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Everything posted by thiosk

  1. One person won't realistically deplete a lake in a single year, but it would be reasonable for a small community to deplete a small lake rather quickly. Most lakes I've been near have managed and stocked fisheries The rivers though? The environment would fluorish.
  2. We don't take kindly to that "librel thinkin'" here in the great state of kentukah. Not too kindly at all, stranger.
  3. As a kentucky native, no on fish soups. It would be a heckuva specialty. Fry it, make burgers out of it, eat it out of cans, smoke it, but no on soups. Ain't no fish soups round here. ain't no how no way. We'll take it as a kindness if you just keep your fish outta my soups.
  4. Because food is abundant in the early game, I now shift very early from food acquisition to weapon\tool hunting. I can impose my will upon zombies much more effectively with a shotgun. My goal is to have an axe, trowel, and shotgun by the end of week 2 and preferably by the end of week 1.
  5. Bedford Falls spawn area can be a bit low on zombies @ start of a map / server. In MP the admins add a bit extra . Great map! Is there a tool for spawning zombies in SP?
  6. I didn't realize there were map packs available! I installed and its running perfectly. However, on build 25 IWBMS branch, v3, my char. is perpetually bald, and there seem to be very few zombies around in the newb zone. Not sure if thats by design or not-- am going to begin exploring further. All I've really found are a few fridges full of food and a frying pan, so its an interesting start to say the least.
  7. I just set it to high when B25v2 hit. Spawned in the stupid WP construction site office, so I had to run for a long time until I was able to finally come to the warehouse. The outdoor trailer had enough gear to enable me to gain access to the building, and I found enough food and drink in the vending machines to eek out a survival. Build 25 really changed things up in terms of zombie activity. Despite clearing the warehouse proximity 3-4 times, it was all for naught, as ever increasing streams of zombies continued coming to rest in the area. So, I ate up all the perishables I'd collected, packed a couple bags, and hit the road. Frustratingly, never found a shotty or a sledge. wuh woh.
  8. Neat stuff! Zombies seem irrelevant to the survival stories. Does anyone else thing the ability to start a new life and run straight back diminish things?
  9. I'm currently in a 2nd floor apartment in wp, above the hard wares tore. Great location. Problem is, there's not enough trees. I'm trying to decide where to focus my annihilating fury for cleaning up somewhere new to live. I'll miss that apartment though.
  10. Ouch. I've never died to an alarm. When the alarm goes off, I return home by the fastest available method. I also wait to clear buildings adjacent to the safehouse until the larger neighborhood is clear as I do not want horde activity that close.
  11. Missed the mod suggestions sub. However, the item would be hugely beneficial -- a togglable creative mode!
  12. Hi all, I was wondering if the following would be within the abilities of the modding community. Fort building is becoming a fun pasttime. However, a quick slip of the wrist can put many hours of intense effort to waste. For instance, while trying to get a wall in place, my fingers transposed I fell from a fourth floor balcony. Had I been carrying enough potatoes, I might have survived. However, I did not. This wastes in essence 20 hours of labor on that char. Whoops. My request would be for a toggleable option where I could temporarily turn off fall damage for heavy construction tasks. Alternatively, a wearable item (a workers shirt or workers pants, or even helmet, no sprite needed) could perhaps provide damage free labor. Just a thought for the mod makers out there.
  13. thiosk

    Canning Mod

    Bug report: The interaction of cooking skill with the canning mod is a bit wonky. At level 4 cooking, canned items are much more hunger-reducing than at level 5. Eg: for small strawberry jam, a level 4 product is 56 hunger reducing or thereabout, whereas lg tomatoes would be -42 at lvl 4, or -30 at lvl 5. Its still a great mod! with the new version of PZ slated to be incoming soon, I hope you keep it up to date. My only suggestions for extension would be: 1: I hope canned items can be made soup ingredients later and 2: I feel like preservation should require heat sterilization. The jars should go into a campfire to cook briefly to go from an unpreserved to preserved state. Because canning is likely to be a batched process, once could make the jars have a reasonably long shelf life (salt) but require cooking to go nonperishable. I also recommend having very long burn times. Because the jars are sealed. Thanks again! Cheers
  14. In my current game, I'm 4 months, 10 days, and 6 hours. I AM using a food canning mod. I highly reccomend that mod, its a really nicely done addition that enables conversion of produce to nonperishables. However, I have like 6 bags of vanilla nonperishable food stockpiled. Anyhoo, I'm up to 3265 zeds killed. This began as my attempt at doing a peaceful game where I killed minimal zombies. However, I was bitten, and survived, and then scratched, and survived, so I'm not messing around anymore. I'm turning muldraugh into a frigging park. Edit: Fell off a roof while making mudraugh into a friggin' park. Ded.
  15. You guys really need to have played star control 2. It's freeware, and was updated to hd, so there's really no excuse. Best action adventure role playing space exploration game ever. It also invented sexy blue alien chicks.
  16. It's like asking someone to love you. Be careful. Look what happened to little fluffy bunny buttercup
  17. I get the impression that the mods are on the younger side. the old timers might know who this is.
  18. I think the important thing is that we can amputate other people's limbs. Imagine the multiplayer antics! Grab that saw and queue Benny hill AWwww man don done got scratched on the head. Awww don man, why you do that? Welp, bill, get the saw, we better amputate. Uh guys, I scratched it when you tripped me on the barbed wire fence. Nope, can't take no chances don. Hold still now
  19. I played a hypochondriac heavy eater build recently. No problem with hypochondriac, but my fingers were on the wrong spot and a crawler got a sudden scratch. Pain moodle. Oh crap. Ran to the bolt hole, ate a lot. Could barely maintain slightly fed because of the hearty appetite. Anxiety. Smoked a couple cigs, then walked carefully back to the fort. Got queasy on the way. Uh oh. Unloaded most of my gear at the fort, and ate a ton. Everything I could find. Three hot cuppas. Eating pain pills like candy. Very sick now. Its the third day of the illness. Popped a bunch more pain pills, filled up to well fed again. Anxiety hit, made a coffee. Injured moodle appears. Health dropping rapidly. Walk outside into the sunlight, prepare for zombification. Health drops to 60, 40, 30%. Sick moodle vanishes. ..... .... ate a bunch. Smoked and had another cuppa. Popped a sleeping tab and went to bed. Pain goes away overnight. All healthy again. Wow. Hypochondriac is easily my new favorite trait. I was lucky to survive this one, for no other reason than its my best character so far. Master builder, cook, and farmer, level 3 blunt and aiming, with level 2 of all agility skills-- a pretty solid mid game character!
  20. 1. Some semblance of food preservation. I understand why the existing system is in. I would rather see farming be all but impossible in the winter and food not spoil quickly than the existing method where you grow a cabbage and it makes you sad in two days to eat it. Else, food distribution from certain plants should be more continuous. I use the canning mod to address this. I've got enough food saved up to get me through the winter. 2. Verticality, again. 3. zombie dragons
  21. thiosk

    Apartment Building

    Its a gorgeous building! I like the implications. I noted you had one empty apartment in there, nice touch! Now add the requisite hoarder (trashed apartment completely stuffed with magazines and newspapers) and you've got an honest-to-god lived in apartment building.
  22. Inventory management gets a little onerous. Get the nails and the hammer out of the bag, pick up the logs, try to saw the logs, realize saw is in the bag, move saw to main inventory, won't fit because of weight limit, put hammer in bag, take saw out, still didn't fit, drop log, saw logs, pickup log, didn't fit, build wall, realize hammer still in bag, take hammer out, build wall, go back for extra log, pickup log, saw log, return to wall, build wall. I hereby suggest that the developers consider letting crafting use the in bag inventory. In this way, you could keep the planks in your backpack, and pull them out as you need them. I do not mind additional build time being required to access in-bag items, but this simple change would make certain tasks substantially less burdensome.
  23. I try not to be too pedantic, because zombie games are all fictional anyway. But here we go, put on my pedantic hat: PZ is heavily influenced by the zombie survival guide style lore. In the ZSG, zombies would go for any kind of animal that attracted their attention as readily as they would go for a human. They're attracted to noise. Importantly though, eating is instinctual, rather than to provide sustenance. Once the prey stops moving, they wander off in search of other moving things. Eating is only secondary. They are not stalking animals for food, they don't actually have to eat. If consumption was the primary goal, then the zombies would likely not reproduce with such vigor-- something has to be left to rise again! Animals are quite adept at staying well away from zombies. Just like you would have difficulty catching a deer in the woods with your bare hands, the zomboids aren't going through the woods exterminating the deer population. They're even dumber than a human trying to strangle deer as they are just following sounds. Zombies are essentially harmless by themselves, unless they getcha by surprise, its when they are in groups that it gets hairy. In short, its the noise and movement that is attracting them to the animals, not an actual desire to eat. Theres the ol' story about the zombie who ate so much his stoumach exploded, and he just kept eating and stuff was just falling out of the hole in the abdomen. So, in short, I think a pickyness setting misses the mark of actually creating a new gameplay dimension. THere is a mod that turns the zombies into superhuman vampire monsters that actively hunt after dark.
  24. thiosk

    Canning Mod

    This is a great mod! I'm a collector/saver in games, I love stockpiles and stockpiling things (for whatever reason). Playing with healthy appetite, I found it was difficult to take any break in farming else I'd be eating canned soup every day; not sustainable! This mod lets me farm intensively while castle constructing, and then put some of that food away for future campaigning without dipping into my chocolate supplies. Its really quite wonderful!
  25. I decorate my camp with them. Makes me feel happy to know their cold dead eyes are standing vigil.
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