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Everything posted by getstoopid

  1. Yep, should definitely be a thing
  2. No but "somewhere south of rosewood near the farmstead" is And usually a map has quadrants irl so I agree with SeanBK - it would make some things easier by not breaking immersion.
  3. IRL also nothing prevents you from adding (too much) bleach to your glass of water and drinking it except hopefully your common sense Just because you can doesn't mean it is safe to do so - in fact pz-characters die from drinking bleach on accident *g Though I find this "feature" somewhat dumb - it could at least ask if I really want to do this.
  4. I think that would only make sense if the knowledge of this was bound to some survival skill. Normal people just don't know how much bleach would be safe to use (and hopefully don't try to find out by experiment)
  5. This actually would only make sense if not wearing them had any consequences like temporary hearing loss or bad hearing in the long term. Afaik this is not a thing?
  6. As I see this it's more like "seasoned soldier". Veteran is maybe the wrong wording but makes clear what is meant by it - "active duty and seen real combat", I assume.
  7. Quite a lot action for such a lonesome experience I'd say. I like most of the ideas but I also think that this would only make sense when npcs finally arrive because at the moment hearing that much action but seeing none would feel strange and artificial and break immersion.
  8. Even if I wouldn't know how to do this properly without breaking some parts of the game - the risk/fear/despair part - I really find this idea appealing =)
  9. Hmm i think actually there are candles in the game... not?
  10. I see where you are going and in part agree with you. I for myself would never use mods that change the game in its fundamental idea. I run a private MP server with a few friends and we only use mods to increase immersion and would also never play on public pvp servers because of the said "cs:go players"... and there is the big but - I also don't think that limiting the possibilities for modders would be a good idea and it's not neccessary too - you just have to stay away from those servers. Start your own server with friends, agree with them on vanilla or a set of mods you like and have fun =)
  11. You should think about how you respond to ideas of other people in this thread. No problem with criticism or counterarguments if they are respectful. Why would this be micromanagement? You wouldn't have to do anything. You get injured in the face and if you got bad luck your eye is broken and you lose some of your field of vision or get a "bad sight trait".
  12. This has been requested in multiple threads, so you are not alone with this =) I also hope this will be implemented sone day - as an addition to this request I would like to see this as some kind of "voting-system". If somebody wants to skip time all the other players get to see a timeskipping-request they can agree on or decline (maybe below the clock so it won't interfere much) -> if all agree time is flying.
  13. Most of the time my character dies is because I made a mistake, mostly getting cocky after a few good runs. Yes, sometimes RNG sucks but the majority of these situations arise after making a poor decision before, which could be easily avoided if I'd payed attention.
  14. You can edit that in one of the server files... so I would think also somewhere in sandbox settings for singe player? Reading speed can be configured too in MP, but I for myself would be so much happier to see a fastforward option. A configurable general XP boost (per skill) would be awesome! Because all the grinding sometimes really annoys me.
  15. I see were you are going but I for myself wouldn't want to see shooter-zombies. Reminds me of "land of the dead"... and that really... well it wasn't good.
  16. I would agree if the game were to start at least a few months into the apocalypse, but since it's only a few days the walking corpses aren't decomposing yet and still you can carry them.
  17. Well actually you can carry a corpse so I would see no reason why you couldn't carry a living body?
  18. I think it's the same with current traits, there are some that basically are freebie points and if you need or want the easier start you take them or you don't if you like the challenge. I see no problem in this. I played some easy games and some random chars too.. had fun either way and would very much like to see some mechanics for "deeper" characters, especially with npc on the way.
  19. Well yes and no... there are mods that add upgrades to very specific cars but no general upgrading feature to any car as far as I know?
  20. Maybe I misunderstand but what do you mean by "disappearing after reading"? Neither magazines nor books do that.
  21. There should be some feedback whenever your character denies to do something like "No i can't read this book, it would make me sleep bad". This should generally be a thing if my char can't do something at the moment it would normally without problem - moodles alone are not enough sometimes, but this should be a thread on its own I guess
  22. Well this game is about the experience of a zombie apocalypse in "mostly realistic" circumstances and death by getting killed without standing a chance is clearly one of these. I'd like to think that this is the core principle - you make a mistake, you have bad luck, you die... simple as that! If you wanna go for the full apocalypse experience where "griefing" would definitely be the main problem (like in "The walking dead"), dying by the hand of another in an unfair fight is inevitable, not?
  23. I think it is quite realistic to get stun-locked by a shot or stab if you aren't accustomed to this. Maybe there should be a trait like "battle hardened" that prevents you from losing your shit after getting wounded by another human. Yes I am aware that it would mean that this trait is a must on pvp servers... and it should be expensive like 8pt or so.
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