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Everything posted by Spracky

  1. Spracky

    May Dayoid

    I agree that such a system would be much better suited for lockpicking. Take Zombox for example: http://www.zombox.net/stuff/zombox_cap_100.gif
  2. Spracky

    Hot Wheels

    Haven't posted in a very long time, but I had to sign in just to say how impressed I am with the car physics! Very well done
  3. Interesting... Gotta love anatomy!
  4. @zoeyflower I assume you're referring to the fetal position?
  5. #RNG Also, the video says combat isn't balanced yet.
  6. It is a planned feature, probably with the animation update so we can drag furniture.
  7. This might satisfy your desires for now.
  8. The election is the main focus of the media currently, yes. But that's shocking, the UK has always been a big part of EU. This will be interesting to see go down.
  9. I can shamefully say, as an ignorant American, that I have no idea what everyone is referring to. I'll have to go look it up. It's weird, I try to keep up with current events but this must have managed to slip by.
  10. Types of wood with different strengths is way too much micromanagement for me.
  11. This might be what you're looking for.
  12. I'm not sure what the default theme is. It currently is the new upgraded theme, if that is what you mean.
  13. Mobile version doesn't show titles. Also, sometimes the mobile version will load and everything will be smashed to the left with white space filling the right of the screen. I've had a few 503's recently, but I don't know exactly when.
  14. Spracky

    Driving Cars Mod!

    If you could go much further with one gallon of gas, what would be the fun? It should come at a cost to travel quickly and safely inside a car. Plus, once power shuts down, it would make gas liquid gold.
  15. Spracky


    I believe he is referencing the first spear in the second picture, which is just a sharpened stick.
  16. Spracky

    Driving Cars Mod

    I can't wait to try it tonight!
  17. I never even knew you could actually harvest that corn...
  18. Spracky

    Driving Cars Mod

    Looks awesome! A few suggestions that I really feel would benefit this mod: Vehicle Handling: 1.) Add acceleration if possible. Start slower and speed up the longer you move 2.) Reduce the drifting Vehicle damage: 1.) Zombies should do more damage, maybe 3-5% depending on your speed 2.) Only the mechanic profession should be able to repair cars. Any other profession should have to find a magazine or book. 3.) Using just a screwdriver is way overpowered. Maybe require some duct tape, electronic scrap, wire, and a screwdriver to directly repair or make a car repair kit. Maybe you could use the same menu as repairing a weapon when you right-click the car and mouse over repair. If you did this, you could use the current weapon repair system and show what parts are required for a fix, what chance it has to work, how much it will fix, and what the car's current durability is. I'm not sure if all of that can be done in Lua, however.
  19. Spracky

    Driving Cars Mod

    It's exciting to see the community contribute to this mod, I can't wait to see where this will go.
  20. Tornadoes and even slightly powerful earthquakes are extremely rare in Kentucky to my knowledge.
  21. Spracky

    Driving Cars Mod!

    This is so awesome! my suggestions: • either have a way to accelerate, or slow the car speed down • don't let the car turn without moving forward or backward • going in reverse • car damage and health
  22. Spracky

    Operation Big Tree

    I'm still confused about that as well...
  23. Spracky

    Operation Big Tree

    Mondoids are every Monday.
  24. Good to see someone with their priorities in line
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