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Everything posted by NebNebber

  1. And then theres Humaure! http://humanurehandbook.com/contents.html Sorry if thats abit off topic.
  2. Its worth pointing out thay badly mixed compost will attract Rats, which would be useful for a trapper. Anyway i don't think we need to get so technical with the compost, i haven't had a chance to play recently but it sounds ok as it is. We dont really need to gather sawdust from sawing logs or 'gathering' wood chips via foraging, at least thats my opinion but maybe it should take some time to compost, i believe irl using the most ideal conditions and ratios the quickest you can make compost it about 2 weeks. To be honest you could probably invent an entire indy game based on the science of composting.
  3. But but, Far Cry Blood Dragon.....lmao!!
  4. THIS!! altho i enjoy Skyrim, Morrowind is one of the most immersive and deep games of all time and Bethesda have just been watering the franchise down ever since. Isometric, Fallout 1 and 2 style, fantasy stuff would be awesome. If done right. Anyway i would also support anything TIS do in the future just on the basis of hundreds of PZ hours.
  5. Great idea! Lower lvl walls have gaps and maybe at higher level there could be an option to "add peephole"
  6. You could just punish yourself irl for zomboid deaths...
  7. Nice! You found the SMall Chest!
  8. Can we be able to see through the Big Metal Gates?
  9. Yes! And a chance to push them over a pile of bodies, this is a great idea! Pushing a zombie out of a window would give some awesome action/drama feels to fighting in rooms.
  10. I would agrue that. Its a sound idea but if implemented youd have to keep putting the knife in the oven before cooking and it wouldnt take long to find a 2nd knife, then youd just keep the cooking knife separate an then it just isnt a problem. Kinda like tainted water and uncooked dead rat. Most players know or learn not to consume it so noone does.
  11. You'd have a pretty rough night in a tent without a sleeping bag irl.
  12. I am actually one of those who likes to 'decorate' my base with the trash and the torn posters. But your idea makes sense, some of those bits of trash are just a single soda can so if they can now be used in metal working it would be silly not to be able to use one from a trash pile, maybe it could be an ideal plave for a mouse trap. But i still want to pile it up iny base like a filthy hobo survivor.
  13. Oooh, i didnt realize this, i have space bound with ready weapon, have had for years, i find it much better than shift... Wow, wev nearly got to 100 'little' suggestions, should keep the devs busy! RESPECT to TIS. Best indie game by FAR! Thanks for giving your time to listen to our requests. This game is really shaping up to be OUR game, we are some very lucky gamers to have such attentive developers, even if not one of these suggestions makes it in at least they are good listeners
  14. I gots another one. So, your only weapon is close to breaking, the zombie goes down, wouldnt you rather stomp on it instead of using the last few hits of your precious nail bat. Prehaps you could press 'E' to stomp as a kind of secondary attack on a downed zombie.
  15. Saving your Character as a preset like you can with professions and traits.
  16. i keep suggesting that saws blades should break and you'd need to find new saw blades, just like the fishing rod + paperclip deal, i think its a good idea but maybe its just me.
  17. Yeah this makes sense, its also slightly annoying that the tv and radio window stays on screen even when you walk away from it, it would be more helpful if the oven did this so you could keep one eye on the cooking but it makes more sense that you can only 'see' things you are near. But yeah, like lamps and windows ect, tapping 'e' should work for radios and tv's. Good suggestion.
  18. No sleep from all the endless head banging, nervous wreck, depression and the edge of insanity would certainly affect your effectiveness. Im sure its all on its way. We'll all be a little sad when you really can get a back injury from all those planks.
  19. I think its a great new feature! Its much more 'realistic' that our survivors, driven to the edge of madness from the incessant banging, would be more willing and able to smash human heads all day. Until they really loose it! It would be great to wake up to "zombie in your bedroom" hallucinations or worse if your mental state worsens. Those bloody dead bangers!!
  20. The title sez it all, i posted this suggestion on Steam some months back and there were many replies, lots of talk about real life vs. Games ect. Clearly the kind of saw depicted in-game is a hacksaw, anyone that's used a saw irl will tell you about blades going blunt or even breaking, mainly hacksaws and bowsaw. Anyway, now we have (in iwbums) the metal walls it seems to me a good time to bring up the subject again, the saw could be just like the blow torch or welding rods, with a condition or certain number of uses, then like the fishing rod with paperclips you'd need to find a new blade or box of blades, after replacing the old blade you could maybe even use it for scrap metal, but maybe that's a stretch. To me it doesn't seem like a big stretch of the game mechanics but would add another dash of 'realism', it may also make us more willing to bust in some doors rather than use the saw, it could become semi precious like the axe in the early days. Thoughts?
  21. I like the sound of some of that, but it might be abit complex in places. Any idea on how it would work with other professions? The sadist in me likes the sound of starting with an injury, would be great for role play to start with a broken leg (eek!) or maybe to start with extreme sickness and some empty bottle of bleach on the floor, or a gunshot wound to the head, as if your character was one of those who tried to end it all but instead wakes up and gives life another go.
  22. Did someone mention CROSSBOWS!!! I wanna ride that hype train!
  23. You guys are MOre awesome, just did a bug report for ya, quick question : do i have to be a metalworker by profession to build anything from metal? I noticed,maybe incorrectly, that id need at least 1 skill point in metal. Is there a way to get points like in the electrician skill i.e dismantling stuff? Thanx
  24. Same here. I was also really looking forward to creative mode, but i kinda got bored of looking forward to it. No offense intended to TIS but it really goes slow over there, there will probably be a new elder scrolls game but the time we get "that which we must not mention".
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