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Everything posted by BayCon

  1. BayCon

    RNG Maps

    I see. What was the reasoning behind the static map choice. Do you know? I think it has most to do with art direction. Random generation is boring to look at, its simple as that. I know that's debatable, but its far easier to make a realistic and interesting setpiece freehand than writing complex algorithms to literally MAKE ART, and not just a gameworld. Plus, I read something about the devs enjoying the movie Goldfinger, which shortly features Muldraugh, as its actually within the Fort Knox base. I agree with the part about Randomly Generated Maps being boring. On top of that, they are a cliche in this new genre of Sandbox Survival Games. It really sucks when you generate multiple worlds because you keep getting bad ones too. If you want to see boring and dull randomly (or procedurally) generated worlds, have a look at 7 Days to Die.. In the worlds I recieved, I always spawned in a forest or a burned forest with half-broken houses sloppily scattered around. Something like this (http://i.ytimg.com/vi/Cr_LB96kcuw/maxresdefault.jpg), actually. I would hate to see something so pathetic happen to the Project Zomboid experience. I love how Muldrough and West Point are "pre-baked", for lack of a better term and not wanting to use "static". Randomly Generated Maps would create that same atmosphere-ruining feeling of "Oh I got a bad world, time to make a new save again!" that you see in so many other "survival" games. They would feel dead because, instead of being created by the careful planning and constant inspiration of a human mapper, they were created by a math problem written in code. That's just my prospective. ^u^ To be honest, 7 Days to die wasn't bad because of the RNG maps. It was bad because it was too easy and the devs seemed uninclined to change it. I can understand that the devs/community seem reluctant to change but if done correctly I wont say that RNG maps are *completely* without value. I've seen RNG used to amazing effect in other games. I disliked 7D2D for many reasons, but I don't wanna get into that here. xD Sir, You Are Being Hunted has nice randomly generated maps, but then again, you can't enter ANY buildings, so there's that.. I guess RNG systems are a mixed bag, just like the worlds they generate.
  2. BayCon

    RNG Maps

    I see. What was the reasoning behind the static map choice. Do you know? I think it has most to do with art direction. Random generation is boring to look at, its simple as that. I know that's debatable, but its far easier to make a realistic and interesting setpiece freehand than writing complex algorithms to literally MAKE ART, and not just a gameworld. Plus, I read something about the devs enjoying the movie Goldfinger, which shortly features Muldraugh, as its actually within the Fort Knox base. I agree with the part about Randomly Generated Maps being boring. On top of that, they are a cliche in this new genre of Sandbox Survival Games. It really sucks when you generate multiple worlds because you keep getting bad ones too. If you want to see boring and dull randomly (or procedurally) generated worlds, have a look at 7 Days to Die.. In the worlds I recieved, I always spawned in a forest or a burned forest with half-broken houses sloppily scattered around. Something like this (http://i.ytimg.com/vi/Cr_LB96kcuw/maxresdefault.jpg), actually. I would hate to see something so pathetic happen to the Project Zomboid experience. I love how Muldrough and West Point are "pre-baked", for lack of a better term and not wanting to use "static". Randomly Generated Maps would create that same atmosphere-ruining feeling of "Oh I got a bad world, time to make a new save again!" that you see in so many other "survival" games. They would feel dead because, instead of being created by the careful planning and constant inspiration of a human mapper, they were created by a math problem written in code. That's just my prospective. ^u^
  3. There's a mod on the workshop called "Let Me Speak!" that adds +100 lines of conditional speech. It also comes with optional cheats, though. I wouldn't use it for talking characters though because the lines are kind of juvenile in nature.. They sound less like cheesy game narration by the main character, and more like cheesy notifications for your moodles or overly-dramatic swearing. I personally wouldn't want my character to speak, because for me, I think the game is all about how you tell their story. I just prefer they shut up and let me do it. xD I like to make up speech for them in my mind, or imagine their reactions to things. It's one of the reasons I would play this game over some of those narrated AAA titles out today like Dying Light, Dead Rising, Dead Island, etc. I never liked character voice (or text) narration, but that's just me. If they do ever end up adding that, I would like to hope that they add it as a setting that is on by default, but can be turned off for people like me.
  4. Benson, stop being such a clean freak and leave Mordecai and Rigby alone. At least you're not making them clean the houses this time! AAAAANYWAY enough lame references (sorry I love that show omg), and back to your topic. I think maybe the clothes washing place (I literally forgot the name of those...), drycleaners, and so on should have more Bleach. A whole FACTORY for Bleach would be kind of odd in my personal opinion, however. Another thing, supplies are supposed to rare so I guess the intention is for you to have to search long and hard if you want something of a particular value and rarity. I think for the time being you can just search nearby houses, clothes washing stores, etc. until you find enough cleaning supplies and then you can.. well, you know what your motto is, Benson. :3 I personally don't mind dead bodies being littered all around. I consider them trophies. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=544790275
  5. Since working generators are already in the game, I don't see the use for such a feature if all they do is attract zombies.. However, I like some of your ideas. Having them create enough noise so that you can hear them in garages or basements (if basements are added) would be ok I guess. Problem is, backup generators, as far as I know, aren't loud enough to be heard from underground basements on the surface, and therefore wouldn't be loud enough to attract massive hordes. I might be wrong about the loudness of generators since I've never seen one honestly! xD However, I don't think a company in today's society would sell very many of them if they were loud enough to be heard from several blocks away. Some newer models of cars can't even be heard from very far away. :3
  6. Yeah what this topic is about is creating it for a regular player who just wants to mess around with his/her friends. I recognize (and the developers should too) that not everyone knows how to host for 30+ games, so they might have a bit of trouble with all that it takes to make hosting for this game work.
  7. Alright, if TIS are reading this, I'll try to keep it short, because I know you guys have a lot on your plate. So basically I've hosted servers for many, many games and I've also been staff on many, many, many more. To be brutally honest, hosting for Project Zomboid is the most tedius in my opinion, so I would like to suggest a few changes or additions that will create a better experience for those like me with friends who want to play but don't know how to host their own servers. Remember: I'm not talking about the Multiplayer GAMEPLAY itself, just the hosting process and experience. I believe you guys said you were hiring some other people to work on the netcode for multiplayer in a Mondoid somewhere, so if you see these suggestions as noteworthy, maybe you can look at getting them implemented. One more thing, I haven't tried hosting for this game in a long time because of how much of a hassle it was, so some of these suggestions might have already been changed, so please correct me if I got something wrong. 1. Too many ports: In Project Zomboid, you have to forward the base port, and then you have to forward an additional "download" port for every player slot you intend to allow. Is there a way you can reduce it to a single port, or even just two? One host and one download? 2. There aren't multiple ways to host: As far as I know, there is only one way to host for Project Zomboid, and that is to go into the game files and open the dedicated server client. There is no easier way for those who might need it. Perhaps you can add a "Host" button to the in-game menu that starts a server that shuts off after the host leaves and/or a "Host Dedicated" button that opens up the dedicated server client and the settings app automatically. I swear I had a few more, but I guess that's it haha. Peace, and keep up the great work!
  8. Zombies spawning in safehouses? Well that makes me paranoid..
  9. Oh no.. oh no. NO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Don't tell me you're suggesting that we.. we... WE HAVE TO GO TO THE MALL!!!! *everyone screams and cries in at the sound of the word..* I don't know man, gas stations these days have a lot of technology accessories, including Phone Cases and Chargers, Portable Power Supplies, and (whaddaya know?).. Batteries. The really nice gas stations sometimes even have the tiny ones that work with watches. Grocery stores have them as well, but there are no grocery stores in PZ that are designed well enough to have much more than food, random baseball bats and shotgun shells in trash cans and behind the food counter (wtf..?! I'm looking at you, Giga Mart...), and the occasional lolipop. Gas stations and small markets are still an option though. Aso, in my opinion your watch battery idea is fantastic. I also agree that the battery should last a couple of months or something like that, because PZ has a habit of making batteries last less than 2 days, and for a watch, that just isn't realistic. In real life, they can sometimes last a couple of years or longer...
  10. Wow this analysis is just spectacular. I always heard that bites had a ~95-6% chance to infect and scratches have a ~60% chance
  11. Bruh.. makin' suggestions before the feature is even out.. You guys are really excited about those cars aren't you? xD Knowing how difficult Project Zomboid strives to be, and how realistic it is in some ways, my only worry about these cars is if they'll even be practical to use. Maybe they'll be too hard to repair, or they'll require too much freaking fuel, and we know they'll attract more zombies than can be dealt with. I'm worried they'll be like guns after the RPG skills revamp. Guns were already somewhat useless, and then they made it even more difficult for your character to hit his or her target consistently without leveling up really far. So basically, every gun is useless except the shotgun unless you are at a ridiculously high level, and you attract 10 times the zombies than what your character can actually shoot. They also make killing anything IMPOSSIBLE if you are in pain or afraid, even if you are right in front of them with a shotgun. I was doing a last stand with a shotgun one time, and simply because my character was mildly winded from running and in some pain because of the bite, he didn't kill a SINGLE zombie with 30 rounds, all of which shot at zombies really close. They just did the thing where they back up, never even falling down. If you point and squeeze with a SHOTGUN from point blank to 5 feet away, no amount of fear or pain can prevent you from mowing that person down. I'm worried that, in their attempts to be realistic, the cars won't be practical. Just a different way of looking at it I guess.
  12. I personally don't know, but it might be something worth trying out! 32 x 32 is already really small though..
  13. Oh I like that! Look out the window > know the time Go outside > time shows up Inside/Can't see outside > time is not known Equip a watch in the main inventory > always know time That would be freaking cool.
  14. Bleach already works for cleaning bloodstains. Or cleaning liquid. I can't remember. I have both in my base so I can test it out for you if need be. I believe there was some way to do that that was recently added.. Also.. @Crowbar YES! I've been hoping that would be a feature, therefore that is my favorite suggestion. Edit: I saw Bow.. Nevermind. Bows would be THE best ranged weapon because guns hardly kill a thing unless your skills are high, and they just attract a million zombies to wherever it was fired from.
  15. Ayyy the widely famous PZ-NOOB!! Nice to see you. I'll take that note. I myself never really consider using firearms because anything but a shotgun hardly drops a single zed unless your skills are high, and they just attract hundreds more (I play on high or insane). Although, I can create tips for how to effectively use your gun without getting yourself killed, if that's anyone's type of thing. I'll be adding links to seperate topics regarding each of the ways you can die, and certain other things I'll be adding later on.
  16. I've had this on my mind forever, and I wanna get the basics down. I'll add on to it regularly, and add new things when major features are released that require new survival tools and tips.
  17. BayCon (Also known as El_Buhdai, or Ɛɭ Ɓʊɧɖąį) Presents... Something I had been meaning to write for awhile but never had the time... A guide so extensive, that it should be highly referred to... Ɛɭ Ɓʊɧɖąį~βαɣƇᴑŋ's Extensive and Comprehensive Guide to Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse [WIP] Pre-Introduction Introduction My goal with this is to make an almost fool-proof, community-made guide to surviving long amounts of time in Project Zomboid. I want it to cover almost every possible scenario, with steps and tools for how to stay alive when faced with as many specific dangers as possible. Clearly, I can't do this completely by myself, so your feedback, additions, and personal experience would be greatly appreciated as we try to make the very best Project Zomboid Survival Guide Available! Introduction The moment you start up a new game in Project Zomboid, you've already lost. You won't survive. There is no hope at all, no reason you should believe that you will make it in the new world of death that you are placed in, but does that mean you should give up? Hell no! You may not be able to survive in Project Zombod, but you can at least extend your poor little character's life for as long as possible, and here's how. Let's get started. 10 Things You Will Need To Survive Where Others Would Surely Perish... 1. A sharp mind and quick wits 2. Knowledge that, no matter what your situation is, you are never safe from your inevitable death 3. A constant sense of constant caution, without ever getting cocky 4. The right equipment and the know-how to use it effectively and efficiently 5. Effective and efficient ways of getting what you need and don't have 6. The ability to think ahead about how your current actions, no matter how big or small, will affect your character down the line 7. Some level of stability, or at the very least a strong system or process for living on the run. 8. (Harsh Multiplayer Only) The ability to outsmart other players, and use their lives as potential sacrifices for you or your group's. 9. Strategy and the motivation to plan for tomorrow, today.. 10. Just good ole' fashioned, good friggin' luck... You Can't Know How To Survive, Unless You Know All the Ways You Can Die It only makes sense, right? Know all the ways you can die, and figure out every possible way to prevent those things from happening. Simple, right? Well, not quite. Here are a list of as many possible ways you can die (If I miss something or add one that isn't true, I would appreciate it if you would let me know.). There are plenty of ways you can die in each of these categories, but I wanted to keep them small in numbers and go into more detail with each of them individually. They are bound to change due to feedback, here they are.. [Zombies + Zombie Infection] [illness + From Food + From Tainted Water] [Non-Zombie-Related Cuts, Gashes, and Wounds + Infection + Blood Loss] [Fatal Burns] [Fractures and Broken Bones, Falling Too Far] [Lack of Food And/Or Water] [Other Players + Peer Player-Inflicted Injuries]
  18. They pretty much summed up everything I was gonna say. A lot of people, because the game is in Early Access, are immediately turned off by the game without giving it a fair shot. Also, the video and screenies on the store page or HORRIBLY dated and show a much less complete game. I'd been meaning to create a thread about that on its own. The store page also has a grammar error. So basically, from what I've observed, it comes down to a few things: 1. EA; been in development for 4 years 2. Hardcore and relentless survival 3. Devs give no ETA and some people think they are slow 4. Some people can't get their minds off of those flipping NPC's 5. NPC's... (lol they are a big one) and the removal of other appreciated features from early on. 6. Another huge one: the isometric world thing. It doesn't have graphics with excess lighting and 3D rendering of the world like on most survival games these days. 7. The dated and somewhat less-than professional store page shows an imcomplete game that, to put it as bluntly as possible, based on the screenshots and video, looks like trash. The feature list is even dated; the latest feature on it being erosion (I think). Heck, before I even bought the game I thought it looked like garbage because of the videos and screenshots. I only bought it for the feature list at that time and because it was on my ex girlfriend's wishlist. I guess you can sum that one up with "Poor/Lackluster Advertizing Techniques". 8. The multiplayer experience is not as full as the singleplayer experience in some ways. 9. This and #8 are the reasons I don't play on servers: Servers losing kids to school. Numbers might swell again during long breaks, and after larger updates (as stated). 10. Servers for PZ are a pain to port forward and host; you need the base port and a download port for every freaking player slot. If it were simpler like some other games, perhaps there would be more servers to play. To the OP: I too, expected this to be another morale attack on the developers, which they don't need any more of. I think we all appreciate your friendliness. <3
  19. Your character will get sad and depressed. That's all. Thanks! Bah! Who cares? I have anti-depressants and he can just suck it up! Better take advantage of this before they nerf it!
  20. Eating worms.. that leads me to a question. Does it have any harmful impact? I don't wanna go full Bear Grylls until I know whether or not it'll kill my character, but at the same time, I'm currently about a week and a half into a playthrough and the power and water have already gone out, so I'm trying to ration what's left while I get a ragtag farm going.
  21. There are a lot of things they can do to bring more life to the nature aspect of the world, like random deer (that you should be able to hunt) as you might see in the country, trees and taller grass blowing in the wind as well as a better water animation as you guys suggested, sheets on windows blowing inward if it's a windy day and you have the window open behind it, etc. I can name probably around 50 things they could do, but they're busy working on some more important aspects of the game. I can see these as being post-release "beautification" features that they may add in some of the final patches after the game is complete.
  22. Good point. I thought about it a lot. I figured that it would lag like crazy and would need serious optimization. Although I'm not one to conform to limits set by others. If coding was my thing, I'm sure I would find a way, but since I'm not a coder, I'm just throwing the idea out there for anyone who wants to jump on it. If, in fact, anyone does..
  23. I had this idea a little while back. This idea is a very slow-moving form of gameplay for Project Zomboid, and it's kind of unique, so maybe it could be a mod that adds this as a challenge... Note: This idea requires a lot of things that the devs said may be added way in the future, like cars, possibly dogs, and maybe the military, and most importantly for this challenge, NPC's. On the city info cards, it shows the population of Muld and WP, so I was thinking when the NPC's come out, you can spawn all 2 thousand and something people in that city in various houses and buildings going shopping, taking loans, driving around (when vehicles are added), playing with their dogs, and doing whatever else humans do. They all have different traits and personalities and some live together. However, one zombie is spawned on the map in a city the player is not in (so the player can't kill it immediately and end the game), and the zombie bites and kills just one unexpecting NPC (the NPC's are regular people right now, and regular people don't always carry weapons and are often defenseless when caught off-guard). Eventually, the epidemic spreads from one person to the next until most of that city of people (which the player is not in) is infected, and the sound of human life draws part of that city to the other where the player is. The NPC's in the player's city freak out as they hear about the disease (people start rioting, looting, and stealing to survive as zombies straggle into the city and start killing people off, or an alternate situation is that the military blocks off the player's city and it eventually becomes breached). Here's where my idea becomes confusing because I don't know the best way to go about doing end-game: 1. players must kill of every zombie on the map, which is about 4000 so that would take awhile. 2. The challenge slowly eases into eight months after the apocalypse zomboid with rotten foods and insane zombies and the likes. 3. When the apocalypse settles in, there will be a radio broadcast from other cities about the virus reaching them, and zombies will flood the map from other (off-map) directions. I know this would require some heavy coding and it will probably lag the game to death, but I think this is a fun way of feeling like you were alive before the apocalypse, and for a scenario this realistic, a game as realistic as Project Zomboid would be perfect for it.
  24. Looking for people to play a private game with and willing to host. :)

  25. Not a big fan of mods for most games (PZ being one of them), and, frankly, I expected you to add like 10 guns at the ABSOLUTE most, and then I looked at the first spoiler and I was like "WELL S***!!!" Will definitely try this out. Is it multiplayer compatible (I didn't read much of the post because I was so blown away just by the pistols and revolvers)? I might host a server running this mod.
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