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About Ewok

  • Birthday 06/19/1983

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  1. I think you're on to something there. Turn all the offshore wind generators upside down - energy crisis solved.
  2. While I actually think it's a really nice idea as a flavour piece, I don't think that adding an item for the sake of benefitting only characters with one specific trait is particularly worthwhile. I don;t see it as a huge act of controversy. It's not like there is an implication of "religion good" or "religion bad" in the suggestion as it stands.
  3. I came to this thread expecting spitters and boomers and other silly things, but am pleasantly surprised by these suggestions. I like all suggested in the OP except the Climbers, in my own (admittedly very personal) thoughts on zombies they would lack the cognitive capacity to recognise the rope as something they could use, and would lack the required coordination to climb it (many of them don't even manage walking that well). Dragons is a must. In fact, I think they are a confirmed yes I must admit to not being a fan of the re-animators. In most lore, zombies do not stop until you remove the head or destroy the brain. I don't recall any zombie fiction where they have been knocked unconcious only to wake later.
  4. Yup. "Needs more rockets" is how I generally approach most of my KSP related problems. Won't each orbit? - Add more rockets. Runs out of fuel on Mun return? - Add more rockets. Staging is messed up, forgot to add parachutes and electricity runs out? - Sort staging, add parachutes and batteries. Oh, and while you are at it, add more rockets!
  5. I'm not sure how it would destroy the spirit of the game. Sheet ropes can only be applied from the top floor, whereas this is used to access a high area from below. I see the use as a player/NPC trying to gain access property that is blocked off somehow - maybe the property has been barricaded up on the bottom floor, or someone has destroyed the staircase. To me this should be a building-entry mechanic only and not-so-much a zombie-evasion technique. It should take a few attempts to succeed, and be quite a slow process, to prevent a player just jumping out of danger.
  6. Dr Gonzo used to make me watch him play whenever I went to his place, and would talk about the latest Mondoid whenever I saw him. Eventually I bought it just so I knew what the hell was going on and what he was talking about.
  7. I think there are plans to introduce maps into the game - but they will be real world items, rather than 'game mechanics'. I think the zooming out in the way suggested would break aspects of realism. I also think there are some technical limitations not related to the 'detail' element. From observing previous discussions about the technical aspects, I believe only a certain area of the game is loaded at any one time - so anything outside a certain radius of a player simply doesn't 'exist' at that time. If I'm wrong then I'm sure someone will pop by and correct me.
  8. Well I've never played DayZ and have no opinion on Dean Hall, having never (knowingly) played any of his games or mods. However, this Identity game looks awesome - the product described sounds like my ideal game, full of immersion, role playing and incredible depth. That's what concerns me so much... it sounds too ambitious that I almost believe they can't pull it off. What Karen spotted is also a concern: - However, on the front page of the kickstarter, it says: They can't have it both ways... the front page now sounds a little disingenious to me. So yeah, I don;t have enough confidence in the project to back it on Kickstarter - but if they pull it off and it's anything like the description, I'll buy it when it reaches 1.0 (or maybe early access).
  9. So *if* you find a supply of high quality metal, *and* a forge, *and* an anvil, *and* a grinder belt, *and* (most importantly) to "know what you are doing". I mean, how long would it take for the 'average joe' to learn how do that, given thay they'd have to be completely self taught.
  10. Welcome! Yeah, hordes have been mentioned in the past and are something actively being worked on. Another thing being developed is the 'sadistic AI director' that will ensure challenges are thrown in the player's direction. This could be a horde, as in your suggestion. It could be a gang of NPC raiders (once they are implemented). It could even be a surprise cold snap that causes your crops to fail and forces you out your base. The possibilities are endless! So yep, afraid this suggestion is already on the list of stuff the devs are planning. Don't despair though, because that means it was a good idea!
  11. I'm sorry but I have to disagree with this. I don't think that the fact that there is an 'active SCA group' does not mean that it's going to be easy finding combat ready weapons. I mean, active could mean 3-4 people in the whole area (or less!). The idea that there is a group of medieval hobbyists does not support the idea that knowledge of classical weaponry and blacksmithing is commonplace in the area. As I said earlier in the thread, because of the nature of how we play games, all players will persue a skill if it exists in the game and gives them an advantage. This means on MP servers nearly every player will be an expert blacksmith, running around in a full suit of platemail and wielding a claymore... which, frankly, is just plain daft. If it's something that only one in a thousand people (less, in this case) would have any knowledge of then there is no way it should be included as it'll break the realism the game is going for.
  12. Indeed - it's not confirmed that it is actually a disease that caused the zombies. However, another issue is that the possibility of a 'cure' is a confirmed "no" by the developers, so the game mode would run afoul of that. I also think the scope seems quite ambitious - this sounds more like the kind of thing that would be a substantive DLC then would be part of the core game - although saying that, we'd have to see exactly what NPCs and vehicles bring to the mix once they're added.
  13. While I totally agree with the priciple of diminishing emotional effects as time goes on and your avatar becomes acclimatised to killing, I do feel the need to point out that John Rambo is fictional...
  14. Here's a 2-man SSTO wot I built.
  15. Kerbal isn't free, but there is a free demo. I payed about £15-20 but considering I've had over 150 hours play I'd say it's worth it.
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