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Kitt Frostpaws

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Everything posted by Kitt Frostpaws

  1. There's been an update on the survivor 2299 website, here's the link for the people who haven't been to it and also a link to the article with a small idea on what the gibberish means. 2299 - http://thesurvivor2299.com The article - http://www.trustedreviews.com/news/fallout-4-survivor-2299-teaser-website-updated-with-mysterious-code
  2. This is how I picture you; just before you ban someone.. Twist EnigmaGrey is actually the dog. Twist, the dog is actually a cat.
  3. Been around for a while now, glad to see this finally get up on steam.. As for Enigmas comment I think you'll have plenty of people to ban when the lost saves and incompatible systems start rolling in. This is probably the only forum/game focused community I've stuck around and partaken in conversations for. Are you guys going to burst into tears of joy when it's finally finished? For the love of god don't, I just washed the carpet. EDIT: Also make sure to catch up on sleep.
  4. Isn't there an option for mapping keys? I'm sure there is..
  5. Never played Neverwinter nights 2.. Recommended?
  6. Payday 2, GTA Online and Microsoft Office. I know the last one doesn't count, but by god it's for my mental stability.
  7. College work and how I'm going to get out of the latest shite I've landed in.

  8. I would tag along, but remember the hassle we had with Baldurs Gate before? And then there was the issue with my hardware and how it couldn't run it without lagging like a snail on cocaine.. I think I'll have to give this a pass.
  9. Stress is like those annoying neighbors who sit at your window and stare into look at you while you're eating dinner.

    1. EnigmaGrey


      *Sips coffee and stares blankly.* Yes, yes it is.

  10. Ugh.. This has been all I've heard about all day, hell one of my mates I get the train back with was actually in hyper-active because he got a copy. I can happily give Rockstar credit at the fact that they know how to make one hell of a game series get a fanbase, but blood hell.
  11. Anybody got a link to the UnReal World wki? I can't find/make spruce twigs at all. Kind of failing here.
  12. For some reason this made the following pop into my head: "This is a business place for businessy people! There's nothing for you here!"
  13. That guy who everybody hates because he was too busy screaming "Nipples" to give a damn.
  14. I heard about this game because of a youtuber I can remember watching play this, I can't remember who it was now that I look back on it.. I just kind of slipped into the community on the forums after a little while of playig, was a prick for a while, left for about a year(?) then came back one-day all bored and such, found myself visiting daily again and I am still here because I've always wanted to see this sort of game developed. If you could turn any spiritual entity into a muffin, what flavor muffin would it be? (And what entity?)
  15. Damn it, my reasons for enjoying NV more than FO3 have all-been said. I made that mistake once.. Never again.
  16. You need to stop counteracting all of my arguments, I'm running out pretty fast.
  17. What ever happened to this thing called "Self control"? Am I the only one who remembers that?
  18. Rape culture - Fuck no, I never heard this even being brought up until Britain became the whore of immigration with her legs spread wider than my own sisters and we adopted that total bull-shit ideal of "multiculturalism" which will never work accurately because there is always going to be an issue between the two cultures we are trying to live alongside with. Christians disagree with something in the quaran Muslims disagree with something in the bible All hell breaks loose between the two and Christianity is tagged as a racially discriminating religion, which makes fuck-all sense because bobs your uncle Islam/Christianity isn't a race. Abortions - It's a womans body and therefore it's her choice. Leave it at that. Wages - I don't really have anyhting to say on that.
  19. There is no right answer and there is no wholly decent out-come of this, if you continue to keep it banned people will continue to smoke it and people will continue to argue over it. If you make it legal then what about all of those people who have been thrown in jail and/or killed in the dealing/law-abiding side? Yes while it is true that in some countries but that does not mean it will work in another.
  20. It's a very nice idea, perhaps you could also find notice boards and such in offices or the schools?
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