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About reikou

  • Birthday April 19

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  1. reikou


    As someone with shortsightedness of the order of nearly 20/200, this visual effect is accurate for the distances of blurriness. I am real life Velma, who without glasses everything is somewhat blurry beyond even a foot from me, maybe not to the excessive blurriness that they suggest Velma has or that video, I can still recognize shapes I am familiar with me (like my glasses), but once you get to a certain point of shortsightedness, reading something I hold in my outstretched hands can be impossible lol.
  2. reikou

    Zombie spawn in MP

    Respawn Multiplier set to 0 is all that's needed to prevent majority of zombie respawns. Any other forced/coded zombie spawn cannot be turned off, and is usually a one-shot based upon triggering a Building to generate zombies inside of it.
  3. reikou

    Zombie spawn in MP

    You may be running into the issue where buildings don't pre-spawn zombies, and they kind of ignore server settings for it. This particular mod below has a fix for an egregious issue where until you can see inside the building, they don't spawn, but it highlights what you might be seeing if your group (like mine) has cleared the streets, shouted a bunch, nothing is coming and then walk up to a building only to have a bunch of zombies. Note that once a building has 'spawned' zombies, it won't do so ever again so long as zombie respawn is turned off. Then you'll only see zombie migration. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2961467351
  4. reikou

    Camp GigaMart

    I feel like this is something better off for B42, and implement a way to create keys for player safe-houses. Right now, one of the important aspects of the current key spawning mechanic is to farm up however many sets of keys for each player in a safe-house, and then take the door knobs from that house to use on a safe-house. Aside from that, a-okay with this change, so long as we have a way to make keys.
  5. Server I'm on dedicated is vanilla. I had this happen to me personally, and two other people on the server have died to this as well. All within a 48 hour window of 41.73. Bug or not, the current cause of the door not closing and having no way to close said door is a bit silly. (Can't even know that the door didn't close).
  6. Makes it very difficult and tedious to pick ingredients out of. Almost all of these are just found and not been used, yet it's duplicated many times over.
  7. Huh, didn't realize there was an update that was supposed to make both the MSR700 and MSR788 not use magazines. That really kind of explains their funkiness, did searches over the other patch notes and don't see that this change was supposed to be reverted. Here's hoping they make it an internal magazine like the MSR700, would honestly prefer that heavily.
  8. Glad to know it's not a bug and how to avoid it going forward. Ran into this issue today on a vanilla server, had just one zombie walking up, and took a moment to respond to someone cause visually the door was closed and window was up in an overall 70% condition vehicle. However, cars typically have a noise indicator that a door is ajar. There is no indication in the UI, it's not even visible on the car themselves. Please please implement some way to indicate the door is open, and put in a vehicle interact option that allows us to close the door without getting out and then back in. The current implementation is entirely unreasonable to players.
  9. They already exist in-game, would be really cool to see with all the current sound re-design going on that the Ear Protectors have a functional effect in reducing higher end sound of gun-fire. This would be especially useful for in-doors shooting when players sometimes have to turn down the volume of the game due to gun-fire noise being so elevated compared to outdoors.
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