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Better Explainations On Character Death


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I'm playing the Food Build and after 7 days may character just dropped dead for no reason. I had no injuries during the game and my thirst was a bit high, not in the deep red, and I kept my character well fed. If it was from thirst that needs to be adjusted because the moddle only popped a few moments before he died.


There needs to be more information stated on why characters die outside of killed be zombies and turning into a zombie. How are players suppose to learn from their mistakes, if they don't know what in their game strategy to fix?

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Of two minds:


1) I feel the player should have to guess the cause of their death and, if necessary repeat the steps leading up to it to find out what caused them to die. (e.g. Was it the berries?)


2) The game isn't fully released yet and is therefore buggy. It's hard to track actual bugs leading to death without detailed logs of when the player starts taking damage, and what caused it.

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Actually such a feature has been partially implemented in multiplayer because if you hit somebody and then they die it will announce to everyone you killed them even if indirectly. So this should be extended to everything else, and then of course it will be off by default but on if the server admin so desires.

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