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  1. The NeedToBeLearn on BoltBat is set as False so the BoltBat can be crafted without knowing the recipe. Surely this is not intended? Since Brawler is supposed to give the BoltBat recipe!
  2. Retired from armed forces, never thought about that! Makes sense actually
  3. Isn't Veteran the military occopation?
  4. I noticed TreeBranch2 and TreeBranch_Nails has the EXACT same stats, same damage, same critchance etc, surely that can't be intended? Desensitized description still says "Far less prone to panic." SpadeWood seems to have better durability than the "real" shovels you can find, ConditionLowerChanceOneIn = 15 ConditionMax = 10 while the other shovels have ConditionLowerChanceOneIn = 10 and ConditionMax = 10 I also noticed some double "ConditionMax" in some of the weapon scripts
  5. Desensitized trait description still says "Far less prone to panic." So it looks like you guys forgot to change the description! However the panic immunity seems to work though =)
  6. The Fighting Knife should have better stats than Hunting Knife since it's so rare and even on level 10 short blade I feel Hunting Knife isnt a good enough weapon. Currently they both have the exact same stats. Increase Max/Min Damage, Crit Chance, Durability etc Most knives are also a little bit too short, Hunting Knife and Fighting Knife could get a slight range increase.
  7. Brawler should give +1 to all melee weapon skills instead of just Axe and Long blunt. +1 Axe +1 Long Blunt +1 Short Blunt +1 Short Blade +1 Long Blade +1 Spear When Brawler was made, only 2 melee weapon skills existed back then, Axe and Blunt, now there is many more and none of them can be picked as traits, Short blunt, long blade, short blade, spear. Long Blade and Spear dosn't exist at all. It would make sense that Brawler would give +1 to all these skills.
  8. Yes you regen endurance faster with fitness if you rest, but that's not what I'm talking about.
  9. Katana's that can spawn on zombies should be reduced to 0 days instead of 60 days now that in B42 they have deluted the weapon list with lower tier weapons. I tested playing a game with 0 days spawn, and after over 17500 zombie kills, I only found 1 katana on a zombie. I feel it's balanced, otherwise katanas are way too rare and you also can't repair them either so they dont last very long. It's an awesome feeling when you start the game and one of the first zombies you see have a frickin katana stuck to their stomach!
  10. The low endurance in B42 is the problem. You have to rest all the time lol I hope they can let us remedy this by letting Fitness affect melee weapon swing exaustion and not just running, currently Fitness 5 or Fitness 10 makes so change in how much endurance a melee swing takes, it's all the same.
  11. Police Officer: 2 Aiming 2 Reloading 1 Nimble Cost: 0 points Veteran: Desensitized trait 3 Aiming 3 Reloading Cost: 8 points (same as before) Never made sense to me that Veteran had worse aiming than police officer, but I understand it was for balance. I think this way it would be better, atleast for realism.
  12. Recently I have had this problem with falling through the top of the stairs all the way down. It dosnt matter if I walk or run, the result is the same. This happends with ALL stairs. Build 41.78.16, it could be a mod causing this since I havnt had this happend before, but, why would a mod cause this and how? I'm tired of going into debug mode to free my character lol Think I'll stay away from stairs forever.
  13. I agree that doors and windows break far too easy, windows even faster. You never have this oh shit moment im surounded by zombies trying to get in because they break the windows very fast and doors last slightly longer :/
  14. I was wondering what is the highest polygon count vehicle models can have in PZ? is 3k too much? What is the sweet spot?
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