd be able to strip the components from compatible weapons in the same fashion as the vehicle mechanics currently work; My M16's bolt is damaged - I need to find (or manufacture, good luck?) another. My shotgun's stock is cracked - That I can fix with wood-glue or duct-tape. Where applicable, mechanics, metalwork and carpentry skill would factor in.

    Yes, it's been suggested many times (even by myself) and somewhat definitively shot down, but while I'm here I'd like to reiterate why I think they'd be a positive addition, while addressing some of the misconceptions around them as applied to Zomboid.
    To get that bit out the way first: A suppressor does not make a firearm truly silent - far from it. All the mods that include them, to my memory, had them completely nullify the volume of a shot. This is uninteresting from a gameplay standpoint in addition to being almost entirely unrealistic.

    So with that said, what is the need for suppressors in the game?
    Currently, firearms are in a weird place. In reality, they'd probably be one of the most valuable tools attainable, or at least would appear to be as evidenced by how high novice players especially tend to place them on the priority list. Throughout most of the game however, they're practically irrelevant especially as weapons. If you're in a situation bad enough to warrant their use, firing a few shots is almost always going to make it even worse - the only real exceptions being very remote areas. Ultimately, firearms' utility boils down to them being an on-demand loud noise that can be used to kite zombies away from your intended destination. That is until you've stockpiled enough guns, ammo and if MP/NPCs, people, to use them to clear out the entire cell's worth of zombies that will be attracted to the noise.

    How would I have them work?
    -* The noise of a shot is divided into two components - The report (The gunshot its self, the radius surrounding the shooter in which the shot is heard) and the bullet (Noise in direction of fire, extends beyond distance of report radius) - To (poorly) illustrate:

    - The best suppressor reduces the volume of the report by up to 70%, the distance it travels by up to 60% - dependent on calibre. In other words, the already-quieter and weaker guns would get the most volume reduction;  the louder and more powerful a firearm the less benefit a suppressor would convey.

    - *Subsonic ammunition (where the "standard" round is otherwise supersonic) can be used to decrease the volume of the noise generated by the bullet, whether or not it's suppressed - *at the cost of range and/or damage.

    - Military/commercial-grade suppressors can be found. Extremely rare, most likely found in military storage/NPCs/zombies - Absolutely minuscule chance of spawning in homes or already attached to firearms

    - Several levels of improvised suppressors can be crafted, contingent on Metalwork and Mechanics skills - possibly necessitating a skill magazine too

    - *Military/commercial suppressors are caliber-specific. Crafted suppressors are generic until attached to a firearm.

    - Suppressors have durability; The more they degrade, the less effective they are (But they will always keep a firearm quieter than otherwise). *The higher the calibre, the more quickly they degrade. A commercial-grade suppressor will last roughly 500 shots before its effectivness bottoms out, while a top-tier crafted suppressor will last roughly 300.

    - Using a suppressor increases the chance of a firearm malfunctioning and/or increases rate of firearm degradation/dirt gain through firing. *The more crude the suppressor, the greater its influence on degradation/malfunction/dirt.

    Even with the quietest possible firearm, you wouldn't be able to use it with impunity just because it's suppressed - it'd still be heard for a block or two, but toward the edges of that radius it might not be so loud as to overpower everything else a given zombie is hearing. So for more sparsely populated areas as well as the interior of large buildings, using a firearm becomes much more viable beyond kiting - using a suppressed gun in an emergency would stand a much greater chance of getting you out of it without attracting too much more attention.

    In the same vein as suppressors, bows and crossbows would make for an interesting addition; Again there would be craftable and non-craftable variants. Compared to (even suppressed) firearms they'd be relatively quiet and more sustainable in terms of ammo consumption. However, they'd be much more difficult to use than firearms, with generally shorter range - though their relative quietness would allow you to gain more experience in practice. I feel like they could use their own set of skills, but that might be going overboard.

    - Short Bows: Short range, low damage, quietest, decent refire rate, low exertion. Crafting requires beginner carpentry.
    - Long Bows: Longest range, middling damage, middling volume, slower refire rate, highest exertion. Crafting requires intermediate carpentry.
    - Crossbows: Middling range, highest damage, loudest, slowest refire rate, middling exertion. Crafting requires intermediate mechanics, beginner metalwork and beginner carpentry.

    Again, the ability to craft them could be contingent on skill magazines. There could be several varieties of each type, particularly amongst "found" ones, each modifying some of those stats. For example a modern composite bow might be a lot quieter, a modern crossbow pistol might be much faster yet do less damage. I don't know much about archery, but I imagine it's even more bottomless pit of possibilities than I'm presenting here.

    Vehicle modification & repairs
    I won't go too into depth with this one, but it essentially boils down to weaponising and up-armouring vehicles. Create a plow and strap it to the front to reduce slowdown and damage caused by mowing down zombies (And humans!), bullbars to reduce collision damage, weld bars across windows and windshields to protect them (reduced visibility?), metal plating on bodywork to protect components and occupants from firearms. Would require metalworking and mechanics skills where applicable.

    I would like to see the ability to repair bodywork- minor dents would only require a hammer, while more serious damage could be patched over with metal sheets and such.
    Of course, all that added weight will reduce acceleration, max speed and increase fuel consumption.
    To go even further with it, you could frankensetein cars together, eg shove a V8 into a hatchback and become an accident waiting to happen.

    Medical & Physiological
    I feel like wounds are too easy to disinfect, and antibiotics are a get-out-of-jail-free card should you be unable to disinfect them. I think that for the more persistent injuries you should have to disinfect them multiple times - and regardless, that there should still be a chance of infection dependent on First Aid skill and the quality of dressings, especially if you're still fighting zombies or pissing about in the mud.

    As for the zombie infection, again I'm aware it's a definitive "no" for a cure, but I feel like giving the player a death sentence with no way to come back from it kinda sucks. Eating plenty could help delay it, amputation could prevent it spreading (but that's a pretty tall order considering the development implications). Beyond that, I think the best compromise would be a drug that can delay it perpetually so long as you have a supply, necessitating a sorta gun-to-your-head approach in getting your next dose. It'd have to be very rare, but maybe there could be a chemistry skill allowing synthesis of this drug at the highest level, with some difficult to acquire/sustain ingredients - in addition to allowing synthesis of disinfectants, medicinal drugs and alcohol.

    I've also found it a lot more difficult to lose weight in PZ than in reality - I've lost 7kg over the past two months, and as soon as I started maintaining a calorie deficit it started dropping - This doesn't seem to be how it works in-game, with some weird long lag period between not eating and losing the weight. There's no real reason a full day of not eating should not result in weight loss.

    For relatively minor arm and hand injuries (scratches particularly), I find attack speed is diminished way too much - Adrenaline and the instinct for self-preservation are going to take precedence over keeping such injuries safe in the face of a handful of zombies. I'd rather they diminished accuracy, with only lacerations or anything more serious affecting attack speed.
    Also rather than the speed of the entire process being reduced, I think it should just be recovery - so the length of time between swings/stabs stays the same, but there's no delay between starting and connecting the attack.
    Having wounds re-open as a consequence of fighting while injured would give this more depth too, though it could possibly be too frustrating.

    Improvised Armour & Tailoring
    As I understand it the protection system is still in its infancy, but again the depth it could go to is endless.
    Improvised armour could be modifications to existing clothing items, or stand-alone clothing items in themselves. Why not both, beyond the countless hours to code it all and create art?
    Facetiousness aside, improvised armour would be applicable to each body part that can be damaged. It could be made from all sorts - the heavier the material/larger the piece, the larger the debuffs to movement speed, exertion and/or attack speed dependent on which body part they're worn on, but the greater the protection. So you could be a walking tank but the moment you have to run you're buggered, or you could travel very light and get bitten by the next zombie you encounter, or anything in between.

    Ballistic protection
    With armoured vests already in the game and NPCs on the way (or already here with Super(b) survivors, not to mention PvP functionality in MP), ballistic protection has a role to play. Most items that can protect against scratches and bites would likely be useless in the face of a bullet - however some types of improvised (if implemented) or found armour might be better than nothing. Eg. a shot to a flak jacket might cause what would otherwise be a bullet wound to be a bruise. Having both entry and exit wounds possible would also be interesting.

    Some traits I think should be able to be acquired through gameplay, especially across in-game years, eg. near/far-sightedness, deafness (esp. if you've been in proximity to firearms being shot). As another example, if you smoke too many cigarettes too quickly, you gain the smoker trait; If you abstain, you lose it (after a long time).
    I feel like athletic, strong, stout and fit shouldn't be traits at all beyond defining your character's starting attributes, and from there would be defined by diet and exercise as with over/underweightedness.
    Desensitisation could occur after X time in a panic state, with that time lengthened by the Coward trait and shortened by the Brave trait.

    I feel like some of them are quite lacking - they give you a leg up compared to a traitless, professionless character for sure, but I don't feel like they anywhere near fully reflect the experience someone in that given line of work would really have. For example, I'd imagine a combat veteran to be much more than 20% better than the uninitiated when it comes to all things firearm, and to have some experience with construction, greater aptitude for figuring out improvised explosives. A carpenter by trade would be able to make something much more refined than a bunch of wooden planks assembled into the form of a chair

    Quality of life/"minor" feature/content wishlist
    -  (Toggle to?) Automatically drop vehicle components when removed  - Wheels, brakes, suspension, seats, gas tanks, doors, windows etc.
    - Allow queueing of constructions eg. walls
    - Allow all interactions with wounds at all times (assuming I have the requisite supplies) so I don't have to wait for eg. a disinfect operation to complete before I can queue up the bandage.
    - Almost all clothing items should, imo, provide some scratch and/or bite defence even if it's 1-5%
    - Leaving car key in ignition drains battery
    - Skill books renamed to <Skill> for Beginners, <Skill> for Intermediates for better sorting
    - Maps renamed to Map of <Location> - Annotated maps suffixed with (Annotated). Eg. "Map of West Point (Annotated)"
    - Welding mask functions as apparrel face item
    - More options regarding meta events, ie. Frequency, cut-off dates etc.
    - Generally increase range of firearms - With the Aiming skill given by the Police profession, you can't even attempt a target across a road which I find to be silly.
    - Different types of belt with greater capacity
    - Ejecting a magazine from a firearm should not immediately replace it if another is available - Eg. I'll pick up a pistol that I intend to throw away to nick its mag, only to load one I was carrying with me into it
    - Fix for eating, smoking or otherwise performing animated actions that still allow you to move, the player-character stops every time they change direction.
    - Aiming/looking/sneaking should be able to be performed while crouched, instead of standing up to do so.
    - Switching equipped items via the belt possible while sprinting, with a chance of dropping it dependent on All Thumbs/Dextrous trait, and Sprinting skill
    - Reloading firearms possible while jogging, with a chance of dropping the mag to load dependent on All Thumbs/Dextrous trait and Reloading skill
    - Bandaging/disinfecting arms, torso and head possible while jogging, with a chance of failure and/or dropping/wasting the bandage/wipe/disinfectant dependent on All Thumbs/Dextrous trait and First Aid skill
    - A proper equipment/clothing UI, similar to the Medical menu instead of sectioning off part of the existing inventory list
    - More in-depth categorisation of items, eg. medical supplies, construction/crafting items etc.
    - The ability to "Loot/Transfer All in Category" when mousing over a given item in container/inventory
    - Ability to change sandbox settings in SP
    - Button to leave the current car's key in its glovebox
    - Keys spawn for ALL vehicles - but they might be on a zombie on the other side of town - or a different town
    - Vehicle cruise control
    - Wire Cutters to cut holes in wire fences
    - Jimmy vehicle door locks with screwdriver, pry locked doors open with crowbar - high chance of destroying the lock, room for a skill/trait to factor in
    - Reading in darkness takes longer, increases boredom gain - at some point it becomes impossible to read
    - Reduce exertion of Wood Axe, currently feels more efficient to use regular Axe to chop trees

    NPC/Meta/Story events
    - Special Forces/Hazmat teams investigating certain sites, analysing zombie corpses, downloading computer data, extracting VIPs and such - If suppressors ever get in, they'd have them, and they'd shoot survivors on-sight. Good loot on them but practically impossible to kill without an army of your own and/or severe manipulation of the zombie hordes - And that's if you even cross paths with them in the first place.
    - Helicopter crashlanding - would havefer a decent stock of relatively obscure supplies, at great risk. Could have some more worldbuilding/story items on board. After a given length of time, the wreck could be destroyed and its important contents recovered by aforementioned SF teams - especially if there are survivors of the crash.
    There could also be civilian variations, a news chopper for example.
    - Injured/imperiled survivor(s) on ham radio asking for assistance
    - Survivors intending to rob you, using above as a lure as one option

    So, that's a big old text dump. There's probably a lot more I could add to this list that currently escapes me. And of what's already here, there will be a lot that each of you will disagree with, but please do mention anything you would really like before you shoot the rest of it down. But beyond that go crazy, it's a lot more effort for the devs to implement any of this rambling than it is for me to think and type it up.
  15. Like
    Snicker reacted to muscamole in Fall damage for zombies   
    I was playing a custom map which featured tall apartment buildings and noticed that zombies don't take noticeable fall damage, even from 3+ stories. They kinda get into this crouch/impact bracing animation but are totally fine afterwards. A 3 story fall should nearly always turn zombies into crawlers or kill them outright. Very disappointing from a realism/atmosphere standpoint. I do play with "random" toughness so its possible these zombies were just tough, but even if that were the case they shouldn't be able to walk after a 3 story fall.
    Zombies falling from one story should have a high chance of turning into crawlers too. Not sure if fall damage for player characters is missing as well, but a one story fall seems to rarely damage the player character. 
    Please fix fall damage devs! 
  16. Like
    Snicker reacted to Manta in double jump   
    I tried with all the weapons you see on the ground and it happens only with the gun. just starting from a standstill, if I run I jump normally
    Project Zomboid 2019.11.20 -
  17. Like
    Snicker reacted to lemmy101 in IWBUMS 41.20 RELEASED!   
    PLEASE NOTE: This patch includes two Work in Progress new systems - being released now for general feedback and bug reports.
    The new thermal system should be seen as being in a 'debug' state. We'll likely add more streamlined feedback so as not to intimidate players  with options to dig into the advanced statistics, as much of the info currently provided won't be necessary to players unless they want to dig into it - or are perhaps playing one of our planned 'extreme' challenges in future versions.

    Likewise - the current new sewing/tailoring system is currently accessed via multiple submenus, but will be replaced by a more versatile UI window for each different bloodied/ripped/dirty garment in the next patch


    Added new Mash's textures for zombies and survivor characters.
    Zombies have now 3 level of decay, they'll be shown depending on your survival time (6 months after apo having lots of decay level 3 etc..)
    Updated Kingsmouth & Studio map, also changed their description for placeholder & added correct thumblr for them.
    Character temperature stuff:
    - added Thermoregulator to BodyDamage which handles all the player heat stuff
    - added character panel thermos ui and elements
    - changed hunger,thirst,fatigue may be multiplied due to thermoregulation state
    - reworked cold/heat damage and penalties
    - changed umbrella effectiveness to per body part basis
    - changed getting a cold chance to measure skin temperature + wetness per body part, head/neck/chest weigh more
    - changed outdoorsman reduces chance to catch a cold to 10% of normal
    - added proper humidity to climate manager
    - added bodyheat generation values to timedactions, walking, combat (also an increase based on weight)
    - added bodywetness per body part instead of one value for entire body
    - changed clothing wetness/drying, added perspiration and body heat working the layers from inside to outside 
    - added clothing insulation values to new clothing, Clothing insulation can be set from 0.0 to 1.0 
    - added clothing wind resist, decreases windchill effect, can be set from 0.0 to 1.0
    - added clothing water resist, 1.0 fully stops soakthrough (example poncho) lower value slows it down
    - added time penalty for timed actions when hands/arms are very cold
    - added bodypart widget to protection panel
    - changed PlayerClimateDebug to show debug stuff for thermoregulator now
    - added BodyPartContacts, can be used to determine which body part connects to another
    - added distance to core, skinsurface percentage and umbrella mod to BodyPartType
    Added Clothing Repair:
    Right click an item to add/remove patches to clothing.
    Adding a patch to a hole removes it, otherwise it simply gives you defense bonus (need to add more insulation to them if simply upgrading).
    Quality of the defense depend on fabric used & tailoring skill.
    In coming weeks a UI will be made to inspect clothing so it'll be less clicky through submenus.
    Changed how ripping clothing works to make it easier to update when new clothes are being added.
    Can now rip leather/denim stuff to get strips (requires scissors).
    Boosted overall thread spawn rate, can also get leather strips when disassembling leather stuff (couch etc.)
    Patch textures currently all the same no matter the fabric used, they are placeholder textures.
    Gun improvements:
    Tweaked hit chance with guns: should be easier and have a way more 'linear' feel toward aiming level now.
    Improved zombies sprinter:
    - They now sprint only if they have a target, otherwise they just walk.
    - They have a chance to trip and fall when sprinting.
    - Fixed zombies sprinting through trees.
    - Sprinters have a wider turn delta when sprinting.
    - Controller X button now transfers items from the player to whichever container is displayed in the loot window, instead
     of to the floor.
    Saving and logs:
    - Added DebugLog.txt file to logs.zip. This file is contained in /debug-log/ directory in archive.
    - Checked that vehicles.db file is saved in logs.zip. This file is contained in /save/ directory in archive.
    - Added saving last save when the game starting. Those files are contained in /save_old/ directory in archive.
    Water improvements:
    - Added WaterZones on the docks and boathouse north of Westpoint to fix rendering with the water shader.
     It isn't 100% fixed; the tiles that provide thickness to the docks aren't visible, and there's a 1-tile glitch
     where the dock meets the shore.
    - I changed the water-shader code to render in two passes, first the solid water tiles, then the regular tiles, then the shore tiles.
     It fixes some tiles being hidden on the docks/boathouse north of Westpoint, and the railway bridge east of Westpoint.  Previously
     you couldn't see the transparent floors on the edges of the railway bridge because the water covered them.
    Added some food models (mainly for vegetables/fruits).
    Addded eat from plate anim
    Added tailoring trait/books.
    Fixed sometimes having spawn house barricaded.
    Moved passive skills to the top of the Skills tab.
    Transfering items by 20 stakcs now does it only for small items (weight <= 0.1) liks nails, bullets etc..
    Changed aiming zombies outline colors to use less dark red.
    Changed some words on repair menu.
    -added Bob_IdleEatingFromPlate.X and Bob_DrinkFromFloor.X
    - Fixed puddles rendering on top of water (when not using the water shader and Dynamic Puddles = All).
    - Fixed puddle data rendering
     This was to fix a bug when opening/closing a door using a controller, puddles would appear briefly
     in a 3x3 area around the door.  It didn't happen when using the 'E' key, strangely.  I think the puddles
     rendering isn't thread safe though, the main thread could be updating IsoPuddlesGeometry.pda/etc while the
     render thread is reading them.
    - Fixed the second container in the loot window being auto-selected instead of the first when using a controller.
     IIRC the floor used to be displayed at the top of the list of containers in the loot window.
    - Fixed some garage doors with walls behind them in cell 25,31.
    - Fixed zombies inherit some other room distributions, making easy to farm some items by luring zombies into specific rooms.
    - Removed tutorial popup message for new players.
    - Fixed entering a vehicle sometimes taking longer than it should. This seemed to happen when the player was playing a turning animation and entered the vehicle.
    - Fixed rendering of wall vines being affected by the old circle-stencil.
    - Added a delay-before attack animation to the zombie "attack" state in 100% unfair instant pounce situations.  The animation lasts 1/2 second. This replaces the 'grace' period from the last patch.
    - Removed the blend time between the start and finish animations of the zombie attack.  This appeared to
     cause a hitch in the zombie's pose.
    - Fixed player walking to adjacent containers when transferring items.
    - Fixed Difference in how tint is applied to models versus on-character clothes.
    - Fixed Survivor & Builder mode not starting in July.
    - Fixed player not waking up when low health.
    - Fixed player not waking up if a zombie destroy something in the house (window, door, barricade..)
    - Fixed sometimes player continue walking when about to sleep making him phasing through walls etc.
    - Fixed texture-related exception loading moveable items in containers.
    - Fixed sleep ending too soon.
    - Fixed player turning while looting since doing so may change which containers are displayed.
    - Fixed corpse textures being recreated each time a corpse was loaded.
    - Fixed lua error unloading bullets from a magazine when there are no bullets in inventory.
    - Fixed issues dismantling vehicles with a blowtorch.
    - Fixed multiplying comboboxes killing fps after repeatedly clicking the Randomize button in the character-creation screen.
    - Fixed typo in ClothingSelectionDefinitions.lua.
  18. Like
    Snicker reacted to lemmy101 in IWBUMS 41.19 released!   

    Re-added sprinter zombies to sandbox.
    Certain headwear now have a chance to fall when attacking (on zombies and players). Hats now rendered as 3D models in the world.
    Slot labels now displayed above the hotbar when the mouse hovers that slot.  This was to fix labels that are longer than the slot. When no item is in a slot, the faded icon of the item that provides the slot (such as a belt) is displayed instead.
    New SFX for lower impact car collisions
    Added  new sandbox presets to the sandbox options screen. Updated all the sandbox preset files so they include values for all options.
    Added star quality to show durability of items in hotbar.
    Left belt is now first, then right slot, this'll work only if you unequip/reequip the belt.
    Updated community translations
    Added ProjectZomboidOpenGLDebug64.bat which uses lwjgl-debug.jar instead of lwjgl.jar to enable extended error checking. Among other things, this calls glGetError() after every OpenGL call.
    Sneaking now drains more endurance when walking/jogging than normal walking/jogging.
    Equipped item/clothing now at the end of the inventory and not at the top.
    Added some debug info about quit and around saving the game on quit
    Pressing R can now do multiple thing:
    - If mag is in equipped gun, unequip it, check for a new mag to insert.
    - If no other mag found, check if we can load bullets in one mag, when done auto reload/rack.
    Changed all open doors to be see-through to help with combat when zombies are on the other side of an open door.
    If a vehicle is inside a garage, the area of the vehicle now decreases slightly - to help with parking.
    Balanced firearm stats.
    Increased chance of finding magazine in guns.
    Improved M16 and Automatic fire weapons. 
    Adjusted some loot spawns
    Add carpentry exp when making spears.
    Zombies have now defense according to clothing
    Eating frozen food now gives unhappiness/boredom malus.
    Re-added guns to spawn
    Lowered gigamart spawn rate.
    Increased safehouse loot.
    Changed Builder's food rarity settings from "extremely rare" to "rare"
    Disabled automatically vaulting over fences when there's no floor on the other side.
    Added a grace period during which a 'Surprise Bathroom zombie' attack does no damage to avoid unfair instadeath. 

    -tweaks to Hunting vest x files and masks so they work better together
    -adjusted wedding jacket to work a bit better with jumpers.
    -adjusted Huntingvest masks so that it works better with clothing
    - Fixed the player walking in the wrong direction while aiming with a controller.
    - Fixed hotbar position in splitscreen and after resizing the game window.
    - Fixed missing window icons.
    - Fixed tired moodle not in calcul hit chance for firearm.
    - Fixed exhausted moodle not being in calcul for stomping.
    - Fixed zombies pushing around zombies sat against a wall.
    - Fixed hand axe being on wrong rotation when attached in belt right.
    - Fixed various body location (gask mask could be wear with glasses, some full helmet etc..)
    - Fixed clothing protection could display over 100%.
    - Fixed wrong color scheme for bite/scratch defense color.
    - Fixed not regen endurance if heavy load was > 0.
    - Fixed heavy load moodle level 4 not doing anything to endurance regen.
    - Fixed fitness level 10 make you run faster (now only affect endurance).
    - Fixed missing rip clothing SFX.
    - Fixed stone not being lost when creating a spear from it.
    - Fixed double create spear with screwdriver.
    - Fixed missing adding kitchen knife to spear recipe.
    - Fixed occasional duplicated cars.
    - Fixed zombies teleporting through walls when choosing a place to sit after loading part of the map.
    - Fixed zombies never sitting against south or east walls.  IsoGridSquare.getWallType() looked for WallS and WallE properties
     which don't exist.
    - Fixed lua error looting hotbar items from corpses.
    - Fixed dissassembling not forcing you to stand.
    - Fixed removing a magazine from a firearm also removing 1 bullet from the clip.
    - Fixed some lua errors being printed to console without displaying the red error box.
    - Fixed car battery charger not rendering sometimes.
    - Fixed some blending during vault over.
    - Fixed sudden pause at the end of vaultOverRun
    - Fixed vault over sprint making a snap.
    - Fixed eating and drinking animations stopping in the middle of the action
    - Fixed some zombies walking being really fast or way too slow
    - Fixed Builder preset being initially selected in the sandbox "Saved Presets" combobox when the actual settings were for Survivor.lua aka Apocalypse.
    - Fixed the player's view cone changing direction more quickly than the model is turning.
    - Fixed character-info avatar not updating after washing off blood.
    - Fixed zombies sometimes standing idle when they should be chasing the player.
    - Fixed iso cursor being rendered at twice the size when Double-sized Textures = No.
    - Fixed players not always facing the direction they should when performing actions.
    - Fixed player walking when turning off an alarm that is in their inventory.
    - Fixed house alarms not working.
  19. Like
    Snicker reacted to lemmy101 in IWBUMS 41.18 released!   
    - Add "Finished" Sound to Washing Machine/Dryer
    - Not being able to add/remove clothes to washer/dryer while cycle is active
    - Change Moodle "Minor injuries, first aid required"
    - Custom Sandbox Settings Don't Save as a Saved Preset if "/" is in Name
    - Fishing SFX not synced
    - Clothing Ensemble Bug
    - Filling Broken Saucepan Bug
    - Fixed uninitialized uniform index with TallFenceShader.
    - Disabled TerrainRenderTiles_UseShaders in non-debug mode, set default=false.
    - Fixed floor and wall shaders being recreated each time a game is started.
    - Hopefully fixed rain puddle performance issues.
    - Re-enabled the fridehum/window/door/etc ambient sounds.  Changed WaterDrip sound to only play on IsoFlagType.waterPiped
     sprites with water (so they won't drip after the water shuts off, unless connected to a water source).  Yuri found
     that when there are puddles on the ground, there are way too many WaterDrip sounds playing.  That was due to
     IsoObject.hasWater() returning true on squares that have puddles.
    - Save hotbbar position to avoid weirdness at loading game with holster equipped.
    - Adjusted some model position for attached weapons.
    - Added double barrel shotgun. (anim + spawn).
    - Fixed some weirdness with guns.
    - Now reset the loot position when transfering stuff
    - Can now pickup broken glass (warning, if no gloves you might get injured).
    - Increased Soap spawn rate.
    - Decrease soap consumption (*2).
    - Various compatibility changes for future Super Survivors updates.
    - Cleaning liquid can now be used to wash yourself/clothing (NEW cleaning liquid, previous one won't work).
    - Cleaning time now depend on amount of blood/dirt on clothing.
    - Clothing will be soaked after being washed by hands.
    - Fixed exception when washing Socks.
    - Decreased time to wash clothing.
    - Added various recoil anim for guns/firearm, the more aiming level, the faster you'll shoot + less recoil from anim.
    - Added switch Single/Auto for the M16.
    - Fixed hotbar weight taking priority over equipped item weight.
    - Tooltip now show correct weight if weapon is in hotbar.
    - Balanced assault rifle
    - Fixed: Zooming out over water results in black squares instead of water
    - Fixed after-death text being rendered twice for players.
    - Fixed rain-splash rendering bug in splitscreen. 
    - Fixed typo with ISBaseObject.type. Capital-T Type is used in several places.
    - Fixed player model being reset when swapping hotbar items.
    - Fixed character-info avatar not updating when swapping hotbar items.
    - Call ISHotbar:refresh() in update().  My previous commit added a call to triggerEvent("OnClothingUpdate") in
     IsoGameCharacter.setAttachedItem() which might cause refresh() to be called at unexpected times.
    - Moved IsoGameCharacter.attachedModels to ModelSlot.attachedModels.
    - Fixed error in ISAttachedItemsUI.lua when zombies have multiple items attached.
    - Delay resetting a character's equipped and attached models until the next frame.
    - Changed ISHotbar:update() to handle InventoryItem.getAttachedSlot() becoming invalid for some reason.
    - fix text boxes not being destroyed bug
    - Fixed hotbar exception after moving the first of two belts to a container.
     Change to ISHotbar:onMouseUp() is just refactoring.
    - Fixed previous game's zombie population settings being applied to new games.
    - Fixed Survivor.lua sandbox preset never being loaded.
    - Rebuilt Linux libPZPopMan64.so.
    - Lowered burnt house spawn rate.
    - Fixed zombies being considered as on back when falling through window.
    - Can now wash yourself without soap, but takes longer.
    - Capped the time needed to wash clothing.
    - Added holster icons.
  20. Like
    Snicker reacted to Kincy in IWBUMS 41.16 released!   
    Looking forward to the release of multiplayer mode. Especially for us who have online servers and our players are crazy!
  21. Like
    Snicker reacted to trombonaught in IWBUMS 41.16 released!   
    Just posting this in a relevant thread: possible hypochondriac issues detailed here.
  22. Like
    Snicker reacted to poodude28 in IWBUMS 41.16 released!   
    Still no fix for the saving / loading bug =(.
  23. Like
    Snicker reacted to lemmy101 in IWBUMS 41.15 RELEASED   
    Lots of fixes in this one. Though big apologies to some of the crash people out there. We're really working at trying to solve your issues, and have tried a few things, but with no errors or crash traces being reported by the build, they are somewhat a mystery and hard to puzzle out. We likely haven't fixed everyone's issues, but we'll get to the bottom of it eventually and you're not being forgotten.
    Renamed playstyles for clarity and to emphasise dev intent for how they should be played. Brawler becomes Survivor, Survivor becomes Apocalypse.
    - Added anim-less transitions for sneakWalk -> strafe, sneakRun -> strafe, sneakWalkLow -> strafe, and sneakRunLow -> strafe
      - Eliminates the odd turning arc while transitioning to strafe.
    - Removed strafeToWalk animation from strafeSneak -> walk/run/etc.
      - Reduces the amount the character jumps while transitioning from strafeSneak to said states.
    - Implemented SFX for lower impact car collisions
    - Added falling-zombie state.
    - Added context-menu tooltip for opening/closing curtains to display keyboard and mouse shortcuts.
    - Added VERSION=1 to keys.ini. Remap C to L when VERSION is not present or is less than 1.
    - Added state transition from lunge to falling for zombies.
    - Added climb over fence transition to falling (when there's no floor on the other side).
    - Added Height map texture for puddles. This texture should increase performance when drawing puddles.
    - Added Logs/ZombieSpawn.txt to record zombie spawns.  Should record zombies spawning inside of buildings, not so much outside.
    - Toned down zombies and zombie spawns a little in Survivor (formerly Brawler)
    - Reduced the delay after climbing through a window or over a fence before the player can move.
    - temporarily disabled body temperature change to help people survive winter
    - Made hit detection on body parts on downed zombies a little tad more generous
    - Bare hands in multi hit can now shove up to 3 zombies - on Survivor mode (formerly Brawler)
    -tweaked several turn anims
    -reversed mccoy van logo
    - Fixed shoving the first zombie within range, rather than the closest zombie within range.
    - Fixed incorrect path to Ambient Piano
    - Attempted fix for Mac issues via rebuilt Mac 'lighting' libLighting.dylib
    - Fixed zombification from tree scratches.
    - Fixed RenderThread jobs sometimes being reported as finished before they are invoked.
    - Fixed "Random" button in the Customize Character screen resetting the player's profession.
    - Fixed molotovs and broken weapons not being removed from the player's hands.
    - Fixed item icons on the ground being twice normal size when "Double sized textures" = No.
    - Fixed issues saving the player to the vehicles.db database.
    - Fixed unicode filenames are not supported by animation/model importer.
    - Fixed not being able to open/close windows via the context menu when the player is already standing at the exact
     center of the square.
    - Stopped zombies dragging down a god-mode player to their death.
    - Lowered outside passenger positions of SportsCar (fixes a camera glitch).
    - Rip Clothing and Craft Sheet Rope work on all selected items (if they're valid).
    - Removed PerformanceSettings.modelsEnabled and PerformanceSettings.support3D.
    - Lowered the number of asset-loading threads from 4 to 2 on systems with 4 or fewer hardware threads.
     i.e dual-core with hyperthreading, or quad-core without hyperthreading.
     - Fixed missing trait icons when using the Turkish locale. (Prone to Illness, Illiterate, etc).  Anything with a capital I.
    - Double-clicking tutorial and playstyle labels in the new-game screen proceeds to the next screen.
    - Fixed issues attacking while in a vehicle (infinite ammo, can't shove).
    - Try to fix exceptions in ClimbThroughWindowState.  Don't store IsoWindow or IsoGridSquare in StateMachineParams since 
    they may become invalid due to map scrolling (for zombies on the edge of the loaded area, not the player)
    - Fixed lua error in DebugChunkStateUI
    - Fixed displaying LMENU as LALT.  Display RMENU as RALT.
    - Fixed clearing a keybind displays it with no name instead of NONE.
    - Fixed some weirdness in the fastforward cancel when near zombies.
    - Fixed items floating off the ground when dropped from inside a vehicle.
    - Fixed multiplying generators after using "Equip in both hands".
    - Set generator ConditionMax=100.
    - Set some vehicle part ConditionMax=100.
    - Fixed parenting the player's inventory to a zombie after a knife gets stuck in the zombie's head.
    - Fixed Bare Hands not being counted as a favorite weapon, except when stomping.
    - Fixed "Untie Hair" option being available for already-untied hair after loading a game.
    - Fixed player not dying properly after falling.
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