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  1. romijade

    Dead Zone RP

    Dead Zone RP Server Address: Port: 16261 An immersive apocalyptic role-playing experience. New players welcome Friendly staff and great community RP mandatory PvP allowed (see our Discord for rules) Safe PvE areas for non-PVP players Join our Discord for whitelisting: https://discord.gg/jmjkbph Hosted on powerful servers sponsored by Vanaheim Studios.
  2. Hi all, we are back looking for new survivors to join our famous PvE server based in the EU. See below for details; Server Join Details; Server Name - M700N's PvE Server 2019 | https://discord.gg/pUXV9pp Mods Required - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1421254188 IP Address - Port - 16300 Do not build in commercial areas, as they are reset on a monthly basis. You will be able to claim a Safehouse after 1 day of survival and you will be able to create a faction after 2 days. 1 day is 2 hours real-time. We will also be soon holding some more Survival Night events, where you will spawn into a different dedicated server than the above one and be presented at a load up point. You will then have 10 minutes to gather weapons, ammo and supplies, before being teleported to a random building and there you will have to all work together to defend and survive waves of zeds set upon you. See you all there soon. M700N
  3. About us / О нас We're a well-known PvP server with a simple set of rules that's easy to follow. Server located in Saint Petersburg, Russia, so it's pretty comfortable to play from Russia and Eastern Europe. Мы - известный PvP-сервер с простыми правилами, их легко понять и им просто следовать. Сервер расположен в Санкт-Петербурге, играть из РФ и восточной европы будет комфортно. Discord: https://last-day.wargm.ru/discord (integrated with in-game 'all' chat channel) Website: https://last-day.wargm.ru/ How to connect / Как подключиться IP: Port: 16261 Or use this link: https://last-day.wargm.ru/connect Rules / Правила - EN - It is forbidden to: - Chat - Do not: 1. Troll or insult other players 2. Spam or advertise in any form 3. Abuse CAPS, smiles and emotes 4. Use provocative, insulting, indecent nicknames and profile pics 5. Inticing ethnic or religious hatred, IRL death threads 6. Post pornographic and other NSFW content 7. Abuse swearing 8. Political discussions 9. Impersonating another players or administration - General - Do not: Use, discuss or provoke to use bugs and cheats Restore your character from backups without administration agreement Infiltrate into other players claims, destroy objects inside other players claims (see rule 1) Steal cats from other players claims (see rule 1) - Non-PVP zone rules - Do not: Kill other players while have a claim inside Non-PVP zone Bring hordes of zombies to other players claims inside Non-PVP zone Steal, kill, vandalize other people's property inside Non-PVP zone or in nearby vicinity - RU - - Общение - Запрещено: Троллинг и оскорбления игроков в любой форме. Реклама и спам в любой форме. Злоупотребление использованием верхнего регистра, смайлов и реакций. Использование провокационных, оскорбительных, неприличных ников или аватаров. Разжигание межнациональной розни, угрозы расправой в реальной жизни, дискриминация по религиозному или другим признакам и пропаганда нацизма. Распространение порнографии и прочего NSFW контента. Злоупотребление нецензурной бранью запрещено (мат допустим в небольших количествах). Споры на политические темы. Выдавать себя за другого человека, в том числе за администрацию сервера. - Главное - Использование читов и багов игры. Обсуждение, распространение информации по их использованию, а также побуждение на это других. Использование бекапов без согласования с администрацией. Проникновение в чужие приваты, их повреждение кувалдой и прочим оружием. Угон транспорта из привата. - Правила PVE локаций - Запрещено: Активное PVP при имеющемся привате в PVE локации. Приводить зомби под приваты в PVE локации. Грабеж, убийства, порча имущества любым способом в PVE локациях. Кемперство на выходе из PVE локаций. FAQ / ЧаВо - EN - Last wipe: 26 Apr 2019 Next wipe: not scheduled. We generally don't like wipes and doing our best to not wipe the server more than required. Probably after the upcoming release of Project Zomboid. We don't know when it'll be exactly. NO zombification NO fire spreading Free PvP (except safezones, listed below) Safehouses You must survive for 5 in-game days to be able to claim a safehouse You can claim only pre-existing residential building You can't expand your claim's size Safehouse will fall if there are no members visit it for 10 consecutive IRL days 2 characters per steam account 1 day in-game = 1 IRL hour Loot respawns in 24 IRL hours, in empty containers only Abandoned locations will be reset in 21 IRL days if no one visits them Non-residential buildings (shops, warehouses, etc) could be reset without a warning Channel 'all' enabled and integrated with a discord Voice chat enabled - RU - Последний вайп: 26 Апр 2018 Следующий вайп: не запланирован. Скорее всего произойдет после выхода следующего обновления Project Zomboid, точная дата неизвестна. Зомбификации нет Распространения огня нет PvP свободный (кроме безопасных зон, список ниже) Приваты Чтобы занять дом нужно прожить 5 игровых дней Занять можно только уже существующее жилое здание Расширить размер привата нельзя (но можно надстроить этажи) Приват спадет если ни один из его членов не посетит его в течении 10 реальных дней 2 персонажа на 1 стим аккаунт Игровой день длится 1 час реального времени Лут обновляется каждые 24 часа в пустых контейнерах Заброшенные локации, которые никто не посещал в течении 21 реального дня, сбрасываются Нежилые здания (магазины, склады, итд) могут быть сброшены без предупреждения Глобальный чат включен и интегрирован с дискордом: сообщения из чата игры транслируются в дискорд и наоборот Голосовой чат также включен Safezones (where PvP disabled) / Безопасные (нейтральные) зоны March Ridge (10360x12620) Safezones inteded to be a place where you can set up a meeting with other players to trade and communicate safely. Нейтральные зоны задуманы как место, где можно встретиться с другими игроками, чтобы поторговать и пообщаться в безопасности.
  4. AftermathRP is a fast growing whitelisted Project Zomboid Roleplay community started in January 2019. We pride ourselves in being open and accepting to all forms of roleplay be it text or voice, as long as it doesn't violate any of the server rules. As a new roleplay community we have hit a few bumps, which is expected as this journey is a learning one, but we have a community of dedicated staff and many talented community members who work together to make sure things continue to run smoothly. We have amazing artists, content creators and writers who we are proud to put in the spotlight. We are here to enjoy each other's company, stories and creativity, and together we will continue to grow this community and turn it into greatness! Links Server Lore: http://www.aftermathrp.net/index.php?/lore/ Server Rules: http://www.aftermathrp.net/index.php?/rules/ Whitelist: http://www.aftermathrp.net/index.php?/application/form/1-whitelist/ Mod List Hydrocraft ORGM Hydrocraft/ORGM Ammo Integration More builds More Hair Colors Filibuster Rhymes' Used Cars Filibuster Rhymes' Smaller Cars Survivor Journals Realistic durability Bloody Zombies Blind Trait Mod Cremation-Corpse Disposal Missing Weapon models More Watches Log Wall Gates Crashed Cars Mod Refill Propane Tank We also have a discord which you can access from the forums, be sure to connect your discord account to the forums by going under account setting and clicking the discord integration tab. Without doing so you won't be able to text/speak in discord.
  5. TheReckless.net USA EAST | The Reckless PVP Experiment ( Easy going Mature 17+ Public Vanilla PvP. Multiple Spawn regions at character creation, custom starting kit, Instant Start Safehouses and Factions, etc. IF YOU DON'T WANT TO PVP, BUT YOU LIKE VANILLA... THEN YOU CAN ALSO JOIN US OVER AT: TheReckless.net USA East PZ Hard ( No Transmission, Harder Zombies, PVE ONLY, Nutrition on, Safehouses on etc. No mods, and no mods will ever be installed that "add" or "take away" to or from the bible that is Project Zomboid (ie. Hydrocraft, ORGM etc.). Our aim as a pair of Public Servers is to be the best, and best balanced VANILLA PVP and PVE experiences. Right now we have two sides of the PZ spectrum covered, Hard PvE, and Casual PvP. So why don't you come join, bring your factions, and set up your shops! Slots are limited (for now), so join today and stay forever! Our rules are simple enough (and can be found easy enough at our community pages), so that you can simply game!
  6. After almost 3 years now, Mind's World is back! I'd assume most of you have no idea what I'm talking about, some might still be around from back then. So maybe a little background info (just skip a couple paragraphs if you don't care) : Back in 2015 we ran a server called Mind's World PVE and had a pretty good run for a couple months. We were the #1 (in # of players) server for a couple of those months and most people seemed to enjoy it quite a lot (you can still find the original reddit thread on /r/pzservers). These were different times, though. We had no safehouse system back then, and griefing was a real issue. We couldn't ban steamids, only server accounts (characters) and IPs. I had custom scripts setup to backup certain areas of the world, and I would go around restoring people's bases, sometimes multiple times a day. I also had scripts that automatically monitored world destruction in certain areas and would ban dozens of people every day. Even then, it was almost a full-time job, but it kept people happy and the server running smooth. I also had quite a lot of fun doing it. Unfortunately, after some real-life stuff came up (new job in new city, had to move there in a rush) I wasn't able to invest as much time managing the server as I previously did. After being unable to find help with moderating the server (I did have a couple moderators I could count on, but after trying to show them how I was managing the server, their technical knowledge/linux knowledge/commitment proved insufficient) and griefers had destroyed most people's bases and towns in a matter of days (I'm telling you, it was crazy what we had to deal with back then) I decided to shut down the server with almost no prior warning. I didn't want "Mind's World" to become associated with "a dying server with no admins and a total mess" after the great run we had. So first, I'd like to apologize to anyone that used to play back then for the quick turn of events, it all happened so fast. Sorry for all that backstory, It felt like I owed an apology to anyone who had previously invested days, if not weeks of work into a server that shut down unexpectedly (if any of you are still around). I feel better now, thank you. Now ... I was a bit bored last weekend and after reading about all the new stuff in PZ (vehicles are awesome!) I decided to reinstall it and give it another go. It sucked me right back in, just like it did 3+ years ago. What an awesome game. I also heard they broke a new concurrent players record back in June with an amazing 130% increase in average players? Congrats! Great to hear that this game is still going strong after all those years. If I'm being honest, I was expecting to come back to an almost-dying game. So I logged back in, tried a couple different servers (more of an MP than SP player myself) and came to pretty much the same conclusion I did 3 years ago : a lack of well-run public servers. Most servers I joined just looked dead and barren. All the cars were long gone, couldn't find one for myself. In some cases I couldn't even find basic loot to get started. Now there are a couple of exceptions and I don't mean any disrespect to anyone running a public server, believe me I know it's not easy. The Good Old Dayz servers still run pretty good, I remember them from back in 2014-2015 when I played. They're still some of the best servers around IMHO, props to them for keeping them running since 2014. Unfortunately they are in the EU and the lag has been quite bad for me on them (being in North America) and fighting hordes can be a real PITA. I also wish they had a couple more mods, to keep the game interesting for the veterans like me who have already seen the end-game multiple times. So I figured we could use another NA public server and I've decided to bring back Mind's World. I've dusted off my old custom respawn/restore/etc scripts, and to my amazement, they still work pretty good! I've been updating them this week to deal with the new stuff (vehicule respawns, etc.) Server name : PVE NA East | Mind's World 2 IP : Hostname : pz.mind.gg Lightly modded to keep the experience interesting, but nothing crazy. I did add ORGM and ORGM Silencers, because I think they really add to the gunplay, but have no intention of including Hydrocraft at the moment. It's just too much. I'm going for a more selective list of quality-of-life / small improvements mods, maybe some custom ones in there eventually. I'm still testing some mods that I might add in the next couple days, but I want to keep the experience somewhat close to vanilla, at least for now. Some ideas I'm strongly considering at the moment : Map extensions, More/Improved bags, Body Armor. More vehicles. We've got a few regulars already that show up every day (mostly evenings EST) and it seems we're off to a decent start. Now I'm not looking to repeat the mistakes I made years ago and so I'll obviously be needing some help soon with moderation, if all goes well and the population keeps increasing. The new safehouse system helps a lot, but still. Please don't join and ask about being a moderator/admin right away. Play with us for a bit, help the new players, and when you naturally become a trusted member of the community, I'll extend you an offer soon enough. At the moment, my mind is pretty set on running a Public (non-whitelisted) PVE-only dedicated server as I think this is where this game really shines. I'm open to launching other PVP/Whitelisted servers, eventually, if enough people would like that. But my understanding is that there are already some good whitelisted servers (havn't tried any myself, yet). The hardware can more than handle a couple more servers, so that's a possibility. This public PVE server is not going away anytime soon though (unless EVERYONE prefers PVP/Whitelisted and the server ends up empty). Server specs : Xeon E5-1270v6 64GB DDR4-2400MHz ECC Intel Enterprise NVMe Drives 1gbps link Join us on discord @ http://discord.mind.gg Good luck and have fun!
  7. Hi all, I thought I would make a new thread on here to post any updates to the server that I am making. These include things like mod installs, mod updates, PZ updates etc. It can also be a place for any suggestions to how the server can be improved. The details for the server are; Server Name - M700N UK Server [PVE] IP Address - Port - 16261 The mods that I currently have installed to the latest update are; Cremation, Hydrocraft, Movable Fridges and Electric Lights. M700N
  8. IP: Port: 16261 Server description: New Hope is hardcore PVP russian server, recommended for expirienced players. Also it has PVE Zone (Shelter), several RP factions, and fixed spawn spot - KNOX Prison. New Hope Modpack includes some popular mods (Nolan's armor and traps, Immersive Overlays e.g.) and has own scripts, created and improved by server admins and players. Server was created at July 2017, active and experienced admins, discord support. Join us if you like hardcore and difficult tasks. Server settings: Xp multiplier - 1.0 Loot respawn - 12 hours (real-time) Zombie respawn - ON Infection morality - blood and saliva (wild garlic ant antibiotics help and cure) Destruction by sledgehammer - OFF (call admins if you need to destroy walls) Fire spread - OFF (prevention of cheating) Factions - ON (day survived to create - 0) Safehouse - ON (faction leader only) Max accounts per user - 1 (admins create additional account for roleplay and events if you need it) Balance settings: Cold climate, farming plants don't grow if temperature below 0. Shorted foraging season: may-semptember for forest food, june-augus for medical plants. Cold and high temperature, depression (moodles), toxic rain - hurt your health. Zombie settings: fast shamblers, superhuman strength, tough, eagle sight, normal hearing, poor smell. Poor loot respawn, no fresh food, no sledehammer, zombie loot - almost trash. Special [resource spots]: gas, propane, components - once per game day. Extended craft: smithing, weaving, skill books, pills (and antibiotics), industrial craft and more. Useful professions: trapping for feathers and leather (arrows and armor craft), fishing for glue, cooking (sugar, vinegar, alcohol, weight control) and so on. Faction leader creates safehouse, 40 building squares per faction member. Fixed spawn zone - Prison. You should works for cigaretts and pay for prison escape. Local RP factions [KNOX] - jailers, [ABT] - prisoners. Shelter PVE zone - helpful beginner quests, trade, jobs, located near West Point [Picnic Area]. Discord Steam server guide (RU) Online players and statistics
  9. IP: Port:26515 Server description: Brand new project zomboid server 24hours online,perfect conection,no drops,no lag,hard role play mode with whitelist,send the applicantion in the discord server. Discord: https://discord.gg/b83uREg Steam version: 39.67.5
  10. Hi all, I am going to be starting a new server soon called "M700N's Survival Night". There is a brief description below but for the full details of how it works and how to join, you will have to join our Discord server by following this invite link; https://discord.gg/pUXV9pp How Survival Night works; These are 1 night events and will be announced in the #sn-announcements channel on our Discord server. Survival Night is basically a PvE Horde/Battle Royal type game mode. You will all be spawned into the same location (inside a ready built fort) and all spawn in with the same equipment. You will then have 10 minutes to get set up before the hordes of zeds start attacking the fort. As it is PvE only the Zeds can kill you. It is your decision if you go at it lone wolf or decide to work as a team (I fancy the latter option myself) and try to survive for as long as possible. If you are a member on my PvE Server "M700N's UK PvE Server" then the position you come in the Survival Night match will earn you gifted awards to use within our PvE server. Like I mentioned above all details of this are on our Discord Server. M700N
  11. Hello, the european server [AT/EU] Sunrise 3xXP|Hydrocraft|24/7|Restricted PVP|Safehouses IP: Port:16261 30 Slots is ready for new players. Additional Maps (not as Spawning Points) Louisiana New Hamilton, OH Bedford Falls Muldraugh Nature Reserve Started 15.06.2018. With lower loot, long loot respawn (1o days). Server hosted on dedicated hardware in the hetzner datacenter in nueremberg/germany. Discord server https://discord.gg/ESM6U2 (Discord server not yet fully set up Feel free to give suggestions on the discord server. - Ixolan
  12. Hi all, Please come along and join my PvE server. Details below; Name - M700N's UK PvE Server Mods - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1421254188 Discord - https://discord.gg/pUXV9pp IP - m700n.ddns.net Port - 16261 IMPORTANT TO KEEP YOUR SAVES. When you select the server in the server list change the IP to m700n.ddns.net and save it to favorites. This is so when the IP changes on the server it does not affect your save. Once it is added to your favourites it may appear offline but if you connect it will work. If you do join the only rule there is is to not take over any commercial buildings as Safehouses because it will prevent loot from appearing within for other players. A couple of things to note also, you will be able to claim a Safehouse after 1 day of survival and you will be able to create a Faction after 2 days of survival. 1 day is 1 hour real-time. Cheers, M700N
  13. Howdy everyone! Starting next week, we will be opening our second server for some NON-RP fun. We will be having mini-games at specific times that will allow us to have a little PZ mayhem and cater to more than just our RP friends. Our various mini-games will consist of, but aren't limited to: Single/Duo Survival vs Zombies Group Survival vs Zombies Capture the Spiffo Week Long Building Contests Demolition Derbies Automobile Races Escape the Zombie Filled Maze PVP Survival (In the style of Hunger Games) Battle Royale Each of these games will run at random times on our second server, so please join us at: https://aggressivegaming.org/ and look for our mini games forum. Our FIRST games will be Single/Duo Survival, and will take place 7/11 and 7/12. Come join us and compete or cheer/jeer other players.
  14. Beard

    [24/7] Redboid

    Redboid [PVP/PVE] [Dedicated SafeZone] [24/7] IP: To all PZ Survivors! Come join us on one of the longest running servers to date! We have a thriving community, along with friendly active Admins that are willing to answer any questions/problems that you may have. Maps: Vanilla Mods: ORGM, MoreBuild, CorpseStudy, RenameWeapon, BookCollection, Beard-Pak Server settings: 3 alternate characters per player 3x character XP gain Links: Reddit: reddit.com/r/redboid Discord: https://discord.gg/MSVhKKf Please feel free to join our discord! Here you will have full access to the servers information and designated areas for questions, suggestions, direct contact with the admins and more. We shall look forward to seeing you there As always Have Fun & Be Safe! -The Redboid Admin Team
  15. Hello! Brief advertisement for a 4-slot multiplayer server me and a friend are playing on. It's the stable 39.67.5 Steam build, vanilla, about five days in. Electricity shut down, water still works, we've a small base going if you don't want to set one of your own up. The server is up 24/7 save the occasional server reboot to clear RAM. I'll be trying to keep it to a minimum. The idea is just PvE, and we're looking for either adults or mature players to have in the server, to avoid griefing and the like. The server is rented for a month, but I'll be prolonging if there's enough interest. Message me on Discord at Nick#5501 or reply here, though my response with the server info might be delayed if you do. I'll be happy to answer any questions you might have.
  16. LF a PvE server to casually play on. One where it isn't reset and people don't build absurd structures and destroy everything.
  17. We are a small server that are looking for some fun people that just wanna play a relaxing game of zomboid. We're a small server with a discord that has all the information you need about the server. In short, we have a few map mods in and mods like Hydrocraft for the content. Stats have been adjusted a bit to make it more "realistic" which what we're aiming for. PVP and raids are fine with us, just keep grieving to a minimum. IP: Link to our discord: https://discord.gg/d2VHrWw. Link to our mod collection: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1330267666
  18. IP: To All Pz Survivors! The Redboid server Is back on the original build! After almost a month on the Vehicles build we have now switched back, everything is the same par one or two changes here and there to compensate the changeover. Come Survive with us on one of the longest-running PZ servers to date! We try to compensate for all walks of player to ensure it is fun for all as well as having active admins on call for any Issues/Player needs. Our Server Includes; - GUNZ Mod! - Hairstyle Mod! - Hydrocraft Mod! - Trading Post! - 3 Alts Allowed Per Player! and many other attributes included! We are A PVP Server with a dedicated KOS zone & added PvE/Safezone All other Info and Rules can be found on our Reddit Page or Discord Channel https://discord.gg/MSVhKKf https://www.reddit.com/r/Redboid/ Feel Free to drop us any queries or questions you have As always Stay Safe & Have Fun! -Redboid Admin Team
  19. While the zombies may be a tad slower, global chat is turned off. We rely on radio comms to communicate with those who arent steam friends. With mods like Hydrocraft, OGRM, OGRM Suppressors, Zombie Loot, and several more, we are surviving the best we can but it seems that we have people who play regularly in different timezones, so we are seeking more interaction. Roleplay is not forced but you cant help but feel immersed when you're in a tight spot on a supply run and you're using the radio to find any nearby help or safehouses. IP: Port: 16261
  20. In the middle of June, 1993, a mysterious viral outbreak began to infect the citizens of Kentucky. Before the end of the month, already 95% of the world's population was either killed, or infected with the virus. Survivors from across the nation struggled. The military did all that they could to keep the situation "Contained"... their mission was a Critical Failure. The president in Washington did all that he could to keep the nation calm. In the end, though, he was just another victim like the rest of us. Communications went dark. Somewhere within the Radio Tower, repeated messages from the days prior to the "End Times" would appear on the Televisions across the darkened streets, for the few who are lucky enough to hold a generator in their safehouses... a small, peaceful reminder of the days long gone. A few weeks have passed, now, and most, if not all that remains of humanity, now rests within the small town of Muldraugh, Kentucky... and a few handfuls of its surrounding areas. But food continues to grow scarce. In the end, the people are left to either ration out their supplies, or work for their own portions of food, water... even beds. The clock no longer ticks. Time has already run out for us all. Now, as you wake up from yet another nightmare, only one question remains. How long will you last, within ? The main goal of this server is to build a group of communities that, together, work as a whole to survive the end times. Loot will be Rare, and Everyone is "infected". However, PvP will only be used as either a way to "Put infected players out of their misery" (through THEIR consent, of course!) or to initiate "Faction VS Faction" battles, which are only to be done inside lootable buildings. Said buildings are to have at least ONE player from both factions camping its doors to avoid other players getting caught in the cross-fire! Should players wish to rob others, you are NOT to kill on sight! You are to approach them IC'ly, make your demands, and wait for them to respond. The maximum amount of items you can rob from them are 3 or less, and you can only rob the same player once every 3 in-game days (1 hour, 30 minutes IRL), regardless of their yields! If they don't have anything, then you are to let them leave, and only rob them again after the 3 day limit is up! If they choose to flee, give them five seconds to run, THEN tick your "PvP" to "On" and give chase! After thirty seconds (after the five seconds have passed), if you fail to kill the victim, then they have escaped, and are no longer a target! Therefore, you are to turn your "PvP" off! (That's the red box at the bottom-right corner that replaced the green box you ticked first!) If you are seen walking around with the red box in check, your character will be seen as "having ill intent", and/or "open to PvP", which makes YOU as much a potential victim as everyone else! Only activate it when ABSOLUTELY necessary! The main goal of "PvP" is essentially to allow "Mercy Killing" the infected players by their consent, however! If they've been bitten or scratched by a zombie, they can request that someone put them out of their misery. In the case of a "Mercy Killing", it is recommended that the infected player be the one to turn "PvP" on, should the executioner not wish to have your blood on their records. (The "Players Killed" thing.) However, this option is up to the players in question. Should a safehouse not be "Claimable", you are to build a wooden sign in front of the entrance, and ask that I, Justin Daniels, paint it for you! In the "Options" tab, there's a way to change your character's "Voice Color". The sign will have your voice's color on it as "Proof of Ownership". Claimed Safehouses are NOT to be looted, if they have a painted sign outside! Should you wish to claim multiple safehouses, you are to let ME know, first, so that your claims can receive a routinely "Checkup". If you need a roof built, let me know, and I'll build you one! OOC chat is either done via ( <-These-> ) or "Global" chat. IC "Radio" Chat is done via HAM Radios and Walkies, now! If you fail to find any, let me know, and I can spawn you one for your safehouse(s)! Though it isn't a 24/7 Server, I hope to keep it running for as long as I can! If your character dies from lag, bugs, or unfair situations, let me know, and I'll help you regain your stats you've lost! (Recently reset everything, and opened it up via "Dedicated Steam Server". Should now be possible to join at any given time! Server will pause when everyone's offline, though, so it isn't a guarantee that you'll wake up from a 3-month nap!) Should be a no-brainer that burning houses is grounds for a ban. Fires CAN be spread, so be sure you burn responsibly, and NOT near any safehouses! The server is currently unmodded, but adjustments are more than welcome to be made, by players' requests! Finally, have fun! And let me know if you have any questions on the server, its rules, its lore, etc. and I'll be happy to assist! Bottom line, though, just think realistically, use common sense, don't associate "REAL LIFE" from "VIRTUAL LIFE", and if all else fails, let others know! Odds are, even that "Bandit" that just robbed you is actually a good person outside the game! Interested in joining the (relatively small) community? Feel free to join us! Search for "The Deadlands" in the Server Browser, and/or visit our Discord by clicking on > THIS < link, and say "Hi" to the community! The rules are further expanded on in the Discord Channel, after all!
  21. In PvE, there's still a way for players to kill others... by turning into zeds after being infected. What I suggest is this... what about a button similar to the "PvP" button, that would allow YOU to be harmed, while you can't harm other players? Like say, for example, you get bitten by a zombie, but manage to return to base. The fever has already hit you, and you tell your friends, "You have to shoot me. I don't want to turn on you guys..." Having this as an option would allow some pretty interesting scenarios for people in the PvE side of things, without the risk of turning a server PvP JUST to allow "Mercy Kills". Heck, y'all could even use a "Target" icon since the skull's already been done. ^_^'
  22. New UE Project Zomboid server, refresh 25/03. PVP and PVE, mods, spawns and active admins. Survival with us! IP: Port: default
  23. Just a PvE server for all to enjoy. [Modded] [IWBUMS] 37.5 Will kick / ban for griefing and such, Just be respectful and will not have any problems. And enjoy the game. Mods: My mod: Malaras-Mod: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0ByDLVEtx8-znOUFfUGxxVHJOMGs?usp=sharing Also i update my mod every now and again so if can't log in or whatever that's probably the reason. Best to favorite the google drive, I try keep everything updated. Game Options: locked houses 4 shutoffs 90 All that's changed from default so far i think. Updates, 3-28-17 IWBUMS 37.5 My Mod updated Thanks, Malaras-Mod.zip
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