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Everything posted by Ewok

  1. 'Miss Out/Sloppy' and 'Overlook' would appear to duplicate a large part of what 'Lucky' and 'Unlucky' currently do. The 'learning' ones have been discussed before - but that's not to say it's a bad idea. I support it, in fact. 'Toothless' seems a bit much to me, not a fan. Very much in favour of a trait that changes the speed of weapon deterioration. It seems so obvious that I'd be surprised if it's never come up before (can't check right now), but I do support it.
  2. I don't think Zombies would be attracted to rotted meat. In the majority of zombie movies, they only seem to 'eat' the living or the very recently deceased.
  3. No need. It's an easy mistake to make, especially when you are new. Stick around though, you'll like it here.
  4. As above. Yes, I'm sure the devs have changed their minds about things in the past - but no cure is pretty much the no. 1, unbreakable rule That's not me saying it's a bad idea, but it's not for this game and it's never going to happen. If it does, I shall provide YouTube footage of hat eating.
  5. Gets a like from me. A practical, simple and effective use of rotten veg. Rotten food to fertiliser has already been covered at least once, but I don't think I've seen this one suggested.
  6. I do think it's a good suggestion. One point I would make is that 'pain' never really appears on it's own - it's a side effect of something else - injured, infected, etc - so wouldn't need it's own moodle. I alos think that, if implemented, generic sickness should display the same animation as infected, since I think part of the tension is created by not knowing if someone is infected, even if you suspect it.
  7. How about somthing a little simpler: - You can sleep anywhere, but if you are sleeping anywhere but a bed you keep waking up at random (to simulate the discomfort) and can never get past 'drowsy' status at mimimum, to refect that you haven't slept well. Once you hit 'drowsy' you would wake up, and the message when trying to sleep would be "you are not tired enough to sleep here" or similar. Sleeping outside would mean you'd wake up more often than indoors, would be woken by rain or thunder and could potentially wind up with some serious health problems due to weather and/or zombies.
  8. Some great advice there, learned a few things I did not know. Thank you!
  9. Heh. Cheers Gonzo. You forgot to put in the disclaimer that, in contrast to the amazing stuff we see on this thread, we are pretty pathetic at the game. Hopefully in a way that makes it funny though...
  10. FAO Mod - Fight the power, give the NSA a warning point! That'll show them! Edit - They're clearly not being lovely!
  11. Whoa there! Regardless of how true that is (and I have no idea), I really don't think it's good idea to build a mechanic that actively penalises gay and bisexual characters...
  12. I have a short, flat blade about the length of my forearm that I keep under the bed in case anyone breaks in and tries to rape me. I also a large broadsword about 4.5 foot in length. It's blunt, but the weight of it could easily crush a skull. Hard to swing with any degree of control though. After that, I'm down to kitchen knives, pots and pans, and raiding the toolbox. Not exactly armed to the teeth... Unlike some of the posters above.
  13. I don't care right now. I like playing the last man on Earth... or Muldraugh/Westpoint anyway.
  14. It'd be nice if, even though they aren't controllable, you could load the save in a 'spectator' mode just to see how the zombie you is getting on in (un)life.
  15. I for one support our intelligence agencies and glorious leaders. I see the necessity of monitoring electronic communications for the greater good against the less desirable elements of our society. When the inevitable cracking down of dissidents begins, I want this post on record to demonstrate my support for the establishment. I for one am disgusted by the actions of our oppressive government and the encroaching attacks on our basic rights in the name of 'security'. We are systematically having our freedoms stripped away by a government who not only does not represent us, but seems to actively mistrust us and act against our best interests. When the inevitable revolution comes, I want this post on record to demonstrate my support for those fighting for out freedom. Delete as appropriate.
  16. As mentioned, mouse-specific aiming is a no-no for people using a controller. So, how about an aiming line coming out of the character that shows your shot direction when aiming. The better you skill with firearms, the longer the line will be (lower skills it cuts out and makes you guess the rest). Additionally, the higher your skill the better base odds if getting an insta-kill headshot. Or, instead of an aiming 'line', it could be a narrow 'cone' to represent that it may miss - with more practice narrowing said cone.
  17. I'd describe it as being on the outskirts of the centre of town.I'm using that area as a temporary base for now, while I raid the around it for useful stuff. Once in have everything I need I'll be moving out and heading further out of town though. I was in the central house of that residential area, but the dead bodies were bothering me so I moved into Cortman.
  18. As a practical use, it could slightly reduce the speed in which the character becomes tired.
  19. A lot of this is down to 'crowd mentality' though. Individuals are more likely to show empathy and consideration, but crowds (or nations, as in the examples above) make people lose touch with individual morality and fall into the 'well, everyone I know is doing it' sort of attitude. In the zompocalypse, where the crowd is somewhat thinned, there are less people and the individual stands out more. Then again, thinking about it, would those lacking a moral compass be more likely to survive the initial outbreaks, and the first few months after the fall of society. Would there be comparatively more of these people than 'normal' folks around?
  20. N-N-N-Necro! If you take 'Munchers' off the table due to forum history, the trolls win. If It truly is out of bounds, how about 'Biters'?
  21. Pfft. A bagel is just a donut with all the 'fun' removed.
  22. Does that mean you already have the ball gag?
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