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Everything posted by buwaro

  1. I know this is the case but why is it still in the tutorial messages? cus that's a long time to leave it in
  2. what about putting the grass into the composter as well(did that all the time when mowing the lawn as a kid, in the 90's)
  3. 1078 Toasters, appear on kitchen counters like microwaves, right click to use, only 3 options: "pick up", "disassemble"(for electronics xp and scrap) and "toast bread" slices(or waffles). Toasting bread slices turns it into toast a base recipe ingredient where spreads such as butter can be added(and avocado and maybe cooked eggs)
  4. Plates might be the answer to this(would function like a bowl in terms of splitting) and when (slow-moving)projectiles are implemented maybe thrown as a distraction(would be louder than a rock)
  5. also to add this to chairs, pad them, add a cushion, arm rests etc
  6. i tend to find machetes at around the 2 month mark, stuck in zombies, got 3 that way, only ever found 1 katana
  7. that's why i like to build safety flooring before i start jogging in my base, looks silly though
  8. Well you technically do have it after about 6 months or so. You gaining less panic over time almost equivalent to the trait, I am going to to (shamelessly) plug my suggestion on the topic: https://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php?/topic/26171-make-the-the-courage-mechanic-into-an-actual-skillattribute/ which would make both the mechanic more visible.
  9. 1065 more starting hats/facewear for different occupations i.e. police hat for police, balaclava for buglers, chefs hat for chefs and fast food hat for burger flipper, sweat band for fitness instructor, fisher's hat for the fisher, and surgical masks for doctor/nurse
  10. Not to be harsh, but please make sure you read this before posting: Though i do wish mini maps were on the table, or just one large map item, kinda like ark, that you draw as you explore(and maps you find autocomplete parts of it)
  11. Well i added in a clause so players could tell their allies to not be suicidal if they get one, ones with max would be far and few in between, as it should be about as hard to level as strength and fitness. and ofc it's not up for me to decide in the end, if the devs wanted to, the could make it so they still run if it's certain death
  12. Had some thoughts on how this could be applied to npc's and have update the main post to reflect that. Not sure if it could be applied to animals
  13. from this thread https://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php?/topic/192-commonly-suggested-suggestions/ ... The Big No's! These are a list of things that are either vehemently opposed by the majority of the community, confirmed "no's" by the dev team, or impossible within the game as it is. I'm going to try to make this completely unbiased, but if you disagree with anything posted feel free to mention it. The most important ones are highlighted in red. If you take nothing else from this thread, please pay attention to these. ... ... [n] An ending or any game over other than death ... ... It would have to end in open ended sandbox, nothing else Also once NPC's are in, they plan to bring back the Baldspot and Kate tutorial+continue it
  14. Lets assume for bug testers sake, that you for some reason want to swap full hiking bag for an empty school bag, what would it do with the excess (the only time i see this happening is in multiplayer where you use an organised character to over fill an allies(unorganised character) bag before a long journey alone of in to the yonder)
  15. I think you misunderstand, yes the mechanic to not be scared of zombies after your character lives long enough, this is expanding it from a hidden mechanic(and arbitrary increase in it) to an actual stat that's dynamic
  16. It would also indirectly nerf the Motorbike helmet at the same time(as you can't wear eye-wear with it for some weird reason) and there are "realism" reasons why this may not go in(source: super short sighted IRL and tried other peoples glasses)
  17. Currently(in build 41) you panic a lot when you first spawn, and that gradually reduces as you survive(due to being acclimated to the existence zombies). this mechanic has no real indicators that it happens(besides less of a panic moodle). What i propose is that this get shifted into an attribute(like fitness or strengthen) maybe called courage or wits or some synonym of it. character would start with a default value of 5(like the other 2 attributes) with existing and traits new affecting these values Brave would be +2, Coward -2 Paranoid(new, gives 4 trait points) Desensitised +5, (granted at start by veteran occupation rather than a selected trait like it currently is) All phobia's -1(hemo, agora and claustro) to make it easier all phobia's are mutually exclusive with each other and brave At lvl 0 skill you always max panic at the sight of a zombie Lvl 3 replaces Paranoid with Coward lvl 5 removes coward, default char behaviour lvl 7 gains brave lvl 10 replaces brave with Desensitised (same as veteran, realistically not going to be maxed out in a normal game like fitness or strength), removes phobia's Skill could either be gained by not panicking at the sight of zombies, and/or having panic return to 0 Could also be applied to NPC's once they are in game to determine their reaction to things and make them braver over time no courage= always run from danger low= only takes small risk fights/situations moderate courage=sticks around if reasonable chance of success, retreats when wounded High courage=riskier fights, fights on despite wounds unless severe max courage=NEVER Surrender player may be able to tell allies up to there courage level for how to react(so you don't have suicidal allies) Pros You can now see your characters progress on this hidden mechanic hemophobic now has a real drawback slightly more interesting traits in character creation can be applied to npc's Cons figuring out balance hemophobic may be seen as even more free trait points due it being removable more work for the devs to do
  18. when we get NPC's, I'm making one an undertaker just to clean up bodies
  19. Disclaimer: I will try not to cover topics done to death(wheat->flour, irrigation, animals but i would love to see chickens asap due them not needing a smart ai) I would like to see farming move to a more stardew valley style(crop growth length is about the same), and by that I mean a trellis that certain crops need to grow effectively requires farming lvl ?? and carpentry lvl ??, crops performing better in one season( i doubt they would kill our crops with change of season due to the otherwise limited nature of seeds and fresh winter food) Requested crops(i know many of these have been asked for already) corn, bell peppers, eggplant, leeks, onions, beans(requires trellis),peas(requires trellis), pineaple, hops (requires trellis), zucchini, water melon, grapes(requires trellis), sunflower(if possible they could follow the sun) coffee, tea ,pickles(now decay), beets and pumpkins(we'd better get these by Halloween, and be able to carve jack-o-lanterns). cotton or flax (for making thread/twine) n.b. you should be able to grow some non-ideal crops in the region but they should have a lower yield (no idea what less ideal crops would be as i don't live anywhere near Kentucky) and rarer seeds(I recommend some sort of gardening store/ plant nursery should show-up somewhere). some plants should be unplantable till you have a high enough farming skill(so newbies don;t get overwhelmed) Trees Apple, banana, avocado, cherry, apricot, lemon,peach, pomegranate, orange. trees would require years to bear fruit and would require maintenance for the first few years and would only bear fruit in the correct season, non would bear fruit in winter. why invest in such a long term solution??? long term multiplayer servers where you can only dream of fruit(besides strawberries) and would make mouse traps usable long after the power goes out(all of the bait is currently non-renewable). also require a decent farming lvl to plant ~4 Bees As no game is complete without them and the associated risks. would require careful acquisition and set up Preserving More foods should be jar'able, maybe with different recipes. eg strawberry jam, apricot jam, marmalade(lemon+orange), and peaches should be jar'able the regular way(i used to do this when i was a kid). banana's and apples could be dried out, and avocado smashed(to appease the millennial's). all of these can be made at home Refining Hops should be brew able into alcohol among other crops, potentially making different types(vodka from potatoes, mead from honey!), or just generic moonshine and vinegar, all alcohols should also now provide carbs as well. beets should be grind able into sugar. to allowed renewable preserving. eggs could be made into mayo(not sure if you can do this at home), milk into cheese or butter(both of which can be made at home, with the right equipment). lastly, if you think i missed wheat, try reading the top of the thread again. and if anyone could point out what would be non-ideal(will still grow) and unviable crops(won;t grow) I'll update the post accordingly
  20. I see no reason why we shouldn't be able too, i mean if you can add lemons to it I don't see why you can't add water melon(+slices/chunks)
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