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Everything posted by agreubill

  1. Hopefully for those who have thounsands of corpses to clean Make corpses unable to burn outside of the campfire ; make them needed to be put inside and give it a burning timer (like a progression bar as any cooked thing) ; a corpse is 10 unit of encumbrance, and firecamp can get 50 i thk (5 corpses so, like graves). So, it's fair. Other option is the possibility to dig mass graves (4x4 tiles), longer to create and max exhaustion, for more than five corpses (count more or less 25 ?).
  2. I must disagree on Hunting (Trapping) ; with Nutrition activated it's even quite a "must have" when you can't get any canned food/meat (deep into survival or with very scarce ressources drop). And, honestly, listing OP skills and not mentionning Forage ?! But, i'm with you for the other parts...
  3. It's karma balances after the "still (and forever) working after electricity shutdown" previous situation...
  4. Nothing vs "wet condition" (except mud boots which target onle the slowing part effect of wet) ? I'm sorry but the "temperature" parameter isn't very clear : game has two conditions related to temperature (heat/cold). Actually, the clothes are only usefull againt "cold" by adding points vs it (and even in that department, the options are few...). So (even if i undrstd what you mean)... ... isn't really tied to actual game system (except if it's supposed to change at some point). --- I'm not sure how you see things but against heat and wet, i only can imagine clothes that make time it takes btw stages of the moodles longer. For ex. : Time to go from wet(heat) lvl 0 to lvl 1 = 1 (time interval) Wearing a cloth with "good againt wet lvl 1" make "Time to go from wet(heat) lvl 0 to lvl 1 = 1 (base time)+1 (cloth modifier), and so on... The better "against cold/wet" you wear, the longer it takes for you to "get hit" by each stage of the condition. It's also allows you to find and keep adequate clothes against various conditions. To use your own ideas, for ex. ; Sunglasses- blocks sun glare => let's say it translates in "Good vs Heat lvl 1" Bandana- Light temperature => "Good vs Heat lvl 2" PS : not sure at all of my translation, hope it remains clear enough...
  5. There is actually difference IG btw sleeping in a bed or in a chair ; basically, you get more chance of waking up 1) earlier 2) in pain 3) and/or slighty hurt if you sleep somewhere other than a bed (or any combination of the 3). It wont happens all the time tho (unfortunately) and you still can have a decent night sleeping on a chair... What i can't believe to be true, except if you're highly intoxicated (speaking of personnal experience )...
  6. Sorry, nothing related to vehicule test branch, but mostly in the array of bugs introduced with the relased 37.x official version. It's a stepdown from 36.X previous one... So, yes, if you can "cure" that... 1) Light problems (problem with light after electricity shutdown...) ; introduced in actual public release... 2) Reccurent problem with "pour into" command ; introduced extensively in actual public release... 3) LoS problem with structures and wall ; introduced (or more blatant) in actual public release.
  7. Amen ! Very good thing. Tied it to some exp. in Electricity and it would be perfect !
  8. agreubill

    Hot Wheels

    Nice WIP. With all these impacts, did vehicles are damaged (i assume they will) ? There's a "body part" damage location for them ? And, finally, did metalcraft would be of some use to repair them ? Opt. ; there's any "customisation" available on vehicle (i assume not) ?
  9. In case you still didnt find it => usual tools (welding mask and welder) in main inventory + metal sheet (big ones) or 3x Metal bars and stand near the window/door you want to barricade.
  10. Two aspects i agree and support. Which player (except from RP perspectives once again) want to use Metalworking over Carpentry, when you have a) to find recipes to build a wall ; b) to collect metal (that's more painful to get than chopping 2 trees)...
  11. I'm not following you entirely on these points. I agree about the "moving parts" thing, but it's also true for Carpentry then (but ok, there's no recipes (from memory) that use something like that). Making table or chair with metal need to weld some metal parts together ; that can't be harder than using nails. I'm not sure it's easier to actually create a wood wall than a metal alternate. Anyway, i just want to highlight that as long a skill would be (far far far) easier to use (aka ; no recipes required to be find for anything) than the other (which you actually need to find a recipes to do even the little thing...), it will be superior (and prefered). It's more a game balance design than any actual debate about what is easier to use IRL to make furnitures or structures. Maybe a good path is (as you suggested for rain barrel), to have some recipes "free" to everyone (in both skills) and some specific tied to profession choice/reviews. But i honestly think that roof/wall/windows and some basic containers in metal must be opened to all. PS: At least, Metalworking is fine to fuel your engineer with pipes for bombs !
  12. I support your 2 first ideas, that's seems only fair. On the 3rd point, i was thinking that metal walls are alrdy stronger than their wooden counterparts at same lvl. I'm dispointed that there's only 2 lvl of metal wall ; sure thing it needs a third one added. Well, others skills works that way now (skill lvl and recipes knowledge required). As long as some skills get a different (older) way (and easier access to recipes), they still would be superior. So at some point, you have to "harmonise"...
  13. Suggestion : As the game has 5 skill lvl (from beginner to master), why don't you go for 1 tile/Carpentry lvl ? And for builds on the map (not those build by players), consider they have been build by a master carpenter ? Question 1) Did this mod works with Metalworking (as it also allows to build wall, roof, etc.) ? Question 2) Did this mod works with buildings/structures that mix Carpentry and Metalworking (ex. : Metal wall on the floor, wooden roof above) ? Question 3) Did the pre-existing walls (those not build by players) are considered support structures ?
  14. Whatever people thk about Metalworking, it actually need a bit of love. The "nerf" applied on release make the skill a pale copy of Carpentry... Adding something to the game could (at least) need to be of some use, i guess ? FACTS Carpentry and Metalworking offers the same kind of structures to be made (walls, containers, barricades) But... 1) Carpentry offers also some usefull furnitures (composter, rain collectors and stairs). Metalworking lacks that kind of things. So, it could be useful (imo, "necessary") to add the metal variants of these IG OR to give some specifics things to Metalworking to balance the skill (i won't debate about what these things could, would or need to be). 2) Even if Metalworking offers the same opportunities as Carpentry (not the case atm), Carpentry still would be better... Why ? Metalworking as level requirement for making items AND receipes knowledge requirements... Carpentry as only lvl requirement... Any character of the game knows everything of Carpentry... This is a severe balance issue imo. To be fair, Carpentry need to have the same requirement on recipes. You takes Carpenter as profession on start and get them, or you need to wander around to found magazines to learn them (for ex. ; The carpenter Mag vol. 1 : Make Wood Walls/Windows (frame and proper wall/window), Door (including frame), Roof, stairs / The carpenter Mag vol. 2 : Make Wood Containers (all of them) / The carpenter Mag vol. 3 : Make wood Fences / The carpenter Mag vol. 4 : Make Wood "utilities" : Bed, Rain Collector, Composter). You still don't need any skill lvl for barricading.
  15. C'est possible Edit : Tu veux que je regroupe les précédents msg dans un seul pavé (avec les éventuelles notes additionnelles qui pourraient venir) ou c'est bon pour çà ?
  16. Items_FR DisplayNameSock = "Chaussette", => chaussettes (au pluriel) non ? Y'en a bien 2 sur l'icône de l'objet en plus
  17. IG_UI_FR IGUI_RadioSelectChannel = "Sélectionner la chaîner", (suppr. le "r" à la fin de chaîne.)
  18. Farming_FR Farming_Next_growing_phase = "Prochaine phase de croissance" => alors là, j'aurais besoin de l'expérience pratique de quelqu'un ayant le niveau en Agriculture suffisant pour confirmer (j'ai plus de perso. avec un niveau suffisant pour check par moi-même atm). Si c'est l'indicateur du temps à attendre pour que le semis passe à la phase de croissance suivante, il serait judicieux de reformuler avec Prochaine phase de croissance dans" . Si ca indique uniquement quelle est la "Phase de croissance" suivante, la phrase est bonne et ne prête pas à confusion.
  19. ContextMenu_Fr ContextMenu_Climb_over = "Grimper sur", => Alors là, c'est mon expérience en jeu qui va parler (et qui nécessiterait vérification si ce contextmenu appraît ailleurs). Pour autant que je sache, c'est la commande qui permet (notamment) de descendre une corde de drap (alors que, de mémoire dans les versions précédentes, ca permettait juste de franchir une barricade (en étage, mettons) et de ... se jeter dans le vide... A garder à l'oeil pour une autre trad. ? [Je vérifierais en jeu si je tombe sur cette commande pour autre chose].
  20. Et tu le lis pas non plus en VO visiblement !!!!!!!! Shame on ya !
  21. Challenge_FR 3. L'hiver approche => on a jamais parlé de traduire littéralement çà par "3. L'hiver vient" (Winter is coming... Pas du tt un clin d'oeil a GoT...) ?
  22. Rosewood_Fr C'est pas de la correction pure, mais par rapport aux 2 autres, y'a pas la population en nbr d'habitants. Il est toujours plaisant de passer un petit moment à Rosewood, mais de là a [à] s'y installer pour longtemps ? => Je casserais la phrase en deux (avec un point ou un trois points de suspension après Rosewood). Les détenus du célèbre [...] pénitentiaire de Knox vous le diront : => manque le mot "centre" avant pénitentiaire qui est un adjectif (ou alors, on peut passer au terme "pénitencier").
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