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Handling the mess thats left


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As time goes on, Zomboid World seems to move towards a thrashy, messy future. Blood, maggots and flies all arround!!

I usually burn trash and needless foraging findings and useless plant seeds within corpses.
Is there another method to get rid of this stuff permanently?

Id like to recommend a industry building full of bleach products in Louisville for the furture builds.
Would be nice to find enough cleaning stuff to scrub the neighbourhood around my safehouses.


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Benson, stop being such a clean freak and leave Mordecai and Rigby alone. At least you're not making them clean the houses this time!
AAAAANYWAY enough lame references (sorry I love that show omg), and back to your topic. I think maybe the clothes washing place (I literally forgot the name of those...), drycleaners, and so on should have more Bleach. A whole FACTORY for Bleach would be kind of odd in my personal opinion, however. Another thing, supplies are supposed to rare so I guess the intention is for you to have to search long and hard if you want something of a particular value and rarity. 
I think for the time being you can just search nearby houses, clothes washing stores, etc. until you find enough cleaning supplies and then you can.. well, you know what your motto is, Benson. :3


I personally don't mind dead bodies being littered all around. I consider them trophies. ;)


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My suggestion is to add a second feature to the campfire:
campfire/add fuel/*
campfire/disposal/* <- to delete garbage items

You consider dirty rags "garbage"? They can be cleansed with water.

You must be joking. Ripped sheets are even more common than Zombies, so why waste precious water to keep it?

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My suggestion is to add a second feature to the campfire:


You consider dirty rags "garbage"? They can be cleansed with water.

You must be joking. Ripped sheets are even more common than Zombies, so why waste precious water to keep it?

Maybe Dimitri likes to be as frugal as you like to be clean.  I smell a post apocalyptic sitcom coming!  Like the Odd Couple, but with zombies.

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I think the entire issue could be solved with being able to clean things using moistened cloth items. Water could clean the least, bleach the next best, and bleach and water the best.


This could add a new use for the bucket. It could be used in conjunction with cloth items to clean; it could also be used to mix bleach and water.


Also there is dish washing soap, perhaps that could be mixed with water to create cleaning solution as well.

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