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Everything posted by MrZombifiedGamer

  1. No, I mean wound infection. Not zombie cure.
  2. Okay, so I heard this was a common thing back in the day. (No idea if there's any truth to it.) But this seems far too convenient. So here's what I'm thinking. Not everyone would know about this because I certainly didn't. But perhaps a skilled first aid worker could think of it. So my suggestion is once your first aid gets high enough you have the ability to learn how to use maggots to treat wounds in order to prevent infection. Eh? Ehhh? Ehhhhh? Or maybe stop infection entirely. What do you think?
  3. This game was a total let down then I read the comments and I see. "I bought the game I want what I paid for." <-- Reasonable request. Then they get this reply. "That's the sort of self-entitlement I hate." <-- What? He paid for it, self-entitlement would be implying he did nothing to deserve it. People... This is why I don't trust a lot of indie games. Seriously PZ is a gem in comparison to some others. Don't get me wrong, there are some just as good if not better than PZ but those games are very very very few in the indie community I think. Anyway, rant mode off. I just found this game disappointing. Their "demo" amounted to what you would normally get for a free demo and you don't have to pay an abundance of money to play it. Something else PZ got right. I can't stress enough how much The Indie Stone did completely right, but then I look at some of these other games and I don't know, I just get slapped in the face by reality and how well The Indie Stone actually did.
  4. I like it. It'll give good watching stuff for when zombie cam returns.
  5. I do believe this is planned. Along with a gardener profession (or farmer, basically the same thing just smaller.) But if I'm correct that would essentially be the idea. It seems logical to have those professions in there.
  6. I don't understand why people just simply can't be content with a sandbox option for this. I don't think anyone is really arguing for putting this in survival. All I want is zombie cams back after you die and get infected. If I get that then the world will shine down on me with a ray of glorified awesomeness. (No, I'm not dropping this. lol) I will give Lemmy a nice big kiss and everything. Back on topic (sorry for straying). Seriously, sandbox is the way to go for this suggestion. Please just understand that I think the devs have left survival as their little play ground. They want to build the game of their (and my) dreams while still making everyone else happy. The sandbox is for the making everyone else happy part. So when you make suggestions like this if you suggest it for sandbox then I'm sure everyone would be content. I think both sides of the argument are good but ultimately unnecessary. This is a wonderful idea for sandbox and it would add to RP as well.
  7. Nailed it. But, I can't argue having one outdoors. However, I don't see game-play improving much by having one. A fire barrel doesn't bring much to the table that a campfire doesn't (in game). Well for one it's awesome. Okay, so gameplay wise that doesn't mean much. But campires catch things on fire easily. This is kind of like your cheat alternative to say fire places. I imagine camp fires being extraordinarily dangerous. This would lessen that risk if you're able to obtain one.
  8. Okay, so my suggestion is actually two suggestions in one that kind of compliment each other. 1st, burning barrels which could lower chance significantly of your base getting set on fire while inside your base (to be clear, inside your base doesn't mean inside the house) but if you have walls then like behind those walls. 2nd, certain flooring could stop fire spread entirely when combined with burning barrel. So I'm thinking one cement or gravel slab placed down under the burning barrel should prevent fires from being caused in your base other than in the intended burning barrel obviously. This would not work in a building made of wood but could still be plausible in a stone, brick or cement room without any furniture. This came to me cause in my city we have to have a designated burning container to have fires ever since the city took over. Prior bon-fires were possible but they claim that burning containers can prevent forest fires or just out of control fires in general. So I figured we could do the same with PZ. Thoughts?
  9. I feel you there man. Totally.
  10. When I think of zed evolution I think of that new game I just got called Evolve. I think that's the name... Hmm... Tasty...
  11. I see no problem with the option to disable fire spreading. I agree that it's fine to burn someone's house as a RP revenge, but griefers running around on non-whitelist servers, setting the stove on in every house they encounter is kinda stupid. Do stoves set houses on fire? I tried that in single player and it didn't see to work for me. I just assumed it wasn't re-implemented yet.
  12. Seems fun but I'll reserve my payment until character creation gets implemented.
  13. That is what they are aiming at for NPC's, complicated to the point of near humanity.These systems merely simplify what the devs may or may not have planned for them in the long run. No, yeah, I get that. But the way you organized it is complicated. For example, banditry is already planned but it isn't forced into a little box. It's just something that happens naturally. No one is primarily a bandit just like no one is primarily a jester. I'm content in thinking there will be jesters in this game, don't ruin it. Anyway, back on point. I just think letting NPC's be human beings is the way to make them human beings and that's not overly complicated. In short, we get back into this 'good guy' 'bad guy' conundrum when I think one of the big points of PZ is there is no good guys or bad guys. No white or black cowboy hats, just people surviving using different methods and techniques to do so. Even if some of those are frowned upon in our society.. LIKE BEING A JESTER! Lol
  14. I just want the zombie cam back. I miss watching my little zombie walk around and smack on doors and windows until a survivor comes in and pummels him in the head. *sighs* Please bring back zombie cam. This idea is a bit ... Against the idea of the game btw (just to comment on the actual topic I replied on) but maybe a mod. *back to crying for zombie cam* Please?!?!
  15. Everything you stated can fall into the trust mechanic right? I mean relationships romantic or not are still relationships and banditry would require relationships. I think your way is needlessly complicated if I'm being honest. I like it, just unnecessarily complicated.
  16. So will this idea usher in a brand new profession? If this gets accepted then I would like to see a new landscaping profession or something.
  17. I like this because Kenny likes it.
  18. No, thank *you* for making the game of my dreams. Of course I'm going to support it, from day one I knew this is the game I had been waiting for. The ultimate survival game and it just makes it better that it's set in the zombie apocalypse seeing how big of a zombie nerd I am.
  19. I just don't like the concept of 'villains' in Project Zomboid. I mean what people call villains aren't exactly villains. NPC's are fine, some happen to kill you, some don't. Just my two cents. But I think categorizing anyone as a 'villain' by any standard in a game like this makes it more linear than it would normally be.
  20. After reading through all these comments I simply have one thing to add. First, great that fatigue will be constant and need rectifying once gained. Second, I sure hope this is moving to the devs letting us sit. I really really want to sit. Not being able to sit drives me up the wall. Everyone's going on and on about difficulty and zombies and NPC's but right now the one thing I really want, only, is the ability to sit down on my couch. lol By the time this game is finished if I have my way it'll be "Project Sitboid". lol
  21. Yeah, 50 to 365 days. Unless you were "XxHardcore_ProxX" and could survive for 2 months to a year, you wouldn't see any skeletons lying around. Yeah, so? I have no problem with that and to be honest I think there will be plenty of people who will survive for a year. Either way, it wouldn't hurt to put it in the game. Especially for late game, come on, you know you want it.
  22. -.- Okay, so evidently the spoiler tags don't work. lol
  23. I like this debate and all, but has anyone thought about the Japanese version of the right to bear arms? Talk about a lot of sword attacks... Anyways, yeah, highly doubt swords would be very common and the comment about Japanese swords being more common than old military sabers, simply golden. But regardless the comment was still wrong no matter how funny I found it. I don't think I need to point out the obvious but Americans just don't own very many swords. Edit: Note, I didn't say anything about the idea. I said it wouldn't be realistic, but then again, realism vs game play I do believe I heard game play trumps realism in the end, right?
  24. Should have suggested slaves brah, really pretty slaves though, not those muscley hair ones. Anyways, I agree with electrical stoof! Ohhh and I loooooove love love love LOOOVE your logging off becoming an NPC Idea.
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