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  1. Let us access map items (Muldraugh Map, West Point Map, etc...) from the quick map radial menu (the one that pops up when you hold the M key). I like playing with the world map option turned off in the sandbox options (for the sake of realism) and I think being able to quickly read regional maps from your inventory using the radial menu would be a very good improvement.
  2. It's controlled by "Project Zomboid\media\lua\server\Items\Distributions.lua" I think.
  3. The file you are looking for is map_sand.bin
  4. I agree, it would be a good thing for players and zombies to be able to cross these obstacles.
  5. It would be a very cool and useful crafting recipe if we could create our own improvised torches for illumination when exploring and looting after the power runs out. The player could use a knife or an axe in order to shorten the length of a tree branch, then cover one of the tips with a bunch of ripped clothing and tie them in place using one or two strips of leather, then add gasoline or whiskey as fuel. Maybe they could be used as weapons too if equipped in the primary slot instead of the secondary, being able to start fires and burn zombies or structures.
  6. The way the formula that calculates the final condition for a spear with an additional weapon attached to it is causing unintended behavior. Spears with attachments never receive full condition upon crafting even if both weapons used in the crafting are in full condition. The highest amount of durability received is usually about half of the maximum even when both weapons used to craft it are in maximum condition themselves. The culprit are the following lines inside recipecode.lua: The problem is that the base crafted spear has a lower maximum condition than all of the spears with attachments, the same being also true for many of the blades used, yet the formula uses direct additions and subtractions instead of ratios. The ideal solution would be instead to take the proportion of the condition of the spear in relation to it's max condition [conditionMax = items:get(i):getCondition() / items:get(i):getConditionMax()], then do the same for the blade [conditionMax = conditionMax - math.abs( items:get(i):getCondition() / items:get(i):getConditionMax() - 1 )] and use the result to multiply for the maximum condition of the final spear [conditionMax = result:getConditionMax() * conditionMax] in order not to have inconsistencies while converting between different maximum conditions.
  7. Ridick

    41.73 Released

    Only when the radio spawns as 'on', right? It did be pretty silly if radios that were turned off also had their battery totally drained. xD
  8. Putting a whole metal locker inside of your backpack sure isn't realistic, but I think the problem there is the size of the object rather than it's weight. A heavy but small object (like a car battery or a sledgehammer) should still fit inside of a backpack.
  9. I agree with this. Not being able to see anything yourself while zombies can still see you from 20 tiles away is not fun. Currently the way I get around this issue is by adjusting the sandbox settings so that zombies are less active at night (which is not fully realistic because it also affects their hearing, but still better than being spotted in pitch blackness) and setting the FogFX to minimum (that way the fog never gets thick enough that it should impact their vision).
  10. If you left-click outside of the inventory, that will close the inventory. I do think they should add a mention of that in the tutorial though.
  11. I did saw a lot of PSAs about that on television as a kid during storm seasons, they would tell us to add one drop per liter. Also the new system for transferring fluids/liquids between containers will allow players to freely mix liquids even if their character doesn't exactly know what they are doing, so it would be realistic if a tiny dose of bleach inside a rainwater-barrel made the water inside become clean.
  12. Sodium hypochlorite, the active ingredient in bleach, is a powerful anti-microbial agent and can be used for disinfecting unclean water in a pinch, it is safe to drink it in very small amounts when it is heavily diluted. The EPA officially recommends it's use for water purification in emergency situations. Source: https://www.epa.gov/ground-water-and-drinking-water/emergency-disinfection-drinking-water Reasons why this would be a cool addition to the game: *It's realistic. *It's a thing that survivalists and preppers in general learn how to do. *Plays well with the upcoming fluid containers system. *Gives more utility to bleach besides being something just for cleaning up bloodstains and killing yourself with. *Gives players an additional method for obtaining clean water, thus adding more depth to the survival aspect of the game.
  13. So, I have taken a more throughout look at the crafting tree and can confirm that there is no recipe to chip a stone, the wiki also confirms this by listing direct foraging as the only source of chipped stones.
  14. I couldn't find the option to do that on the crafting menu or on the right click menu when clicking on the stones. Maybe I'm stupid and the option is somewhere else though. :/
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