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What Weapon would you use During a zombie apocalypse?


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I'd use this:




Really? If you've ever played lacrosse, you'd know that D-poles get bent out of shape really easily . . . Though, my shortstick lasted me all throughout high school and college, though they don't make 'em like they used to.


I suppose I could use my short stick, but, I'd eventually have to find something better. I always thought a quarterstaff would be a good weapon, if you could find one sturdy enough. Maybe my dad's cane? Haha. There would be a lot of improvisation,and I'd prefer something with a bit of reach if I could choose.


Though it'd be impossible for me to find a good one (there are a few at our local Kick Butt coffee, but it's probably crap), a glaive would be the perfect weapon for a Zombie apocalypse.

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I'd probably use a metal baseball bat, and a good one at that, not a shitty cheap one. It could bash in a skull pretty well, wouldn't break as easy as a wooden one, and unlike bladed weaponry, is less likely to get stuck inside of a body.

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