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Project Zommoid

Moo Bot

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VERY VERY NICE PROJECT!!! looking forward to it!! I really like the generators and the hunting idea, and although I think the child thing maybe too much lol! this is by far the most promesing and awesome mod i've seen, please if you have the time, keep us updated on this! and good luck finishing it!! i'm sure all the community is looking forward to it!


Suggestions: (just suggestion, don't take me seriously...)


--maybe boiling water would be usefull when the water is shut down;


--NASA Kentucky Space Grant Consortium and EPSCoR Programs
University of Kentucky College of Engineering
112 Robotics Bldg (RMB)
Lexington, KY 40506-010                    

...this is an actual place, it's in the university which is a nice type of building to have in the game too, it could hold SOME consruction material and/or electronics since is engineering college.


--A HARDWARE STORE would be awesome! :D  for some building material for sure, just like a police station is a good looting place for guns like a pistol or maybe a shotgun. since nails become a problem pretty soon and you have to start bashing crates for them which i think could be a solution a little later then it is now. (of couse this when the game is in better conditions for it since now it's on current development and i know the developers are working hard on it and have more important things to solve)


--BOX OF NAILS!!!... it's become kind of an issue when you're building your carpentry skill (since you have to build to gain knowledge and advance in carpentry, which i think is the best way it could be btw) they start to become scarce(that happens i know, but it's happening pretty soon i think...) but I think it's pretty inaccurate to find only 10 or 5 nails at a time and find them in pretty much all of the crates, I think it would be more realistic to find a BOX OF NAILS(i did some research and i found that a lowe's box of galvanized nails for regular carpentry have 5lb and have aprox 350 nails[that is 70 nails per pound more precisely])... so, with that said, nails could be actually more rare to find in pretty much all crates and found more in specific places such as a hardware store, warehouses, or those backyard sheds some house have, and of course not all of them would be full with them 350 nails, they could range from 5-300 maybe less or more whatever inside possiblity, just like a pistol is more likely to be found at a police station... AND this could work the same way as for the 9mm bullets, which usually are bought in boxes at gun stores or those huge stores that have an outdoors sports/hunting area, and come in BOXES just like the nails, again, loot would be much rarer in normal places pretty much inexistent actually since besides being 'murica not every single house has 10 9mm bullets laying around on a kitchen cabinet right?, and could be found in more specific places like the very police station we talked about(which i think would get people on actually necessary looting trips to specific places to get some necessary kind of item). like if i needed more bullets i would HAVE TO go to the police station or the gun store on west point because i know there is a pretty bigger chance of having boxes of bullets there and would be exhausting to be wandering around houses checking for small bullet quantities.so i think some more specific looting trips would be more fun to do AND more dangerous too!


--these specific looting trips i'm refering to are to get the game more dangerous and more realistic, because i'm finding some ways to keep it safe most of the time and it's not that hard then :unsure: . i think I should not have this choice, i think it should be difficult as hell I wanting it or not! :P just like a zombie apocalypse would be in my vision.


--i'm pretty sure and hope this LOOTING THING is redundant, because i keep reading ROBERTJOHNSON's posts of updates that take care of this matter :D thank you Mr. Johnson!!


--carpentry could do a minimum sound at least or at a minimum range, it is noisy i know but not that noisy though lol. AND rain should make it just a little difficult for the zombies to hear shit that's going on around them too.


--FIRESTATION!! for a fire axe, SOME food supplies and maybe some sheets since people(firefighters) actually live there... i haven't seen one and i can be a firefighter anyways! strange migration of firefighters happening at muldraugh KY... :blink:


--low cost(no gas) and silent vehicles like bikes would be nice too.


--carrying a zombie body out of the house and using cleaning prducts to clean the blood stains maybe (i know there is a mod about this already) just optimizing it since i haven't heard any updates of it anymore and I like your way of thinking things on your mod!!


--some hunting knifes maybe?? with good durability along with some other hunting material like, hunting weapons, survival kits maybe or something to attract animal or to get your smell of (just like will smith does at i am legend when he get's home) if the zombies smell is good though... these could be found at a store or of course those cabins in the woods.


--some noisy things i thought of to distract zombies in other directions you're trying to loot... for example, like setting up an alarm clock somewhere near a horde so they'll be attracted there and you can loot the place they where blocking before, something like that, that's just a mediocre idea but it can grow right?... of course it would require batteries and the zombies wouldn't be amazed for long with a non-chewable plastic alarm clock going off for a couple of minutes.


again, these are just some observations i made while playing this game which is the best zed game i've played in my life btw because it embraces so many aspects most of the other games don't even think about, so i'm just trying to help this game to grow with some maybe ridicolous ideas or hopefully from there one of them actually helps somehow as a suggestion... maybe the nail and 9mm boxes :D ... lol


sorry for any mistakes, don't mean to judge or disrespect anyone, if i did so pardon me i didn't mean to. hopefully this will get some brains going on and make this game no.1!!


great job for the developers! and dude (MOO BOT) hope you don't find this TL;DR and get some ideas from it, GREAT JOB with your mod i'm pretty excited about it, again, keep us(the community) updated when possible, if you need any help (i don't believe i can help much besides a few dreamer ideas) but i'm here for it!! and remember... aim for the head!! B)

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