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Everything posted by IronCoffins

  1. i dont care what it looks like, long as its got 4 wheels, and goes 60
  2. High comedy content, quite some combat. As far as I remember no oversexed female figures. It's a good anime, aside from some people complaining about the plotholes that you'll find towards the end, the general opinion about it was very positive.(the story just doesn't lend itself for a second season)
  3. "Ok this should work" Jumped though a window with the curtains closed, greeted by your local flesh-eaters of about 7
  4. this is how i've felt since i bought this game back at 2.5 another habbit to pick up dang! Smokin & drinkin has already takin my $, now PZ is takin my time on other note, i did not know this, interesting. Then i instantly thought of ZZ top, ha
  5. I like Last Stand for what it offers in its own way, the zombie track feature is the big fav of mine in general too. That's an option you could choose i'de love to see added to on sandbox. It could be the whole map used, or just a portion cut out from the "landmark" areas. I have no idea how many play it anyways, you'd not have to be a lurker and speak up. I like its cabin in the woods one, but variety is needed to. Maybe even have a stockpile option if they wanted with all there construction needs never worried again, and build a fortress that will stand the test of time against the undead. Sorry if this is not simple, to me it would be. Just cut a piece from the map really,right? and add the supplies I haven't fiddled with the map editor at all dont do that stuff but If i would make a map, could i put it in a challenge map?(thats saying i think the challenge map has the zombie tracker code or however it works. Everyone's experience is different on zomboid, i miss seeing this in survival, after awhile of a safe-house set up you hardly see zombies bangin on your door. Yea i know there's no zombie migration. But i just want to see my dream fortress surround with 100's of zombies all around and im in side just makin bacon stew. I allreayd play sandbox alot anyway ways now with insane option for zed counts. I think having a whole city or maybe even Mull itself, to spawn in and given all your needs for survival , in a few crates or have a infinite inventory system with everything in it. Hell the whole mini-game itself could be called Fortress Standing Theres no hunger involved, its day all the time and your just holding your castle, before the zed overthrow. The start of the game can be the same, no zeds at first then waves slowy progress. Being the map larger, it would take longer for them to reach you, depending where on the map to you are ofcourse. All zombies would spawn on the edge of map, so unless your bold try to avoid that area for building. The cabin in the woods at night experience is great but we need another one now eh? Why not right?
  6. yea have like a -deathpanic- moodle, vision is tunneled and hunger is slowed,with increased speed & strength, but you get tired faster. Dont need to be overpowering but that little bit on certain traits can go along way.
  7. oh yes it does, yes it does I tried getting her to watch The Walking Dead and thats a no go, I think its unfair, I watch and do things with her but not the other way around.....all wait I forgot, I have no say in the house hold except paying bills and the love stuff, sigh
  8. 24yrs old my hobbys, work, girlfriend time, and zomboid, of course my girl wont watch or play anything with zombies, she thinks that's stuff stupid. I know can you believe that shit?
  9. Hybrid of cake and pie, with whipped cream and non-rotting, non-melting, non-everything, ice-cream
  10. I would have to say pancakes. I love both but when I can eat over a pound of beef but not even 2 pancakes, something's up so pancakes it is.
  11. It says that blood and corpses decay over time, does that mean over time in the game there just disappear! if so that's awesome
  12. yes life is hard and so much to pay, well death and taxes are two constants in life, and work of course being the 3rd, that saying if you even need to work to make a living. Good to hear that ppl do it too and some not at all. Its what makes us all human. Anyway going to try zomboid out on this laptop at my girlfriends, o man is this gonna lag, be allright though a little lag is better then no zomboid at all!
  13. this is what i kinda always thought of too, some sort of bedtime, by X time. If not met by player, then player passes out in wherever location present and then has adverse effects from not being well rested after their up. .
  14. yes a jailed area is deff. needed, leave the cell and you get shot, thats saying if my guys nearsighted and shoots the other guy!
  15. ^_^Yea i should have named the topic "Calling off work to play PZ" "not should I call off to play PZ." The should i part is giving the morality issue into play here, since now ppl have there own opinion on if its right or not and all that crap. But dam i cant believe that no matter what question you ask, you rarely get a straight answer, and if you do, its usually diluted with non relevant information. Why i made this topic was simple, I've called off playing hookey and i wanted to just hear other peoples reason too as why they do it. In this case takin that extra time off was just for me and doing whatever i pleased, in this case played games ,and PZ has allways been one of them for awhile now, i mean if anyone really wants a detailed list I've worked 3 jobs in 5yrs(not all at the same time) and would say my attendance rate has been 90% or higher usually for the year.so that's 110% of zomboid playing. How you ask? simple. 100% on my official times off and 10% from the days i call off Just amazes me how some get so upset over spilled milk like this? calling of to play a game, wow universes collide on that one, i could only imagine how bad it would be over anything else, like vanilla or chocolate flavor for instance lol. I was gonna put them on here but im kinda in a hurry, but there pretty funny, just go to google images and type in "calling off work", theres quit a few funny pics i found.
  16. well were all different in the end and do all sorts of crazy stuff for our own reasons don't we. Its allways a fine line between "have to" and "want to" as well as "Do I need it or want it"(allways a good thing to say before buying something, I can say I need and want zomboid pretty much the only game I've been playing for the last year in a half). I say that for Realmkeeper that said if you hate your job why be there kinda thing. That's the same for anything in life man, food shelter and bills is are survival these days. But you saying that for work, that's like people living in the slums, because they want to, u get me. phewww. been working since last week on Thursday and wont get a day off till this Sat & Sun. Dam I hate when its like this, sometimes. As a result I have not played zomboid in 3days, and im sweating, maybe withdraws, possibly? Zomboid Rehab that's for sure. If you could only see my real life moodles right now. Ok im beat off to bed
  17. Rathlord couldent of said it better myself, sometimes yes I do need a change of pace and sometimes to "get away from it all" cuz I do have a repitive job and you just get burnt out at times. PZ has made my life better, for I've been wanting & waiting for a true zombie survival horror game. and this is it, for me at least and I thank you devs all the time. I guess the off topic-ness from people just on this discussion is just an example of why the devs closed the thread for the upcoming build 27 discussion,. amongst others.
  18. Well said, yes in truth if or when I do call off its not about a game allways, though I initially find myself playing a game anyways. Also on a side note some of these comments had me turning my head for a moment. Am I really getting "lectures" from people on my money,getting fired,my life,ect. Then again I wouldent expect anything else, people get way off topic about everything all the time anyways, surprised theres no comments on religion or politics for F.sakes Anyhow I hope for someone out there had a rough day at work with the call-offs cuz you know I had fun I've been trying to marry Project Zomboid for some time now, but I can't find where to put the ring! Instead of hearing how "bad" calling off is I want to hear, what game and excuse used when you did it, that was the original question cuz im curious. So if you excuse me I gotta make a call to work. But sometimes I need time for myself plus the weekends, and you guys still have the right to say what your gonna say anyways, I guess the topic should have been who else called off to play this game? Rathlord you couldent of said it better myself. Yes a change of pace at times, and way and my way to "get away from it all" sometimes when we just don't feel it,
  19. Ok did it long ago when i first played this game, i actually called off work to do so, it was like i was in high school again, playing hookey. So now comes the fun part, have any of you hard working adults ever call off for a game before? and what game was it and excuse did you make up,hehe The list below is not in order, just some of the games that came to mind. Gauntlet-No school,diarrhea Legend of Zelda-Link to the past- No school, sick,hehe Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time-No school, food poising GTA IV-No school,fever Guild Wars 2- No work,family problems Sim Theme Park-No Work,stomach achs Project Zomboid,No Work,family problems,stomach achs, funerals, death in famliy,fever, no baby sitter, car broke down, pipes in house broke,ect ect, Want this to be a fun topic and by no means encouraging you calling off from anything. But i made it though school just fine thank you and have a had a few odd and end jobs since then but doing great. But it has been 3 months,think its time to call off!yay!
  20. just saw this after you linked it with someones else story mid request. Have to say i love a good story, thats what was so good about resident evil back in the deay. Besides the creepyness of it, your read reports and stuff, that stuff absorbed me in my chair when i was younger.
  21. Why not have all players synced. A bedtime if you will? 10at night everyone hits the sack, for example. This(bed)time or whatever it would be would be set too relfex the max allowed possible before the player either,1.)goes to bed and/or(lets say 10mins b4 bedtime allowed. or 2.) whatever location the player is on would pass out if you dont reach a bed in time. At least i think this way, though not realistic, least gives some kinda of set schedule. plus goals to do before going to sleep. Other postive notes is the players who were in bed would get "bonus traits" and one who passed out get horrible ones, reflecting that difference. an ect. -Slept in bed players could have-> running alittle faster,better mood,normal eating routine and lets say --Non bed players could have--> diminished environmental awareness and perceived hazards. perception loss's, speed loss. Stuff like this im not a modder so i can't fully understand on the codeing part how everything would be written and implemented but i sure know its gotta be alot harder then you think, then again maybe not. cuz i dont know. Everything always looks good on paper though. Plus there alot of "other" things considered into the matter like. Like "1.What if a new player joins into a server sometime after its running,would they be "tired" lets say if joined at near-ish bedtime""2. Or how would zombies be considered when player is asleep. Don't they move in SP while your asleep too? So i dont know but a closed mouth dont get fed. I figured i think of a "bedtime" law for all of zomboid's inhabitants. Sure something can be figured out in goodtime but with systems like this, it cuts into the"kill you in your sleep""Night Missions" or whatever the said player is wanting to do in the moment. ordeal. Besides who the hell would want to travel at night with zeds around anyways, unless you got the dead reckoning vehicle.
  22. I guess he lost his pride, yea i have yet to play this map.Wont work for me game hangs at black screen after intro. Shame though, would love to set up at one of the prisons How did you install the map? It works fine for me, even in MP. I PMĀ“ed Pridelost a couple of weeks back, no answer yet Well see im not sure if you would want this installed then Bedford or the other way around? but how i did it it was bedford falls, installed just like it says to and it works fine, i do the same that it askes for, in this. copy over some files, overwrite some of mull's map lots and thats it. Maybe you should tell me how you installed it then? Im pretty dam sure i thought i got this to work before. Well by work i mean, no hanging after the(how you died intro) but when i spawned, it was in a open field. There was nothing even close to me. On another note i dont like the fact you cant spawn in the city itself, and that you have to walk from Mull to Dread, unless im wrong about this?
  23. I guess he lost his pride, yea i have yet to play this map.Wont work for me game hangs at black screen after intro. Shame though, would love to set up at one of the prisons
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