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Everything posted by Axezombie

  1. it can be the same car type but still be different, not the same condition and not the same equipment. Get Necroforge mod and try to have exactly the same cars and do your tests again.
  2. Thank you, that's exaclty how I see it too. I don't think it would be OP because you already need to rip clothes to get material so you would need even more clothes and therefore to kill more zombies.
  3. yeah it's really a shame that they spent time to create this skill but you can't actually use it because you don't have thread... That's why I suggested to get thread from clothes but apparently it's unrealistic for some people, I get thread in real life from my clothes by accident but somehow they think it's unealistic...
  4. I'm not talking about when they're on the ground, I'm talking about standing zombies, and I'm pretty sure having the cursor on zombies does nothing (except making sure you're facing the right direction) but I'll try again.
  5. I agree so much with this, a character taking the decisions is one of the most annoying thing in a game especially in a game where a single mistake can end it all... To avoid this it could be done like this: you hit what your cursor is on, your mouse cursor is on the zombie on the ground you hit the zombie on the ground, it's on the standing zombie you hit the standing zombie and if your cursor is not on a zombie close to you then your character decides. Make this option facultative and everyone will be happy. It could lead to a new system of combat based on what you hit, you hover the head you deal more damage but it will be more difficult because you have to be really accurate to hit this small target, you hover the legs you hit the legs and the zombie become a crawler, damn imagine if you could chop off legs, arms... okay I'm going too far I know...
  6. Yep, it's a reccuring suggestion and I guess it wouldn't be too hard for devs to do it, if(temp<0){ do freezeFood()}, done, hire me TIS
  7. Kinda his fault yeah, you know it's a special attack which is going to take more time than a normal attack so obviously don't do it if there are 2 zombies too close to each other. Other than that I totally agree with the clunky movments
  8. I agree with EnigmaGrey, I hate this idea of having "smart" zombies, they're zombies, they have 0 mental capacity, they don't think, that's why they're zombies
  9. yeah probably night events, they should really get rid off this until it's fixed, thank god we can disable it in sandbox
  10. looks like it's from a custom map, you sure it does the same on the vanilla map? For example at the mall or gunshop in Westpoint? Because it could be a bug with this map only
  11. Completely agree, these new slow and clumsy movements make the game really painful to play, before it was fast, dynamic you could move freely, maybe not realistic but at least it was fun and you didn't have to blame the gameplay for dying, it was your own fault if you died not because the character is as maneuvrable as a truck. We even have to use tricks like canceling animation to get a better gameplay, is this normal to use "glitch" to not get killed because of the gameplay? It's not unplayable but really annoying, I had 1000 hours on build 40 and loved PZ but now even after 100 hours on build41 I still can't get used to it and keep dying because my character is too slow to react, it feels like pressing a button has a delay of 1 sec to move, with shamblers it's okay but with sprinters 1 sec is a lot. But since we're just a small minority to complain, it won't get fixed which is understandable, I wouldn't waste time either for few players if the vast majority is okay with it, I hope some modders will fix this then.
  12. Is it not how it works right now but with stress? If you go to sleep stressed you have more risks to wake up in the middle of the night with panic
  13. House missing walls : https://map.projectzomboid.com/#0.8489538304570492,0.23467088623338048,1334.137831451768
  14. Funny, it sounds a lot like what I made few months ago, I created a scenario where you started in Valley Station and had to rescue your gf stuck in an appartment in March Ridge's big building, with some side stories/missions on the road left by previous survivors, safehouses, "traps", afterwards events, secrets, lore about how the apocalypse started, how the authorities reacted, a backstory to your character and other characters... like for example you could've found out about the story of 3 survivors who barricaded themselves on the roof of the mall and found out how they survived and how their story ended... I also transformed places, for example I made the mall into an evacuation center with wired fences, police vehicles, ambulances, stretchers, i even made warning notices/signs in streets like you see in Left 4 Dead, special rewards for dangerous places like pimp bombs, flame traps (stuff you usually never use), lot of ammo, I tried to make the player use more guns than in usual playthroughs by making ammo very common so it's more fun and risky to play. I did it by making a game as if I played it normally but placed stuff by using Necroforge, wrote down on papers to "give missions" and indications in game, like where to go what to do where you could find some interesting stuff but in a narrative way not just by saying "go there do that" etc and shared my game with a custom spawn point (to always start in Valley station) but only few people were interested. I thought this idea would've created a new genre and many players would have started to create their own games/maps with their own stories with goals and share it to the community but nope...
  15. Already reported, and you can use this glitch also to go through walls : https://streamable.com/5wi0i
  16. In build41 you can already wash your clothes with washing machines, even the driers work.
  17. that's because you clicked on the little icon in the top right corner of the window to let it open, click again on it
  18. It always happens to me in Westpoint gunshop, I've never seen any magazine spawning there and nothing in guns either, it happened so often I thought I was dooing something wrong with guns
  19. Try to turn on double sized textures
  20. This post on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/ehb8we/tried_to_enter_a_building_and_this_happened_the/ shows a bug about climbing on furnitures and going through a barricaded window. You can do the same with a wall in front of it and it also works with player made windows (not if there is only a window frame, it needs a real window in it) https://streamable.com/5wi0i With fences it doesn't work, the character refuses to climb a fence if there is something on the otherside, however you can still do it if you run instead of pressing "E" but he/she falls down on the first furniture tile which prevents this exploit with fences. I would like to suggest a fix to this problem, I think the best fix (not the easiest for sure) would be to allow the player to move around on these furnitures, at least allowing the player to go forward and turn around to go back so he/she doesn't get stuck on a very long line of crates like we could see here and I guess if you make the player in control the walls would stop him/her, anyway, you know better than me how to fix it.
  21. well same as IRL, undress him/her
  22. I have the same problem sometimes but not everytime it snows, probably when it's a storm: https://streamable.com/dus0z Be sure to enable post processing so the game is less dark
  23. So a zombie ripped off the motorcycle helmet I was wearing with ONE hit AND scratched my head at the same time. It happens often that even with a 100% protection on head that zombies successfully hurt you on the head, and I can understand it with other helmets because they don't cover all the head and can be removed more or less easily but with a motorcycle helmet it shouldn't happen at all.
  24. Yes it happened to me with a scratch in build41.22
  25. I have this problem too and thought it is normal since I always play in 6 months later. Ambiguousamphibian seem to have the same problem:
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