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Paul Redeker

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Everything posted by Paul Redeker

  1. Can anyone drop a current Server.Ini file for their server. I would like to check some things.
  2. Admin ability to safehouse any building. Admin ability to set an "area" for a safehouse. For player made buildings.
  3. It works now with the release of 38.17
  4. Any other Mac user able to get the game to load? Fix doesn't appear to have worked for me. Unless it's something else causing the crash.
  5. Sometimes you have to pick up aplliances and put them back down for the genny to work.
  6. Moderators don't like multiple postings of the same question. It's a bug from the latest update, to be fixed when build 38 comes out. 95% sure.
  7. Account users should be 1. Surprised it's letting them create another character even after shutdown. But that should be a different problem. Dropoffofwhitelistafterdeath set to true? SavetransactionID to false until it gets fixed. Again would probably throw different character errors. Let me look at the ini and serverlua files. I feel like I'm missing the setting line. Caveat is that I run the Stable branch.
  8. Fills in so much into the world. The best way to learn is play with it. Or watch some videos. These are old and Hydrocraft has added much since these were created by NOMIS. I don't know if he's done any newer ones, but this is a great start.
  9. The only current fix is to download cheat mod and use the infinite carry weight token to remove the overloaded container. Just put it on the ground and pull out the hand dolly. If you forget to do as Hydromancer said, you can relog in and out of the game and it usually corrects itself.
  10. Was there anywhere that the current version of the map for this was uploaded? @MonolithicBacon
  11. It's a recent build bug that they are aware of and working on I think.
  12. Paul Redeker


    Guess my response didn't post. Getting the content out bug free and high quality will benefit the community in the long term. Instead of a rush for short term gains.
  13. Yes, spawning moveables is the number reason to have it. Makes lore building that much easier to craft. And the additional TP points are awesome too. Been pretty smooth so far.
  14. Yes, they don't currently work with MP. But I think a fix is coming or is in the works with testing on the latest IWBUMS version.
  15. It just means an error occurred. Happens with mods or test builds a lot.
  16. It should be. Long time bug that keeps being forgotten. Probably because there is much easier ways to get large quantities of fresh water as of a few updates ago.
  17. Lots of people don't like it because it's awkward and tall compared to the smelter and kiln. Maybe some artistic license or the modern day self made version.
  18. Nice work up in here. Can someone please redo the Blast Furnace while this is hot again!
  19. Water pump only fills Wooden Buckets the last time I checked.
  20. Just lure zombies in the house and kill them. At worst, after 4 or 5 you'll have your keys.
  21. I don't think it is supposed to. But it's been consumed for awhile now.
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