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About Nebula

  • Birthday 06/18/1973

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    Hobbies: Psychology, Philosophy, Yoga, Meditation, Hypnosis, Lucid Dreaming, Breathing Practices, Fantasy, Supernatural, Aliens, Space, Astral travel.

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  1. On the video with rabbits - great music! Thank you!
  2. Nebula

    Walk in the Woodz

    Thank you for finally turning your attention to cigarettes.
  3. It has always been so. I believe that the developers know about this and they have thermodynamics in their development plans.
  4. Nebula

    Sterile rag

    It's not even a bug, it's a cheat... 1. Place a sterile cloth over the wound. 2. After an arbitrary period of time, while the rag has not yet become bloody (dirty), we take it out of the wound. 3. Apply again to the wound. 4. Repeat point 2. Having only one sterile rag, without rinsing it off and sterilizing it after use, can completely heal the wound and the rag will remain clean and sterile for subsequent uses.
  5. It is known that in order to disinfect a rag by boiling, you need a sufficiently long boiling time, in the game the character spends little time, and disinfects objects quite quickly, which is not entirely realistic. It would be great to increase this time by at least 3 times.
  6. Nebula

    Build 41 - Released!

    Reduced memory load in half! Guys, thank you very much! Also removed the sound reverberation in the bathrooms! Thank you for hearing! Is it possible to change the texture on the keys in the snow? In winter, all the scattered keys are immediately visible from a great distance. You don't need to look for them, you can see them.
  7. Many thanks! I've been waiting for this for a long time.
  8. I ran into the problem of not being able to change the sound volume, which happened with SoundManager in 41.54? This is how everything worked before... getSoundManager():PlaySound(sound_song,false,0) getSoundManager():PlaySound(sound_song,false,1) getSoundManager():setMusicVolume(0); gameSound:setUserVolume(volume); With the release of update 41.54, the audio volume control stopped working If anyone knows the solution to this problem, please help me.
  9. Can I get a comment from the developers on this issue?
  10. I ran into the problem of not being able to change the sound volume, which happened with SoundManager in 41.54? This is how everything worked before... getSoundManager():PlaySound(sound_song,false,0) getSoundManager():PlaySound(sound_song,false,1) getSoundManager():setMusicVolume(0); gameSound:setUserVolume(volume); With the release of update 41.54, the audio volume control stopped working
  11. SMDistribution.lua local function preDistributionMerge() -- Smoker mod Trash ProceduralDistributions.list.SmokerModItemsTrash = { rolls = 7, items = { "SM.SMButt", 10, "SM.SMButt2", 10, "SM.SMEmptyPack", 10, "SM.SMEmptyPackLight", 10, "SM.SMEmptyPackMenthol", 10, "SM.SMEmptyPackGold", 10, "SM.EmptyMatchbox", 10, }, } -- Smoker mod Zombie Items ProceduralDistributions.list.SmokerModZombieItems = { rolls = 1, items = { "SM.Matches", 100, "SM.SMPack", 100, "SM.SMPackLight", 100, "SM.SMPackMenthol", 100, "SM.SMPackGold", 100, }, } end Events.OnPreDistributionMerge.Add(preDistributionMerge); SMPoceduralDistribution.lua local SmokerModDistTable = { all = { bin = { procedural = true, procList = { {name="SmokerModItemsTrash", min=1, max=10}, } }, inventorymale = { procedural = true, procList = { {name="SmokerModZombieItems", min=0, max=1}, } }, inventoryfemale = { procedural = true, procList = { {name="SmokerModZombieItems", min=0, max=1}, } }, } } table.insert(Distributions, 2, SmokerModDistTable); Yes, the item distribution is finally working, but I have questions. In killed zombies, the entire list of items specified in SmokerModZombieItems appears, how to limit, for example, two items? Another oddity is that objects in zombies that are killed outside (outside the premises) never appear, while when killing zombies indoors, objects are guaranteed to appear, the same applies to dumpsters.
  12. How do you regulate the probability of an item appearing (if there are several different items) in this example?
  13. Nebula


    Now you can make color music
  14. I suggest removing the air temperature readings from the clock. This is imba. Where did you see the temperature clock in the 90s? And all the residents. - this will force the player to pay more attention to indirect indicators of the ambient temperature, "listen" to the weather forecast on the radio, body response, wind noise, etc. The game requires ordinary thermometers, alcohol and mercury. The first is for the air, the second is for the body. - It would be nice to get some more barometers. зы. The most important thing is not to forget that we can put the thermometer in the oven, in the refrigerator, in the freezer, in the fire.
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