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  1. I'm making a weapon mod, but I don't know the reload code for him. Maybe someone knows where to get this code?
  2. Hi, Friends and I are running a private server. We have a few mods on which work perfectly fine but when we tried to add modded maps the dialog box shows up for anyone that tries to join to download the modded map files / used cars mod but the actual maps or used cars are no where to be seen. We are however able to find a map item for one of the new places... Anyone know what's going on? Here is the ini nightlengthmodifier=1.0 PVP=true PauseEmpty=false GlobalChat=true Open=true ServerWelcomeMessage= <RGB:1,0,0> Welcome to Project Zomboid MP ! to chat locally press 't', to global chat press 'y' or add '/all' before chatting <LINE> Type '/help' to have a list of available commands <LINE> <RGB:1,1,1> LogLocalChat=false AutoCreateUserInWhiteList=false DisplayUserName=true SpawnPoint=0,0,0 SafetySystem=true ShowSafety=true SafetyToggleTimer=2 SafetyCooldownTimer=3 SpawnItems= DefaultPort=16261 ResetID=738400797 Mods=BedfordFalls;FORTREDSTONE;Otr;Hydrocraft;ToadTraits;Waistbags;RPGarbageDisposal;POS;LBMKnives;ORGMSilencer;HCORGM;ORGM;PumpPower2;FRUsedCars Map=Fort Redstone, KY;Bedford Falls, KY;South Muldraugh, KY;Otr;Muldraugh, KY DoLuaChecksum=true Public=false PublicName=My PZ Server PublicDescription= MaxPlayers=64 PingFrequency=10 PingLimit=400 HoursForLootRespawn=720 MaxItemsForLootRespawn=4 ConstructionPreventsLootRespawn=true DropOffWhiteListAfterDeath=false NoFire=false AnnounceDeath=true MinutesPerPage=1.0 SaveWorldEveryMinutes=90 PlayerSafehouse=true AdminSafehouse=false SafehouseAllowTrepass=true SafehouseAllowFire=true SafehouseAllowLoot=true SafehouseAllowRespawn=true SafehouseDaySurvivedToClaim=0 SafeHouseRemovalTime=200 AllowDestructionBySledgehammer=true KickFastPlayers=false ServerPlayerID=596264336 RCONPort=27015 RCONPassword= Password=6969 MaxAccountsPerUser=0 SleepAllowed=false SleepNeeded=false SteamPort1=8766 SteamPort2=8767 WorkshopItems=926737806;524301139;1516836158;522891356;1510950729;498441420;1299328280;1478038149;909647363;1164596597;859341915;640674707;1314062363;514618604;1188473572 SteamScoreboard=true SteamVAC=true UPnP=true UPnPLeaseTime=86400 UPnPZeroLeaseTimeFallback=true UPnPForce=true CoopServerLaunchTimeout=20 CoopMasterPingTimeout=60 VoiceEnable=true VoiceComplexity=5 VoicePeriod=20 VoiceSampleRate=24000 VoiceBuffering=8000 VoiceMinDistance=1.0 VoiceMaxDistance=50.0 Voice3D=true PhysicsDelay=500 SpeedLimit=50.0 server_browser_announced_ip= UseTCPForMapDownloads=false PlayerRespawnWithSelf=false PlayerRespawnWithOther=false FastForwardMultiplier=40.0 PlayerSaveOnDamage=true SaveTransactionID=false DisableSafehouseWhenPlayerConnected=false Faction=true FactionDaySurvivedToCreate=0 FactionPlayersRequiredForTag=1 AllowTradeUI=true HoursForWorldItemRemoval=0.0 WorldItemRemovalList=Base.Vest,Base.Shirt,Base.Blouse,Base.Skirt,Base.Shoes ItemRemovalListBlacklistToggle=false DisableRadioStaff=false DisableRadioAdmin=true DisableRadioGM=true DisableRadioOverseer=false Any help would be appreciated!
  3. How to change the amount of starting perk points? I have a company that does my hosting but I have to tell them what to edit ect...anyone know? and will it affect future players?
  4. As the title says, sometimes you want to make it quick to read the text of a sheet of paper or more specifically the post-it notes without having to right click- left click on read and wait for the windows to appear. The tooltip might not show the whole text but a portion. No need to create a whole "tooltip class object" but to reuse the existing one. I would kindly try to make a mod out of it.. But I would need some kickstarter tips Regards
  5. Contrary to the inventory and loot windows, the map window (when you read a map) cannot be resized. this is really annoying even if you pin it (whenever you mouse out of the windows it foldes back up, when you mouse over it, it unfolds down). Also Consider that the Map UI window is really big ( it takes more than half the area of the game's HUD). Is it possible that one can convert that window to something like the inventory or loot one (so you can resize it ) through some minor modding? I will happily try to do it.. but I need some major guidance for it. Regards
  6. MrCouper

    Vehicle mods

    I've seen people making replacement models for the in-game cars. I was wondering how do I go about modeling some of my own? If anybody could point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated, thanks in advance
  7. Hi all, Please can you let me know what this setting does? The default is set to 500. What is better higher number or lower number? M700N
  8. On YouTube I've been making tutorials of the basics of project zomboids Map editor tools. right now I am finishing up with the building editor. if I missed anything let me know and I'll make sure to make tutorial covering it here is part one for more tutorials check out my channel Doge's Creator
  9. I wanted to play with a friend in Zomboid Project, but when I connected to my server a friend had a never-ending initialization of the maps, on the version (38 ..) the download was problem-free, and in version 39 the problem was present, as on the IMUBUS version. (This translator, sorry)
  10. I cannot click on the add furniture button, it's the icon that looks like a chair. The instructions say to left click on it. No luck, for some reason I can't click it. Also while watching a tutorial I realized that under the tiles section, there is supposed to be furniture too. yet I do not have it. Why isn't this working? How can I fix it? SOLUTION: Alright guys, I'm sure this will work on at least 90% of people or even 100%, but whatever lets get to it. 1. Go to the tiles menu. 2. Go to a section that's related to furniture ex. Applications - Refrigeration 3. Find a plus button, it adds tiles. 4. Check to see if the furniture tab is now darker. 5. Congrats.
  11. Hi all, I have the below for my server with the explanations I know, Please can someone fill in the blanks?; SandboxVars = { Zombies = 4, (1 is insane amount, 5 is none) Distribution = 1, (1 is urban, 2 is uniform) DayLength = 3, (1 is 15 minutes, 2 is 30 minutes, 3 is 1 hour, 4 is 2 hours, 5 is 3 hours, 6 is 4 hours, 7 is 5 hours, 8 is 12 hours, 9 is real-time) StartYear = 1, (1 is the 1st year etc) StartMonth = 4, (1 is Jan, 12 is Dec) StartDay = 1, (1 is the 1st of the month etc) StartTime = 2, (1 is 7AM, 2 is 9AM, 3 is 12PM, 4 is 2PM, 5 is 5PM, 6 is 9PM, 7 is 12AM, 8 is 2AM, 9 is 5AM) WaterShut = 2, ElecShut = 2, WaterShutModifier = 500, (the number of days before water is shut off -1 mean instant) ElecShutModifier = 480, (the number of days before electricity is shut off -1 mean instant) FoodLoot = 4, (1 is extremely rare, 5 is abundant) WeaponLoot = 2, (1 is extremely rare, 5 is abundant) OtherLoot = 3, (1 is extremely rare, 5 is abundant) Temperature = 3, (1 is very cold, 5 is very hot) Rain = 3, (1 is very dry, 5 is is very rainy) ErosionSpeed = 5, (1 is very fast (20 days), 5 is very slow (500 days)) XpMultiplier = 15.0, (Obvious) Farming = 1, (1 is vey fast, 5 is very slow) StatsDecrease = 4, (1 is very fast, 5 is very slow) NatureAbundance = 3, (1 is very poor, 5 is very abundant) Alarm = 6, (1 is never, 6 is very often) LockedHouses = 6, (1 is never, 6 is very often) StarterKit = false, Nutrition = false, FoodRotSpeed = 5, (1 is very fast, 5 is very slow) FridgeFactor = 5, (1 is very low, 5 is very high) LootRespawn = 2, (1 is none, 2 is every day, 3 is every week, 4 is every month, 5 is every two months) TimeSinceApo = 1, PlantResilience = 3, (Plants resilience against disease/weather. 1 is very low, 5 is very high) PlantAbundance = 3, (How much farm plants produce. 1 is very poor, 5 is very abundant) EndRegen = 3, (Endurance regeneration (how fast you regain endurance). 1 is very fast, 5 is very slow) ZombieLore = { Speed = 3, (1 is sprinters (fastest), 2 is fast shamblers, 3 is shamblers (slowest)) Strength = 3, (1 is superhuman, 2 is normal, 3 is weak) Toughness = 3, (1 is tough, 2 is normal, 3 is fragile) Transmission = 1, (1 is blood/saliva, 2 is everyone is infected, 3 is no transmission) Mortality = 6, (This governs how deadly infection is. 1 is instant, 6 is 1 to 2 weeks) Reanimate = 1, (How fast zombies come back to life...again. 1 is instant, 6 is 1 to 2 weeks) Cognition = 3, (How smart zombies are. 1 is Navigate/Use Doors, 3 is basic navigation only) Memory = 2, (How much zombies will remember. 1 is long, 4 is none) Decomp = 1, (1 is slows/weakens them, 4 is no effect) Sight = 2, (How well zombies can see. 1 is eagle-eyed, 3 is poor) Hearing = 2, (How well zombies can hear. 1 is pinpoint, 3 is poor) Smell = 2, (How well zombies can smell. 1 is bloodhound, 3 is poor) ThumpNoChasing = true, }, ZombieConfig = { PopulationMultiplier = 0.5, PopulationStartMultiplier = 1.0, PopulationPeakMultiplier = 2.0, PopulationPeakDay = 100, RespawnHours = 50.0, RespawnUnseenHours = 15.0, RespawnMultiplier = 0.1, RedistributeHours = 12.0, FollowSoundDistance = 200, RallyGroupSize = 20, RallyTravelDistance = 30, RallyGroupSeparation = 15, RallyGroupRadius = 3, }, } This I am sure will help a lot of people out who are starting to run their own servers. Cheers all, M700N
  12. I have made a program that extracts the global lua functions, like getPlayer() and the this is the result. Please let me know what you think! Many thanks, HOWZ1T
  13. Hey guys I need some help with TileZed's BuildingEd. I just finished a cool building that I worked so hard on, saved it and everything, didn't click on anything out of the ordinary. When I went to WorldEd, I clicked on my building, didn't show a preview image. When I dragged it out onto my Cell, it didn't show a building, neither did it plop a building when I placed it on my map itself. Then I went to BuildingEd to see if I messed something up, and instead I got an error saying, "Error Reading Building - Invalid Object Coordinates (1, -3 Line 2209, Column 72". What does this mean and how can I fix it without having to remake my whole tower? THANK YOU! My building's png is still in one of the .pzeditor folders, so idky it won't show in WorldEd or let me edit it either in BuildingEd.
  14. . This is Building Editor by the way, i seen some maps manage to pull this off, how? If you can, could anyone explain how to do the same for interior walls?
  15. Hello! I've been playing this great game for some time and about 2-3 weeks ago I bought a copy for my girlfriend. Since then I've been trying to start a server for us, but I just can't. Whatever I tried, my girlfriend was unable to connect. I've tried hamachi, connecting by ethernet, port forwarding, sarcificing a lamb... I just honestly tried to do what I can and nothing helps. So I'm asking you, dear fellow players and developers, for any help. Let us smash zombie heads together. Don't stop us now I'm ready to take this step by step, from begining, and I'll provide any infromation I can. Here's what I can think of, what can be useful: -both copies are on GOG -I have windows 7 64-b on my computer (where I want to host server) and my girlfriend has windows 8.1 64-b on her -our router is technicolor 7200.U (or just 7200)
  16. Hi there, i'm not really sure where to post this but i'm looking for someone who is experienced in lua that could help me fix this mod and make it usable again. Let me know if you can, or know someone that can help!
  17. Hello to anyone who's reading this. I'm working with Neutz on the Union City map. We'll release a part of it once the Suburban Area is done. What I need from each one of you is an idea for buildings, it can be a shop, a gas station, (no more house ideas, please, unless you made some and want to share them, my brain is mush as this moment from making 200+ houses already) warehouses, small clinics, pet shops, you name it. I just need building ideas. If you want to give some buildings for the upcoming map you're more than welcome to do so. If you want to give ideas, give a small description or a list of the buildings, if you can, provide a picture if you want something custom which I could try and make. Thanks to anyone who'll be writing below, be sure to check the Union City thread, we'll keep you posted weekly (if we don't forget from time to time ._.) on the upcoming map progress.
  18. Hi all. I know this probably quite a simple problem and I have tried to find a solution on https://projectzomboid.com/modding/ but haven't had any luck just yet. Quite a while ago I could do it like this: z = getVirtualZombieManager():createRealZombieNow(X, Y, Z); But sometime in the past few years that stopped working. What's the new method (and what's the best way to find out for myself in the future)? Edit: Okay I may have found it already myself (I could have found it sooner if Google hadn't decided to hide the majority of my search results on the topic for some reason). Testing now. For anybody trying to solve the same problem in future new code is z = createZombie(dupeX, dupeY, dupeZ, nil, 0, IsoDirections.E);
  19. Hey guys, me and my friend rented our first server ever, at Nitrado.net Setup was very easy but I do not know what I am doing since its the first time we rented a server. Could someone help out me with few things: 1. Loging in to server: I can find my server in PZ but cannot connect to it! What kind of username and password should I use? If I want to login as admin or as a regular player? Where do I define this? What option should I select if I want my server to be private or password protected? 2. Adding mods to the Server: I know how to define mods in the ini/info file, basicly I just copied over settings from our previous MP game that I was hosting from my pc. But do I also have to copy mod folders to the online server? Thanks guys!
  20. Okay so I followed all of the mapping tutorials and got right up to this point: And then as I tried to click on the files in the right, drag them, etc. Nothing happened. Nothing at all. I've got my map sizes right, etc. Is there anything I need to do to the images? Thank you!
  21. I tried with some codes but not working local Player = getSpecificPlayer(0); local Item = Player:getPrimaryHandItem(); if (instanceof(Item, "Food") and Item:getType() == "Bass") then if Item ~= nil and Item:IsRotten() then luautils.okModal("YES", true); else luautils.okModal("NO", true); end end --SOLVED!!!!
  22. So I bought a server 2 days ago and for the last 2 days I've been trying to set it up properly. Basically my only issue right now is the 'PlayerSafehouse' option. I have PlayerSafehouse=true AdminSafehouse=false But players still cannot claim safehouses. Can someone please help me out with this, its all incredibly annoying.
  23. I've tried using the PZ Map Tool but did not succeed, it just puts items in some places help me plz
  24. some people destroy cabinets on the server is I wanted to know how to restore them
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