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Everything posted by Connall

  1. I really don't know if I can answer this. I mean it really depends on where I get the waffles/pancakes from. I love waffles from the waffle house when I'm in the states, but I also love me some homemade pancakes. This is just one of those questions where it's going to keep me up all night arguing the merits of one over the other.
  2. I remember waking up and hearing a smash one morning, thought it was something getting in. I went out to check it out but all the doors and windows were fine. So I checked the bathroom and found two zombies just chilling there, I killed them and figured that they must of gotten through the window. Odd thing was, the window wasn't broken. I think we all know where those two zombies came from.
  3. I agree with the others all great except for No. 5. Would be kind of cool to be just that much of a dick "Hey Billy look over there" then blowing his kneecaps off and running away I guess you guys might want to stay away from me in multiplayer.
  4. I doubt it would matter if it was put on that list, we still seem to get huge amount of duplicate questions.
  5. That's a bit of a false analogy on your part. There is a huge difference between getting a mist of blood on your clothes and covering yourself in guts, head to toes. Regardless of if it's a Zombie apocalypse bathing in the guts and bloods of a human is incredibly unsanitary and would most likely lead to a serious illness, or death.
  6. To be fair, Bethesda needed to do all the tech building and animations and what not. Obsidian didn't need to worry about that stuff, so they were free to spend more time on quests.
  7. Wait you mean you guys don't talk to pictures of Spiffo already? Just me. Alright.
  8. If there is not an ability to re-enact singing in the rain I will be sorely dissapointed.
  9. *As you hit the kick button, a zombie grabs your leg biting it, you immediately die.* Jokes aside that would be pretty handy to have.
  10. Weren't there fire alarms in the old tutorial missions. Although I believe it was just a scripted alarm.
  11. I think name changes can make people feel conned, if they wrote off Project Zomboid then it got a name change then bought it but didn't realise it was the same game it might make them feel conned. Not to mention name changes are rarely seen as a good sign I mean look at WarZ, eh... I mean Infestation Survivors Story.
  12. And to be fair, the bugs can make for some pretty interesting stories to tell.
  13. "Suicide has been partially implemented" How's that? You can commit suicide but more indepth to come.
  14. I would count it as a suicide feature.
  15. Sorry boys going to have to beat AdricTheGreat, he survived for 1 Year, 3 Months, 22 Days, 23 Hours. Great guy btw, wonder what ever happened to him. Note this was before you could save as well. It was quite the achievement.
  16. They have talked about it before on the blog here's the link: http://projectzomboid.com/blog/2013/01/tales-from-the-metaverse/ Alot of what you talked about is either being built right now, or has been planned. So not too worry. I'm sure when NPC's make it into the game, it'll be freaking awesome!
  17. I'm not talking about THIS petition, I'm just talking about petitions in general. The one that the whole advertising thing makes me think of is The Division. I still don't believe online petitions work. IT just feels lazy. I think stuff like "Bob and his army" are more effective because it's a never ending onslaught on their website. Content Creators begin to bitch to Youtube and the CC are the blood of youtube. A petition is a piece of paper (well not even paper) a website with some names. Names which may or may not be fake, from people who may or may not care. I don't believe petitions to be effective. Boycotts, complaint e-mails and comments are more effective because it forces YouTube to spend time answering/sorting these things out. A petition doesn't. Google can just ignore it, because it's not their problem. Okay some people are complaining about their site, but it's only a petition. It's on it's own site away from YouTube. If people want to sign the petition that's fine. I'm not going to stop you, more power to you. I don't even have a problem with petitions in general, it's just online petitions I can't stand. I mean there are hundreds if not THOUSANDS of online petitions. We have had petitions to have a Death Star on the white house website with hundreds of thousands of signatures, but I don't see any Death Stars floating in the sky. I'm not even trying to be mean or anything, I imagine this seems more angry than I truly mean it to be, but I guess that's the problem with the written word. I imagine you would get more attention organizing a group of people to stay off YouTube for one day, I mean if you got 10,000 people to not go on YouTube for a day, you would be making more of a difference because then Google would be losing out on money. I don't believe the petition is what made YouTube pay attention, I think it was the people commenting, the content creators bitching and the people posting virus links. That's just my belief though.
  18. @silents429 PC Master race yo! I have played on both the consoles and PC for Bethesda games and I got to admit the Console versions can be pretty goddamn awful, while I quite liked the PC versions, so my sympathies go out to your games. Course could pick them up on Steam and experience FO3 the right way. With loadsa mods.
  19. I don't thing the game is much of a problem now anyway, seems to either be in limbo or the devs hunker down. I'm also not very impressed by the video, while I get that it's a prototype, it didn't really feel like it had a soul. You know something you can tell "man the devs were really passionate about making this game, that stuff like Gunpoint, Minecraft and PZ has. I imagine though to make any sound judgement I would need to have a bit of hands on with it. Videos are very deceptive things.
  20. I just remembered. The reason I have such disdain for the show is due to the fact it doesn't go to the really dark places that the comic did. It's those bit of darkness that make the comic great but are seemingly absent from the show. I know I should just accept the fact they are two different things but I mean come on! Seriously though to those who love the show, I implore you to read the comics. You might see a couple of plot points coming and the first volumes pacing feels a bit off, but stick with it and it's a truly amazing comic.
  21. I wouldn't call them dumbed down per-se, just easier. I'm a casual gamer, so I can't pour my heart and soul into creating a perfectly balanced character just to survive the first level of a game, which is why I disliked the first few Elder Scrolls games. The first two Fallout games were fine because I could just crank down the difficulty. I also loved Fallout 3, it was a pretty enjoyable game and fit the apocalyptic theme really well. New Vegas was pretty good, but not as good as 3 in my opinion. Case in point, games that are easier aren't bad. It just means people like me can play them and not get frustrated at them. I think if Bethesda and Obsidian collaborated on a game, you would probably have the best Fallout possible. You would, but you have to admit, Bethesda did a pretty good job on their own. However, Obsidian ought to team up with them and make a game capable of blowing minds. Literally. I want to see brains all over my local Gamestop on the release date. Oh I don't argue that, I think FO3 is a damn fine game and the DLC's make it even better. I just think that you would get the perfect game if the two teamed up is all.
  22. C#, Javascript and Boo but not C++. So yeah you're correct.
  23. I wouldn't call them dumbed down per-se, just easier. I'm a casual gamer, so I can't pour my heart and soul into creating a perfectly balanced character just to survive the first level of a game, which is why I disliked the first few Elder Scrolls games. The first two Fallout games were fine because I could just crank down the difficulty. I also loved Fallout 3, it was a pretty enjoyable game and fit the apocalyptic theme really well. New Vegas was pretty good, but not as good as 3 in my opinion. Case in point, games that are easier aren't bad. It just means people like me can play them and not get frustrated at them. I think if Bethesda and Obsidian collaborated on a game, you would probably have the best Fallout possible.
  24. Exactly how I feel regarding 3. When I played New Vegas, soon as I stepped out I'm greeted by a cowboy robot with an accent that made me just want to piss on its circuits. For me, it ruined the atmosphere. I just didn't 'dig it' as others have. New Vegas certainly had the better quests and general story. It had more of everything although all in a more condensed landscape. As Ringo says, its the atmosphere. I felt Fallout 3 had an overall better apocalyptic atmosphere than New Vegas did. I still play Fallout 3 now and again and its been awhile since I did a quest since I have most of them done, but I still get great enjoyment out of it because I feel immersed in its setting. WIth New Vegas, I couldn't get that same feeling. The starting to New Vegas really pissed me off, because it felt like it really was trying to mimic FO3's opening in some ways. Trying to capture that grandios. I see where RingoD is coming from though, you step out of the vault in Fallout 3 you get a great music que, you see the wasteland before you and the triumphant tone of the Level Up sound. It was just a perfect mix. With New Vegas you step out of the house and see a small community. It just doesn't feel so grandiose. Not that degree of "I can go THERE!"
  25. Connall


    In the same thread you took this from (I think) it does go on to say, it might already been in there and if it isn't that it will be added down the line
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