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Posts posted by LeetgamerBoi



    Submissions for 14 Sept 2015:

    1. Don't know if this one is important but when feeding Dogs to get Dog Poop with Open Can Of Dog Food, we get no Empty Tincan back. May be considered minor.
    2. There is no recipe in Survival for Harvesting Bones from Pig Skeletons after butchering.


    1. Since the Blast Furnace requires a Wooden Crate, we are somewhat at the RNG's mercy to find one in spawn. Perhaps the creation of a Recipe in Carpentry for it could be arranged, seeing that we have a recipe to Recycle them?
    2. Since we have ease of access to Rubber Ingots now, would it be possible to add crafting of the Blue Bucket item from our buildings? Or would it be simpler to add the Wooden Bucket to recipes as a crafting alternative instead seeing as Blue Buckets would become eventually rare?


    1. Jute Seeds are from Foraging correct?



    1. Will check it out


    2. Thanks for reporting. Will fix.


    S1. Maybe. I have to think on that one.


    S2. The blue bucket is plastic not rubber. However I want to get to plastic recycling eventually.


    Q1. Yes Jute seed can be found by foraging or gather flora.


    I have no clue how to do anything.

    How do i get animals?

    Can i breed them?


    Rabbits and Silkworms you can. And you can sorrta breed bees. Other animals have not been implemented yet.


    Is there a guide somewhere to all these things?


  2. I'd love to see a way to differentiate between levels easily.
    Too many times i'm high up and fall off because it looks just as level as the ground below.

    I don't know how, but the effect of things getting smaller the farther away you are would be VERY useful to have.

    Perhaps make the ground below shrink or something? :???:

    as in if walking you have the illusions of a human eye. The things closer to you seem to move faster than distant things, ect.

    If you wanted to go all out you could switch to 3d or semi3d maps so you can see behind the other side of walls to some extent.


    I once tried play with sprinters. I tried

    I once tried to outrun a sprinting horde... I ended up gangbanged by the whole town at the other end of town... :o


    The key is to level the playing field to 28 days later levels.

    Make them near-deaf.

    I mean, firing a gun in 28 days later was the name of the game. and that didn't attract millions like it does now.

    Just cause they hear a noise does not mean they always go to investigate it.

  4. It should occur to everyone that grills cannot burn wood.

    However, this does not make 100% sense.

    On a charcoal grill, you may fuel it with regular wood and the resulting fire and hot coals work just fine.

    So, that's what i'm asking for.

    maybe make wood less efficient at cooking,

    Another thing, is a wood gasifyers.

    A machine that makes fuel out of timber and charcoal.

    Able to power a generator.
    Perhaps make them very rare, but craftble from common things, but alot of common things.

    Like, pieces of metal, electronic parts, peices of an engine, and a generator, and some mechanic's tools and such.

    It would remedy all fuel based issues. 



    is the download on the original post the most recent version?

    And can the animals actually move?

    Are there plans to have them move, and even attack you?


    1. Yes.

    2. No.

    3. No and no.

    @Hydro & Jim

    The code dealing with hats (and by extension gloves) is incomplete, meaning you get a button to wear them, but they're never actually assigned to the character at any point. Also, the back slot works for containers only, and is the only slot usable by containers.


    Well bags can be equipped in your Primary and Secondary slots too.



    Maybe the devs will make your mod a part of the base game like the farming and erosion mod.

    and will actually make the animals animals and not items :P

  6. is the download on the original post the most recent version?

    And can the animals actually move?
    Are there plans to have them move, and even attack you?

  7. This . . . can't be really be corrected, though and may be related to hardware that doesn't support shaders (despite them being enabled).

    Add a gamma slider and people will abuse it.

    There's no way to predict how bright or dark someone's monitor is.

    There's no way to predict how bright or dark someone's driver settings are.

    A literal black fog of war would be needed, instead of the way it's done now,, like in Don't Starve.

    Make gamma sliders able to be disabled on servers.

    stops cheating.

    Then give it to us! 

    I love it when it's pitch black and i can't see SHIT

    It'd make lighting actually Important lol


    Personally, I am fine with zombies having some variation in their attributes, perhaps based on what they once were, still weakened, but not to the extent desired in the OP. No where near that . . .


    I'm even more alright if the kind of zombies OP suggests only emerge from reanimated corpses of their own players, considering that if they chose a "high Strength" character. After all, Max Brook did suggest that even "normal" zombies, without the ability to feel pain, are capable of destroying a barricade on their own that about 3 experienced men took trouble in taking down. 


    Going off topic, I am more and more interested in seeing Project Zomboid build a whole new lore of zombie infection solely based on events that happen within the game story, like World War Z (the book), so all the debates in the future consist of "Well, remember that one time when Kate was trying to strangle a zombie and it lost the ability to make noises? That makes it possible that zombies could be still breathing."


    I just think it looks highly offputting that every person in kentucky apperantly had the same exact body, nobody looks bigger or smaller, skinnier or fatter, same exact.

    Hell, just adding in 3 other body models that spawn at random would be enough.

    A fat one

    a shriveled up starved one

    and a more athletic one

    These models can have normal human textures and be reused for the strong, overweight, and a "frail" trait.




    Personally, I am fine with zombies having some variation in their attributes, perhaps based on what they once were, still weakened, but not to the extent desired in the OP. No where near that . . .


    I'm even more alright if the kind of zombies OP suggests only emerge from reanimated corpses of their own players, considering that if they chose a "high Strength" character. After all, Max Brook did suggest that even "normal" zombies, without the ability to feel pain, are capable of destroying a barricade on their own that about 3 experienced men took trouble in taking down. 


    Going off topic, I am more and more interested in seeing Project Zomboid build a whole new lore of zombie infection solely based on events that happen within the game story, like World War Z (the book), so all the debates in the future consist of "Well, remember that one time when Kate was trying to strangle a zombie and it lost the ability to make noises? That makes it possible that zombies could be still breathing."


    well once again some or most of the muscle would have been eaten off or decayed.


    How far are you wanting to take this? why do most have enough rematining muscle to stand?

    Better yet how are the muscles working without oxygen to burn energy?

    Logic does not apply in a world where corpses walk.




    It's a bit silly to quibble over what "special infected" means. We all know he's referring to the "special infected" in Left 4 Dead, who have completely different abilities and powers.

    This is not that. It's just wider variations in stats that are already there.

    No, that's what his pitch became 3/4 of the way through the original post, unless you don't consider zombies that can kick-punch their way through reality special.

    Nah, man. They're just really buff.


    Ever seen a bodybuilder in a blind, psychotic, murderous rage? even if they're slow, a flimsy wooden door or a crudely made fortification won't slow him down much. It's to add variety to the zombies.

    So they aren't all meandering weak idiots.

    some were healthy and buff in life and in death can easily make you into food.

    instead of scratches, it creates gashes and breaks bones.



    We get your idea but those kinds of 'special abilities' are textbook for special-infected recipes. Not stat variation.


    An easily more supportable thing to suggest would have been to ask for a wider variation in zombie stats, but it was clear once you said 'these zed will break through doors and bone' that it became clear that you are still asking for 'special zombies'. This is something that isn't quite in the devs mindset for the lore (I think).


    How so?

    if you're alot stronger, you hit alot harder.

    Wounds become more severe.

    I can barge through a non solid wood door.

    Most are made of thin plywood nowadays.

    only front and back doors are usually solid.

    I'm also asking for different LOOKING zombies.

    not everyone with the same body.

    if you're a big boy, you'll be able to break a skinny guy's bones in a single swipe at full force (Zombies don't pull punches) Or however they hit you.

    The strong trait makes your character look more brawny, 

    and overweight gives you a gut and such. things like that.


    It's a bit silly to quibble over what "special infected" means. We all know he's referring to the "special infected" in Left 4 Dead, who have completely different abilities and powers.

    This is not that. It's just wider variations in stats that are already there.

    No, that's what his pitch became 3/4 of the way through the original post, unless you don't consider zombies that can kick-punch their way through reality special.

    Nah, man. They're just really buff.


    Ever seen a bodybuilder in a blind, psychotic, murderous rage? even if they're slow, a flimsy wooden door or a crudely made fortification won't slow him down much. It's to add variety to the zombies.

    So they aren't all meandering weak idiots.

    some were healthy and buff in life and in death can easily make you into food.

    instead of scratches, it creates gashes and breaks bones.

  11. Some people are stronger than most 

    some people are fatter than most...

    some are really skinny...

    That's all it means.
    Special zombies is like the left for dead tank and smoker. What i propose is merely stronger, fatter, ect. zombies.
    I mean people who are stronger than others.
    you can look up any number of muscular guys breaking boards with one punch and charging and barreling THROUGH a door :P
    Like, 5% of zombies are like this.
    They still incur the downsides.

    basically getting boosted traits

    1 higher notched awareness and power.

    if it was all on normal, they'd be strong.

    And tough.

    And would do things similar to what i've described.

    I don't mean slamming through walls.

    just doors that aren't wellfully barricaded and through windows that aren't at all.
    What's the problem? are we now ignoring body types?
    Some people are stronger than you, so some zombies should be the same.
    Thus noting all zombies in pz are pretty much intact looking, other than having some screwed up walks. 

    A jacked zombie would have no issue grabbing you in an inescapable grip that would only stop by killing it.

    it's just added challenge, since i can grab my ax and flatten like 10 people.

    this would not be so easy to swing and recharge the swing and do it again until dead.

    The community has great modelers whom can easily be sourced.


  12. Imagine what happened to those athletes and bodybuilders who push their body to the limit.
    Zombies above most others, able of breaking bones in a single swipe, if they grab you, they won't let go, you have to kill them to get away. They lift you up by your throat and chomp your shoulder.

    They can move faster, and can completely ram through a door in one slam.

    They can break through boards insanely quickly, punching through them instead of headbutting

    Not overly powerful, but pretty damn strong.

    Have you ever BEEN to a gym? Those guys are fucking terrifying even when they're super nice lol.

    Basically, some zombies are fat and gluttonous, some are buff and near demonic.

    this is not unrealistic.
    some people really are really big and strong.
    This essentially is me asking for different body types, buff, skinny, fat, average....

    A skinny zombie is basically jail bait, a buff one is diablo incarnate, a fat one will have more weight when they grab you and lean on you, possibly pushing you over with their weight. and an average one is... welll, what we currently have.

    And it would be even more rad to set what percentage of distribution there is, all skinny, most fat, or satan mode... 100% bodybuilder sprinter bloodhound pinpoint hearing eagle eyed demons.

    But these could be body types for players and npcs.
    Buff npcs will be more confident, but might overestimate their might. they need to eat often and healthily, and work out with situps and pushups to keep rolling.
    Fat ones will likely have traits with higher appetite and sleepy trait. this will incur the overweight trait and a lack of sprinting skills.

    Skinny ones eat little, but suffer less powerful strikes, suffer more from gun recoil, ect.

    average is the best of all worlds... what we currently have.

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