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Everything posted by TrailerParkThor

  1. 1. Devs have said "who washes their car in the zombie apocalypse" but perhaps rain washing would be nice. I'd say, they're looking into it 2. Unreliable 90s cars i guess, it's also just the AI messing with you 4. You can already wash clothes in the rain you just have to stop to do so.
  2. Things like this will probably be added when the Health system is revisited for amputations, psychology, and diseases. Devs have given tentative yes's to deep, realistic systems for all of these things. I would expect Diabetes to even be a health condition you could gain by being overweight and having a high sugar diet.
  3. Would also be fun in sandbox settings where Zeds are more active at day or night. Imagine you're on a scav run and all the sudden the sky goes pitch black and the zombie horde starts coming for you. No warning, no prep, nothing. On the flipside, imagine you're trapped in a house with zombies on all side. The sun goes dark and they all go passive again, giving you the chance to escape. The Sadistic AI Director could definitely have fun with eclipses and horde events at your super secure base.
  4. Definitely will need lots of balancing. Like I said, these are all just ideas based on what we know to be coming soon. I've said for a while that I hope we can't farm "normal" animals. While cows and pigs would be fun, it would fit more with the games atmosphere to farm things like rabbits and pigeons. I like the idea that zombies have all eaten the big animals and we only have small game left. High effort for low reward is the name of the game, and farming rabbits would fit that. Although, I expect fully that we will get sheep and horses because that just fits the game's direction the best. Hopefully, they will be extremely rare. Either way, I think they will be more useful for food with minimal usage for other things. I would expect leather armor and fur coats, but cobbling shoes or knitting homemade yarn seems pretty out there forsure.
  5. Devs have said they would look into Amputation somewhere down the line. Most likely in whatever build brings Diseases/Psychology. A total Health Overhaul maybe. I imagine the general idea would be that if you got bitten on a limb, you might have 10-20 seconds to amputate before infection spreads. Maybe you could have longer if bitten on hand or foot. Obviously, surviving this would be incredibly difficult and blood loss would be extreme. You would need days to recover, and weeks to get back to normal. Pain would be awful and risk of infection would be very high. This would also need to be predicated on cauterizing wounds (also confirmed), since I can't imagine being able to survive this in SP without it. More than likely, though, this wouldn't be used to save you from a bite. PZ zombies are based on Romero/Brooks lore. Even though, in WWZ, a limb was removed after a bite to save the survivor, I don't think this fits Zomboid. It would be fun, but I would rather a less cheeky system be put in to possibly prevent death by zombification. I think MP servers would quickly fill up with amputees and it would just look weird and would instantly break immersion. If anything, amputations would probably be used to save survivors from frostbite, necrosis, blood rot, really bad infections, etc. These health conditions and more are likely to come to the game at some point, and I imagine that forcing players to amputate their limbs to survive a little longer fits the atmosphere of the game to a tee. That said, I like the idea of prosthetic limbs being added to the game. I think the mod Hydrocraft has them spawn on random zombies and you can use them for scrap. That alone is a fun idea. But if we can take prosthesis from corpses and use them to replace our amputated body parts, that would be pretty grotesque and definitely fit the games mood. Maybe even craftable peg legs or hook hands like you said would be nice. Idk about chainsaw hands, even though I love the Evil Dead and playing a PZ playthrough as Ash is now on my list of things to do LOL They did say chainsaws were coming at some point and thats good enough for me! I would say a hunting knife hand attachment, a la Sgt. Four Leaf Tayback, isn't unrealistic and could definitely be on the table.
  6. Exactly how I felt coming back to Vehicle Update after not playing since 2014. This Build has been the best probably ever. Each minor update to it has been so jampacked with new content, bugfixes, and balancing changes. It's been so awesome. Can't wait for B41 to finally have a stable release so we can have it all there in MP
  7. https://steamcommunity.com/games/108600/announcements/detail/2675590778917592354 Posted this in another thread the other day. Devs have confirmed vehicle modifications and enhancements are coming. Same with military vehicles, firetrucks, and maybe big rigs. So hopefully having a firetruck with a turret and plow some day could be a reality.
  8. Armor is a tentative yes from the devs. Leather armor is predicated on cows or at least hunting animals for pelts. Metal armor would need a whole mining system to make it actually functional and renewable. I wouldn't expect makeshift armor until then, but I would love to see a progression system that includes something like this included. Maybe there could be a type of makeshift armor for each part of the body, and this would be the chestplate piece. I don't know how I feel about locking it behind a magazine, but I do think it should require a moderate tailoring skill to pull off effectively. Imagine a survivor with a sheet breastplate, bubble wrap guards, a football helmet, tin foil boots, and leggings made from book covers. Would be epicly pathetic and desperate. Definitely fitting of the PZ atmosphere
  9. I can't remember any exact quotes, but I know that making your own clothes is planned forsure. Being able to make basic clothes from thread is a given, but hopefully higher level tailors will be able to make denim and leather clothes as well. Armor is a tentative yes, so unless leatherworking is a unique skill, I would expect this to be covered under the tailoring tree. There's a maybe on makeshift armor (i.e. bubblewrap guards, sheet bracers, book binding chestplate) that could also use the skill. I assume sewing machines would come when handsewn clothes come, as that would make the most sense. I'm not sure when it will come because a lot of the furthering of the mechanic is predicated on the Animal/Hunting Update. I could imagine a whole list of fun tailoring expansions and updates if we add animal husbandry and hunting into the mix. Cows could be killed for leather. Leather jackets, leather pants, shoes/boots, leather gloves, and armor would all be an option. Sheep could be sheared for their wool. This could be turned into yarn, and further knitted into wool beanies, knitted hoodies/cardigans, and warm socks. Hell, imagine hunting wild animals for their pelts and making fur coats and caps for the winter! The animal update is expected in Build 42, and the devs have mentioned a complete farming overhaul is also coming very soon. Perhaps these will be linked together, as I would imagine farming would need to be reworked to keep balance with new animals and other food sources. Maybe they will even add cotton crops, and we can make our own thread farm.
  10. That's why I think if they implemented a deeper TV/radio system it would have to have extremely low rates. Just like irl, those are more mindless distractions to help relax or procrastinate. I don't think they should be able to pull you out of a deep depression or anything. Either way, it would have to be heavily tested and tweaked. Now that you have explained it a little more, I definitely get where you're coming from! I find it really funny that your character can be Severely Depressed, yet basically just act like a lazy fuck. Are we 13 year old girl depressed or zombie apocalypse survivor depressed? Maybe they make the movement speed penalty a little more intense. I think adding a driving speed penalty would be nice as well. Ever driven in a sad mood? You don't speed around lol. Then, they link each stage of depression to different mechanics. Feeling A Little Sad: At this stage, only movement/transfer/driving speed it affected. Getting A Tad Weepy (btw needs a better name): Speed penalties increased. Survivor won't eat anything heavy, i.e. only chips, pop, chocolate, fruit, etc. Depressed: Speed penalties heavily increased. Survivor won't eat anything at all. They will refuse to build anything major, i.e. walls, doors. They won't dismantle anything either. Tiredness will not lower below Drowsy. Severely Depressed: Survivor won't eat, they won't build anything, they will refuse to carry anything they aren't equipping. They will move at a snail's pace and cannot decrease Tiredness below Tired. These could be too extreme so I'll wait for the devs to test any ways, but I agree that this could easily change the meta and make the game more realistic and exciting. Imagine getting Severely Depressed and basically being at risk of starving to death if you don't find a way to become happy again. The problem is that I think NPC and animal companions will be a big way of renewable happiness. So I wouldn't expect this kind of change to the system until after those are added. The devs have also mentioned a Psychology system. So expect Stress and Unhappiness to actually be expanded upon a lot there. Hopefully, things like Depression and Anxiety will be actual mental health "injuries" that you can gain and lose more dynamically and realistically. This would also open the door for other things like Mania, Psychosis, and Schizophrenia that could all lead to the hallucinations and insanity that would make sense in a desperately hopeless zombieland like Knox Country. On the point about animations, I agree 100%. The list of animations still missing from B41 isn't too long, and some of these would be really nice to include. There are definitely some more necessary animations that I would prioritize first, but all of these are on the top of my wishlist. If not in this build, these will most likely be added with the Disease/Psychology Update build whenever that comes. And at the very least, they should probably come before the full release.
  11. I think this is a planned feature because right now, all houses have moderate temperatures in summer, but will be too cold in winter without heat. Would be fun to scav car AC and ceiling fan parts to create your own cooling system. Maybe they would even add full AC units that could be moved with enough electrical.
  12. Would be cool but I think they may be saving this for some kind of mining feature someday. Right now there is no renewable source of gravel or metal. Probably because you don't find lots of rock and ore on the Kentucky plains. However, if mountains ever came to the game (or at least mines), they could add in a mechanic where survivors can mine stone, gravel, coal, and iron.
  13. That would be awesome, especially if they fuctioned like stairs and could be ascended and descended. Would be awesome to get up to the high point of the roof and use it as a lookout point. Yes make it an alternative rather than the new "preferred" method.
  14. Digging spike pits, building electric fences, landmines, and hot oil falls would be nice too. I've seen a lot of these in suggestions and mods, but I've never thought about the easy tin can sound tap. Would be really useful even against zombies.
  15. I've been using the VCR mod and it is AMAZING. Changes a lot of things about the early game forsure. Finding VHS tapes of an episode you haven't seen and bringing it home for that sweet XP is a godsend. In the mod you can't record shows, but you can only use a VHS on the Valutech and PT TV. Maybe you could find blank tapes and record shows, but only on a Premium Technologies VCR. This would make for a pretty perfect feature however, my one complaint is it makes TV channels obsolete. Which brings up the topic of why these things even exist other than for lore, RP, and Life & Living. Different shows should have different buffs and debuffs. News shows on Triple N, WBLN, NNR, and LBMW could all lower boredom, but increase stress. Talk shows, game shows, and Soap operas like those on TURBO, KnoxTalk, and of course Judge Matt Hass could lower stress, but increase unhappiness. Cartoons and Music like Paws and HitzFM could lower unhappiness, but increase boredom. I imagine that these would be pretty low rates so they aren't OP. This way, TV and radio would be an important part of the meta regardless of your character or playstyle. This also opens the door for the devs to add stuff like functional CD players and Walkmans. Finding rare CDs or recording songs on the radio would be really fun. They could even add a boombox that plays radio stations and casette tapes! Whatever they do, we need need NEED a Blockbuster parody somewhere in Knox Country. I just can't get immersed in this 90s zombie apocalypse until I can raid a video rental store and bring The Lost Element back to my base for me and the homies to watch
  16. I think meditation should be saved for the Psychology System like Nebula said. Yoga, however, sounds like a really cool addition that wouldn't require too much work. Fitness instructors could start out with Yoga poses unlocked, but other players would have to find the magazine. Lunges could help stretch legs and give an XP boost to Fitness based on frequency. Planks could help build your core and gives an XP boost to Strength. Downward Dog could be the middleground one that boosts XP gained to both Strength and Fitness but at a way lower amount than the main ones. Maybe the frequency would go up faster by doing it either outside and/or on a yoga mat. Combined with the current fitness system, doing yoga before your workouts would actually help you skill up even faster.
  17. Yeah, the biggest problem with longterm MP and even SP is that there is no real depth to the late-game. Currently, Early and Mid game are very complex and have a lot of content and progression. But once you build your own base, fix up a car, get a farm and a generator, there's no real incentive to keep building. You either set some crazy goals for fun, or you just see how long you can survive in your fortress. I like the idea of reinforcing wooden walls with metal. I think it would instantly add late game progression and cool new wall textures. Metal walls should just be a matter of skill or preference rather than seen as an upgrade. I don't think it's super unrealistic, but I would rather see electric fences added to the game rather than electrifying walls. Especially since I don't see electricity killing zombies, just stunning them as you said. Still, electrical should be more prominent than just moving appliances around and gen maintenance. Maybe if they made it so that you actually had to wire things and hook them up to the electrical grid. Finding wires or making homemade wiring would be a fun new late game challenge. I've always though high level electricians should be able to uninstall and reinstall light fixtures and switches. Obviously adding new power generation options like wind turbines, water wheels, and scrap generators (made from old car engines) would also enhance this skills usefulness. As for metalworking, it's hard to find new uses for it. Maybe building cages and prison cells for animals and NPCs when they come? I would like Smithing to be its own skill someday, but O think it will have to be combined with metalworking to keep the skill useful.
  18. The devs have confirmed a weather overhaul will come one day. The current stable build is the Weather Update though, so I wouldn't expect it for some time. Hydroplaning in general could be a good addition that wouldn't be too difficult. It could even utilize the dynamic puddle system so you could avoid them with enough skill. Black ice would be welcome some day, but I would hope players and zombies could also slide and fall on it. Blizzards and tornadoes would be terrifyingly awesome challenges to face. Hopefully these systems would be as in depth as the other weather is. I would love to use my knowledge of the game world to know when and how black ice forms, or to predict and prepare for a blizzard/tornado.
  19. I like this idea too but not for Project Zomboid. At least vanilla anyways. The game is already mad difficult when you're just trying to survive winter. I can't imagine much luck having fun if you added radiation and mutants to that equation. Just checked and there isn't a nuclear power plant in Kentucky, or anywhere near Knox Country. The closest would be too far away to have any effect, and most plants have emergency auto-shutdown protocols in case of apocalyptic events these days. Maybe a theoretical sequel or spiritual successor that ups the scale of the game to include different kinds of apocalypses. Right now, I'd rather they flesh out the existing zombie armageddon than completely derail to start over from scratch.
  20. I like this idea, but it could be really hard in some situations. Not 100% sure but I think depression currently affects movement and transfer speed only. Maybe to balance it out, it could actually lower the rate of hunger gain. This way, depressed characters have more time to fix their depression. This could also be a fun synergy by allowing yourself to become depressed during maybe winter to conserve food. I think walking around outside already lowers depression, and running does so even quicker. I agree that TV/Radio need more function other than lore and Life & Living. I've been using the Immersive CD Player and VCR mods. These basically make TV and radio obsolete other than RP. I would like it if different stations had different buffs (and maybe even debuffs). Maybe news stations like Triple N, WBLN, NNR, and LBMW could all lower boredom, but increase stress. Talk shows and Soap operas like TURBO and KnoxTalk (and maybe Judge Matt Hass) could lower stress, but increase unhappiness. Cartoons and Music like Paws and HitzFM could lower unhappiness, but increase boredom. I imagine that these would be pretty low rates so they aren't OP. This way, TV and radio would be an important part of the meta. You could save up literature and fun food you find early on, and just use these devices while there's still power. This also opens the door for the devs to add stuff like functional CD players, Walkmans, and VCRs. We need need NEED a Blockbuster parody somewhere in Knox Country. I just can't get immersed in this 90s zombie apocalypse until I can raid a video rental store and bring The Lost Element back to my base.
  21. There's a shortlist of animations still needed in B41, and puking is definitely one I didn't know I needed until now. You had me in the first half. I like the idea of visual cues that signify injuries. We already have the Moodle and some auditory cues, but you can't tell where you got injured until you bring up the Health menu. A simple blood drip on the afflicted body part would work well for this. Blood could flow at different speeds depending on Scratch/Laceration/Bite too. I think missing limbs would be cool too, but they will probably add amputation at some point so I'll just wait for then. All that other stuff just seems like too much to add without much gameplay value when they could sink more of their precious time into NPCs, Animals, Louisville, and New/Overhauled Game Mechanics. Almost seems like wasted potential if they don't use an already implemented feature somewhere else lol
  22. Would be nice QoL feature to help manage illiterate characters. My go-to sandbox settings set Literature to Common as I think this is the most realistic. (who takes magazines with them during an evacuation?) Either way, most people end up with a lot of books and comics early on. This would allow challenged characters to still have some benefit from this easy source of fun, other than using it for kindling.
  23. I hope after Animals and NPCs are added, they will do a big base management update. Maybe in Build 44. Building facilities for multiple survivors just isn't super easy in the current state of vanilla. This isn't really an issue unless you are playing MP or with Super Survivors (either way mods probably fix the problem), but will probably become an annoyance in the near future. New general build items and decorations would be welcomed. But I think workstations, crafting benches, and base defenses need to be added before we really can explore Factions and Group Management effectively. QoL base features like drip irrigation, and moveable garage doors (with enough metalworking and electrical) would be awesome if they stayed balanced!
  24. Yeah, without a good physics system in the game, it's hard to imagine zombies actually "falling" down stairs. However, coding it in so knockback keeps occurring if stumbling down stairs should be very easy. Falling could have a chance of injuring them or even turning them into a crawler. Maybe if you push a zed from the top of the stairs, and they fall the whole level, they might even bust their skull and die! Zombies all have hitboxes as well so it shouldn't be hard to make it so one can cause another to fall as well. Maybe if the staircase is congested, they will actually "catch" the zed and keep him standing so it isn't overpowered. What about players though? Can a survivor fall down stairs? Jogging/Sprinting up or down stairs should have a very high chance of causing a fall which would cause scaling damage based on how far you fall and how fast you were moving. Panic, injuries, and the Clumsy Trait could increase these odds. This would give stairs the huge strategic benefit of allowing you to slow down and even kill zombies, but the massive negative of potentially getting trapped upstairs or falling and getting injured while running up or down.
  25. I would love to see all of these honestly. We definitely need more unique "legendary" items. I know that devs don't want to add powerful and rare things to the game, but I think these are all relatively common tools in our world. If they balanced it properly, adding things like this could vastly improve exploration.
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