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ORMtnMan's Real Guns Mod 1.242 [32.30]


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Hi guys,


Yeah i know my account was created recently, but....Anyways.


I love the severals mods who add more guns in the game, i've tested and played others weapons mods before found this one and then...THE BEST EVER GUNS MODS I SEE !!! Congratulation Sir OTR with your (hard, very hard ?) work for this one ! I LOVE IT ! So many guns, attachements...You have one more followers 8-)  with you ! I encourage you to continue because I love it !  :razz:


But i got two questions about this mod (dont worry about it) it's just...huh...questions  :twisted:


1) I saw the last post about the guns spawn in the containers, i didn't know if that weird but... 

I did not find any weapons in bedroom (even is that a small gun or a scope), and i saw no one in the crates, does this weapons spawn only in the police station and gun shop ?


2) I see in the announcement of OTR that some weapons have fire mode, i want to know how to change the fire mode in some shotguns and assaults rifles.


And again "bravo !" for your awesome guns mods !

Cordialy, Twister

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1. Its very rare to find weapons in houses and semi rare in crates  you can also very rarely find them on body's only guaranty is in police stations and gun shops


2. right click the gun and press the thing that says its current fire mode and it should change it may be wrong though

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Hi guys,


Yeah i know my account was created recently, but....Anyways.


I love the severals mods who add more guns in the game, i've tested and played others weapons mods before found this one and then...THE BEST EVER GUNS MODS I SEE !!! Congratulation Sir OTR with your (hard, very hard ?) work for this one ! I LOVE IT ! So many guns, attachements...You have one more followers 8-)  with you ! I encourage you to continue because I love it !  :razz:


But i got two questions about this mod (dont worry about it) it's just...huh...questions  :twisted:


1) I saw the last post about the guns spawn in the containers, i didn't know if that weird but... 

I did not find any weapons in bedroom (even is that a small gun or a scope), and i saw no one in the crates, does this weapons spawn only in the police station and gun shop ?


2) I see in the announcement of OTR that some weapons have fire mode, i want to know how to change the fire mode in some shotguns and assaults rifles.


And again "bravo !" for your awesome guns mods !

Cordialy, Twister


Thank you! I am glad to bring another follower into the fold :mrgreen:. I would say it was fairly hard work, but definitely worth it and I had a lot of help from the people here in the forums! I plan on doing much more for the mod, so stay tuned!


As Fluffe said, it happens but it fairly rare, though, in the next release which hopefully should be soon will up the house spawn rate as I set it a bit too low.


Fluffe also answered the second question, so there you go :)


1. Its very rare to find weapons in houses and semi rare in crates  you can also very rarely find them on body's only guaranty is in police stations and gun shops


2. right click the gun and press the thing that says its current fire mode and it should change it may be wrong though


Thank you, sir Fluffe!

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OTR : No problem :mrgreen:  ! Did your mod is compatible with the Build 32, did you will also up the spawn rate in crates  ?


Fluffle : Thank for your answers ! Now i know how to change the firing mode yay !

Does same for ammo and scope, sights... about the spawn rate ?


Is there...(time to wait the next release) a quick way to increase a little (not dramatically) the chance of spawn rate in houses and crates ?


PS : As a(n) question/suggestion : Did you will add ALICE backpacks ?

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OTR : No problem :mrgreen:  ! Did your mod is compatible with the Build 32, did you will also up the spawn rate in crates  ?


Fluffle : Thank for your answers ! Now i know how to change the firing mode yay !

Does same for ammo and scope, sights... about the spawn rate ?


Is there...(time to wait the next release) a quick way to increase a little (not dramatically) the chance of spawn rate in houses and crates ?


PS : As a(n) question/suggestion : Did you will add ALICE backpacks ?


Per some of the people on the thread it is, though I am not coding for build 32 yet so you will not be able to breakdown your ammo into gunpowder for pipe bombs.


Yeah, they have about the same spawn rates.


In ym folder if you go to media/lua/server/ORGMDistributions.lua

you can open up that file and modify the drop rates there, but beware it is a mess of probability. It should be easy to understand but it is a lot to sift through.


No to the backpacks. I am limiting scope bloat of my mod. By focusing on just guns and mechanics surrounding guns I ccan really bring out good things. If I start doing a little of everything, all aspects will suffer. Once I am "done" with my gun mod I might move onto other projects (or go into retirement lol). Plus there are plenty  of mods (like hydrocraft or the more bags mod) that have ALICE packs.

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Ok thank for your answer


Yeah, I also use hydrocraft that i discovered recently, i just hope that this mod is compatible with your

:mrgreen: . But does your mod is compatible with NCYaw mod since i think he doesn't touch at ModelManager.class file.



In ym folder if you go to media/lua/server/ORGMDistributions.lua

you can open up that file and modify the drop rates there, but beware it is a mess of probability. It should be easy to understand but it is a lot to sift through.


Where the drop rate in this script ? Im not very good at script

Does look that ?



if rnd (10) < 8 then

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Ok thank for your answer


Yeah, I also use hydrocraft that i discovered recently, i just hope that this mod is compatible with your

:mrgreen: . But does your mod is compatible with NCYaw mod since i think he doesn't touch at ModelManager.class file.



In ym folder if you go to media/lua/server/ORGMDistributions.lua

you can open up that file and modify the drop rates there, but beware it is a mess of probability. It should be easy to understand but it is a lot to sift through.


Where the drop rate in this script ? Im not very good at script

Does look that ?



if rnd (10) < 8 then



Yeah, It is compatible with Hydrocraft (which I use, albiet an older version) though I am not familiar with the other, as long as it  doesnt touch that file, it should be compatible.


Yes that is how the probability is determines it does a random number and if the number fits inthe criteria, then the result happens, otherwise it moves on.

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Ok thank again, so more the number is up, more the spawn rate is high ?

If i need to edit : if rnd (10) < 8 , does i need to edit the red number or the blue number ?

and finaly what does mean rnd ?


Sorry for the questioning bomb :oops: , sometimes I think it's stronger than me  :shock:

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Ok thank again, so more the number is up, more the spawn rate is high ?

If i need to edit : if rnd (10) < 8 , does i need to edit the red number or the blue number ?

and finaly what does mean rnd ?


Sorry for the questioning bomb :oops: , sometimes I think it's stronger than me  :shock:


So the number in red is a random number between 1 and the number in red. The blue number is the comparison number so it is the one you should change to make it easier.


So in that particular case it would generate a random number between 1 and 10. Then if the resulting number is less then 8 (so 1 through 7) it will return a true which then activates the code in that block. If the number is not less than 8 (so 8 through 10) then it will return a False and continue one without activating the code.


Hope that helps, and keep asking questions if you have them (fedora)

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Hey everyone,


Little update, I draw ever closer to finishing the conversion scripting but due to time constraints from working full time and having a life (strange as that sounds) I am stopping tonight with still having issues. I will continue to work on it when I get home from work tomorrow, but between now and then I thought I would throw what I have worked up for everyone to look at and to point out how/where I have made mistakes.


Below are the three scripts I threw together for this purpose. I am getting a severe null attempted index of a nil value on the ORGMUnloadAction:perform() part of the third script. I have an idea why but I did not have time to really run it down as I have to go to sleep for work tomorrow.


Script 1: ORGMConversionMenu.lua

ORGMConversionMenu = {}

ORGMConversionMenu.createMenu = function(player, context, items)

    local isConvertable = false;
    local playerObj = getSpecificPlayer(player)
    for i,v in ipairs(items) do
        local testItem = v;
        if not instanceof(v, "InventoryItem") then
            testItem = v.items[1];
            testIndex = ORGMindexfinder(testItem, ConversionIndexTable);
        if(testIndex ~= -1) then
            isConvertable = true;
    if isConvertable then
        local item = items[1];
        if not instanceof(items[1], "InventoryItem") then
            item = items[1].items[1];
        ConvText = ConversionContextTable[testIndex]
        context:addOption(ConvText, items, ORGMConversionMenu.OnConvert, playerObj);

ORGMConversionMenu.OnConvert = function(items, player)
    local convItem = items[1];
    if not instanceof(items[1], "InventoryItem") then
        convItem = items[1].items[1];



Script 2 ORGMConversions.lua

ORGMConversions = {}

function ORGMConversions:initialise()


function ORGMConversions:new(player)
    local o = {}
    setmetatable(o, self)
    self.__index = self
    o.convertAction = nil;
    o.convertableable = nil;
    o.playerid = player;
    o.lastClickTime = 0
    return o;

function ORGMConversions:StartConvertfromUi(item)
    if(self:convertStarted() == false) then
        self.convertitem = item;
        self.convertindex = ORGMindexfinder(item, ConversionIndexTable);
        self.resultitem = ConversionWeaponTable[self.convertindex];

function ORGMConversions:startConversion()
    self.convertmoddata = self.convertitem:getModData();
    remainingammo = self.convertmoddata.roundChambered + self.convertmoddata.currentCapacity;
    self.convertAction = ORGMConvertAction:new(self, player, player:getSquare(),1);
    self.chainUnload = ReloadUtil:getReloadableWeapon(self.convertitem, playerObj):isChainUnloading();
    counter = remainingammo;
    if remainingammo == 0 then
    elseif(self.chainUnload == true) then
        while counter ~= 0 do
        counter = counter - 1

function ORGMindexfinder(key, list)
    for 1, obj in ipairs(list) do
        if obj == key then
            return i;
    return -1;


    ConversionIndexTable = {

           clipped the rest because it is long but it contains the rest of the convertible gun values



    ConversionWeaponTable = {

           clipped the rest because it is long but it contains the rest of the resulting gun values



    ConversionContextTable = {
            "Use for 12 gauge Slugs",
            "Use for 00 12 gauge Buck",
            "Use for 12 gauge Slugs",
            "Use for 00 12 gauge Buck",
            "Use for 12 gauge Slugs",

           clipped the rest because it is long but it contains the rest of the strings for the menu



Script 3 (where the issue currently lies) ORGMConvertAction.lua

require "TimedActions/ISBaseTimedAction"

ORGMConvertAction = ISBaseTimedAction:derive("ORGMConvertAction")

function ORGMConvertAction:new(convertManager, char, square, time)
    local o = {}
    setmetatable(o, self)
    self.__index = self
    o.character = char
    o.stopOnWalk = false
    o.stopOnRun = true
    o.maxTime = time
    o.square = square
    o.mgr = convertManager
    o.convertitem = convertManager.convertitem
    o.resultitem = convertManager.resultitem
    return o;

function ORGMUnloadAction:perform()
    self.ConvertData = convertitem:getModData();
    self.ResultData = resultitem:getModData();
    self.ResultData.containsClip = self.ConvertData.containsClip;


Anyway, as I said, I will get to it after work, but if any of you want to make my life easier... :mrgreen:  and get the next version released sooner... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:  just sayin

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So i tried to study/understand about editing spawn rate...But i really don't understand, so many number in this file lol :eek:  im started to be crazy ^^. May i guess to wait for the next release  :???:


EDIT : I tried again, and finaly i started to understand a little about the mess of probability and spawn rate  :mrgreen:

But i just go one question :


So does the number result of a % of chance of spawning ?  I mean in a exemple :

if rnd (10) < 5 , so 5 is 50% chance of spawn rate ?

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Aren't you missing self. for a lot of variable accesses in the perform method?


Also you access "char" in the last two lines in perform() but char is only a parameter of new() which is assigned to o.character so I guess accessing char in perform() wont work either?


Then again I might be talking crap, I don't really do any developing in LUA

require "TimedActions/ISBaseTimedAction"ORGMConvertAction = ISBaseTimedAction:derive("ORGMConvertAction")function ORGMConvertAction:new(convertManager, char, square, time)    local o = {}    setmetatable(o, self)    self.__index = self    o.character = char    o.stopOnWalk = false    o.stopOnRun = true    o.maxTime = time    o.square = square    o.mgr = convertManager    o.convertitem = convertManager.convertitem    o.resultitem = convertManager.resultitem    return o;endfunction ORGMUnloadAction:perform()    self.ConvertData = self.convertitem:getModData();    self.ResultData = self.resultitem:getModData();    self.ResultData.containsClip = self.ConvertData.containsClip;    self.resultitem:setCondition(self.convertitem:getCondition());    self.resultitem:attachWeaponPart(self.convertitem:getScope())    self.resultitem:attachWeaponPart(self.convertitem:getClip())    self.resultitem:attachWeaponPart(self.convertitem:getSling())    self.resultitem:attachWeaponPart(self.convertitem:getCanon())    self.resultitem:attachWeaponPart(self.convertitem:getStock())    self.resultitem:attachWeaponPart(self.convertitem:getRecoilpad())    self.character:getInventory():Remove(self.convertitem);    self.character:getInventory():AddItem(self.resultitem);end
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So i tried to study/understand about editing spawn rate...But i really don't understand, so many number in this file lol :eek:  im started to be crazy ^^. May i guess to wait for the next release  :???:


EDIT : I tried again, and finaly i started to understand a little about the mess of probability and spawn rate  :mrgreen:

But i just go one question :


So does the number result of a % of chance of spawning ?  I mean in a exemple :

if rnd (10) < 5 , so 5 is 50% chance of spawn rate ?


You have to think about the numbers that qualify to determine the spawn rate. so, in that particular case, since the criteria is <5 the numbers that qualify are 1 through 4. So, it would be 40%



Aren't you missing self. for a lot of variable accesses in the perform method?


Also you access "char" in the last two lines in perform() but char is only a parameter of new() which is assigned to o.character so I guess accessing char in perform() wont work either?


Then again I might be talking crap, I don't really do any developing in LUA

require "TimedActions/ISBaseTimedAction"ORGMConvertAction = ISBaseTimedAction:derive("ORGMConvertAction")function ORGMConvertAction:new(convertManager, char, square, time)    local o = {}    setmetatable(o, self)    self.__index = self    o.character = char    o.stopOnWalk = false    o.stopOnRun = true    o.maxTime = time    o.square = square    o.mgr = convertManager    o.convertitem = convertManager.convertitem    o.resultitem = convertManager.resultitem    return o;endfunction ORGMUnloadAction:perform()    self.ConvertData = self.convertitem:getModData();    self.ResultData = self.resultitem:getModData();    self.ResultData.containsClip = self.ConvertData.containsClip;    self.resultitem:setCondition(self.convertitem:getCondition());    self.resultitem:attachWeaponPart(self.convertitem:getScope())    self.resultitem:attachWeaponPart(self.convertitem:getClip())    self.resultitem:attachWeaponPart(self.convertitem:getSling())    self.resultitem:attachWeaponPart(self.convertitem:getCanon())    self.resultitem:attachWeaponPart(self.convertitem:getStock())    self.resultitem:attachWeaponPart(self.convertitem:getRecoilpad())    self.character:getInventory():Remove(self.convertitem);    self.character:getInventory():AddItem(self.resultitem);end


You might be on to something, I am mostly a layman for coding (I am just good at faking my ability :P

) on the subject of char, if you look at the function line for the new, char is brought in from the script that starts it. I had assumed that it would work for the entire script once pulled in but you might be right. I will fiddle around with that after work.

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So i tried to study/understand about editing spawn rate...But i really don't understand, so many number in this file lol :eek: im started to be crazy ^^. May i guess to wait for the next release :???:

EDIT : I tried again, and finaly i started to understand a little about the mess of probability and spawn rate :mrgreen:

But i just go one question :

So does the number result of a % of chance of spawning ? I mean in a exemple :

if rnd (10) < 5 , so 5 is 50% chance of spawn rate ?

You have to think about the numbers that qualify to determine the spawn rate. so, in that particular case, since the criteria is <5 the numbers that qualify are 1 through 4. So, it would be 40%

Aren't you missing self. for a lot of variable accesses in the perform method?

Also you access "char" in the last two lines in perform() but char is only a parameter of new() which is assigned to o.character so I guess accessing char in perform() wont work either?

Then again I might be talking crap, I don't really do any developing in LUA

require "TimedActions/ISBaseTimedAction"ORGMConvertAction = ISBaseTimedAction:derive("ORGMConvertAction")function ORGMConvertAction:new(convertManager, char, square, time)    local o = {}    setmetatable(o, self)    self.__index = self    o.character = char    o.stopOnWalk = false    o.stopOnRun = true    o.maxTime = time    o.square = square    o.mgr = convertManager    o.convertitem = convertManager.convertitem    o.resultitem = convertManager.resultitem    return o;endfunction ORGMUnloadAction:perform()    self.ConvertData = self.convertitem:getModData();    self.ResultData = self.resultitem:getModData();    self.ResultData.containsClip = self.ConvertData.containsClip;    self.resultitem:setCondition(self.convertitem:getCondition());    self.resultitem:attachWeaponPart(self.convertitem:getScope())    self.resultitem:attachWeaponPart(self.convertitem:getClip())    self.resultitem:attachWeaponPart(self.convertitem:getSling())    self.resultitem:attachWeaponPart(self.convertitem:getCanon())    self.resultitem:attachWeaponPart(self.convertitem:getStock())    self.resultitem:attachWeaponPart(self.convertitem:getRecoilpad())    self.character:getInventory():Remove(self.convertitem);    self.character:getInventory():AddItem(self.resultitem);end
You might be on to something, I am mostly a layman for coding (I am just good at faking my ability :P

) on the subject of char, if you look at the function line for the new, char is brought in from the script that starts it. I had assumed that it would work for the entire script once pulled in but you might be right. I will fiddle around with that after work.

Self shouldn't go there, that's only for calling class fields. You're just trying to add attachments to a gun that doesn't exist yet.

Also, in the finder... That 1 should be an i.

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So i tried to study/understand about editing spawn rate...But i really don't understand, so many number in this file lol :eek: im started to be crazy ^^. May i guess to wait for the next release :???:

EDIT : I tried again, and finaly i started to understand a little about the mess of probability and spawn rate :mrgreen:

But i just go one question :

So does the number result of a % of chance of spawning ? I mean in a exemple :

if rnd (10) < 5 , so 5 is 50% chance of spawn rate ?

You have to think about the numbers that qualify to determine the spawn rate. so, in that particular case, since the criteria is <5 the numbers that qualify are 1 through 4. So, it would be 40%

Aren't you missing self. for a lot of variable accesses in the perform method?

Also you access "char" in the last two lines in perform() but char is only a parameter of new() which is assigned to o.character so I guess accessing char in perform() wont work either?

Then again I might be talking crap, I don't really do any developing in LUA

require "TimedActions/ISBaseTimedAction"ORGMConvertAction = ISBaseTimedAction:derive("ORGMConvertAction")function ORGMConvertAction:new(convertManager, char, square, time)    local o = {}    setmetatable(o, self)    self.__index = self    o.character = char    o.stopOnWalk = false    o.stopOnRun = true    o.maxTime = time    o.square = square    o.mgr = convertManager    o.convertitem = convertManager.convertitem    o.resultitem = convertManager.resultitem    return o;endfunction ORGMUnloadAction:perform()    self.ConvertData = self.convertitem:getModData();    self.ResultData = self.resultitem:getModData();    self.ResultData.containsClip = self.ConvertData.containsClip;    self.resultitem:setCondition(self.convertitem:getCondition());    self.resultitem:attachWeaponPart(self.convertitem:getScope())    self.resultitem:attachWeaponPart(self.convertitem:getClip())    self.resultitem:attachWeaponPart(self.convertitem:getSling())    self.resultitem:attachWeaponPart(self.convertitem:getCanon())    self.resultitem:attachWeaponPart(self.convertitem:getStock())    self.resultitem:attachWeaponPart(self.convertitem:getRecoilpad())    self.character:getInventory():Remove(self.convertitem);    self.character:getInventory():AddItem(self.resultitem);end
You might be on to something, I am mostly a layman for coding (I am just good at faking my ability :P

) on the subject of char, if you look at the function line for the new, char is brought in from the script that starts it. I had assumed that it would work for the entire script once pulled in but you might be right. I will fiddle around with that after work.

Self shouldn't go there, that's only for calling class fields. You're just trying to add attachments to a gun that doesn't exist yet.

Also, in the finder... That 1 should be an i.



Even though the gun doesn't exist yet, I am correct in assuming it will copy over the modData right?

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Nice mod and sorry for the noob question but how do I add this to my server and do clients need to download it as well?


Thank you for any help.


I don't play online but I believe when you host it is on the server and everyone else will be required to download it as well.


Someone else may correct me though,

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The gun is created when its added to your inventory, but you still have to search through the players inventory and then add the attachments to THAT.

When you add "ORGM.whatever" to the players inventory, that text isn't the gun. That just tells java to look for an item with that name and add it.

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Okay, getting closer here's where I am at:


ORGMConversions = {}

function ORGMConversions:initialise()


function ORGMConversions:new(player)
    local o = {}
    setmetatable(o, self)
    self.__index = self
    o.convertAction = nil;
    o.convertableable = nil;
    o.playerid = player;
    o.lastClickTime = 0
    return o;

function ORGMConversions:StartConvertfromUi(item)
    self.convertitem = item;
    self.convertindex = ORGMConversions:ORGMindexfinder(item, ConversionIndexTable);
    self.resultitem = ConversionWeaponTable[self.convertindex];

function ORGMConversions:startConversion()
    self.convertmoddata = self.convertitem:getModData();
    remainingammo = self.convertmoddata.roundChambered + self.convertmoddata.currentCapacity;
    self.convertAction = ORGMConvertAction:new(self, getPlayer(),1);
    self.chainUnload = ReloadUtil:getReloadableWeapon(self.convertitem, getPlayer()):isChainUnloading();
    counter = remainingammo;
    if remainingammo == 0 then
    elseif(self.chainUnload == true) then
        while counter ~= 0 do
        counter = counter - 1

function ORGMConversions:ORGMindexfinder(key, list)
    for i, obj in ipairs(list) do
        if obj == key then
            return i;
    return -1;


ORGMConversionMenu = {}

ORGMConversionMenu.createMenu = function(player, context, items)

    local isConvertable = false;
    local playerObj = getSpecificPlayer(player)
    for i,v in ipairs(items) do
        local testItem = v;
        if not instanceof(v, "InventoryItem") then
            testItem = v.items[1];
            testType = testItem:getType()
            testIndex = ORGMConversions:ORGMindexfinder(testType, ConversionIndexTable);
        if(testIndex ~= -1) then
            isConvertable = true;
    if isConvertable then
        local item = items[1];
        if not instanceof(items[1], "InventoryItem") then
            item = items[1].items[1];
        ConvText = ConversionContextTable[testIndex]
        context:addOption(ConvText, items, ORGMConversionMenu.OnConvert, playerObj);

ORGMConversionMenu.OnConvert = function(items, player)
    local convItem = items[1];
    if not instanceof(items[1], "InventoryItem") then
        convItem = items[1].items[1];



require "TimedActions/ISBaseTimedAction"

ORGMConvertAction = ISBaseTimedAction:derive("ORGMConvertAction")

function ORGMConvertAction:perform()
    ConvertData = convertitem:getModData();
    AddedItem = getSpecificPlayer():getInventory():FindAndReturn(resultitem);
    AddedItem:getModData().containsClip = ConvertData.containsClip;


function ORGMConvertAction:new(convertManager, char, time)
    local o = {}
    setmetatable(o, self)
    self.__index = self
    o.character = char
    o.stopOnWalk = false
    o.stopOnRun = true
    o.maxTime = time
    o.mgr = convertManager
    o.convertitem = convertManager.convertitem
    o.resultitem = convertManager.resultitem
    return o;

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Hi guys,


im doing better with spawn rate  :-D  Thank to OTR for his explanation.

Just one thing i noticed : Why the guns, ammo and attachment only spawn in the storage room and not in the warehouse ?

We could do spawn a bit in the warehouse and a bit in the storage room no ? 


And i tested the guns at some zombie, so  the shooting skill affect the chance to hit isn't ?

I choose policemen for jobs (so 3 shoot and 1 reload), got a mosin nagant :evil:  and sometime i think is hard to hit the zombie, even if i take time to do a great shoot lol. :oops:





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