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Everything posted by thiosk

  1. Thank you. Thats what I was thinking. Unfortunately, theres no ReplaceOnUse = Self or ReplaceOnUse = item, so if I want to do 500 books I have to create the tab and transfer over the item name for every one of them
  2. I'm tinkering with books. I work mostly in itemzed. a. Skill books have pages, and are are not consumed when completed. b. Regular books can have pages added to them, but they are consumed on use anyway. What is responsible for the difference? I suppose I could add that the book gives itself back to the player on use, but because theres no onusegive(self) type command, I have to do that for every item I add. In my case, I want to add thousands of items, I suppose I could figure out how to make a lua script that adds the command and own name to every item?
  3. thiosk

    Muffled Scream

    Its hard to say "how many keys is the right number of keys." But the balancing solution i think is not really to limit the cars at the outset, its to remove cars from the game by attrition. Allow me to explain my point. At the game outset, we had the crisis, and lots of keys got dropped, left in cars, left in houses, left in office buildings on desks and everybody bailed out. This makes sense. Those glorious first two weeks where you run around and can get a new car every third day and line them up in all the neighborhood driveways, whatever you want, like everything else the erosion should set in and thats when you start having trouble. Driving on roads shoudl be fairly safe, but driving on corpses, grass, and over curbs should cause very gradual damage to tires with the risk of catastrophic blowout. To a nonmechanic player in july or august of the first year, no big! Theres a hundred more cars. But cars parked all first winter long should really should really be worse for the wear-- in the 90s especially, car batteries did all their dying in the wintertime. Batteries were crappier back then too. So now its year two and most of the random cars have dead batteries and flat tires. Situation changes. No more running out of the building and checking three cars in the parking lot and finding 2 keys in the gloveboxes and driving all over creation anymore- gets a lot more problematic on highly eroded roads and with limited abilities to resupply. If you combine this kind of atrition, link tire damage to the erosion system and the tile type they're driving on, add potential for catastrophic blowouts, you have a lot of potential for really nailbiter situations. Drive your truck into the woods and you lose a tire at a bad time... uh oh its getting dark... If the auto shops could be powered by generators, those would have equipment to charge batteries and refill tires... ? cheers edit: I just realized that since everything runs out of gas eventually this whole point is ultimately moot
  4. this is a good question. I have a lua script for removing base items from the distribution lists, but no way to control what recipes or evolved recipes are available.
  5. I just thought of a suggestion. What about heaters! When the hot cold mechanics are fully implemented-- how cool would it be to find a car with A/C or heat? Might save your life. I'd say to the every day person the auto is the simplest and most convenient heater they have available.
  6. thiosk

    Rise of the Baboon

    Spiffo suit confirmed
  7. it may b e the point, frankly. if some asshole 2 blocks over sets off an alarm while you're sleeping, zombies might try to get to the sound through your house. Or if theres a running gunbattle on your nice quiet street between two idiots suddenly you have a huge problem and maybe even have to abandon the crops and bug out. theres an aspect to insanity that I really like. Zed are like weather; they blow through with varying ferocity. if large, noisy groups running many cars in large, established bases are impossible to play with because of the zed attraction to such outposts, maybe thats just part of it! I look forward to seeing how it all shakes out.
  8. i have a hunch that as the development continues, zeds will be more attractable generally. I have a feeling they declared them "good enough" to get the rest of the content in but as development continues there will be a push to do more with the zed. The addition of true-night will connect with the attraction in interesting ways i think. side note: in a world with no sound, you'd be amazed how far away you can detect the sound and vibration of a vehicle. its in the background in our world, but if you've ever lived near a major road (i spent the weekend overlooking a road with 50 mph traffic, that was LOUD when a car would come by in the middle of the night)
  9. thiosk


    i won't ask for sliders for the food because with itemzed, the modding tool, its really straight forward to modify them to give them shelf lives.
  10. Maybe. I think the designers would have to decide how to do it. The process of replacing one tile with another over time- after one year in game, most of the roads are broken and the houses are all covered with vines. SO it makes sense after a few years that most of the refrigerators won't work-unless you got new ones from electronics stores maybe? the land gets very ugly after 1 year. This is why i think sprites should change only when "NPC" characters or human characters are within 60 tiles, and the longer you're there, the more likely it is that the house would get look more "used". Many more sprites could be added so that every object could have many "looks." Maybe the bullet hole fridge becomes "broken" but the one with magnets works perfectly. Or they all keep working. Or they wear out over time and get ugly the more you use them!
  11. Actually, the erosion system is already in. In certain urban centers, you could have these features appearing as "erosion" of urban sprites. It might look a little choppy, so perhaps it could be tied to NPC activity. For example, the longer the NPCs were dicking about in a house, the more of this stuff would replace the original sprites.
  12. thiosk


    This is a very exciting update, team, good job. Two points i'd like to raise: 1. Can dirty, worn out clothing make for some really shitty bandages? 2. I love the idea of pitch black nights, but it would be really really really cool if there the lunar cycle were added for night, so even in all black conditions you can still get a full moon, occasionally.
  13. On this topic, is there any way to do a replaceonuse (self) without having to specify the precise module.itemid every time? I've recently added 500 items to the game and its going to be a hassle adding the replaceonuse ( item id ) to all of them
  14. @Butter Bot might be able to navigate to the correct Power that Be to help, if he pops in and takes a peep
  15. thiosk


    Oh sweet child... your available time will halve every five years.
  16. thiosk


    A big whole indeed. I want the devs to continue working on zomboid until they're done, and the things that you seem to feel are so important are far less so to me than they are to you. That doesn't make your opinions invalid, but if you want to play games that are finished, don't buy early access games.
  17. thiosk

    Impendin' 37

    i think they interpreted it as that 37 would move to the regular branch and 38 would open up on iwbums
  18. This is neat and could definitely be frustrating. I would have no idea how to start a motor in this way. My parents have agenerator in case of power outage in the winter-- i've never even seen it because I moved to a warmer climate. If i went home to KY in the winter and tried to start it, I'd be hella confused and possibly dumb enough to turn it on inside (thank goodness for pz teaching us that that is deadly this is beyond my modding capability but everything you suggest seems mostly incorporable. the items and involved recipes would be preparable through itemzed in a fairly straightforward way. There would need to be the scripting put in through lua to handle the various conditions but from my vantage it looks like nothing more than a bunch of if then statements from here edit: current mondoid (eastoid) suggests trouble starting a car will already be coded. it may be straightforward to port that to generators with some tricky coding, depending on how it gets implemented in lua.
  19. there is totally a mod that does this that you should see. check out FEAR THE RAIN on steam workshop there is therefore triggers in that code that should do what you want. As you develop it more I would love to collaborate - i'm working on a fun "magic" mod. Anything you develop on your end might be incorporable directly as spells that come from gathering rare items and doing a little alchemy-- perhaps some side effects of this is that the zombies mutate as you do more magic...
  20. I'm working on a literature mod and one of the peskier problems i'm having with basic functionality is that the books dissappear after use. My desired functionality is: a, Book delivers benefit per page b. book stays in inventory when finished (like a skillbook). Its quite confusing sorting out how pz decides whether to consume the item in question or not. as before, the skillbooks do not have the replace on use (self) feature. Now i can go through and addkey addval pairs with replace on use and item.name, but this is time consuming. My real question here is why the skill books aren't consumed and can I take advantage of that mechanism instead?
  21. This is a neat idea. What triggers have you considered? Have you made any progress?
  22. one thing i've wondered about is the idea of "setpieces." For comparison, check out don't starve, where you can find certain nifty little spots with charachteristic items and strctures. Thats basically how this kind of content distributes already. Finding a home with four corpses hanging in the breeze might be made something that just sort of randomly pops up
  23. I think theres been talk about redoing some aspects of the moodles, so most of this is on pause since its moodle time. However, i love the idea of the nasty cold vs regular cold. As I age, my illnesses get worse. I had the flu or something this year, and that took me out of comission for a week and I needed to consume 3 bottles of nyquil type medicine to get through it. Now we add such an illness to the char that makes a real effect on fighting/speed/sound (sick ppl r useless almost unless super stressed) and suddenly the need to get to pharmacies really makes a lot of sense. Other illnesses could also hit, requiring the need for diversification of medicine type (eg antibiotic, cold, flu) and of course the medicines would only work per type, and it would take first aid skill to diagnose which type you needed. For antibiotics you need to take the whole course or the infection can come back and surprise kill you five days later. Lastly, medicine overdose. No -2 fatigue vitamin popping, here. Once the moodles are reimplemented or we're fairly confident the system is "doneish", and we have control over all the various values and tickers, all of this could be done as a mod.
  24. my favorite guy is the guy that killed himself with the shotgun pistol. (3 shotgun shells + pistol) its like, blammo, man although for gameplay purposes id rather have matching gun ammo combo
  25. @GHawkins What I have to tell you both is that its probably mostly related to your file structures. If you have it set up wrong, it won't work and a lot of the stuff you feel like should be doing things wont. Its because steam has a mods folder for workshop mods, and then the users folder has mods and the users workshop folder has a slightly different structure for uploading the mods. It took me about three days of sessions of picking at it before I got things loading right. I do all my modding in the users/mods (NOT the steam folders). In order to get the file structure right, i strongly advise the create new mod feature. Then you can compare your mod you can't get to load.
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